HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1966-10-17 Regular --- C%mil //-,7 G� MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, OCTOBER 17, 1966. A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held October 17, 1966; 7:30 P.M. at City Hall. Present were Mayor Ralph L. Lowe; Councilmen. Marvin L. Childers, William E. Davidson, Harry M. Hatcher, Wiley W, Murrell, Ralph W. Somers; City Secretary Artha Wright; City Legal Advisor Ody Kent Jerden. Also present were Bobby Saunders, Marie Moore, R. A. Kennedy, Sam Tilotta, Les Thorn, Bernard Horn, Don Smith, John Quigley, Fowler Barton, Harry H. Jones, P. R. Maloney, W, B. White, Rita Hatcher, Mary Acuff, J. M. Young, Jackson Hinds, Mrs. Frances Sabala, Betty Merch&nt, Don Lanning, Florence Lanning, Uel Clanton. ( 21 ) Correction and Approval of Minutes : c o er 3, • egular: Stood approved after correction. October 110 1966: Special: Stood approved as read, Communications from the Mayor: President of the Lions Club, Roger May, reports that there is approximately $800.00 in the Paul Stapp Fund to date. Final date for contributions is Saturday. The Beautification Committee sponsored a clean-up campaign this past Saturday, October 15, 1966. Many children joined in an all day scavenger hunt for rubbish and trash, which they brought in to be hauled off. The hearing on the appeal for the Beer and Wine License was postponed from last Thursday to this Thursday, October 20, 1966, at 9:00 A.M, It is the opinion of our Legal Advisor that the City of Friendswood can intervene, and be heard. The Police Department was hosT to an F.B.I. training course October 11, 1966. It was very well attended by law enforcement officers from many of the surrounding areas. Now is the time to prepare for Christmas mailing to those in Viet Nam, and other overseas locations, Mayor Lowe reported that he had attended the meeting, of the Texas Water Pollution Control Board, Friday, October 14, 1966. He read from an article in the Houston Post of October 15, 1966, "NEED FOR POLLUTION POLICY r TOLD - Austin - Mayor Ralph L. Lowe of Friendswood asked the Water Pollution Control Board Friday for a definite statement of policy on whether it intended to support cities -- with master plans for sewage disposal against the disrup- tive encroachments of small treatment plants on the -1- 10-17-66: Regular: 2 periphery of the cities. 'The board must support us, and deny the applications of the small sewage plants. ' the Mayor said at a board meeting. He said it was imperative for the cities to have a policy laid down by the board before undertaking bond issues and planning major extensions to their sewerage systems. . . . . . . . . . " The brochure that we prepared was very impressive to the Board, The questions posed were unexpected. These questions will be considered, and we will receive written answers. Petitions and Communications: Robert Saunders: Saunders Disposal Service: Robert Saunders of the Saunders Disposal Service appeared before Council to request permission to operate garbage service within the City Limits; he further requested permission to solicit commercial accounts in the city. His request has been taken under advisement. Special Committees: Gas Committee Report: Phil Maloney, chairman, gave the report of the Gas Committee. (attachment 1) After discussion of consideration of having a city owned gas utility Councilman Somers made a motion seconded by Councilman Murrell that the second reading of the Gas Franchise ordinance be tabled until there is an answer to the Committee' s Findings. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Personnel Committee: Councilman Murrell reported that he, Councilman Hatcher and Mrs Wright met. The committee considered the suggested full time employee to handle the electric company, gas company and city business. It was felt that the best procedure would be to hire a part-time employee for the City; and that the utilities would be responsible for hiring someone for their business. After screening the applications of about thirty people who had applied for the part-time typist/clerk position, five were selected for further consideration. These have been contacted and requested to take a typing test. Some of these results are in. As soon as they are all received, a decision will be made. The personnel policy is half completed and will be finalized at workshop, October 24, 1966. f; Standing Committees and Departmental : -- Utility Department: A. letter was read from Ernest Fletes, Kemp, Texas, offering a service of locating and marking and diagrams of all valves, -2-- 10-»17-66: Regular: 3 cleanout plugs etc, Mr. Kennedy is in the process of planning this project for the city, therefore, this letter (� will be filed for any needed future reference. A letter was read from Walsh & Mc Laren to the Mayor and City Council dated October 13, 1966; Re: Providing Sanitary Sewer Service to the proposed NASA Mobile Home Village and Friendswood Forest S/D. (attachment 2) Sam Tilotta of Walsh & Mc Laren explained their study of this project. Council requested that Walsh & McLaren ascertain the cost of the city putting in the line. Streets, Etc. Councilman Somers reports that the Castlewood Avenue Bridge is completely passable and open to traffic. There still remains the handrails and clearance of excess dirt to be doneq The approximate of the cost to finish the repair of the bridge and add the additional span is $700.00. The bridge on Winding Way has been completely barricaded to keep all vehicular traffic off as a safety measure. Mayor Lowe stated that he has some rip-rap on his property which he will gladly donate to the city for fill at the Castlewood Bridge site. (behind the wing-wall) Finance: Councilman Davidson,-.made a motion seconded by Councilman Murrell that we grant the budget request of the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department for an allocation of $2000.00 in the 1967 budget. Motion carried by unanimous vote. 11, p I cam" Councilman Davidson made a motion seconded by Councilman Somers that the 1967 tax monies be divided from the Tax Clearing Account thusly: 33;6/ to the Utilities Fund; 66,4/ to the General Fund. