HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1966-09-19 Regular MINUTES OE THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, SEFUU13E.R ig, 1966. A regular meeting of the F±iendsttiood City Cl Dune i1 was held September 19, 1066 ; 7 :30 PIS: at City Hall. Present T.x7iere Mayor Ralph L. Lo.tp; Councilmen Marvin L. Childers, William E. Davidson, Paarry M. Ia.atcher, Wiley W. Murrell, Rla'lph W. Somers; City Secretary- Artha Writ;ht; Legal Advisor Ody Kent Jerden. Also present were Marie Iorre-Progress, Ron Hamill, Y.B. J ones, ?betty Merchant, Elda Matheny, Dyson Cairzpbell, R.R. McNulty, J. F. Hi lchcock, J.E. Saunders, Tam Long, H.E. Jones, G.E. C r eppon, Plobt. N. Phillips, G.V. Greathouse, H.T. Matheny, John Cochran, Carnnie Brown, John Quigley, Fowler Barton, J.V, Lawrence, Jesn Ei".derback , Bette Cogdell, Leah North, Don Smith. (241 �: A rW Correction nd .�;Pp��•o� of September 6, 1966.1 Regular: stood approved as read. September 12, 1906: S ec:° l: s o �d approved. after correction. September 15, 1966: Special.: stood approved a s read. Cc=.unxcation.s from tho Ma`ror Mayor L ottire received. a gavel and. ti'loci. for his birthday, t Spee�.ber 17, 1966 f—om some of the interested of itizens of ._., F,ybi vn ,.7 ter o which 'F c b; 11 a gave �^.? Ol fie' 1 '.y4J 4'.4'�.ld for L'V Lf. (.+ 1 �l.L�' aA...iJ L+��.G ll1s.s e. `� , mM!1.^.1 '�^1 cYT R '�"�T `� t m2 � Cs' S,T'� ' '^ h m, •In` -ret. S '�st• c "l P!?'St1 `�*'�o�•^( ®, t� V. C•r... v� .�..�.a.. . +r ,�x,.>..: � S1- :-c Js .:.�.G.... u 1 t�v+r....,a u .aLe fie gLyr-, Of �50 , ':u v je, "t been "t1St ,l d } thy c+? a 7ra �.;h parti-ne nt. The appli ca b'or, Y�ne is ense on F-lk:M51 8, Just EJ "t for ci. beer and � oe +a��.d the r�.t _..�.._.� �s, has: been denied bythe Commi.�.s�.c.�_e.: ., 3 � The curb service rua l de'll i-very for the i'riendswood, ,a ep started, tSaturday, September 17, 1 966. l• t l+L.., . b jj V.t..: ::i.s..I ou11'V L+d a..:.4d he.:.. bond Issue .s< C.+.Y.{ $500,000.00 wha^h is to be voted on November I,', 1944 o The 11umble Pipe Line Company has instal led the 20" sleeve (casing) on their pipe line where it diagonally crosses Winding Wayanal. Leisure sure Lane , �s pre�r4 aus?�, agreed The, residents of Village Green nov have another way to get out of their subdivision; Melody Lane has been opened up and grading and shelling Ar,,?- no.q. in progress. 9-19-66:reg: 2 Petitions and Communications-: Request for Water and Sewer service A letter was read from B.R. Mcyluilty to Mayor Lowe, dated -18-66 ; Re: Request for City se -er Vac4lities. (attachment 1) . 9v, There was discussion of this request, and of the need to finalieze a policy for serving areas outside the city limits with seaterand sewer. Mr. Mcj�Tulty agreed to meet -vTith city engineer, William C . Walsh; and to meet with the Planninc Commission. Petition - Grantina a- Second Gas Franchise I - A p e t i t i o In v a s r ea,d by C rn,rm I e Bros o dated t e d -8 3 1-6 6 -fro mn the Business Men and Home Builders; Re: Granting of another gas franchise; (attachment 2) . Councilman Somers made a motion s e c omd e d by C ounc i 1man C-1 h i 1 if,e rss that th'I s p e t,i ti, on be tabled. for any further consideration until such time as the Mayor -appointed Gas Committee has submitted its findings to the Council. The motion carried by the -IIollow4_'rLg vote: For: 3: Councilmen Childers, Murrell, Somers; Against; 2 - 11.1ouncil-Irlen Davidson, Eq- -'U'cher. Councilman Davidson stated that '-,,is negative vote was due to his feeling that any available information should. always be considered.