HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1966-09-06 Regular MINUTES OF MEE REGULAR CCUKCIL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 6, 1960 A. - egular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held Sqptember 6. 1966; 7: 30 P.M. at City Hall. Present were Maycr Ralph L. Lowe; Councilmen Marvin L. Childers, William E. Davidson, Wiley W. Murrell, Ralph W, Somers, City . Secretary Artha Wright; City Legal Advisor Ody Kent jerden,' Also present were Marie Mcbre-Pragpess, K,B, jones, P.C . Kraus- Warner 8,r. S-tti,azey Co, , Elda Matheny, D'Eve Lutheringer-Today, J.A' LawrenDe, B.G. Ham!& Gil Bush-Hi-Way Equipment Co. Houston, Uel S. Clanton, Jim O'Donnell-LinkBeit , Heston Thomas-Dado Equipment to. , Joseph F. Jones, LovAs j. Mickler, Tom Long, Harry H. Jones, William C . Walsh, Gene Greathouse, Norine Mattlers, George Zupp, Don Smith-Suburban jourrol, Betty Merchant, (21) Correction and Approval. 1"' -1 'es: August 11, 1966: Regular: stood approved after correction. August 36, 1966; Special: stood approved as read. jhe_1!aZo:� The letting o1rcontracts for construction of bridges and road for Ch oate Road from FM 518 to Clear Creek will be done before Christmas 1966. The second phase will overpass the Gulf Freeway and cantinue to i-Iii-sr-vesy 3. The Highway Department reports that after study of the intersection of Shadowbend and Friendswood, Drive, does not warrant further traffic controls; that study of the intersection of FN 518/FM528, they will install a bouncing ball light at that intersection. The Highway Department stated that three 72" culvert tiles under FM 518 near the Brazoria County line will have to Ye replaced with larger the to permit equal flow of water; that water now runs on the Sou0side of PM 518 three feet higher than on the otha side. The Equalization Board met August 30 and 31, 1966 Many- thanks go to the Doard members ; Harry H. Jones, Otto Haardt, Uel S. Clanton, Thomas Long; and to the women who gave their time. ; Betty Cashion, Helen Cline, Frances Hicks and Ruth Maloney. Members of the firm of Pritchard & Abbott felt that the citizens that they dealt with were. most enlightened and inform- ed; and that the Board was very profficient. There were 117 people who appeared for discussion of their taxes. Mr. Schaefer, Bovay Engineers, Inc . informed us that Friendswcod' s grant application fcr Q6,458.00 was one of 60 applications pending. This .,...tea is for our Comprehensive Plan. Derlin Ternhill has resigned as out Water and Sewer Super- intendent. Guy Odom informs us that the subdivision, Quaker' s Landing, should be starting about November 1, 1966. His engineer, Mr. Irving Peabody has done the transit work and drawings for us on drainage for Clearview Avenue from FM 518 to Clear Creek and Castlewood from FM 518 to Clear Creek. His work on this study has saved the city hundreds of dollars. The Houston/Galveston Area Planning Association will meet here in Friendswood, September 9, 1966; 11:00 A.M. in City Hall, Bid Opening.- Ditching Machine: 1. Hi-Way Equipment Company, Inc. (Attachment 1 & 1-a) 2. Bado Equipment Co. , Inc. (Attachment 2) After discussion it was decided to postpone a decision until after a demonstration of the Warner & Swasey scheduled for September 17, 1966; 9:30 A.M. Application for Beer and Wine License in the Friendswood Area: A letter dated 8-22-66 was read from the Mayor and Councilmen to Judge LaValle requesting the delay of the hearing of application for a Beer and Wine license by Stop N' Go Markets, of Texas to be located at 522 N. Friendswood Drive. (FM 518) . (attachment 3) E Councilman Davidson stated that although he was not present to sign the letter from the Mayor and Councilmen, he was in agreement with the letter. A. letter dated 9-2-66 was read from Judge LaValle to the Mayor and Councilmen RE: the above mentioned permit application. (attachment 4 ) There was discussion of this matter. The hearing on this application will be in Commissioner' s Court, Galveston County Courthouse, Galveston 9 :30 A.M. Tuesday, September 13, 1966. Galveston County Mayors and Councilmen' s Assoc. requests that a Councilman from each city be appointed to present ordinances each month. Councilman Murrell is appointed. Special Committees: Library Board : A. letter dated 9-2-66 from Helen Pesman, Chairman of the Library Board; RE: Appointment of two members to replace two who have resigned. (attachment 5) . A letter dated 8-30-66 from Betty Shore RE: Resignation from the Library Board. (attachment 5-a ) Councilman Childers made a motion seconded by Councilman Marrell that Beverly Lanmon and Ruth Maloney be appointed to the Library Board to fill the two vacancys. Motion carried by unanimous vote. -2- Gas Utility Committee : t Councilman Somers presented his formulation of what the appointed Gas Utility Committee feels its charge should be. (attachment 6) Mayor Lowe presented a paper stating what he felt the charge to this committee should be. (attachment (D-a) After discussion, it was decided that the Committee ' s presentation should be accepted as their charge; and that Mayor Lowe ' s presentation would be attached to this as a rider. Councilman Childers read an