HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1966-06-06 Regular ;r>:T1TUT'�H" OF REGULAR COUNCIL I EETING', JTTI\E , 1066 t`c,i.. ..1 1i 1� regular meeting of the -Fr1 endswoo[• . JL u- C/ounc .1 was he'd June , L9v6 7: 30 P.M. at City Hall . Present were Mayor Ralph L. Lowe: Councilmen William E. Dav ds , Harry .. z<< on ary n�1 T 7 s A..�i,;r;g7 ^Y-^.'h W. my v. . ?- 7 '� r 1-�r L!r.� i,? (r2�t• , Ha.tcher, Y"ii leaf �i'V. I�•a{h� ell, Ra. t^ h :x. S -me_ �:, Cit S .G e l�.,,-��T -. l�ha �r�r'..... i v J T eg C'.I Advisor, Ody Kent Jerd en. ^, g esen were ��j Terrell fi J � j r•n k',,rn d ?T'azey, h1�o pr U t �� e O. K. M. uv�_es., Jim as . _ e, �a ��.r•L. i..T a HLa C• p jean r, 1 e��h k Mrs. a yt t r,.. E. (Bill) Parker, Rita '����h r, �i n :,"i d �.ac.�, I+�r�:. and Mr. H. T. Illathe i.y, R. G . Ham! - , �iarol'a aY' T. e:. Davis, l�'ir. and I'lrS. I ._J D. Thorn Mary Acuff, Louis Mi ckler•, James E. Mager, Edward L. 171 ave'ka, Jr. , Larry Wagner, ill Molley, W. L. Boyle, Ce-ci 1 `�roT,`.n, Jr. , T�or_�ie T. Matth— s, Toy Nor J. �� JonEs, M. '. T1rG'I1, LrEG•`_' North, Jean HildErback, TC>iT4 Chambers, Joe Martin, Lill Wilson, cJ.-`',.ck To-vr't`l.Se?'IC'i, Glenn Maw fsek, halph, Brookes, Mr. & Mrs. Phil Maloney. 3 c Correction and Approval of Minutes. May 16, 1966: Regular: stood approve aftercorrection.�:.�_ . ,�Loud d a� Ue.,. March 28, 1.966: Special: stood approved after correction. May 31, 1966: Special: stood approved fter. ^^ re ? vn. , Communications from the Mayor: Mr. Riddle, Chief Engineer, TeXas State Department of Health, has acknowledged our report on !,later and Sewer Department of May 2.', 1966. Mr. Jack Cox, Laco Rentals : post office building contractor, reports final plans corrected to suit Post Office Department, and construction should start very soon. Mr. Ailey Carmichael, State Highway Department, has authorized traffic study .for traffic control at ShadowLend and 7tM f7318. Gil Dickson, Bovay Engineering, reports that 4-0 requests for federal grants have been approved. Friendswood is one of these. Funds, will be available July 1, 1966. County has advised us that their mowing machines will be started on Sunset; Drive, Melody Lane and Choate Road. The Mayor-Councilmens s Ins u1i cute will be held June 1g-•21, 1966 in Austin. k, meeting of members of City Counci?, T.C. & I.D. ;;'21, County Auditor, ,, .. �T. 'f j_r�a '�'' L.t.� �^+6a Louis F,n5 •#_ j7•" z 4"'r+grj s^�r:r Hudson J . Caro, and ci ezenu o_ G,.at area, .you s au s, �.Gs held Iry _n.' to -each agreement on problem of sew age treatment, contractual agl,eemen.t, and then discussion ros and cons :;f anne- ati on. Petitions and Communications : Ron Hamil submitJed and read a letter Fated 6-6 66 to Mn__ r -;a, Lowe and City Council of Fr?erasvYood; re: Contesting Special Election May 26, 1966. {l�t tachment i711 W. L. Boyle, one of the election officials, stated that all votes were counted. James P. Shore, election Judge agreed :w**i.'n this statement. Darold Barr; Fresh Water Dis f.t.L ilc G: Harold old Barr, Bayou City Engineer, appeared bef'ore C...r.,.