- . . by any such fact finding committee and also because the motion was unnecessary* Boust-on-Galveston Area Council A. letter was read to Mayor a-zic.7` Council from Bill _Elliot't, President of riouston-Galveston Area Council dated 9-15-66; Rea 1-Iouston-Gialveston Area Council. (a,ttachment "I" . After discussion, Clotuicillman Somers made a moticin seconded by Councilman TDa-vid.son, .I- gre-ement, and. the of the thatl-' we accept the Article's of A , Houston-Galveston Area Council ; and further, that we approve the expenditurp of Fif ter(S50.00) Dollars fo-r d'uies to this Motion carried by ixne,.nirmous vote'.. Library- Board Pud.p,,et T-1equest A letter, was re---.d to the Fia i end s-L-Tood C J.ty !council fro-m ""elen Pesman, Chai.",_n,,s,.n of the lj_-Ibrary Bcayd . ; Re: additional I, - I ki,F . 0 c,-c,n c.It 111 Y,I 2,n C h d--r-a s n,-:�d,e budget s,ppropria,tio-11-1. ,at'U'ac.','m,1_ent a motion se--ond-ed by ounc-ilr-_,an Hlarrell thet -'U-'-..e Libras;;- Poard be inforTrted. that wi-e will incli)dle an ar-rount of �,1 , 8_50.00 21-1! Ul 1 ,e T 10167 I01- th budget Uib-rary; tho,,t this anioun Till cove-- 1067 ex-I->end.1-to.res end also the expenses for the 1--talf 01- Q . -! v 1 allot_wh i c 1-i -v3a s n c c- --e-e pevo ments. Miotion ca=-'Led by u-nan'Unacras, vore. Tax A letter i-,,.as _reod. frorr the -Ta-x, ]E_"O x'u to 1V.'_ayC_- - ) 1-46 -• Ee. of --e-creational fac,ilities in Lo-.,qe, dated 9- - - E, ­_p"s, suCl'divi. ions; (attha.olhmen`-' ones e_ t-his mrat-ter, lc­a-_ricl-lman CI I fras o -2- g--1,9-66: reg: 3 ct Motion seccnded by C oulic l lrnnan Murrell, that we ar-de_ t 1-1.e 7.",.C. v do.tion Of the Boarl of -Equ l.iZati on as leer hei_.{.. let-er, �� n.'i. .L n lP:,.,�iS.2 Committees e.-Yid �.r,-: 'J:.e ':.�Y:e, t''V lE.:. A-n,no .n'eCelL'ents from' t-h .:,.�i•ri C'n L7-r P-r i C:' .C`i�V OO O 't'•iG r't^- r e a by cT o s e",n._-.Jones . R e. :!.. _ ( Ou^ k!:;.aScS of Civil Tle'"ey\ic:es ..,111U :?- t„_ ,�'c..�.'.�•_• } �.•.L L r.. .,y o, ri. < ..- N, Tr., c ��'+t I e (� r'. �r it y.(7 T'Tf E� ✓ rt C�1 ^f",• W`E Rey.;�E:a Ci -�y}G,c � i !1�.�Jr. C"C.t;i1 ,?.'I'1.,; O ._�._u,tJ�:` ., . ,: .,. i _�� : _.. .._e n+. ..1_ C_ Space _ i f tc,,- "t iC:' , c .n this i Cj'7� ,c"•..� itli�. O`_` the �>>C?ss �i �_'t auk' o ' Q. 'fie'E't ny to h.an dl e! v.-,e bu?c��.X''_e4S f O- ti!OLi'i Ut1.1�_'i`, l O" Jc•':.1"?.i c• �.d l•ile r.7..eW_.C ^l T,,.r irl. N ol, `hie• 7 j l` �}.C1C�.ilmi'Lln g - l OV' 7 t Y'1 lc •.,`�• ^ 1't ? + �" ^ ^ �, �tCJ''a=�i17.�:.'.�}.n i C'it)e.'---sg 'hat L.l1'e -t1"') C_..?C)1_ i11G. c �C ' _O1 r: •C� 1 u. n n •F- r•,1(�"f •} i(;C'P-,<• "k �-•�_ c! 1 �' t..ice:e 'gig C,T :t_y-�� re' ,-o t-c) .z�.,._• :le t.-,e _ _,�.'��._.