HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1966-05-02 Regular MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 2, 1966 I A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held May 2, 1966; 7:30 P.M. at City Hall. Present were Mayor Ralph L. Lowe; Councilmen Marvin L. Childers, William E. Davidson, Harry M. Hatcher, Wiley W. Murrell.; City Secretary Artha. Wright; Attorney Ody Kent Jerden. `.Also present were Marie Moore--Progress, Joseph P. Jones, E. Bob Stewart, R. G. Hamil, Betty Merchant, Elda Faye Matheny, Rita Hatcher, Joyce Horton, Ralph Somers, Craig Pemberton, Stanley Faber, Uel S. Clanton, J. R. May, Bill Motley, Keith J. Smith, Les Thorn, J. A. Lawrence, T. F. goods, Paul E. Fitzgerald, Pete Workman, K. B. Jones, Wt. C. Walsh, M. F. Krch, Wesley Unruh, Jean We1ch, , Edie Calton, Betty Cogdell, Bob Phillips, Glenn Martisek, Dr. Quebedeaux, Myron Worden, Lean. Brown, OdT ��ent Jerden, C. C. Bost, Linn Eignus, Gene Greathouse, Marry Wagner,, (37 i"nyodat16n.: The Reverend Clyde N. Copeland. Correction and Approval of Minutes: April 18. 1966: Regulars Stood approved as corrected. Communications from the Mayor: k Ray Bookman, Sr., of Friendswood High School., has qualified fear he State meet in three events, 100 yd. dash, 220 yd. dash and the Mile relay. The Harmony committee had their second picnic, May 1, 1966. There was an excellent turnout of approximately 150 people. Mr. McDonald, Postmaster, has received a letter from B. R. McNulty stating that he is planning a Mobile Home Park on FM 528 approximately 1,3001 from intersection of FM 528 - FM 518. It will primarily serve the NASA/Manned Spacecraft Center area. The Microbiology work that has been done by Edna Wood Laboratory for the sum of $155.00 per month is now being done by the Utility Dept. in our laborAtory. A Water District is being planned within our buffer strip at the Southwest line, toward Alvin.. Friendswood cannot serve this area at this time. Mayor Lowe talked to Jack Cox., Laco Rentals, Austin. They have coketract for Friendswood Post Office constriction. Plans are being worked on and construction is due to start in less than 60 days. Homer Garrison, Texas Highway Department, has said that engineering of drainage ditch on, both sides of FM 518 through Friendswood is nearing completion. Mayor Lowe reappointed Craig Pemberton City Fire Marshall as re- quested by letter from Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department to Mayor and City Council dated April. 27, 1966. (Attachment Al ii -j -1- F Mayor Lowe appointed Councilman Hatcher as Council liaison to the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department. ( Colonel Quebedeaux spoke to the Council about the State Militia. Friendswood is more or less centrally located in 203rd Battalion. There- fore, it would be good to have a radio unit here for improved communi,cationti Perhaps there are encough people in the area that might be interested in forming a company. The State militia would appreciate aid in obtaining surplus equipment for this area through Friendswood Civil Defense program, since they annot. They will conduct an exercise the first weekend in June. Mayo_ Lowe pa po nt d Joseph P. Jones a16 ��Ci� Coordinator and Councilman Matcher to assist as liaison to Council. Petitions and Communications: Castlewood: Councilman Childers stated that a survey and map are being drawn up now for the right-of-way requirements for Castlewood. We hope to start obtaining this right-of-way very soon. Mr. Brown offered the use of equipment necessary to remove some trees. Leon Brown reconfirmed that he will take the necessary trees out along Castlewood. Mr. Brown also asked permission to do a little work on the present base of Castlewood; widening back the shoulders slightly, putting In 10 - 12 loads of shell on the higher section of the road. If there is more rain, the road would become almost impassable. The cost of the shell would be part of the share cost agreement with the City. The trees growing in the right-of-way will be taken out over and above that share cost. Mr. Brown submitted a drawing of the proposed work plan (Attachment #2) . Councilman Murrell was assigned. to work with Leon Brown in getting this work done and keeping records of expenditures. Bond Renewal - Linn Eignus: Present Bond on City Secretary and Police officers and Auxiliary in the amount of $5,000.00 on City Secretary; $ ,000.00 on the Police Force per person. Also, a separate bond in force on the Water and Sesser Superintendent for $5,000.00; City Tax.-Assessor Collector for $10,000.00. Mr. F.ignus recommends : A blanket public employees bond in the amount of $10,000.00. This would cover all City employees but exclude the Tax- Assessor Collector. This position must be bonded individually as required by law. The blanket bond could include Mayor and Councilman. The blanket bond would cost $122.00 per year. Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Murrell, that the bond coverage for all City employees be changed from the existing 5,000.00 coverage at a cost of $'70.00 per year to a blanket bond covering all City employees (excluding Tax--Assessor Collector) and all elected officials for the premium cost of $122.00 effective May 8, 1066 for a period of one year, as recommended by Linn Bignus, City Insurance Agent. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Councilman Davidson requested a breakdown on this charge that can be used to properly allot charges to general fun,d. and utilities dept. , C�✓LGG.� IGsC/.lJ P�-��.s.t_"... O a.� < �_...r�f.