=dci..,.. asking appr av ay of the creation of Fresh Water Supply District- e dated 1-- --2 ­66 from Bayou C t, Engi neers yi o Mayor o,,T�y r G< �i eat- n vJ Water L !7 ' . a to y'resla `u a t er D i s'r, ct -1. `tiit E a.att k'en? r yy� �� n itv! rri 1 Minutes e �o f Pr-lay . 1 066 recommend t'_la It C�.rT7 �lc�k�,._;iYl�, Commission tJk'I. ,;..i;U.,�uS i G.y --..13 ` c7 approve this revues t. �i*"-'.ttachm-apt T-t rr.,T ryn ? easC _..In .t A`/r r r/' s 1 � l Leer to the ry' b o.n 71-Ir4 e y}' V..tun'... rL e 1 - s s :t1 dCa�.t :.A._ . .✓G'. 1• �1�T1S� ei :.�. \a U u V wr 13..AG �J w L1 �/✓.. — .,1.�.-• l.:.l_a wood st - i. g: the approximate maximum mum bonded inden f•c;dnesS. vhla J they are completely i%rit'ii n the Fri o-ndtiwood buffer zone• t-ne homes; 'that they are in our e.�tr ater r�for�al ur i sd cti on. Texas T&- ,dro Science: Bill Wilson and Jack Townsend appeared before Council. Mr. 1v2Tf..1s:D ejvplairieQ ti.'le1.r invest-1..gat-ive p.4'vgt.a.m of enzyme t.reatmentof e.Je'v.a;;... in '? E .dSihTC7�d 4 Ti1e were k�� L?�S ,1.O!'1.�.ngl Council d e i S:!kons, but. d i wan'. test. t.c C;- ry '= Y,.4 t^.-. "I�- 1-, .t- suggest—v.d L,..» a-1 A a more complete v..:, tt procedure as hao r li g- 4 n�1�.,,• en � ti.v: . . Enzyme Committee. r n Wilson r. .-.r agreed .;�..�: 'i^ .<,=Y1^-.E iT "'(n r h e Mr. l)i l�on any? Mr. . Townsend ,.,g e t t�re`�• return ti.;e o r _Erj.__..,l cop, t.t_ i.'. "fTt_ H,Tt C a' Letter" ' ativu : � �� d ens $ Teias �...10 3v . enne t'?,"-ned by former Mayor Harry Wagner and w'oi`TTer Utilities Superintendent, Wesley Unruh. Planning; Commission: Pteport: Tony Banfield, Chairman, Plante i ng Commission, reported that an applica- tion for building permit by Powrer--Pak, Inc. had been filed for a 11 Fin a Service station and car wash at corner of FM518 and Echo Avenue. There were several questions: 1. Depth and Size of drainage the on DWI 518? ECD ngineer Walsh Should jive this answer. Since the r°ea". j 1 Lt 1_ z 1 2. �` h lot line abuts tS a. residence., tt:te rear r_;u�.�.t3?7sg line should be _.5r from rear lot line or, build car ;flash to lime and erect a 61 cedarwood or redwood fence the length of the rear property line, Mrs BanfR eld presented a letter from .Mrs Richardson, 103 Echo Avenue, the adjoining property owner statnj a preference for the wood pence. {AttachTTl_ent -W . Caunci 1 agreed to the erection --: the he fend:. �� Council it)�v'�ker` request-ed the installation n Cat v�ease L" i?v+.C.L.. in v ash bays, i f not 11 plans presently. .v�'lazacilT::.'rt..:� Somers read ther�.n�.�i'�i. . ��'.�i�A..a��T ,,en L _rt5 i t ter- Odx Ken J T erden Re: Act-on of City Council at closed LejG meeting, �✓_--�_-bb: read by Mr. jerden, A Beautification Committee: Mayor Lowe appointed the following as members of the Beautification omm.-* 'tee: L L, Marge Huss Fri endswood Garden Club W. L. Boyle Planning Commission Cecil Brown Chamber of Commerce Wiley W. Murrell City Council The 1"i.-['th member shall be appointed by these members. 