HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1966-07-18 Regular MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, JULY 18, 1966 A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held July 18, 1966; 7:30 P.M. at City Hall. Present were Mayor Ralph L. Lowe- Councilmen Marvin L. Childers William E. Davidson, Harry M. Hatcher, Wiley W. Murrell, Ral h t Somers; City Secretary, Artha Wright; Legal Advisor, Ody Ken Jerden. Also present were D' Eva Luthringer, Texas City Sun; Marie Moore, Pearland Progress; K. B. Jones, J. H. Foy ( Houston), J. M. Young (Houston), Mary Acuff, Tri County, Sun; Mr. & Mrs. D. W. Lanning, G. R. Wilhelm, J. E. Mager, Ron Hamil, Joe Mangel, Dyson Campbell, Mrs. Harry Hatcher, Louis J. Mickler, Bill Molley, Harry Wagner, 0. 0. Terrell, Elda Matheny, Janis Lowe, Glenn Martisek, Jean Welch, Edie Calton, Mary Prude, Keith J. Smith, Jim Lawrence, Tom Long, Lou Wortham. (28) Correction and Approval of Minutes : July 5, 1966: Executive stood approved as read. July 5, 1966: Regular stood approved as read. Communications from the Mayor: The present street sign program is almost complete. All holes are dug and the posts for signs will be set Tuesday, July 19, 1966. Mr. McAdams, Post Office Department, anticipates house to house mail delivery in September or October. Every one should become accustomed to using their proper street name and house number. Friendswoodts part in facilitating construction of FM 2351 (Choate Road), by obtaining right-of-way, is complete. The Fig Plant is operating now. Its effluent is being discharged at off hours. There are several minor adjustments to be made. The NCR bookkeeping machine will be returned to Houston Sash & Door. The cost of putting it in condition, to be issued a service contract, is prohibitive. The preliminary plat of the proposed S/D Sunmeadow (FM 528) is now being considered by Planning Commission. A plat is on file at City Office. Derlin Barnhill and Dyson Campbell started working for the City today. A letter was read from Alfred W. OtFarrell to Mayor Lowe, dated July 14, 1966, re: Sewer hookup to City line. (Attachment #1) -1- Petitions and Communications: James Baker requested that Council consider replacing the asphalt paving around his store upon completion of installation of water line to accomodate the new Post Office. After discussion, of this problem and the need for establishing a policy when private drives, etc. are constructed over public right-of-way, Councilman Childers made a motion, seconded by Councilman Somers, that Mr. Baker be informed that the part of his parking lot that is damaged during water line installation by the City will be replaced in the condition it was found. Motion carried by the following vote: For - 4; Councilmen Childers, Hatcher, Murrell, Somers. Against - 1: Councilman Davidson, because the City previously refused to replace the concrete driveway of Mr. William Lee when it was damaged by City work; that a policy must be established. Special Committees : Beautification committee submitted two drawings of proposed sign to be placed on Driendswood Drive at Willowick to designate City Hall etc. location. (Attachment 2A & 2B) . After discussion, Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Childers, that we accept the design of 2B and have it built as described. Motion carried by the following vote: For - 3: Councilmen Childers, David- son, Hatcher. Against - 2: Councilmen Somers, Murrell. Standing Committees and Departmental: Mowing; Tractor: The following bids were opened: 1. Fort Bend Tractor Co. Deisel 3,820.00 1966 Ford. Gasoline 3,586.00 2. Alvin Equip. Co. 1966 International Harvester Gasoline 3,302.00 3. Christianson-Keithling 1966 Massey Ferguson Gasoline 3.952.00 Deisel 4,252.00 After discussion, Council decided to have the 1966 International Harvester brought to City Hall, 5:30 P.M. , July 19, 1966 for inspection. General Superintendent - Gas Allowance: Council requested that Legal Advisor, Ody Kent Jerden submit a letter stating the legality of tax free gas being used for City business in a private car. { Street, etc. : Councilman Somers reported that reconstruction of Castlewood Bridge is at a standstill until delivery of some materials; that Pecan Drive will be shelled shortly. He read a report re: Dust Abatement Program-Friendswood dated 7-18-66 (Attachment 4-A); and a report re: -2- Imperial Gardens letters dated 7-18-66 (Attachment 4-B). Councilman Somers made a motion, seconded by Councilman Hatcher, that $1,000.00 be authorized for blading, shell and asphalt - Water emulsion EA-11-M on the shell streets of Friendswood. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Finance: On the recommendation of Mayor Lowe, Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Somers, that we immediately transfer $1,800.00 from the Maintenance and Operation fund to the Interest and Sinking reserve fund; that August 1966 and each month thereafter $100.00 will be trans- ferred from Maintenance and Operations .'fund to Interest and Sinking Re- serve fund. