HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1966-11-21 Regular MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 21, 1966 -' A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held November 21, 1966, 8:00 PM, at City Hall. Present were Mayor Ralph L. Lowe; Councilmen Marvin L. Childers, William E. Davidson, Harry M. Hatcher, Wiley W. Murrell, Ralph W. Somers; City Secretary Artha Wright; City Legal Advisor Ody Kent Jerden; City Engineers William C. Walsh and Sam Tilotta. Also present were Elda F. Matheny, Charles Beggs, Robert Mora, Ron D. Hamil, J. A . Lawrence, F. S. Coe, Jodi St. Cyr, Mark V. St. Cyr, Mr. & Mrs . P. R. Maloney, Keven Thickle, Bob Phillips, Henry T. Howard, Mr. & Mrs . L. D. Thorn, Pvt. Glenn Martisek, Leah North (17) Correction and Approval of Minutes : November 7, 19 : Regular; Stood approved after two additions. Communications from the Mayor: Galveston County Dis riot Court has been informed of our intention to appeal the decision of that court and, our request for the transcript of the trial which granted a retailers beer and wine license to the Stop n Go Market located just beyond our city limit on FM-518. Wiley Carmichael, Texas Highway Department, has said that the plans for Choate Road are completed and, in two weeks, we should be able to find out what the date for opening bids will be. The Fig Bowl football game played for the benefit of the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department was very successful. Ticket sales - $1167.00, concession stands - $169.16, programs - $6. 90, business men contributions - $758. 00 for a total of -$,�"--, ,. 2,003-o6. The Friendswood Bank and the two garden clubs of Friendswood are combining efforts to have a Christmas Tree for the community. Special Committees : as • Councilman Somers reports that we have received seven replies to our letters of inquiry concerning municipally owned gas systems . There were no negative opinions in these seven letters. Councilman Somers asked council to take action on the Gas Committee ' s recommendation to investigate owning our own gas system to ascertain the following: source of original gas supply, cost of that gas supply, various means of financing this project, cost of purchasing the existing gas system in the city, or construction of our own system. When a report of these findings is brought back to council, they will at that time determine if the proposal is still feasible and authorize the retaining of a professional help of engineer, financial advisor, auditor, — attorney to proceed with finalizing this proposed program. -1- 11-21-66: reg: 2 Councilman Davidson made a motion seconded by Councilman Murrell that Councilman Somers be made Chairman of Investigating Committee to finalize investigation as to municipally owned gas system, as recommended and defined in the Gas Committee Report submitted to council October 17, 1966 by Phil Maloney, Chairman; that Councilman Somers devise a program that we can utilize to guide the city in purchasing the present system or installing own system. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Personnel : Councilman,-'Hatcher said that the personnel policy should be finalized at the next workshop meeting, November 28, 1966. Standing Committees and Departmental : Finance : Pritc arm d and Abbott, Tax Evaluation, have submitted for their evaluation program for $5,000.00, as agreed; and $300. 00 for preparation of bound tax roll, IBM cards, mailing of statements, etc . This sum of $300.00 is in some question, and will be resolved at a later date. It has been previously agreed that their bills will be paid in 1967. Fire : Dick Kennedy is instructed to pursue installation of the Lori Woods Fire Hydrant ($651. 00) immediately, with Mr. Mora, the successful bidder. Health, Safety and Welfare : Councilman Hatcher report--s—T-FTE the tap fee for the house on FM-518 at Castlewood has been paid; that they have been notified to immediately hook on to the city sewer system. Three other residents have been notified that they are required to connect to the city sewer system. One complaint of high grass has been taken care of. Police: The police car again has burned valves . He is instructed to have this repaired at once; and obtain a price to change the radiator as needed to withstand the strain and heat created by the necessary idling. Councilman Childers reports that the case of the boys that had been throwing water filled balloons Halloween was handled very well in our corporation court; that the police department will submit a report on necessary legislation to cover future occurrences of this nature . Councilman Hatcher commended Councilman .Childer•s and the police department on the fine reports that are turned in each month. Councilman Childers reports that the police department will schedule a workshop as soon as possible on the juvenile situation as it stands and as it may become. -2- 11-21-66:reg: 3 Streets et al : Councilman Somers reports that cold-mix (patching material) has been ordered for the holes in the topped streets; that grading of the shell streets will begin again November 22, 1966; that the necessary ditching work is being accomp"lisped as quickly as possible. Utilities : Mayor Lowe reports that Plant #1 met all except one of thirteen requirements of the State according to the last report. The exception is the BOD which should be 20; ours was 22. There was discussion of W..C. & I.D. #21 ' s election of January 10, 1967, which includes a $200, 000.00 bond issue; that they have shown intent to put in their own water well immediately; that our agreement with them has been for both water and sewer service. Treating sewerage costs more than is charged for the service, and without some profit from water service it would cost the city to service sewerage only. Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Murrell, that another letter be sent to W.C.& I.D #21 urgently requesting the immediate installation of a force reed line to carry their sewerage from the district to the manhole on FM-518 at Echo Avenue which would divert their sewerage to Sewer Plant #2; that they be aware of the serious overloading of Sewer Plant #1; that they be asked to a meeting on November 29, 1966; 7:30 PM at City Hall to discuss rates, proposed bond election, force feed line and other points of mutual interest; that a copy of this letter be forwarded to the Texas Water Pollution Control Board. Motion passed by the following vote : For: zl , Councilmen Childers, Davidson, Murrell, Somers, Against: 1, Cou.ncilman .Hatcher, who said that he agreed that a letter should be sent to the directors of W.C .& I.D.#21 asking them to meet with the council to discuss the water and sewer situation, but did not agree that the force feed line be mentioned, since they were planning to furnish their own water; that we shouldn' t furnish sewer and not water. Councilman Somers reported that during the meeting of the Texas Water Pollution Control November 18, 1966, Friendswood appeared on the agenda two times; that the NASA Mobile Home Village had been granted preliminary approval for a sewer plant, the issuance of a permit would be allowed only if Friendswood could not furnish them with sewer service.Councilman Somers did advise the State Pollution Board that there was no known reason for Friendswood not being able to handle their sewage. Mayor Lowe reported that this afternoon he had received a call from an attorney with the Texas Water Pollution Control Board, Mr. Showen, who wished to verify the report he had received from the engineer for the NASA Mobile Home Village which was that the city of Friendswood had turned down a bond issue for water and sewer facilities . They would therefore assume that the city could not furnish sewer service to that area. It was decided that the report of this must have resulted form mis- information; i.e . W.C.& I.C .#21 is known in many newspapers as the Friendswood Water District although it is not in the city and they did defeat a bond issue for water and sewer service. Mr. Showen was called and notified of this possibility. 11-21-661 :reg : 4 Sewer Service - Friendswood Forest/Friendswood Gardens : Sam Tilotta, Engineer., presented three plans for sewer service in Friendswood Forest; two with lift ift station and one that was all gravity feed; and one plan for the Friendswood Garden area which contained a temporary lift station to be used until such time as this area was tied into the proposed master trunk line service. Council approves the consideration of these two areas as a package. It is estimated that we will need about �135, 000. 00 in time warrants to cover the cost of this package plus the balance due on the ditching machine. Ordinances and Resolutions : 'First reading : AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING DISCLOSURE BY OFFICERS _1OF EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD OF ANY SUBSTANTIAL FINANCIAL INTEREST IN ANY CORPORATION OR BUSINESS OR OF ANY CONTRACT WITH THE CITY; PROHIBITING PARTICIPATION BY SUCH OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE IN MAKING OF SUCH CONTRACTS; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR WILLFUL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE SUCH INTEREST. Passed and approved by motion of Councilman Davidson, seconded by Councilman Somers . Motion carried by unanimous vote . Emergency reading: AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING THAT EMERGENCY MOTOR EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES OF THE FRIENDSWOOD, VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT-OF-WAY; PROHIBITING THE CROSSING OF A FIRE HOSE IN USE: REGULATING PARKING NEAR THE FIRE STATION AND NEAR FIRE HYDRANT; PROHIBITING FOLLOWING OF FIRE VEHICLE RESPONDING TO EMERGENCY; PROHIBITING FALSE ALARM; PROVIDING FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL: PROHIBITING MISUSE, DAMAGE OR REMOVAL OF FIRE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT; REQUIRING THAT OPERATORS OF FIRE EQUIPMENT HAVE PROPERLY AUTHORIZED PERMITS; PROVIDING A PENALTY AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Passed and approved as an emergency ordinance by motion of Councilman Hatcher, seconded by Councilman Somers . Motion carried by unanimous vote. Initiative and Referendum: Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Murrell, that the City Legal Advisor be authorized to prepare an ordinance dealing with initiative and referendum for enactment which will be based on that which is in the National Municipal League - Model City Charter, 6th edition, a copy of which was provided each councilman on November 7, 1966 for study. Motion carried by unanimous vote . V A Resolution: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A REGIONAL' '. PLANNING COMMISSION TO BE KNOWN AS THE HOUSTON/GALVEHSTON AREA COUNCIL was adopted by motion of Councilman Murrell, seconded by Councilman Somers. Motion carried by unanimous vote . 11-21-66:reg: 5 Warrants : 2754 - Warrants # 1215 through # 1238 and Warrants # 2729 through #*Jt% , excepting #2754 (voided) approved. by motion of Councilman Hatcher, seconded by Councilman Somers . Motion carried by unanimous vote. Motion of adjournment : 11:45 P.M. Respects' _ - submitted, �. Artha Wright - City Secr ary Approved: Ralph L—Lowe - Mayor r