HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1966-04-18 Regular MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 18, 1966
A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held April 18.,
1966; 7:30 P.M. at City Hall.
Present were Mayor Ralph L. Lowe; Councilmen Marvin L. Childers,
William E. Davidson, Harry M. Hatcher, Wiley W. Murrell; City Secretary
Artha Wright; City Legal Advisor Ody Kent Jerden.
Also present were W. T. Still, Leah North, George Creppon, 0. 0. Terrel, :.
Betty Merchant, Rita Hatcher, Ron Hamil, C. J. Korilk-;z, P. R. Maloney,
Ruth Maloney, Jean Hurt, R. W. Somers, J. P. Jones, C. R. Hicks, Jr. ,
Frances Hicks., Bill Molley, DavidsMcCraw, Tommy Ballard, Bill Patton,
Pete Workman, Louis J. Mickler, Keith J. Smith, Edie Callon, Jean Welch,
Kenneth M. Camp, J. Chalfant, Fred Krch, Tom Woods, Betsy Murrell, Harry
Wagner, H. K. Speck, William Walsh, Norbert Acuff, Les Thorn, Sally Thorn.
Correction and -A.2proval of Minutes:
April 11, 1966: Regular Meeting stood approved after corrections.
April 15, 1966: Special Meeting stood approved as read.
Communications from the Mayor:
Mayor Lowe stated that he had discussed with Joe Jones and
Craig Pemberton of the Fire Department, use of the fire truck to fill
his swimming pool; that he would donate q)100.00 to the Friendswood Vol
unteer Fire Department; that he had tried to contact Ken Camp and had
asked Chief Wright for safety supervision. Joe Jones stated that to his
knowledge, this use of the truck had been sanctioned before; that this
gave good training on use of the new equipment. Louis Mickler, Fire
Chief, said that he had been contacted; that the Fire Department would
hold a special meeting, Tuesday, April 19, 1.966 to formulate a resolution
on policy of use of their equipment.
Mayor Lowe presented a donation of $100.00 to Joe Jones for the
Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department. He also presented a check for
$15-00 to Utilities Department; $3.00 for the water used to fill his
pool and $12.00 for his year's donation to the Fire Truck Fund.
Fire Truck Fund:
Councilman Childers made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Murrell, that warrant #863, First National Bank of Alvin, $2,000.00
principal, $2`4 ,33 interest payment on the new Fire Truck. This leaves
a balan6e of 17,000.00. —/�
Fire Department Donation:
Ken Camp stated that 0. 0. Terrell pledged $100.00 donation
to the Fire Department.
Furnishings - Mayor' s Office:
Mayor Lowe stated that Council, at Workshop meeting of April
14. 1956, agreed that furnishing IL-1he Mayorls of ic-e was acCleptable. 1-ae
to limited City funds, Mayor Lowe offered to buy this equipment for
the City.
Councilman Childers made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Davidson to accept Mayor Loge's donation of $900.00 for purchase of:
Carpet and pad $150-00
Furniture & Tape Cabinet 737-50
2 Ashtrays 12-50
� 0.00
and to accept this equipment. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Mayor Lowe announced that the proposed Golferest Country
Club to be located east of Pearland on Clear Creek has an estimated
completion of the project in eighteen months.
Tax Appraisal:
Mayor Lowe stated that Allan I. Forsythe and John Bianckino,
valuation engineers of Pritchard and Abbott, have letters of identifi-
cation from the City. They will be doing tax evaluation for the City
and we ask for everyone's cooperation. Any questions or comments con-
cerning, this program should be given to Artha Wright or Laurence Cline.
The results of this program will be available to everyone at completion.
Election - May 26, 1966:
for ion (1) May 26, 1966
The final filing date I the Special Council Elect.
will be 5:00 P.M. April 26, 1966. The drawing for position on ba*j'-"'Lot
will be held 12:00 noon, 72 7, 1966.
Traffic Signal:
Mayor Lowe requested Councilman Childers, Police Coordinator,
to investigate need of a traffic light at the intersection of Shadow-
bend Avenue and FM 518.
Dispatch Service:
Pearland has requested an additional $25.00 a month for use of
their dispatch service - Total $125.00 per month.
Councilman Childers reported that the Council and Chief Wright
recommended discontinuation of the service after study and investigation.
Councilman Childers made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Davidson., that our participation in the Pearland dispatch service be
discontinued -effective April 30, 1966; that the budgeted funds for this
service be held in the Police Department for future communications
system. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
A letter to this effect will be sent to Pearland.
Tape Recorder:
Artha Wri ht reported that there was no tape recording for the
1 -6: that the c od tape rerer had
meeting of March 29, I966 a nd April 11., 196 1 1
been adjusted and is working; that Mrs. Forth has a tape of the March 28,
1966 meeting which will be taped on our equipment. Councilman Davidson
-- requested that it be noted, on minutes of meetings where no tape is
available, that there is no tape on file.
Attorney Jerden said that there would be nothing wrong in the
Mayor and City Secretary proof reading draft of minutes for routine
mechanical corrections.
Petitions and Communications :
0. 0. Terrell, President, Gas Utilities Slrvice Co. , appeared
on behalf of the Friendswood Chamber of Commerce to request aid in .
finding a location for a sign - Welcome to Friendswood - 201 x 5t6" high,
5t above ground, illumina e-c by three gas lights. He is going to give
this sign to the City.
Mr. Terrell was asked to find the location, but hold installa-
tion in abeyance until a Beautification Architectural Control Committee
is appointed that tho=ia,.have a say in such matters. Mr. Terrell will
be given a report on this May 2, 1966.