� ®� maintenance and operating fund. Mr. Eignus agreed to this. Special Committee_ Reports : Street Li hts: The street light program (additional street lights for main t orofares and some special areas) will be started May 2s 1966. The wooden poles will be taken down for replacement by aluminum poles. The light company has agreed to put the wooden poles at Castlewood bridge to reinforce the wing walls, at no cost to the City. Lori Woods S/D has requested that the speed Gone in their S/D be 15 MPH. Council agreed to start procedures to enact this as an Ordinance. Mayor Lowe appointed Councilman Hatcher, Health, Safety and Welfare Coordinator for the Council. Councilman Hatcher was a c to Inves _ga e raw sewage in open ditch on Castlewood. Streets W Drainage: Mayorts contingency fund, $500.00 tabled. Enzyme Committee Report: This committee requested a chemical analysis of the Enzyme. Mr. Ralph Somers agreed to do this. Their controlled testing includes two weeks with Enzyme, two weeks transitional (Enzyme taken out), two weeks completely without Enzyme. Closeout date: June 7, 1966. Councilman Davidson entered the following statement: The attached two sheets of Utility Dept. operating curves are made a part of these May 2, 1966 regular Council minutes to provide the Pol--Con committee with graphed Utility Dept. financial operating data and to further emphasize to the Mayor, Council and Water Supterintenden.t that during the remainder of 1966 all expenditures in the Utility Dept, must be carefully reviewed and controlled. All financial data shown on the curves from July 1965 through March 1966 are from Mrs. Canter' s monthly audits. The combined plot of total operating receipts and ex- penses on curve sheet No. 1 clearly show that since last Sept. 1965 until close of business April 1966, a period of 7 months, our total expenditures were greater than total receipts for six of those 7 months. This contrasts with our 1966 budget which anticipates a net utility dept, annual revenue of $9,880.00. ,$142,672.52 Committee Report: Not complete. Request more time. Harmony Committee Report.- None. J. R. May Co. - Sewage Treatment: Mayor Lowe read a letter to Mayor Lowe from J. R. May dated S May 2, 1966 regarding Fig Plant Sewerage Treatment. City Gas Tank and Pump; Gasoline: Mayor Lowe read a Letter to Mayor Lowe from Texas Gulf Gas Corp. dated 4-29-Y66 Re: Petroleum handleing equipment and gasoline prices. (Attachment 5) . Fetters will be written to other companies for their 'bids. New Business: Master Trunk Line -- Sewage There was discussion of the proposed Master Trunk Lire - Sewage among Council, public and Engineer William C. Walsh and its cost re- quirements i.e. bond issue. Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Murrell that Idiliam C. Walsh be authorized to represent the City of Friendswood, to make preliminary trip to explain to the State and Federal authorities the proposed Master Sewer Plan; with the cost of this/these trips not to exceed $2550.00. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Air Conditioner - Lab The Utility Dept. requested an air conditioner for the laboratory. Council decided to accept a used conditioner donated by Jim Lawrence. It will need some repair. Water and Sewer Dept. Truck � ., ; ,,�,�k nos-, .taw. �^ 1 Bids were read on a one /on truck.. (Attachments en s #6 y 7 s 8) �1116 Bud Brown Ford, Ltd. $20035.00 r Kliesing Motor Co. 21230.00 � Jim Sanders Ford 2,259.83 Council decided to hold off on a decision until an investigation of obtaining a surplus (Federal) vehicle. Old Business: Weeds- Height. Attorney Jer den submitted a proposed revision of Ordinance „-37 which makes weeds over g" tall illegal. This is held in abeyance for further° investigation of areas this applies to. Sewer Connection -- Health Department Tabled. City Secretary__- Expense Report: Twelfth Governmental Accounting and 'Finance Institute. (At tachement 71`9) —4— B r Ordinances and Resolutions: ` - An Ordinance amending low requirements, etc. : i AN ORDINANCE AMENDING LOT SIZE REQUIRN'ENT AS SET FORTH IN ORDINANCE NO. 23, SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, SECTION III. ; ENTITLED LOTS, SUB PARAGRAPH 2, SLAB SECTION a. AND c, passed and approved on First Reading by motion of Councilman gDaavidson, second by Councilman Hatcher. Motion carried by unanimous vote. 32eed Zone Ordinance The Council hereby declared that an emergency exists for safety w'thin the corporate limits of Friendswood; that an Ordinance setting -grth speed limts on PM �18 be passed imm;�diate3y; by :lotion of Councilman Childers, second by Councilman Murrel. Motion passed by unanimous vote. Warrant Approval: Warrants ;1881 through ;�896 (excepting ;"885 to Coleman Carter for $420.,00 pending investigation of the charges made}, and 'Warrants A 4131" through approved by motion of Councilman Childers, second by Councilman Davidson. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Mayor. Lowe acknowledged letter from _!!rtha 'Wright-, City Secretary (Attachment #?0) Respectfully submitted, "^1 Ar a R lg t, City `ecre a y, Recess; Meeting reconvened with the following present: Mayor Lowe; Councilmen Childers, Davidson, Hatcher, Murrell; and Ken Jones. Tien B. Jones, an Electrical Engineer, is to be hired by the City of Friendswood as a general superintendent ' for a 90 day period, effective May 3, 1966 terminating July 31, 1�6�. Motion by Marvin Childers, second by 1,.iley Murrell. Motion carried unanimously. 14,Tillia.m Davidson made a motion that the meeting be ad ourned second by Marvin Childers. Motion carried unanimously. g - z pectfully submitted, npp7�oved `✓��T � tt p R T T c Ar tha �.`1�`:�g� .,, u�Uy