HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-01-03 Regular ,%.,, ., i _-. - ;=% - ' MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 3, 1967 A regular meeting of the Friendsurood City Counc l was held January 3, 1967; 8:00 P.M., in City Hall. Present were Mayor Ralph L. Lowe; Councilmen Marvin L. Childers, William E. Davidson, Wiley W. Murrell, Ralph W. Somers; City Secretary Artha Wright; City Legal Advisor Ody Kent Jerden. Also present were Sam Tillota, Marie Moore, Betty Stores, R. A. Kennedy, Ray Nelson, Ken Toon, Keith Smith. _ Corrections and Approval of Minutes: December 19, 1966; Regular stood approved after correction. Communications from the Mayor: The first annual Christmas Tree Program was a success with caroling, and Santa Claus. Many of our citizens turned out to enjoy the festivities. Wiley Carmichael of the Texas Highway Department reports that the Choate Road bid letting will be at the March bid letting in Austin. Mayor Lowe thanked Mr. Ray Nelson for his excellent participation with the Indigent Care Committee of Galveston County. A little later in this meeting, i r. I elson ga e a resumet of that committee's report. (report-attachment 1) The next meeting of the Galveston County Mayors and Councilmen' s Association will be January 2 , 19b' , in Texas City, with County Judge Ray Holbrook as the guest speaker. The balance due on the fire truck has been reduced f a the initial $19,000.00 to $13,500.00 in fourteen months. The results of the Drainage District election held this date are as follows: Supervisors: Frazier Coffee - 104; James B. Shore - 120; Kenneth B. Truman - 110; Myron D. Worden - 119; Robert B. Young - 110. -I- 1-3-67: reg: 2 �Iaintenance Tax: For - 55; Against - 10�. Total number of vaters - 162. � Petitions and Com�uunications: Bids on tires for Utilities Dept. pick-up truck. Taylorts Fina Service CEnter 90.�2 Brookets Garage 101.03 Lucky' s Texaco Service 95•�2 Frien3s�*ood Gu�f Service 88. go Arden � . Hi�.l. Jr. 103. 9� Friendswao� Lwnber C o. (4,3estern Auto� 98.84 The Iow bid presented by Frien�.swood Gulf Service af 88. 96 i:as acceptsd. City Fire Narshall, Craig Pe�berton requested that the city purchase I�rFP� Ins�ect?or� htanual for his use in performance of his duties as fire marsh�.�l; cast ��.00. �ouncil agreed th�.t this purchase shouZd be made. 8tanding Committees and Departmental: Civil Defense: Assfstant Cf.vil Defense Coordinator, Joe Jones, asked thP council to consider the praposed Emergency Operational Plan, c�*hich had been presented to them some time ago, for acceptance �.s soon as possible. rinance: Gounci��an t�avi�.sor_ reparted tha_t tre bucZget revi- sion of December 28/29, 1966 has been �.cce�ted by the Council; tha� co�ies �rill be availabl.e as soon as the final�December audit figures are in. 4�'e operated the ysar 1g66 in the black ar�d warked well with the budg�t. Councilmari Childers made a motion seconded by Councilrnan Somers that the Palice Chief, Serge�nt, �.nd �atrolman receive the raises th�.t are sche3uled in the 1g67 Budget, effectice as of January l, 1967 �. . e. - Chief - �;2�.Q� a month; Sergear_t - I ' ��.O.pO a month; ��troL�an - �I0,40 a month. T��otio:� carried by unar.i�ou s vo t e. -2- 1-3-67; reS; 3 Councilman Davidson made a motion secanded by Councilman Childers that the City Secretary receive an additional �2Q.00 ' per month as agreed in the 1g67 Budget. to be effective ,Tanua�.~y 'i 1, 1967. Motzon carried by una.r_imous vote. Councilman Davidson nade a motion seconded by C ounci?man P+;urrell that the Tax Assessor-Cal].ector receive an additior��:l �;2�.00 per month as agreed in the �.967 Eudget, to be effecti�e ��.nu�ry l, 196'7, r�iotion carried by un�nimous vote. Streets et al: Cau�cilman Somers reports that we v�Till ?