� :� .ii_.' c y it til 0 �",t,j'�;'.C.M T° i ;T cerV— „ h'_^' t 1e _ E- '1 ,/.C',3,'� Ci_t lCl':z fG:_` Li:'e r`d»y rr='}_l be C�d}=_,a i n cTcl G .-cpOY z l-:e it ''.:,u.Lal Consent- 0 .1, O:�nvY}i bIic f-a s ut- " i i'J se-vice ( •n ,L,-.d..,_7 . .t_l,�`�•4--. ,y 1-i s S ,,,. •_ • l ! o ,_'�^-• I-}• 'f7 '�f li_ li..l � lief L..�ii V�i! '7, L n.n ��.�i��riC.�..J_ l�c..'z."v^^JG.:?.i.:�;e L•�r_�i�' ���<''�.e�d_'}.i_- �c.,i.V.�es n•r� ���,�.� ��'—'�_''.'.i��C�. _. cam. _s,�.?c`L"F"-t/ ( .r..tom't �� _ i_.'e I not :zl, g e 1�, ' m y' � Fri i e r*s i,': , C.C:'e'p t the e �'r-%�"C7•!?c sa of �c.h e C'S w�J4.� �;�•ie , i �,, o�' x�r . .�J.,.'I,ccc_ u y" ' 13. t,J +e 1• ,"fi e C"Oa1;CJF-;.r `;.;;r'_ i•. e C!_a i� �V �L 4.11 t• i.l v U C Oi 1lJG y� '_ ,fin ( t-' )t r :Il } '+-I�t'i'Cb e y l-1ne tench d:`, ea ?i i'1 o t'``h, GC7 s ,.v 5r'•-'J a�%rJ 7?C_. O 1��1's _ _w„ . �.._ �_ _ - - ---- "1 n C^_.")"_LC't:t by „{n,C. ,"G1_,oV,Ti? _ vote: FCi... . 3 .C., t G=.s On D':Y'':IL C_C`•C7'!'t R IMC;, Cs:C SC:I":`ie_...e, `s Wa.g:<-:.._.:.5 ... r., .:OLD_'__:_.__J_!E,:'I yC)l?il. '.i :Z� y. ?") 'l. ei�' n'�1 - n�c�4 i ny can 'Q y i <?:W� l 7^ ad. ..ice..l.<_e G, .o v .1. � U c o-,,-id d. [:j .`% �tc -1.:::1�.... �+.'•.•"':.'t�'�. ut�".•�%� t. r. 0. 0. _r7le '} e l , C-11as uT t ft.i - w e`-vice !,'lorly ,"-ny',, .be ..'er ire s.teO. rr e '_`.�'I r } ,. i,cI m 'R;r e" ti er,•-oocl 'Telephone. T+7, .t,.�'{ter that vT t� "C} �SJ J.S'.I lam.�C t.• ...1..� CII GGi J._ ... .L' :..L 4•'� 1.+tom` •:Liy{.. �'Lv. �V:._....._% eJ d d , C 1 l [ r+ • L.7 i L t` PY v' �'1 i L Y \ ld 'D_ �-''�;��!�.c' F�-.e I O7" 1'�_;c. O� i:.% C� v:l-? _� Oi �_ e s''_'... 1':C�OC. <.•.ie�., C •}-?��...L 1.'t':.cW-r rJ.C:1' C+Or;...<� T• �.'�S�_ t�`:'r?-C`Oi�?�e _-.t .. 1-i_, brie or r.1c-l-h.l. by T'i a �= 1'.C+ � '4 O-e 6 L Titn ._'c _ _•.'� �'` E,a a.i`'.s t ,[. (1f1 i'i<c CEO'). 1. O.r.-• .t�1'_ ' 7 .(1 f'�) y 'I I ,^,'-•t.e�'i -t:,\ .streets ...�.* 'L�e Th s +s' e1 !-.as been ap li ed cis vr,r, T Da-five , �'-r-,., V�•., T- , .J C%C:%'u. �. '_ ` ?' ^ -I ';"Zi".fL..�"4_f } .} 1-i 're - 1 ^.ec e•}ire mri.t.'e sll�'e-!?_ G.f L e= bi�/•77 Ti, C h ^ r- r1,\,�'! '€ 7 ' 1 }fe� n e. r-;.,c}, T''`T>rY, S.:'_e .:Ci�Y.?.'t> Ih _.�_�_ '7r' :1c-.T�.a.._ _ i.a\._I. Ui_ �U-C.��e?�`� _.. .zLi�, !_Ls� ._._ 1Ti 1.1�_.v eg: Castlewood Bridge repair vms not considered acceptable on 9-4-66 ;• on 9-r,-66, Legal Advisor Ody Kent Jerden sent a regist- f rt ered letter to Forum Construction Company, wo"Gil"ing them of this and asking them to take corrective -measures; at this date no reply has been -receivecd. Mr. Jerden feels that reasonable measures have been taken to have this Company correct the s-it-aatilon in receive their final clearance for -final payment; order for them_ to rece Ll L since they h ave not done so, we should proceed with fr_rther repair mn Som, ers has several make this bridge acceptable. Counci-LL- a plans in mind for this project. After discussion, Councilman Childers made a motion seconded by Councilman Murrell that we authorize Councilman Somers to proceed vTith -repair of Caztlev-ood Bridge immediately. Diction carried by unanimous vote. Fi nanc e Councilman Davidson presented. his C"'urrent Dud.get- .0tatus Report and discussed it with the Council . (at-tac_12rent 7) . Utility Department-1 Force Feed,. Line - W.C.