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Fire Department: Utilities Department: Bid specifications for a fire hydrant to be installed in Lori Woods have been drawn up by K. B. Jones. These will be posted and mailed out tomorrow. The report, submitted by K. B. Jones, setting forth other needed fire hydrants in the city was turned over to Councilman Hatcher. He will confer with the Fire Depart- ment and come back to Council with their recommendations. Post Office Driveway Entrance on Shadowbend: There was discussion of the driveway entrance curbs on Shadowbend Avenue for the Post Office. They now protrude into the right-of-way 13' . Should they be moved back, there would -3- 10-17-66: Regular: 4 • be room for four traffic lanes, but there is no place for four lanes of traffic to go beyond this block. If it remains where it is, there could be two 151 traffic lanes, a parking lane of 81 and a curbside mail drop lane of 811 . After discussion, Councilman Somers made a motion that this driveway to the post office on Shadowbend remain as it now exists. Motion carried by the following vote: For 3: Councilmen Davidson, Hatcher, Somers: Against: 2: Councilmen Childers, Murrell. Ordinances and Resolutions: �11 Third Reading of PLUMBING CODE: Councilman Childers made a motion seconded by Councilman Davidson that the following amendment be attached to the Plumbing Code: 26:8 Whereas the volume of this ordinance exceeds eight-six (86) pages and consists of complex technical data; and in view of the fact that the ordinance was drafted and recommended by the Texas Municipal League and recommended for use in Texas cities; and for other reasons set forth in the preface hereto, the City Council of the City of Friendswood, in the interest of time, hereby waives full reading of this ordinance and adopts the same on third reading in its form as presented by the Texas Municipal League. Motion carried by unanimous vote, AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES, OR AMENDMENTS THERETO THAT CONFLICT WITH THE TERMS OR CONDITIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE AND ENACTING IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW ORDINANCE, REGULATING PLUA03ING WORK IN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS; DEFINING CERTAIN TERMS; PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN EXEMPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THIS ORDINANCE AND THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS AND ESTABLISHING CERTAIN FEES; PROVIDING FOR SPECIFICATION, MATERIALS AND METHODS OF PLUMBING INSTALLATIONS: PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; Passed and approved on third and final reading by motion of Councilman Davidson, seconded by Councilman Childers, Mation carried by unanimous vote. Ordinance #69 - Ordinance Enactment: Councilman Davidson made a motion seconded by Councilman Childers that our Legal Advisor draft an amendment to Ordinance #69 which would provide for a waiver of full and complete reading of voluminous ordinances on third reading if the Council determines such waiver to be in the interest of time. Motion carried by, unanimous vote. Proposed Ordinance: Conflict of Interest: Councilman Davidson read the following excerpts from Model City Charter, Sixty Edition, which is published by the Irrational Municipal League: Section 9.01, page 64. -4- 10-17-66: Regular: 5 • "Any city officer or employee who has a substantial financial interest, direct or indirect or by reason of ownership of stock in any corporation, in any contract with the city or in the sale of any land, material, supplies or services to the city or to a contractor supplying the city shall make known that interest and shall refrain from voting upon or otherwise participating in his capacity as a city officer or employee in the making of such sale or in the making or performance of such contract. Any city officer or employee who willfully conceals such a substan- tial financial interest or willfully violates the require- ments of this section shall be guilty of malfeasance in office or position and shall forfeit his office or position; Violation of this section with the knowledge express or implied of the person or corporation contracting with or making a sale to the city shall render the contract or sale voidable by the city manager or the city council." Section 9.01 Commentary page 67* "Personal Financial Interest. The fifth edition of the Model flatly prohibited officers and employees from having financial interest but experience demonstrates that a strict interpretation would exclude a great many persons from municipal office or public employment. Even if modified by the term tsubstantial, t an outright prohibition seems too rigid. This provision simply requiret' tha,t the officer or employee make known his interest and refrain from participating in the making of a contract or sale where a conflict of interest is involved, If violations occur, penalties may be applied against both the officer or employee and the contractor. Councilman Davidson made a motion seconded by Councilman Somers that the City Legal Advisor be authorized to prepare an ordinance concerning personal financial interest, or conflict of interest that substantially follows Section 9.01 page 64 of the Sixth Edition of the Model City Charter, of the National Municipal League. Motion carried by unani- mous votes New Business: Councilman Somers suggested that the City might start considering a possible City Recreation, or Parks and Recreation Department. Old Business : Mrs, Wright was asked to investigate the purchase of the Water Cooler that we are presently leasing* If the School approves of a school safety patrol, the City would assist in training of this patrol, and in painting of strips on the streets around the school, etc. -5- 10-17-66: Regular: 6 s Y Warrant Approval: Warrants #1156 through 1179 (excepting #1162 - Puro Filter Corporation of America $19.50 4 yr, rental. on water cooler) and Warrants #2674 through 2696 stood approved on motion of Councilman Hatcher, seconded by Councilman Childers. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Motion of adjournment made by Councilman Childers, seconded by Councilman Hatcher. Motion carried by unanimous vote. WORKSHOP: 10-14-66 Personnel Policy Parks and Recreation Respectfully submitted, Artha Wright - City Secretary r Approved: Q4pi . Lowe - ayor 1 -6-