HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1966-08-15 Regular c orrec ted and approved 9--6-66 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 15, 1966. A regular meeting of the Ftiendswood City Council was held i August 15, 1966; 7: 30 P.M. at City Hall. Present were Mayor Ralph L. Lowe; Councilmen Marvin L. Childers, William. E. Davidson, Harry M. Hatcher•, Wiley W. Murrell; City Secretary Artha Wright. Also present were Don Smith, Uel S. Clanton, George Zupp, James Prejean, Ron Hamil, .Selna Engel, Mrs. Harry M. Hatcher, Elda Matheny, Jean Bilderback, Barbara Perry, Betty Merchant, J.A. Lawrence, Robert R. Jones, H. Arant,Nena Cryar, Tom Long, Bill Molley, Harry Jones, Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Maloney, Stan Faber, Bernard Horn, 0. 0. Terrell, G.E. C reppon, J.M. Young, Joe H. Foy, Gene Greathouse, John Cochran, Glenn Marti sek, Ken Toon, Lou Wortham, Harry Wagner, Otto Haardt. (33) Correction and Approval of Minutes: August 1, 1966: Regular stood approved after correction. August 1., 1966: Special stood approved as read. Communications from the Mayor: The noise at water well #2 is caused by a bad bearing. Texas Water Well Co. has agreed to repair this problem the first part of this week; they had not gotten out here last week as originally agreed. The Texas Highway Department has completed the coring along the banks by the Choate bridge. This is information needed for construction of the foundation of that bridge. The Castlewood Street bridge is passable, but has riot been finally approved yet. There are several minor items to be taken care of yet. The last report from the State Health Department states that our water supply meets requirements and is safe to drink. Sewer Plant #1 bacterial growth is now coming back to normal. The necessary bacteria growth is in process and should be 100% operable shortly. The Fig Plant effluent did create a problem; Mr. Roger May paid $340. 00 for the necessary material to regenerate the life in the Sewer Plant, and sent labor to help clean up this plant. Oiling of the streets (Dust Abatement Program) has started. This is a low cost oil and water emulsion purchased by the City j and applied by the County. e.o yr -15-66 The Revenue from water billing is an important part of the economy of our water and sewer department. There are some out- standing bills which should be paid. If there is good reason for non-payment of such bills, notice of these reasons should be given to Mr. Cline in the Water Office. Otherwise Council will have to take action in the near future. A letter was read from David L. Shaw, District Manager, Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. , to Mayor Lowe, dated August 15, 1966: Re: Police Department telephone; HU-2-7700. (attachment #1) A letter from Mayor Lowe to Charles Mills, Community Public Service, dated August 15, 1966: RE: their donation of seven creosot- ed poles for Castlewood Street bridge. (attachment #2) Community Public Service has been in contact with us concern- ing better communications to assure immediate replacement of street lights that are out. They are also aware of our request for some additional street lights and upon receipt of a letter stating same, from us, will proceed with installation. Mayor Lowe, during the past week, met with Mr. Bill Williams, Developer for Wedgewood subdivision, which will be located across Clear C rrek in Harris County, between Choate Road and the Old Webster Road. They are planning about 1,200 homes (5,0001 people) and plan to build a sewer plant on Choate Road on the Harris County side of the bridge. This should be further discussed, f The settlement for the Utility Department Car which was wrecked last spring, has been consumated. The Texas Pollution Control Board has sent copies of in- formation on Federal grants that are available to municipalities, etc. StandinECommittees and Departmental: Financial: Councilman Davidson made a motion seconded by Councilman Murrell that, because it now has been confirmed that no part of the Mayor and Councilmen' s election expenses can be legally charged to the Utility Fund, it is moved that the Financial Adjustment Motion recently passed during the July 5 , 1966 regular meeting be hereby recinded and that effective January 1, 1966, the following 1966 incurred expenses and remaining budget re-appropria- tion be made: General Fund Utility Fund City Secretary salary 100% Tax Assessor salary 100a r' Election Expense Mayor/Council 100% General Superintendent salary 50% 50% :..C l6r.i aal�Assi s tanc e r0% 50% Monthly Audit expense 507o 50% Motion carried by unG.?'7iAlloln.t vote. Mosquito Control: Councilman Murrell reported that on August 2, 1966, he called the Galveston County Mosquito Control District in Dickinson and was informed that the insecticide used in low level flights would j be fatal to honey-bees. After discussion, Councilman Murrell made a motion seconded by Councilman Davidson that we give