HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1966-07-05 Regular MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, JULY 5, 1966 A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held July 5, 1966; 8:oo P.M. at City Hall. Present were Mayor Ralph L. Lowe; Councilmen Marvin L. Childers, William E. Davidson, Harry M. Hatcher, Wiley W. Murrell; City Secretary Artha Wright. Also present were Derlin S•. Barnhill, K. B. Jones, Marie Moore, C. A. Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Friedricks, C. E. Charlesworth, E. L. Pavelka, Jr. J. E. Mager, Mr. & Mrs. L. J. Mickler, Mrs. Harry Hatcher, Jim Leavesley, Mrs. Jim Leavesley, Jean Welch, Edie Calton, Norine Matthews, Harry D. Wagner. Correction and Approval of Minutes : June 20, 1966; Regular - stood approved as read. June 27, 1966; Special - stood approved as read. June 28, 1966; Special - stood approved as read. Communications from the Mayor: Council hired Derlin S. Barnhill as Water and Sewer Superintendent for the City of Friendswood. He has B licenses in Water and Sewer. Forum Construction Co. has stated that all materials have been { ordered for the repair of Castlewood Bridge; that work will begin approximately July 7, 1966. Roger May will install the tank for has effluent from ,the fig plant (to be discharged at times of low output by City) before processing of figs starts. The Fourth of July parade was very successful and very well managed by Tom Long; Edie Calton and Jean Welch of the Heritage Gardeners. Imperial Gardens Civic Club has requested consideration in two areas; one notification of issuance of building permits for that subdivision Y—o , architectural control according to their deed restrictions (this is referred to Workshop) ; two, surety bond by builders for street damage (this is referred to Councilman Somers, Streets, etc. Chairman) . Mr. Earl Whitacre requests that the damage done to his driveway during a ditching operation be repaired; and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Friedricks request that their street be oiled to control dust. These requests are turned over to Councilman Somers. The Texas Department of Public Safety has notified us of a meeting concerning Safety and Defense - Natural Disasters. The next meeting of the Galveston County Mayors and Councilmens Association will be held in Friendswood City Hall, July 27, 1966. The topic will be Civil Defense. Petitions and Communications : Water District #21 Residents : Mrs. Louis Mickler, resident of Water District #21, asked Council two questions: 1. What is Councilts feeling on annexation of District #21 by Friendswood? 2. Has Council done any work or given consideration to negotiation of a new contract between Friendswood and District #21? Council has not worked on a new contract. Council was polled on opinion of annexation: Councilman Childers : If a sufficient number of people in , District #21 are interested in being annexed into the City, he would consider it very favorably. Councilman Murrell agreEs with Councilman Childers. Councilman Hatcher: Would favor annexation, and feels it would be beneficial to both the City and District #21. Councilman Davidson: Strongly favors annexation. He has always felt that that area was a part of Friendswood. Mayor Lowe: Is very definitely for annexation, and feels it would be inconceivable to have a City between Friendswood and Pearland. There was discussion of District #21 residents using our legal advisor for drawing up a legal petition of annexation. Council feels that they should meet with our legal advisor to state questions that need thorough answers concerning all phases of the proposed annexation. Coleman Carter: Statement for Legal Services: A letter was read from Coleman Carter to Mayor Lowe dated 7-1-66, RE: Balance due for legal service. (Attachment 3-A) The following is the sequence of transactions concerning this bill for the record: 1. Statement: April 26, 1966 (Attachment 3-B) submitted to Council May 2, 1966. Council held the warrant in abeyance, to invite Mr. Carter to the next Workshop meeting. 2. Mr. Carter was contacted bytelephone May 3, 1966 by City Secre- tary to attend next Workshop meeting. 3. Mr. Carter did not attend this meeting. 4. Mr. Carter submitted a statement for balance due of $36o.00 -2- which was was received June 1, 1966; this was presented to Council June 6, 1966. (attachment 3-C) 5. A letter was sent to Mr. Carter June 9, 1966 inviting him to appear at the regular Council meeting of June 20, 1966. i (Attachment 3-D) . 6. Mr. Carter did not accept this invitation. i r -2 A- Special Committees : Regional Planning Commission: Mayor Lowe appointed Councilman Somers and Tony Banfield, Chairman of the Planning Commission, to represent Friendswood in the newly formed Regional Planning Commission. 