article from "Today" dated 9-2-66. (attachment 6-b ) . Councilman Childers then read his answer to the above mentioned article. (attachment 6-c) . Councilman Somers presented his statement which he wished introduced as a motion for council vote. Councilman Somers made a motion, seconded by Councilman Murrell that the following statement be adopted by council; and that the Chamber of Commerce be notified of this : At the regular Council Meeting of August 15, 1966, Mayor Lowe appointed a committee to study the proposed ordinance which would grant a franchise to Houston Natural Gas to provide service in Friendswood. The Council agreed to await the findings of this committee before proceeding on the issue. It is the feeling of this Council that responsible opposing groups should refrain from public statements until the study has been completed. The Council takes particular objection to the statement appearing in the Friday, September 2 issue of "Today" with reference to the Chamber of Commerce action at their September 1 meeting. The statements made are incorrect and contemptous. They do not contribute constructively to a harmonious solution. They are not a credit to the Chamber. Finally, if the Chamber insists on such action, we strongly suggest that they first make certain their statements are correct. The motion that Council adopt this statement was carried by the following vote : For: 3 : Councilmen Childers, Murrell, Somers; Against: 1 Councilman Davidson. Mayor Lowe said that he felt that for this Council to vote to get into a running debate with any group or organization within the city through the newspapers, it would deteriorate prestige and the image of this group. Councilman Somers made a motion seconded by Councilman Davidson that this Council confirm the appointment of the Gas Utility Committee; Phil Maloney - Chairman, Bill Wa1shl, Tom Grace, Bernard Horn, Ralph Somers. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Trash/Garbage Committee : Mayor Lowe appointed Councilmen Hatcher and Murrell to serve as Trash/Garbage Committee. Harmony Committee: Mayor Lowe stated that he was disbanding the Harmony Committee. The members of this committee are Rev. J. T. Raper, H. K. Speck, Selma Engel, Sue Grace,, Mary Brown, Harry Jones and Conrad Cline. Mayor Lowe thanks each of these members for their past efforts on this committee. Indigent Care Committee of Galveston County: Each Mayor in Galveston County has been asked to appoint someone from their city to represent that city on the Indigent Care Committee. Mayor Lowe read a letter dated 8-31-66 to Judge Peter LaValle which states that Cecil Brown, Sr. has been appointed to this position. (attachment 7) Standing Committees and Department: Streets etc. Councilman Somers reports that the Dust Abatement Program is substantially completed; that the results were bette-F-ETi—an expected and that it was an economical program. It has cost approximately $813.00 to date for shell and the oil emulsion. The county has said that they will begin work on topping Castlewood from FM 518 to Cowart Creek next week. Councilman Somers read his report to Mayor and Council dated 9-4-66 RE: Castlewood Bridge. (attachment 8) . There was discussion of the proElem of putting this bridge in proper condition. Ken Toon has submitted an estimate of about $500.00 for this.' Ody Kent Jerden, Legal Advisor, was asked to write a letter to the Forum Construction Co. , contractors on the rebuilding of this bridge, and give them a reasonable time for satisfactory completion of the bridge. it was decided to ask Virgil Schultz, County Engineer, to give us his opinion on the status of this bridge as related to their specifications for the rebuilding program. Councilman Somers read his request for funds for s.tr•eet repairs : (attachment 9) . Councilman -Davidson made a motion seconded by Councilman Childers, that $1250-00 be approved for street re- pairs as per the above request of Councilman Somers. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Emergency Employment: Councilman Davidson made a motion seconded by Councilman Somers that the previous motion of council stating that the Mayor may hire temporary help on an emergency basis for a twenty-four hour period, be further defined to mean twenty-four 'working hours. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Post Office Driveway : Council recommends that the driveway of the new post office on Shadowbend Avenue be kept within the confines of the road right-of-way. Mary Ann Drive (behind the stadium) : Councilman Somers reports that in conversation with Buck Hausman, Mr. Hausman has agreed to furnish materials for topping Mary Ann Drive beyond Annalea subdivision, behind the stadium; but cannot furnish the equipment for its application. Cavil Defense : The oath of office of Assistant Civil Defense Coordinator was given to Joseph P. Jones by Mayor Lowe. Police Department: Chief Wright read his letter dated 8-26-66, to Mayor Lowe, RE: Range Program. (attachment 10) . Councilman Davidson made a motion seconded by Councilman Childers approving the expenditure of t20.00 for a month' s trial period for the proposed Range Program. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Chief Wright read his report to Mayor and City Council RE: Speed Study. (attachment 11) . This suggested program was accepcaMto ouncil. They requested that Chief Wright pursue cost estimate of this program as soon as possible. There was discussion of a four-way stop at the intersection of Shadowbend Avenue and Morningside Drive. t Utilities Department: Ads for Water and Sewer Department employees have been discontinued. Councilman Childers made a motion seconded by Councilman Davidson that Richard Kennedy be hired as Water and Sewer Superintendent effective September 12, 1966, at a salary of �b75 .00 per month. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Mosquito Control: A. letter was read, dated 8-24-66, from the City to Mr. Moon, RE: low level flights. (attachment 12-a) Beautification Committee : Councilman Murrell reports that the Beautification Committee awarded a yard of the month in August; that the City continued its mowing program; that the committee recommend a Clean-up or mowing month to be announced by the City. Council decided that it would have a concentrated mowing program in September; then appeal to the citizens to have a similar program in October. The committee is invited to appear before Council at the 9-19-66 meeting to further discuss this program. -5- Old Business : City Engineer: A letter was read, dated 8-22-66, from William C. Walsh to the Mayor and Council RE: Clarification of Retainer Fee. (attachment 13) Councilman Davidson made a motion seconded by Councilman Somers accepting the above mentioned letter of explanation of retainer fee. Motion carried by unanimous vote. W.C .&I.D. #21 - Petition of Annexation: Because of a citizen' s complaint, the proposed petition for annexation of the District #21 into the City of Friendswood will not be available at the school during their election of October 1, 1966. Fire Department : A letter was read, dated 8-27-66, from Fire Chief Louis Mickler, to City Council RE: Assistance in purchase of boots . (attachment 14 ) . Council invites the Fire Department to meet with Council to" discuss budgetary appropriation for 1967. Councilman Murrell made a motion seconded by Councilman f Davidson to accept recommendation of Fire Department to E replace fire plug in Lori Woods; that bid notice be placed for this plug. Motion carried by unanimous vote . Ordinances : AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR THE USE AND SUPPORT OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS. Passed on second reading by motion of Councilman Somers, seconded by Councilman Davidson and the motion carried by unanimous vote. AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS: PRESCRIBING A. MANUAL OF REGULATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD FOR THE COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES LOCATED OUTSIDE OF SUBDIVISIONS; PROVIDING A PROCEDURE FOR AMENDMENT BY THE PLANNING ZONING COMMISSION WITH COU�,CIL APPROVAL; REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERANCE CLAUSE. Passed and approved on third and final reading by motion of Councilman Somers, seconded by Councilman Davidson. Motion carried by unanimous vote . -6- AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING CERTAIN VEETCLE TRAFFIC FROM CROSSING TEE VCAETLEWOOD BRIDGE IN THE 'CITY Of' FRIENDSWOOD. PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY C'LAUSE AND A PEILkLTY AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Passed and aDDroved by emergency, by motion of Counc,11na--ri Sone.rs, Motj_o�_n seconded- -by Councilman Murrell and carried by unanimous bote. This ol-dinance-- any motor vehicle wtighilng in- exCess of seven thousand. five hundred (7,15,00 lbs. ) pounds is unlai,-Tful on as-tfe-v,,00� 'e. Plumbing Code : Councilman Davidson made a motion seconded by Councilman Somers that City Legal Advisor, Ody Kent Jerden, prepare the TML proposed Plumbing Code printed January, 1966, for enactment as an ordinance. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Equalization Board: A letter was read, dated 9-1-66, from the Equalization Board to Mayor Lowe. RE: taxation of recreational facilities . (attachment 15 ) . After discussion, Council tabled decision of acceptance until after a meeting with the Board. NCR Machine : A letter was read, dated 9-6-66, from Jack A. Dobbs to Mayor Lowe. RE: NCR Machine and maintenance contract. (attachment 16) Councilman Davidson made a motion seconded by Councilman Somers that we accept the NCR bookkeeping machine for $1200.00, and the Maintenance Contract for $200. 005 Motion carried by unanimous vote . Workshop, _9-12-66: 7 :00 P.M. William Walsh 9:00 P.M. W.C. & I.D. #21 Warrant Approval : Warrants #2594 through #2632 (Excepting -#42624, Petty Cash, until it is itemized) ; and Warrants #1077 through #1097 (Excepting #1094, Forum Construction Co. ) . approved by motion of Councilman Childers, seconded by Councilman Murrell.. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Motion of Adjournment made by Councilman Murrell, seconded by Councilman Davidson. Motion carried by unanimous vote . Res p,e-et,fully submit+ed, Artha WrightCity S�retary Approved : Ralph L. Lowe Mayor