Galveston County Mosquito Control District permission to make low level flights, within the limits of our territorial jurisdiction, for mos- quito control ; providing, that a days notice is given to Mrs. Wright, City Hall, before each flight, in.order that she may notify certain citizens that request such notification. Motion carried by unanimous vote. The newspaper representatives, present at this meeting, were requested to put something in their respective papers to let citizens know about the above motion and their right to put their name on file at City Hall, if they wished to be notified. V tility Department Vehicle: There was some discussion of the need for a one ton vehicle for the Utility Department, This was then tabled until later in this meeting. Drainage - Phase One: There was discussion of the need for immediate solution for the drainage problems in the city, particularly Quaker's Drive and 1 Learview Avenue area. Councilman Davidson made a motion seconded by Councilman Murrell that the city authorize the clearing and running of grade lines, to promote drainage, on Quaker' s Drive from Spread- ing Oaks Avenue to Clearview Avenue; and Clearview Avenue .`e:, foi, a cost not to eI_.c;eec� �'1,000.00 . 1�lotion carried b4T unanimous vote® Old Business: Humble Pipe Line Co. A letter was read from F.K. Finster to Mayor Lowe dated ' August 10, 1966; die: permission to cross city streets with a 161, pipe line. ( attachment #3 ) . in addition, there is a complete set of specifications for construction of 16" pipe line on file in the City Office. After discussion, Councili an Childers made a. motion seconded by Councilman Davidson that Humble Pipe Line Co. be given per-mission to install said pipe line (161, - crude oil) ; with the provision that a steel sleeve is installed on said line , where it crosses the intersection of Leisure Lane and Winding Way; that we receive written confirmation that this sleeve will, in fact, be installed. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Ordinances and Resolutions: Board of Eaualiza.tion: Due to the fact that George Strouhal and Uel. Clanton, vrho were appointed to the Equalization Board for the year 1966 , by emergency Ordinance on August 1, 1966, have found that they can- not be available to serge on said board, the Council passed an Ord- inance amending the above mentioned Ordinance by Emergency, 8-15-66 which appoints the following: Otto Haardt, Thomas Long, and Harry H. Jones; with Uel Clanton as an alternate. This Ordinance passed Fand approved by motion of Councilman Davidson, seconded by Council- man Hatcher. Motion carried by uniamous vote. Mr. Garnett, of Pritchard and Abbott, Tax Appraisers, gave the following information: ( These figures are appVvximate and may change to some degree after. the Board of Equalization meetings are completed. Total appraised value of real and personal property for the City of Friendswood. 16 884 840 00 The following figures comprise this total. Improvements 8,640 ,370.00 Land 7,391,250.00 Utilities (i.e. pipelines) 474,650.00 Personal Property Inventory 343,000.00 House Trailers 35,570.00 Load Limit -Castlewood Street Bridge: After discussion of the hazards of truck traffic on Castlewood Street Bridge, both to the bridge and to pedestrian and bike traffic, Councilman Childers made a motion seconded by Councilman Hatcher to pass an Ordinance by emergency providing; that the bridge over Cowart Creek on Castlewood Street shall have a load limit imposed, to be Five ( 5 } Tons. Motion carried_ by unanimous vote. Franchise - Houston Natural Gass There was discussion of postponement of the decond reading of an Ordinance allowing a franchise to Houston Natural Gas. Councilman Childers and Councilman Murrell felt that, due to the importance of making this decision, the second reading of this Ordinance should be postponed until full Council was present to give it their consideration. Councilman Hatcher sees no reason for deviation from the normal reading procedure, but such a decision is up to the Council. Councilman Davidson stated that he was amazed by this request; that when this Ordinance was first introduced, he had requested more time to thoroughly study it before starting enacting procedure; he further felt that this decision deserved full consideration of all factors involved. i Mayor Lowe said that the Council is divided 3f2; that he is a against allowing the franchise; that right answers are not always -4- 8-15766 readily available. He therefore proposed the appointment of an impartial committee to study the pros and cons of allowing a second gas franchise in the City of Friendswood and; this committee should then make recommendation to the Council, in writing; that the following people be considered as members of this committee: Ralph Somers, William Walsh, Tom Grace, Bernard Horn, and Phil Maloney - Chairman. Councilman Childers made a motion seconded by Councilman Davidson, that the second reading of an