& !. D. #/211 Councilman Somers made as -motion seconf,.ed by Clouncilman Davidson, that the City of Friendswood send Galveston County -Water Control and Improvement District No. 21 requesting that, said aid, District put an a. Force Feed Sewage Line, at their expense, ( the cost. of this line77,Mll be approximately Fifteen Thousand ($1.5,000.00) Dollars; based on the information that s6tid District had presented to the City in -*it.- previous request fo-1- permission D! to install said Line ,n tat said L- be ins fro.. District #210s lift sil-aticini in Annales-L to the rianhcle on FM518 (Friends, -rood Drive) at T,-;'cho Avenue, which fees into Sae,,�,,er Plant �a by reason of the pzrecent- overload --cindi-tion of 6-SdC.-,-t-Ter Plant :1411 , and the likeliho-o'-AL -17�11�at _1 t i.,-1111L c omic Id mOre over-1caele-CI with the present growth trend 2- that anraa; that the juastallatio­i of this e -h the • poz e t _ yline be donwil . � v of this letter be serit.. to ","he Texas Water Pollution Clontrol Board. Mct.io�n carr-led. by ananimous vote. Lon&wood Park Water and Se7Ter Service There i,%ras discussi-cn, of the proposed -contract the C i ty of Pear iand and the City of Friend-c-itTco,"I concerninE Wat_-�r ice to 4- nd 4 v c i c,n a.nd Sewer Se--V- he Longi,�ood Park sub L There was also discussion of thle spec i f ic a ti ons a nd pre sent t 2 conditions of thestreets in this subdi vision. -I t was o�ec' Ided to request Mr. Walling, Developer of this subdivisiox-L, to nmeet with Council Tuesday, Septe-mbez- 20, 1966 at 9:00 I'DMI. Old. Business: Coleman Carter - Statement for ,26o.op (4_i�_66) Ody Kent- 'J'erden stated that he had discussed Mr. Carte-rEs statement in account with the City of Friendsv' ood for 111136o.oo, i •�,, i to •the ea retarr. lrden mde(v-h dii gulzine , MUe the recommiendation that the City pay t"11-is bill foi the follo-vrinE__ r_-asons: ( 1) There vas no agree:znent- spoken oi- written ) betav­�-_n 9-19-66:reg:5 Mr. Carter and the City of -Friendswood concerning work that was additional to that covered by retainer; and there vas no policy c-overing same. (2) The main witness to +_-I-ie validity of such charges, former Mayor, Harry D. Wagner, in discussion with Mr. Jerden had stated that he felt the charges were just and reasonable, and -vTould testify to sanne. (3) If the case is brought to court, and we lose the case, we will owe his Attorney' s -fees, our attorney fees, the IP.?6o.00 co,al,t costs, etc . Councilman Childers made a motion secondeCII by Cour.Oilmplean Somers that i,,,e pa*,sr C oler±an Carter the it,160.00 as -wer his statement of I - 4-13-66, to clear up our alledged indebtness to InIM. Councilmari Davidson entered his letter to Ylavor and Council dated 9-1.9-66 ; Pe: Mr. Carter' s additional t360.00'Cha,rze in these minute,s (att-achment 0) and read it to C"'ouncil. Mayor Lowe stated that he felt that the Charge might not be justi-fied , but we w-ill probably lose 'he case and shouldn' t spend a possible 600.00 - �,700- 00. The motion carried by the following vote: Flo:,-,: Councilm e 11 Childers, Hatcher, Murrell , Somers. Against: 1 Counc.ilman David5!on. B i d Procedure 4 4- A Counci*lmaxi Somers stated that he 'Le-L- J_ U to devise 7 T,` iendsrood. Pf,- . Je-L'I_enn aExeed to I L a b' d procedure for --he City o-l' I'lork, With Councilman Somers on this. Ditohina Machine "ouncilman Somers -made. a. moti-on. secondled -1),y Childers 'ha.