HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1966-12-05 Regular i
A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held December
5, 1966: 8:30 P.M. at City Hall.
Present were Mayor Ralph L. Lowe; Councilmen Marvin L. Childers,
William E. Davidson, Harry M. Hatcher, Wiley W. Murrell, Ralph W.
Somers; City Secretary Artha Wright; City Legal Advisor Ody Kent
Also present were R. A . Kennedy, William `C. Walsh, Charles V.
Stutzman, Marie Moore, LaMarr Beatty, Tom Grace, R. T. Everline,
John Quigley, Jodi St. Cyr, Mark V. St. Cyr, Mary Vezey, Lee North.
Correction and Approval of Minutes :
November 21, 1966 : Executive; tabled by motion of Councilman
Childers, seconded by Councilman Davidson, motion carried by
unanimous vote .
November 21, 1966 : Regular; approved after correction.
Communications from the Mayor :
An executive meeting of the Houston-Galveston Area Council
was held Friday morning, December 2, 1966 at the Friendswood City
Hall. At this meeting the board acknowledged that comprehensive
i plans would be passed through their group for approval prior to
going to HUD for approval of grants. During this meeting Mayor
Lowe was invited to discuss the proposed comprehensive plan of the
City of Friendswood. A. federal grant was applied for over a year
ago. The Board invited Mayor Lowe to attend a meeting in Fort
Worth this week to ascertain the present status of the grant request,
and try to resolve this problem.
There was a meeting of State Highway personnel; Hilliard Butler,
and W. W. Baynes ; and City of Friendswood personnel. They inform
us that bids will be let for construction of Choate Road from
FM 518 to one half mile beyond Clear Creek in February with constructioi
estimated to start in March. The contract will probably allow
approximately 150 working days. This could mean anywhere from six
months to a year and one half for completion depending on the
contractor, and weather conditions. Before they can start,
Friendswood is responsible for moving some of the water and sewer
facilities. Therefore, we must start immediately to have the
necessary engineering, and draw up bid specifications so that this
work can be accomplished.
Mayor Lowe also asked Wiley Carmichael, District Lead of the
Highway Department, if there is a possibility of having a sign on
the Freeway at FM 528 designating the direction and distance to
�- The Friendswood City Council met with W.C.&, I.D.1#21 Tuesday
evening, 'November 29, 1966 at City Hall to discuss, and again attempt
to resolve some of the problems facing both groups .
12-5-66: reg : 2
They also met with Mr. McNulty, NASA Mobile Homes Village to
discuss possibilities of sewage service for his proposed installation.
Glenn McDonald, Postmaster, says that they will probablybe
in their new facilities by the end of this week.
The Christmas tree now in place at the bank will be lighted
December 13, 1966.
Chief Wright is attending a two week course in Criminal Law
which is sponsored by Texas A &- M.
Petitions and Communications :
Charles V. Stutzman; Castlewood Bridge Work:
Mr. Stutzman presented the city with a bill for 58 hours of drag
line work at $15. 00 (870. 00) which was owed to him by Forum
Construction Co. for work on Castlewood Bridge. After• discussion,
Councilman Childers made a motion, seconded by Councilman Murrell,
that the city honor the outstanding monies owed by Forum Construction
Co. for work on the Castlewood Bridge to Charles V. Stutzman,
Parker Brothers and J. L. Kincaid. Motion carried by the following
vote. For : 4 : Councilmen Childers, Davidson, Hatcher, Murrell;
Abstained : 1 : Councilman Somers. Mayor LoWe stated that he was
in favor of paying these bills. { Stutzman - $870.00 ; Kincaid - $486. 82
Parker Bros.. - $187- 99) Chun-�
The City Legal Advisor stated that he sent a certified letter on
September 7, 1966 to the Forum Construction Company at P. O. Box 838,
Dickinson, Texas, notifying them of the defective work and demanding
correction. No reply was received to the letter and since Forum
Construction Company has not appeared to correct the defects or
discuss payment, it was Mr. Jerden' s opinion that no further money
was owed .on the contract.
Councilman Childers made a motion seconded by Councilman Somers
that the Castlewood Bridge Project be considered closed effective
this date. Motion carried by unanimous vote. .
Fire Department; Fire Extinguishers :
LaMarr Beatty, President of the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department,
showed us two fire extinguishers, one five pound and one two and
three quarter pund; these are dry chemical type. By buying in
quanity the Fire Department was able to obtain these at a very
reasonable price. They will charge what they cost. The department
will keep a record of all extinguishers sold, and check back with
the owner about once a year to have them checked. They have
facilities for recharging these extinguishers. Any one interested
in purchasing one or more of these extinguishers (5 lb. $11. 25 -
2 3/4 lb. $7. 25 ) may contact members of the Fire Department or
i City Hall.