Ordinance allowing a franchise to Houston Natural Gas be tabled until the written recommendation of the proposed committee is available. (This Committee will be formally appointed when Councilman Somers has returned) . Councilman Davidson requested that bath Gas Service Utility and Houston Natural Gas include in their respective franchise proposal, a yearly ,testing program of the lines; Quality Control; with specifications of methods for this quality control. Civil Defense Ordinance - Amendment:= Third Reading: AR ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 6, SECTION 2, FIRST SENTENCE; AND SECTION 6, CONTAINING THE OATH. Passed and approved on third and final reading by motion of Councilman Murrell, seconded by Councilman Hatcher. Motion carried by unanimous vote. f �g ewer Hook-up Ordinance: Third. Reading: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, GALVESTON COUNTY TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR INSTALLATIONS OF SEWER LINES IN CONNECTION WITH THE SEWAGE SYSTEM; REQUIRING THE CONNECTION OF WATER CLOSETS AND ANY OTHER RECEPTACLE USED OR TO BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING AND DISCHARGING SEWAGE MATTER INTO PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEM ; PROVIDING A PENALTY AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Passed and approved on third and final reading by .motion of Councilman Childers, seconded by Councilman Davidson. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Tax Levy Ordinance: First Reading: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAKES FOR THE USE AND SUPPORT OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF` THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS. (60 0/l.oo) . Passed on first reading by motion of Councilman Murrell, seconded by Councilman Davidson. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Manual Regulations for Commercial/Residential Bui:ldin Second Reading: AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS; PRESCRIBING A MANUAL OF REGULATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PLANNING AND 'BONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD FOR THE COMMERCIAL AND -5- -15--�6 RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES LOCATED OUTSIDE OF SUB- DIVISIONS ; PROVIDING A PROCEDURE FOR AMENDMENT BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WITH COUNCIL APPROVAL; REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERANCE CLAUSE. Passed on second reading by motion of Councilman Davidson, seconded by Councilman Murrell. Motion carried by unanimous..vote. Resolution: City Secretary: A resolution validating Artha Terwilliger Wright as City Secretary for the City of Friendswood; retroactive to September 8, 1964; was approved by motion of Councilman Davidson, seconded by Councilman Murrell. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Resolution: Chief of Police: A resolution validating Joseph Mitchell Wright Jr. as Chief of Police for the City of Friendswood was approved by motion of Councilman Hatcher, seconded by Councilman Childers. Motion carried by unanimous vote. New Business; $500.00 Limit: There was discussion of the possibility of changing our present policy; that any purchase over 500.00 must be put out for bids. The State law sets a limit of $2,000.00. This subject was tabled until Workshop Meeting of August 22, 1966. Warrant Alpproyal: Warrants #1052 throughf 1067 ; and Warrants #2573 through #2591; approved by motion of Councilman Davidson, seconded by Councilman Childers, Motion carried by unanimous vote. New Business: Continued:Annexation: There was discussion of the possibility of having a petition available at the School Board/Bored Election. This would be near the palls for those qualified voters of .C. I .D. #21 to sign -- For or Against annexation' into the City of Friendswood. Mr:, Dennis Grizzle, School Superintendent agreed to put this suggestion before the School at its next meeting. This subject was then ,tabled until the School Board' s decision is available. Utility Department Vehicle: After further discussion of the need for a one ton truck that has been converted to a hydraulic lift bed; and; after ;f determining that this is an immediate need; z Councilman Davidson made a motion seconded by Councilman Hatcher that we authorize the purchase of a 1966 one ( 1 ) Ton Ford Truck, F350, for $1,A97.00 from Bud. Brov=n Ford Ltd. , Alvin; _6- 8-13-66 that this truck be modified for use as a hydraulic dump for the additional sum. of $893.00; that this be procured by 36 month financing at 61Z simple interest, payment; to be $89.18. Motion carried by the following vote: For -3- Councilmen Davidson, Childers, Hatcher: Against -1- Councilman Murrell. Adjournment: Councilman Murrell made a motion of adjournment, seconded by Councilman Davidson. Motion carried by unanimous vote. 11: 30 P.M. Respe fully submitted, ��� Z r rtha Wright - C Secretary Approved: Halph�L. owe- Mayor i -7-