*'- we pi,-chase the Li,,,7a!r_-Del4- 101 Y-Cavato- laachine as bid by 1,ado Equipment Co; The price, ,31iscounte-c', fron J_ di0 1 e, to 1,��:16,000.00 wi�h a. cash s��outt to i­_.,,,200.00 ; t-Irio-`_-� If 1.n a n c i o, arrangcmelllts 11or this purchase be ma0e 11,11-Mediately. Prlot'ion op-cried unl:3,.nilmous -11 . . . . . I.�. . . . . . . ._-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - I- 11i 1ar e*­ - e- ' e dii -* - ­ rM W , D hei�iv ubvs..o.i , os fearCe i Co " eed -I- Fit, I!".- kF un ,?' 1a'sag t _e s Btz,O,x�t-,*.,f-1.O.at.1 on "'olnimi t te e i n I oc.a t,il on, of h i s sewer t, 11 71 be as - '- he'i cal'L I,,-,L, U- - a.s p c,s s i bl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * . . . . . . . * * . . . . . . . * * * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .New is needed, anid' be i,)-ri e d' 7,,,-1 4-h ol 7- s 6-e t U1 a,-,i' the nomes of vi.... P.7�zyor, oui n c l etc . b,-Uth e 3 -a Si_-e and GCv size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — . . . . . . . . . reg: t) C"ouncilman. MutrzC-111 made a motion seconded by Councilman Davidson that we adve"t-ise for bids for lanitorial service for the City Hall . Motion lcarried by unanumous vote. Ord1r,anceO an'-'3. Resolutio.ns: A I r'T'I T Ty'T aA S •R � E SAJT SlT r!�t CRT CP TENI EIG ' , FO T 'D �'- L� E­ -TTIY T E v 1, Q iGn"VEE.2"aY=,','T OF TILAE. SWOO-if, 11'f-'sz.-s,_�' -and ATj-,-ove,1-1 o� thiZ-�ft final motion c-l' Da't;-idzon, seco-l.,,dlerl b­ CounClilm.ain. Mot-inn re`Cte. A�T�T C'DDTNAN"'E RIEPEALING ALL CRDIX�ANI'17,'0 OR PARTS OF ORDIN.&NCES, OR, AMENfU111ENTS 11111EIIETO,, TEAT C!O."L%T ,FLTCT WTr-rl-.:.r THEE TZ-12-MIS OR Q'O"DITIONS, OF 11111IS 1111 LTEXT U.-I. A NEW RE l.iGUIJILTING PLUMBTNUS 1-1012 IN THE VITY OF r-,TIIV TD-,-,, CC r, DE IN Z1 x 3 D T�x I p F -I IT G (,'ERrn,ATN d.TERMS ; PROVIDINrG FOR CERTAINT EXp1__=171TIONS Pl-,,OV'DII\TG FOR. THE ENFORCEMENT. OF THIS ORDINANCE AND THE ISSUANICE OF PERMTT S AND ESTABLISHING CERTAIN FEES; 1.*7)RCVT'ING FOR SPEC IFICATI ON'S, MATERIALS"fl AND METHODS OF P.LUMBING INSTALLATTONS;PROVIDING ",-ENALmIEQ POR VIOLATION OF THIS CRTITNANCE ; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Passed on -Pirs"- reading by motion of Co-u3ncilman Da vid-son, second by Council- man Childers. 14-otion carried by unanirwous vote. Warrant Approval Warrants 7#1098 through #1122 ; and #2633 through #2651 -approved by motion of--Couxici-lman 11.atch-er,,- - se-c-onded, -Motion carried by the foliwvkTing vo4.- e: For: 4 : Councilmen Childers, Harcher, Murrell, Somers; Against: 1. : Councilman Davidson. Councilman Davidson stated 4.-.ha-'C. the -reason for his negative vote i,,Tas Warrant #88_`-,/ Check #1122 - Coleman Carter -for $36o,00. Meeting adjourned. Respecyi' ly sub ittpci A th�lvri6 _t r Secretary Approved: I. 'is'y 6T