Proposed Area Electrical Board :
Mayor read a letter, dated 12-2-66; to Charles 0. Mills, Manager ,
12-5-66: reg: 3
Community Public Service Co. Re; representation for a proposed
Area Electrical Board. (attachment 1. ) Similar letters were sent
to the Mayors of Pearland, Alvin and League City.
Friendswood Forest etc. Sewer :
William C. Walsh, City Engineer, presented the map of the proposed
sewer service for several areas of the City as well as the
necessary changes needed in the Choate road facilities. After
discussion, Councilman Hatcher made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Murrell, that we accept plans submitted 12-5-66 by Walsh & McLaren
as part of the Master Sewer Plan, for extension of Sewer Service
to Friendswood Forest, Leisure Lane - Area A; Prairiewilde,
Friendswood Gardens and new elementary school site - Area B; moving
trunk lines on Choate Road at Mary' s Creek and ully crossing -
Area C; and authorizing Mayor Lowe to pursue a V8, 167. 00 federal
construction grant, under public law 660, applying toward a total
project expenditure of $163,500.00 ; and authorizing Mayor Lowe to
sign all pertinent papers thereto. Motion carried by unanimous
vote. A. letter, dated 11-29-66 to the Mayor from the Corps of
Engineers; re : location of proposed sewer line/Friendswood Forest
in relation to the planned flood control on Clear Creek. (attaehment 2)
Special Committees :
Gas : Councilman Somers reports that additional questionnaires
requesting more information have been sent to those
cities that answered a previous letter of inquiry; that he has
contacted an employee of a gas distributing co. who has agreed to
give us information concerning the possible sources of supply,
methods of financing, his cost to us for gas, and estimate of the
value of the system presently serving Friendswood.
Health & Safety: Councilman Hatcher reported that he had
received a complaint concerning the dead horse on Castlewood Avenue.
The owner was contacted and stated that the rendering plant had been
called and should take care of this tomorrow.
Personnel: Councilman Hatcher reports that the proposed
Personnel Policy is almost complete . Two points are in the attorney' s
hands at present. When completed, it will be retyped and copies
given to all councilmen.
Standing Committees and Departmental :
Finance : Councilman Davidson discussed his financial statement
( based on the October audit, and the latest figures from G & A and
Utilities. (attachment 3)
12-5-66: reg: 4
d Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Somers
that all tax monies in the Utilities Fund (1965 collections ) over
- _ and above $84,587. 00 (the budget requirement), be transferred to
the General Fund tax receipts; this transfer contingent on the
approval of the auditor, Mrs. Canter. Motion carried by the
following vote; For: 4 : Councilmen ' Chiloers, Davidson, Hatcher,
Somers; Against: 1 : Councilman Murrell.
Streets, etc : Councilman Somers said that the drainage plans
for Castlewood Avenue are being revised to fit present needs and
means instead of waiting for installation of the large storm
the which will eventually be done.
Utilities : A memo from R. A. Kennedy dated 12-5-66; Re;
Hiring of add Tonal personnel. (attachment L)
Councilman Davidson made a motion seconded by Councilman Murrell
that we authorize R. A. Kennedy to hire two workers as described
in the attached memo; that in addition to the duties listed, Mr.
Kennedy allot some regularly scheduled time of these men for cleaning
of City Hall. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
A letter from the Texas Water Pollution Control Board, dated
11-30-66, to B. R. McNulty, NASA Mobile Home Village, Re:
preliminary approval of permit for possible installation of a sewer
plant and the capabilities of the City of Friendswood for supplying
this service. (attachment 5 )
Mayor seated that he felt that a councilman should act as �
liason for the Utilities Department rather than the Mayor. There
was discussion of this subject. Councilman Murrell volunteered to
act in this capacity on a trial basis of a month.
Fire :
Mayor Lowe reported that he had received a communication from
the electrical company that installed equipment in the Stapp house;
that there was no tie down device for circuit breakers that could
prevent the breaker from tripping, and that the contacts will not
automatically return to the closed position with any such device
being used. Therefore the report of the Fire Marshall is in error
in suggesting that this might have been a possible cause of the fire.
New Business :
Councilman Somers made a motion, seconded by Councilman Murrell
that the official publication of the City of Friendswood be the
Progress, in place of the Spaceland Star. Motion carried by the
following vote: h : Councilmen Childers, Hatcher, Murrell, Somers;
Against: 1: Councilman Davidson. Councilman Davidson stated that
he would have liked to see the Suburban Journal, who was not
represented at this time, given consideration.
12-5-66: reg : 5
t .
Ordinances and Resolutions :
Passed and Approved by motion of Councilman Davidson, seconded by
Councilman Somers . Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Warrant Approval:
Warrants #2756 through #2775 and #1239 through #1257 approved by
motion of Councilman Hatcher, seconded by Councilman Murrell.
Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted;
Artha Wright - City Secretary
Approved :
Ralph. L. Lowe - Mayor