1970 Census Tract Committee : Mayor Lowe appointed Councilman Childers to serve on the 1970 Census Tract Committee for this area of Galveston County. This federal program requests a member from this area. Its purpose : To work with political subdivisions to determine what vital statistics are most needed and requested in this area. Beautification Committee: The Beautification Committee is requested to recommend a sign to be placed on Friendswood Drive at Willowick Avenue to designate City Hall, Fire Department, Library, Police Department and Corporation Court. Standing Committees and Departmental: Streets: After discussion, Councilman Childers made a motion, seconded by Councilman Davidson, that an amount up to $250.00 be made available for repair of Pecan Drive between Choate Road and Heritage Avenue as requested by Councilman Somers. (Attachment #1, dated July 5, 1966 to Mayor and Council) . Motion carried by unanimous vote. Finance: Attached to and made a part of these minutes (attachment #2) is a summary of the City's receipts and disbursemtns for the first six months of the current 1966 budget year. The first column is a re-cap of the 1966 budget figures. The second column is a listing of the actual receipts and/or disbursements for the first six months of 1966. The- third column is a listing of currently predicted receipts and disbursements for the entire year based upon our performance during the first six months. This study shows the following: 1. Total General Fund receipts will probably be down $2,850.00. 2. General Fund G & A disbursements are antici M905.96 ted to be ' higher than budgeted for by $4,138.96 ( or if the listed G & A adjustments are made) . 3. Depending on the amount of adjustment made per (#2) above and after deducting for Castlewood Bridge we will only have between $4,867.80 or $7,700.80 left in streets and -3- roads and from, these funds approximately $2,000.00 is committed to street lights and $1,000.00 should be retained for R-O-W. 4. Utility Dept. expenditures are now coming down but due primarily to the heavy reoccurring rains, our predicted Utility Fund water and sewer charges may be $13,000.00 low. Tap fees may also be down by $2,000.00. 5. All 1964 and 1965 tax moneys yet to be received should all be diverted to the General Fund. Financial Adjustment: Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Childers, that: the already incurred (through June 30, 1966) expense of the elections be divided 50% to General Fund and 50f to Utility Fund; that the already incurred (through June 30, 1966) expense of the General Superintendent' s salary be divided 50% General Fund and 50% to Utility Fund; that the already incurred (through June 30, 1966) expense of auditing be divided 50% General Fund and 50% Utility Fund. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Street Sign Program: Councilman Childers made a motion, seconded by Councilman Murrell, that we authorize the expenditure of approximately $206.85 i for completing the street sign program, as recommended by Chief Wright (Attachment #4; July 5, 1966 to Mayor and City Council). Motion carried by unanimous vote. City Contract Procedure: Councilman Somers' reccommendations on handling City con- tracts will be submitted to Ody Kent Jerden, legal advisor, for sug- xxgestions and opinions. Grant for Master Sewer System: Application tabled. Auditing - Frequency and Cost: After discussion, Councilman Murrell made a motion, seconded by Councilman Childers, that we change from monthly audits to bi-monthly audits at an approximate saving of $60.00 per month. Councilman Davidson entered a statement into the minutes (Attachment #5 re: Supporting monthly auditing) . Motion failed by the following vote: For: 2 - Councilman Childers, Murrell. Against: 2 - Councilmen Davidson, Hatcher. Mayor Lowe voted against the motion due to the need for monthly audit ! and small amount saved. r Ordinance: Through Trucks - Mary Ann Drive: Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Murrell that an Ordinance be passed, by emergency measure, to prohibit through trucks on Mary Ann Drive; that this Ordinance be given to Ody Jerden for preparation as a regular, permanent Ordinance. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Warrant Approval: Warrants #992 through #1002, and #2517 through #2527 approved by motion of Councilman Hatcher, second by Councilman Murrell. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 P;M. by unanimous vote. Respectfully submitted, Artha Wright, City Se etary Approved: Ralph/L. Lowe, Mayor -5-