Councilman. Davidson requested that Mr. Terrell attend Workshop
May 9, 1966 to discuss rate schedules on gas service.
Imperial Gardens :
f Mayor Lowe read a letter from Tom Grace, President, Imperial
GardensMuld Club to City Council dated 3-25-66 regarding: Clearing of
Lots - weeds and underbrush.
(Attachment #1)
Council agreed that letters should be sent to the owners of
these properties and to Shell Oil Co. - corner Choate Road and FM 518
requesting that these lots be cleared up in accordance with Ordinance #37.
Attorney Jerden will investigate questions of height of vegetation before
it requires cutting.
A letter from Tom Grace, President of Imperial Gardens Civic
Club requested that rucks for the construction of Imperial Gardens II
be rerouted around their subdivision via Sunset Drive. Mayor Lowe
reports that the county has verbally agreed to put Sunset Drive into
usable condition.
(Attachment #2)
County Health Department: Sewer Connection Ordinance:
Council will study their suggested ordinance with our present
proposed ordinance and make recommendations.
i Reports of Standing Committees:
Councilman Childers reported that there was workshop discussion
of Mayor appointed committees being discontinued with change of adminis-
tration (Mayor) to allow new mayors to appoint committees of his choice
and/or needs. Councilman Childers made a motion, seconded by Council-
man Davidson, that it b ritten policy that a Mayor discontinue all
previous admirrkstrat-i-an/e, vil.,
that� any Council appointed committees remain
functioning until their work is complete, or Council action discontinues
such committees. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Library Committee:
Councilman Childers made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Murrell, that the Library Committee be an appointment of the Council;
that the present committee be reappointed: Helen Pesman, Chairman;
Earlene Grizzle, Treasurer; Betty Shore, Barbara Taylor and Barbara
i4lagner. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Reports of Special Committees:
Councilman Childers and Councilman Hatcher attended a ioint
meeting with Councilman Nolan and Councilman Calvin of Pearland. The City
of Pearland is being most cooperative in attempting to work out solutions
to problems mutual to both areas. The present problem is servicing
Longwood Park SID which is partly in each area. Pearland is not inter-
ested in crossing buffer zone or serving such area, they would endeavor
to do so by contract- negotiation.
In discussion of .and exchange between Pearland and Friendswood,
it was felt that breaking a buffer zone, even momentarily, was not
advisable as it leaves land open to annexation by other towns.
jr Committee:
H. K. Speck said that a written report was forthcoming. Mr.
Speck reported that they had reserved the Chamber of Commerce Park for
Sunday afternoons of April 4., Mair 1 and May 8 to afford everyone an
opportunity to bring a basket' lunch and get together.
Texas Beautiful Seminar:
Councilman Murrell gave a brief resume of Marge Huss ' report
of the conference on Texas Beautiful at Southern Methodist University
(Attachment #3)
(F,%,pense accounting for above. Attachment 7y"4)
Accounting and Finance 'Institute:
Councilman Murrell made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Davidson, that City Secretary Artha Wright be authorized to attend the
12th Accounting and Finance Institute in Austin, April 24 through
26, 1966; that warrant #868 be approved for expenses .-
Registration 17.50
Plane Fare 32-55
Per them 9+1 (4.00, 1) 36.00
Motion carried by unanimous vote,
Civil Defense:
Councilman Matcher reported that there are three steps necessary
to complete requirements to become eligible for surplus equipment
(1) Ordinance - we have this (7,T48)
(2) A planned program for year for Civil Defense in Frien"dswood.
(3) A letter of assurance of compliance.
Councilman Hatcher ,will have the necessary steps finished and
a completed report May 2, 1966. There are several appointments necessary
to this program that will be discussed in Workshop.
Voters Survey Committee :
Councilman Hatcher read a report on voting percentages in
neighboring areas and Friendswood.
(Attachment -#5)
Unfinished Business :
Zoning Yes? or No? on ballot
Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Childers,, that "Zoning Yes? or No? not be placed on the May 26, 1966
Special election ballot.
Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Initiative and Referendum Yes? or No? on Ballot,
Councilman Davidson made a motion, seanded by Councilman
Hatcher U -A,., that an Initiative and Referendum Ordinance, For or Against,
be placed on the May 26, 1966 Special Election ballot. Motion failed
by the following vote:
For 2 - Councilman Davidson and Councilman Hatcher.
Against 2 - Councilman Childers and Councilman Murrell
Mayor Lowe stated that he felt the people should decide but that
it should not become a personality or political issue, therefore:
Mayor Lowe voted against.
Street Lights-,
Councilman Childers stated that he felt that Community Public
Service was remiss in implementing our street light program and in
answering our request for correct timing on street lights. Councilman
Childers will contact C.P.S, asking for definite time, in writing, that
they intend to start these projects.
Street Report:
Mayor Lowe presented the street repair report for March 1966.
(Attachment 7#6); also a letter and donation of $40.00 from Otto Hacardt,
dated 3-28-66 to Ralph Lowe. RR: donation to street repair on Melody
Lane. T Attachment #7)
Mayor Lowe stated that the Drainage of streets is of primary
importance; that a study of this should be made immediately. Mayor
Lowe requested $500.00 to be used for drainage, road repairs, etc. of
an emergency Mature. This was tabled for Workshop discussion.
Warrant approval:
Councilman Hatcher made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Childers that Warrants #4847 and #1854 through #869 and #2424 through,
,y2431 except #2428, be approved. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Councilman Murrell made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Davidson, of adjournment. Notion carried by unanimous vote.
Respectfully submitted,
r Yright, city 6ecre as
Ralph L. Lowe, Mayor