1 4 I�Jayor Towe suggested t-hat thley consider weedflt,ee cleanu-, Mr. Terrellts proposed billboard sign,, an "Operation Sparklett or "Clean Up Friendswood" week. Douncil -t Individual Areas of Responsibility: Mayor Lowe stated., that with a full Council now seated, we could pro- ceed to ask each Councilman to accept certain areas of responsibility. Mayor Lowe suggested. Wiley Murrell for the Bea-otification Committee and suolvC�C>ested that the appointment be by Council vote. Couricilman Davidson mad- a motion `-ha.4- Councilman Murrell be seconded by Councilman Somers, thou ­ ,esentati, e on Beautification Committee. Motion carried by a Council repi U 7 Beautification U vote of 4 Councilman Murrell abstained. Councilman Somers accepted Mayor Lowe � s requ-est--, that he serve as Chairman of streets, bridges and d.rainage. Councilman Murrell made a motion seconded b-\T Councilman Davidson, that Councilman Somers serve as I','j1ha4jrM.an of comM.i-'Gtee for streets, bridges and drainage. Motion carried by :unar- imous vote. Councilman Childers - Mayor Pro-Tem is Police Department Coordinator; 1�1, - d Cho irman., .1� -­Ight L_-o f-ways. Councilman Davidson is Chairman, Dud--et and TPinance. -LDept. Vauncilmar, Hatcher is Chairman of Healthand !: an-"4-at4on; Fire 2- CoordInator, ; Civil Defense Coordinator. Councilman Mjxrel.l.$ in addition to t"he Beautif ice tlion Comrrnn_ttee, also also act as Chairman weed/grass control an,,:/' nmosqilito control. Mayor Lowe - .'rater and Seer Departr.,ient, Coordinator with Norman Weaver and J W w erry Roach as. consl.,ltants. V This list is to be posted at City Ii-I_pll and Post- Office. �`inanciall and Bud­atr: C'oun'--ilman Davlldsoft stated 1-hp' "Ve -o-­eIDa­-`ion and subsequent ­,re- _U u-I orime imp o--t-ance _P.nd mi,s t b a'-- Corm, s h e d senta-'-Ilon of -U1_,_,e 1967 Budget is o f 0 1 7 4- U­1 S Mon 4-h. Therefore, the rn-eaet'ng off J!Une I �! ,bb AZT dev .d to this subject. :;later and. Set�,er Department: After � n ' rr , n • 't Davidson a;e seconded Z �: ` ,� u,.r dWSCu�Si in �oL.n�;i_man m....L. I'10i,�.�ny ��,_ vouncilt7lcan Hatcher, that; sil.'1ce Glenn Marti co_L,-_ i s our only licensed Water �.. a 1 ✓».:.. N 1.It... only a,.c t a.. and Sewer operator; and since he is due :o enter the Marine Corps June 2 1 o6� 'he City f" '[r e. d --o,o request _ maximum of 01 days de err G�, 111J L.`S IJ.L.�/y' �i 1'.. ..� .�. ti 4.6' 4_ U.� �lC'?t in order to give us t'1t11e for adve._ ,i .'n`? wnd .nUotrlev4lnS for a replacement: that this request is ji.Istified for the health and welfare Of the community. Motion carr i ed by the f ol] orTi:;� vote d or: 3 F Counci Councilmen Davidson, Hatchery Somers. r-ga i.l.v w ?o Counc 1: an Murrell. Fire Department: T•:tc7.}:•?"y Wagner, P1"'eSi dent _?''ienG.sYtiooz''.. Z'o!1;+,1t,cer Fire Department, asked the City to exempt license th-e three fire trucks. Councilman Hatcher made a motion, seconded '.y Councilman tj'?.^,�,i i !teY •N�t' �� z-a y4sps}•�,1- 'f -i cense p'Y 4--s '^.°�-i: three ry re vehicles the .e �oa ex c__. v .L.LL 11. - j•.La V_ _u L :.fhe v�__ e i 1 . r upon receipt of a letter.' from the F.-V.F.D..D. .requesting same. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Drainage District: James E. Shore, Chairman Frilendswood Drainage District, read his letter to City Council dated 5-20-1966, re: Plain-enance tax for th.e d:i.stri.ct. (Attachment t Machine 4 BookkeeEin g MacLZine a Mrs . Canter, City Auditor, vJil1 be requested to invest,-gate and �,,rilte a letter of recommendation on a used bookkeeping machine for the City. Streets, Brides and Drainage: Street sign appropriation re{pp�aest, Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman 'Murrell, that the street sign appropriation request be approved. ( 125.00, (Attachment ;r8 . Motion carried by unanimous vote. Utility- Car. accident: Councilman Hatcher has been asked to reactivate the accident 'inves- tigation committee since the papers of the parties involved have not been completed. Fire Hydrant Request A. let-ter to City Council. from Lori ,foods . !no. dated 5-3G-66y re: t epla.cement fire hydrant was read. �Attachment _v j e This letter is to be forwarded to the dire Department for their 't uten recommendation, if i flXvas ule��aad idbe 4 L`t ?e i Lter from County Engineer, Virgil Schultz to I dated rp� Castlewood Bridge repair: was read.?. C a „n C ..S..man Somers made a fTiaUion, seconded by Councilman cilmain Da Idc,,Gny C.ia� ;latL,lcG -o bidders for repair of Castlewood Dr°idge be adver ised upon appr oC,ra l G`' Wil iL"T! ":a?shl Ci_uy Engineer. Motion carried by unanimous vote' Right-of-',-,lay: uastlewoo D"v'en'L3e: "' c nde yr n r D - r _ Coun �}marl p,�Trre?.I made a mG�,f ��l?, ae a�_��.d vau�.� man L':i.c�.o_ , authori i nc- Councilman Childers to spend Yir00 ru''ni-ing- foot o ree' L I< iCC ! l v t@? pr ert en,, or proceed with t2 re_ v�:.se o-r n nd Gy . N-__.r,n �• °Gc-e1 r es i, Uuv coming �� :? a Ju C ! a ROlJ� c��, n� �ju� � TGZ � C � G.Ji v . _ _ i The TJIolice Deparll.ment is asked �-a make recom�'7ie.I da-01-e�"s o uc1C 'Ise. of., Ca tiu?ei%rood Avenue; nd,, syppad ?a_mi-s . Ordinances: g/ f /•FT ? �T T ti ' f 1 i j T tlt S rr, ,fir Tr r��r j. n n n- 1 ;'t( T- T-r TjF fi �;�•jqC _ M `?TDB\G a�C Q!�� E-< .,.i.._.:�:—1 t« r_1� },L'("�I �.t'i l,�rT'i t TT�� [[�� y .jTY 3 ".�.'lT yy EON TON `' H (( f "� 6 _11�r � 'rs'I 0.. 1\1 iV V 11 j.V V q � ✓? ._s d Y� L �L.1.i.<.. 4 .LJ tw'Z�;,.:� S.;_t✓1 I v", ..t._L. i. �....f-SJ✓' LOTS,, SUB PARAGRAPH 2), SUB SECTION a.. AND c, passed and approved on t h ir'd r1d final read-inn, by motion of Co-anc:i.'Ti1a,n Da�%.id_`on, sec tided by Councilman Murrell Motion Gr`3' eC by unanimo,,as 4'Oe, ✓IA �.� ORDINANCE T• DELETING -� x,Fr• v ;,�_ n, r ,..r r.�-Tr;' '17 t ;� 'R 1" ANT �1 ���:.t�T� 1• ��yy�- �1 T �Ti it` ,��_. �,T�•i I\;��� .' � � �j .1t7� [::R _ .1\ U.E•L .(_s ✓.;..r lil i.:.�.L3�.sa_\v_t ��J�� � .::r.! .t. ..�.: ._;s;:._ ....S i1�.. t� ,r•�-n '", , l^.T) rrT-r-s '(fir C�" [-1--•^:^ •�-`c �,r,r't ^�'f_�Try rR (`�,-�T'�—,-n fv r• f^ !1 D ;-,f' GUNS I DAI,"- _ \ P `r ^1, N iL f= t i �J FROM lJR 1 f �� J+�:s�J».r �:.� G 1\i..) U:: .�ilu L � .._. �r:1\.�.r_.'J.+...u.... l.v..,�. s.f..._.t� i FV.{:1 7r1rw:-�t r'-,W— "T Mj T�j�`SC THAN r ('00 •"'l n...Tr,1 'lr1n M r.,•s�T[> T7�{.n I E r` E •, •, s.-<1` 11•.L.0 i.:.'<JJ 1V U_ 1iF+ ,.J .i.411.'d L L.v :.�-<_e 1 _:a O PI _I-T .Ci::..i;..S�...t�:..