�ave to start to Ioak for �, tar.k truc?� or tr�,iler in order to �ersue our dust-abatement program. Af ter discussion, CounciZman Somers made a motion seconded by G ouncilman Childers that the City will cover the additional cost of culvert t�le that is over 15°1 diameter for one residential accessway, up to 12' ir_ width; that the c�ty �ill specify size and grade of �all culvert tile. A�iation carried by unanimous �rote. ' C ouncilman Somers reports that there is a �reat increase in effort — and manpower bei.ng used for the streets daily. TY�zs shou2� �a�e a marked difference in the near future. P�ayor Lowe asked Councilman 5omers to check with the county to have the Sunset Drive program be re-deflned; �nThat their propose� work scheriule and complet�on date m3.$ht. be. Utilities: Councilman ivurrell repor�s that �h.e E3ectric Control panels �.t I�rater Well #2 have been corrected: trat the btzlk flot� meter has bee?� installe� at the Friendswood/I3istrict #21 line , and is workin�. C ouncil states that any action taken in billing 4d.C . & I .�. ,�21 znd use of the new meter will be mutually �iscussed �y the Council and Board of District �21. i City L�al Adrisor Ody �.ent Jerden read F:ESOLUTIOI�. . , . I:� its ' entirety. A P.ESOLUTIOI� CALLTNG EO?�T� ELECTIOnT; P:Q�rILIIvG D�T�ILS PELAZING T�E�ETO; �.'�rD C ONTA?Py�.I��G OT�E? Fr�OV'S S?�QI�S iELt TI?�.-G 1�C �-�E SLFJE�T. T���otian to adopt the fore�oin� reso�u�?e� (ari file at the City r�.11} �ad� by Counci�r��.� n_tz'rre`!1, seconc�ed -3- 1`=�-67.reg;� . , by C ouncilman Davidson. Motio� carried by unan�.mous vote of those members present. Councilman Hatcher was abser�t. Mayor � i Lowe stated that he was also for this resolution, which provides � for a bond election for the extension, addition, ar_d impr4vements to the sar_itary sewer service of the City af rriendswood. The Mayor read a conmunication from the I�aayor and C ounc il�en stating their belief that this proposed bond issue can be x�a�d cff wi�hout arly increase in the tax rate f or bond require�ents. (attachment 2) Ordinances and Aesolutions: First readin� on an O�DII�7ANCE DESIGP3ATTNG T�kT EMERG�P���Y nit�TO�. EQUIFIYiENT pI�?D VE�ICLES Or THE FR�EnTDSWUOD VC�LUNTEEA FI�tE I?��ART- T��EIvTT SH�1LL ?'��V� RIGiiT-OF-WAY; P£tGHIBITII�TG THE Gt`iOSSIIVG OF A FIisE HOSE .il�? USE; Fi�GULFiTING P.9A�LINC f�TEAFi TEE FIRE STATIO?�T AI�D NEAFi FIRE HYD��Z'; PAO�IBITII�TG F�LLGWIP�G OF FI�?E VEHIGLE �ESPGNDII•1G TO EP��E�3G�1�CY; PRQF-rIRITING FALS�, �4.LAFI�I; FF?U�iTI�I?��G �OR TP..I�FFIC COFvTRGL; �t��GHIBITITvG MISUSE, L�A!+iFiGE Or`? rEI�'�C�IAL OF' FIFiE � i D�,PAP.TT'�ENT E�UIPAix'I�TT; �?EQUI13I1�,TG THAT OFEFiA`?'GRS C�F :�IT_?� E'�UTF?�ENT -� rAVE F80Pr:�LY AliT�C??IZ�D YEt�I11TS ; F�OV�I'11IiG A FE?1A.�:�Y. Passed and approved on first reading by motion af C ouncil�an Davidson, seeor.ded by Councilman Som�s. T�icstion carrieci by unanimous vote. �Tarrant .F�pprova�: i�arr���cs �`1277 through �130� (exceptir_g ��.'129� to �:ir_n Eignus Insurance �ending further clarificatian� ; and Warrants ;�2;gg through �`2�28 approved by motion of C ouncil�an Davidson, seconded by Co�ncil�ar_ Somers. Motion carried by una.ni�ous vote. A djournment• P:otiar of adjournment made by Couneil�an Childers, secon�.ed by Counc�3..��ar_ i��vidsor_. T�;otion c2rried �y u�animous �tote. i Fiespectfully sub�ittec�, � � ���C/ �rtha kTright - Ci.Ly Secret y E!�T'OV�C.i: ���,. � / //� �� .������ .� .�--:`�c;-�..;,�%,--,� �-�::.�.1�,h`��T_. �.ov�e - i�:�:,T o r� -4-