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Budget 1967: After discussion, Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Somers, that the proposed 1967 Budget, as presented here (attachemant #5), be' adopted. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Water and Sewer Department: A letter was read from Galveston County Health Department to Mayor Lowe, dated 7-13-66, re : Sewage Plant facilities inspection, July 8, 1966. (Attachment #6) Old Business : E Houston Natural Gas Corp. : i } Mr. Joe H. Foy, Attorney, Houston Natural Gas, presented a proposed ordinance, allowing Houston Natural Gas Co. a franchise in the City of Friendswood, for Councilts consideration. Councilman Davidson and Council- man Hatcher stated that all Councilmen and the Mayor should have an opportunity to carefully study in detail an ordinance of this importance before presenting Council for any formal vote. Councilman Childers made a motion, seconded by Councilman Somers, that the proposed ordinance to allow Houston NpLtural Gas Corp. a franchise in the City of Friendswood, as presented by Mr. Foy of that Corp. be submitted to Legal Advisor, Ody Kent Jerden, for preparation for enactment as an ordinance. The motion carried by the following vote: For, 3: Councilmen Childers, Murrell, Somers. Against, 2: Councilmen Davidson, Hatcher. Harry Wagner stated that Mr. Terrell had asked him if he or any Councilmen had received gratuities from Houston Natural Gas Corp. Mr. Wagner stated that he had not and felt no Councilmen had received any gratuity either. W.C, & IjD. #21 Poll - on annexation by City: Jim Magee gave the following report: Results of Poll: 1. Village Green (Total) Yes No Undecided Not Polled 31 16 16 18 -3- 2. Village Green (Eligible Voters) Yes No Undecided Not Polled 25 8 8 16 3. Whitehall (Homes polled - no eligible voters) Yes No 5 6 Of the above Whitehall residents - 4 qualify on a State basis but not county. Only two of the above Whitehall families even knew that annexation of Water District #21 into Friendswood was being considered. Four of the families already thought they were in Friendswood. 4. Some of the questions asked or statements made to pollers: a. How about taxes? b. I understand that Friendswood is broke! c. Friendswood must want the taxes available from this district badly because they cantt even afford to take care of their own streets! d. What can Friendswood do for me? 5. Recommendations; a. Friendswood City Council should publish a letter containing facts and figures about the annexation. In the same letter it should be announced that there will be a series of meetings established to answer any questions that the residents of Water District #21 might have. Also cover the Water District #21 and Friendswood Water & Sewer problems. Minutes, March 7 and 28, 1966: The minutes of March 7 and 28, 1966 were not signed by former Mayor Wagner. He signed March 28, 1966. Councilman Childers made a motion, seconded by Councilman Davidson, that the word emphatically in Section. 9, page 5 of the March 7, 1966 minutes be deleted. M(?t on carried by unanimous vote. Mr. Wagner then signed these minutes. .Ordinances : First Reading - Civil Defense: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 8, SECTION 2, FIRST SENTENCE AND SECTION 6, CONTAINING THE OATH. (Civil Defense). was approved on first reading by motion of Councilman Davidson, seconded by Councilman Hatcher. Motion carried I by unanimous vote. First Reading - Sewer Hookup: an ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR INSTALLATIONS OF SEWER LINES IN CONNECTION WITH THE SEWAGE SYSTEM; REQUIRING THE CON- NECTION OF WATER CLOSETS AND ANY OTHER RECEPTACLES USED OR TO BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING AND DISCHARGING SEWAGE MATTER INTO PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEM; PROVIDING UNLAWFUL ACTS PERTAINING TO THE PUBLIC SEWER; PROVIDING A PENALTY AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, WAS approved on first reading by motion of Councilman Davidson, seconded by Councilman Somers. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Somers, that Mayor Pro-Tem., Marvin Childers, have signature on file at the bank; that he sign checks in absence of the Mayor. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Warrants Approval: Warrants #1010 through #1023 and #2528 and 7#2536 through #2547 approved by motion of Councilman Hatcher, second by Councilman Murrell. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Motion of adjournment made by Councilman Murrell, second by Council- man. Davidson. Motion carried by unanimous vote. 12:30 A.M. Respectfully submitted, l Artha Wright, City Secretary Approved: 1/ Ralph L. Lowe, Mayor I I -5-