+�f V L{� i c.r:: :e dl and ....rpi'GJ'er...i on ;<h:,,rd c,Y'i.:, final _,c,"-cG'..iix`, I^,y ri'Iv .,.,.•PJ?1 a._ C ,.L3_C,'_ Iii.::.S D;:S.v ....ds...:ls seconded by Councilman Murrei l. Motion carried by the vG vu: 7:11 ^'D e �i a '[ 1 n'. 'S'T n • L n fY 'f �. TT L ,_ .Do . L. ✓oun�::L..�mell ''Day.ie..`Y.."on, ItLirre.! .. :-��a!ii.st,. 2: Co-t i c i mien ra�,cher9 SolTfei,•z. Mayor Lowe voted for. AN ORDI1AINITCE R:QUIRI1IG 'duNDS AND GRASS TO ^L Cv'i UPON FREMIS.:]S / "-• -� R T THEREFROM: --e r •-c n AIM THAT IiUE"BISH ND TRASH BE R.E EM ��_,.:'E t-t` M: ,..V _I G A p'NIALM- FORy FINE /}� rT EXCEED C'C (� Z r,� ( T ^i/� i(('�M'r)T11 jl y SUCH .n`l. .. INE �:O_ O .1..J1�5.✓EED v"_50 1'O_,i .. 11.:..il.J.•.iE O UL`i'i11..... .':.L Sr�l SUCH ORD Mf: Cv_''y.',., TD D]`CLAVING �.THA�T L1ILOil•'T_-'., (` 1,JTEEDS TO nib fJ '_r� m tCi•ti`�'.,l'1 p. H m n(� rn TO B R R NUISANCE., 'R C �., .��� FtL�L'TS.c�. �O k.�Cv:.�.rL:�T�r .�U �,.� � '�?UISAi��,,�, passed on--second readin' , by IilJ1L-.io 1. of Councilman Hatcher, seconded by Counc ?man Murrell. Mot-ion carried by unanimous vote AN ORDINANCE ALTr r^+ �+•r`�a PRIMA FACIE '� DI LIMITUESTABLISHED �vTAB I"`ED r: ..�i�T�lz THE PRIMA .Ls � s 3._,...c+. 1� -C!+:S l.. L....r_Ss `;rr1•p "�"'i_FT�tf? TTT •� THE "'n'�Tr1T �•'ry^�/^�Tr�, /:^r'! �'•tT y f T ''� Tr�i ? F� ^, .i'Vll V�rli IrCL:..<S UiVL'S`.ad i. .�y.r< 1 RO 1T.LSIO1.S Ol t,,R1 ICLE, '.��`v�1.1� 'v�i��T�; �1 TEXi3A,S CIVIL STATUTES, )j1'Q1\ Trig BASIS OF i 1V EI111GI1vE=nI1vG t \D 1 fAt''-Iv T 7•�7 H�ry I RT T T UPON CERTAIN Fi R'1 4'7 N STREETS �`T^� {T( i r1'� R "�n, n THE!..�.�,'V_+>_:L' G.��...L�i1�:y l.+i �l` li:..r_L _..S.t� AND 1 �,�.C=:<:•s1 C1It t n�i�.�i 1di�ri OF, �'vITi�I1�F ilia COPtPORATF< LIMITS OF ' CITY OF l�:i\TC�'.�CODx , SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE: AND PROVIDING f, PENJ L`_>Y OF A SINE NOT Y 7, r(w E, c FOR THE VIOLATION F OF II ORD`Trit f IC� � �z o �<�_✓��� :r�00 ��ol, _�.� �r IOLA.�?�01� �n �'�..�� ���11vriN✓.u� pay�e� on second reading by motion of Councilman Davidson,. seconded. I.-,y Councilrnian Somers. Motion carried by unanimous vote. i Drain. e Ditch: Leisure Lane,`Clea Cr2e� �' tre: r -g q_ {n , ''��r`i Lm`�'S"} h1 L• 'he!� r ad e i L �T�. s e`c an ed 'i• y C„S=V nc mR i'1 l,r tr}:�.. �..� 4„ .'~'L U i lip- S �. i J J v s�......_i.,.,. 'rl ✓ J , be a lh �azed have ( aulc lmak SJr u—s icj} DrG _Y r-e t ai�Y^^ Count- drain ditch between Leisure Lane and Clear '-reek Dr_gyve as recommended by Coun.c7 ?man -Somers . Motion carried by unanimous vote. l,larrant Approval I u 3 r,"��'4� Cf�Uv1 7�� 7 �`�ey t� !i7 G��- �J� � and 4GraiXaf��� ar:.ant" -4.,-58 thr•ouvh � �� approved by motion o CouneiJ.man Davidson, seconded JT-- � 0 77--� r'_ � Y by Covnci .man Somers. Motion carried by unanimous vote. 1927�-R6777 Ros � - -1 Rosenberg L_br a �� to be esUbi wed nelb mee urn for overage of budget allotment. Ad j ournm.ent Motion of ad`iourni�.en- made by CiiUncil.man Hatcher, seconded. by Clounc:%lma.n Yliyrrel . Motion carried by U'zla:.imous voue. �es,pectf*-,I_?y sulmi teed, 1 � Artlha -right, City Secreta.;"y Approved f F,a t y h L s L owe,s Mayor I l r