HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1966-02-21 Regular MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 21, 1966 A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held February 2 , 1966; 8:00 P.M. at City Hall. Present were Mayor Harry D. Wagner; Councilmen Childers, Davidson, Hatcher, Hill and Lowe; City Secretary Artha Wright. Also present were Edie Calton, Ann Spears, Jean Welch, Susan Bridges, Leon Brawn, Mrs . Harry Hatcher, Bette Cogdell, Lee North, Joyce Horton, Wesley Unruh, Myron Worden, Tom Grace, R. T. Everline, Tom Woods, Louise Haardt, Anna Oswald, Chas , Oswald, Otto Haardt, Donald Smith, Ralph S. Sawyer, Glenn Martisek, Harry K. Jones, Fred Krch, Gene Greathouse, Joyce Shaeffer, Correction and Approval of Minutes. February 7, 1966: Stood approved after correction. )�#} February 1966: Stood approved after correction. Councilman Davidson recommended that no tapes of Council meetings be erased without unanimous vote of Council. Councilman Davidson recommended that no attachments be put with the minutes unless approved by Council. Councilman Lowe requested that corrected minutes have date of correction on each copy; that all pages be numbered. Communications . From the Mayor. Call Election: Mayor Wagner issued the official notice calling an election, as required by law, for the purpose of electing Mayo or and two Councilmen, said to be held April 5, 9 t y Ma Airkem: Mayor Wagner stated that he had requested Mr. Cline and Mrs. Wright- to investigate possible solutions to keeping the .City Hall building odor free. A representative of Airkem came to City Hall to investigate. His suggestion: A unit furnished by Airkem which uses cartridges of deodorizing agent; these cartridges are purchased by customer; that our estimate cost- would be about $10.,00 per month to properly deodorize the building. Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Hill, that we request a demonstration of this unit and deodoriz ng product*, Motion carried by unanimous vote. Xerox: After discussion, Councilman Hatcher made a motion, seconded by Councilman Childers, that Councilman Davidson investigate the possibilities of rental or purchase of a photo copy machine such as SCH, Bruning; Xerox, Apeco; that City Secretary make appointments with these companies for information and demonstrations. Motion passed by unanimous vote, Petitions and Communications: _. George O' Sullivan: Proposed Subdivision: I Mr, O'Sullivan presented a proposed preliminary plat on a subdivision: Imperial Gardens II, 47o4g acres, 129 lots, for Council ref erral to Prining Commission. This subdivision would petition to be annexed into the City; would have water and sewer available. City Council referred this proposed subdivision to Planning Commission. Councilman Lowe requested that the letter from Colonel John E. Unver- Perth; Galveston District, Corps of Engineers to Councilman Lowe of January 31, 1966 concerning easement re uirements for Quaker' s Landing Subdivision be attached to these minutes. Attached) Councilman Lowe requests that all correspondence, plats, etc; are stamped with received date, Gas Utility Service Co. : 2 letters : A letter from O. 0. Terrell, President of Gas Utility Service Co. of January 6, 1966 to Mayor Wagner and Friendswood City Council was read. (Copy Attached) A letter from 0. 0. Terrell, President of Gas Utility Service Co. of February 9, 1966 to Mayor Wagner and Friendswood City Council was read. (Copy Attached) A letter from Lee North, President, The Woments League of Friendswood, (copies have been sent to all Councilmen and Mayor Wagner) was read, (copy attached) Councilman Lowe stated that approximately one month ago he discussed with the President of Woments League, Lee North and committee member, Marie Allman, suggesting that they work with. a Councilman rey a-resenting City Council to review this proposed Ordinance on Initiative and Referendum. Councilman Davidson stated that he had serious objections to the changeE to the Initiative and Referendum Ordinance submitted by the Woments League but if the Woments League were willing to accept Initiative and Referendum Ordinance as stated in the sixth edition of the National Municipal League Mode'! Charter which they had utilized as a basis for their draft he would be willing to initiage action tonight. Councilman Lowe made a motion, seconded by Councilman Childers, that Councilman Davidson be Councilman representing City Council to work with Woments League Committee on City Orgaft nation Study Group to review proposed draft for an Ordinance on Initiative and Referendum. A letter from James B. Shore, President Friendswood Drainage District, __- of February 15, 1966 to Mayor and City Council was read, requesting that the lCity pay $65000 for renewal of Directorts Bonds since they have no funds, Councilman Lowe made a motion, seconded by Councilman Hatcher, that M5=00 be paid to the Linn Eignus Agency by the City of Friendswood for Director,f-s Bonds for the members of the Drainage District. I 2 Reports of Standing Committees. Streets, etc. : Imperial Gardens I and Annalea I request that their sub- divisions have a twenty mile zone speed limit. ! Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman ,owe that an Ordinance be drafted to amend Ordinance #59--speed zones, to include a 20 MPH speed ,zone in the subdivisions Imperial Gardens I and Annalea I. Motion passed by unanimous vote, Load Limits--Trucks: An Ordinance establishing load limits for through trucks oh Castlewood Drive Bridge; that maximum gross vehicle weight shall not exceed 30,000 lb. , providing a penalty for violation of this Ordinance, and declaring an emergency, Councilman Lowe made a motion, seconded by Councilman Childers, adopting this Ordinance by emergency. Motion carried by unanimous vote, Through Trucks An Ordinance prohibiting through trucks on Mary Anne Drive in Annalea subdivision providing a penalty, and declaring an emergency was passed by motion of Councilman Hatcher, seconded by Councilman Davidson. Motion carried by unanimous vote, There was discussion of the confusion created by streets in Friendswood that. make right angle turns, i.e., Heritage Drive runs southeast to northwest then turns and runs northeast to southwest; and Merriewood Drive/Castlewood Drive runs northeast--southwest, then turns and runs northwest to southeast. In the interest of allaying this confusion the following resolutions were passed, Resolution: Street Name--Merriewood/Castlewood, Whereas, Merriewood Drive presently runs more or less north- east--southwest, then makes an approximate ninety degree turn to run southeast-,-northwest; Whereas, Merriewood Drive' s southwest extension is known as Castlewood; BE IT RESOLVED that Castlewood Drive be extended on the presently named Merriewood Drive in a northeasterly direction to Clear Creek; that this entire length be named Castlewood Drive; Motion by Councilman Lowe, seconded by Councilman Childers, that the foregoing Resolution be adopted. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Resolution: Street Name--Heritage Drive Whereas, Heritage Drive presently runs more or less south- east to northwest; then turns and runs northeast to southwest; BE IT RESOLVED, that the northeast to southwest portion of the presently named Heritage Drive be called Twilight Lane. 3 � Motion by Councilman Lowe, seconded by Councilman Childers, that the foregoing Resolution be adopted. Motion carried by unanimous vote,. Street Committee Report. Councilman Lowe read a letter from Leon Brown, Presiden, Imperial Development Co to City Council, % Councilman Lowe of February 11, 1966, (copy attachedl Councilman Lowe agrees with Mr. Brown' s propose , but, feels that we cannot possibly promise this work In twenty days, however, we could agree to include this paving in our 1966 program. Mr. Brown requested that the City provide him with a letter of intent stating that the City plans to include his proposal in our 1966 paving program; that if J..*-. is found that, due to circumstances, 9 it cannot be carried out at this time he be notified. This will all be based on availability of county assistance. Since Imperial Gardens I has curb, gutter, drainage and base already, this program should only take about a day to shoot the topping. In discussion of street programming several topics were mentioned: using an estimated $800.00—WO.00 for patching the presently topped streets by E. T. Kennedy-' a proposed study of a warrant %ystem for purchase of capital equipment, i.e. , backhoe, grad-all, dump truck for streets and utilities department; consideration of hiring an individual for full time street superintendent; grading of Whispering ? Pines, February 22, 1966 if weather permits; repair of bridge on Castlewood in one of three ways (1) $500.00 for temporary repaiP ( 2) $3,000.00 for long range repair as single lane (3) $5,000',00 for long range repair as dual lane. Councilman Lowe made a motion, seconded by Councilman riatcher, that we start patching program on presently paved streets by hiring Eugene Kennedy. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Councilman Lowe made a motion, seconded by Councilman Childers, that we spend approximately $3000.00 to put the bridge on Castlewood in good condition as a single lane bridge. Motion carried by unanimous motion Street Lights : A program of installation of main thorofare 20,000 lumen) and subdivision (6,000 lumen) lights in Friendswood, copy attached) After discussion, Councilman Childers,.made `a motion; , sgataided- by Councilman Davidson, that the City work with Civic Clubs in billing their street lights through the City to realize considerable saving in cost, Motion passed by unanimous vote. r Councilman Childers made a motion, seconded by Councilman Davidson, j that this street light program be accepted for execution. Motion carried by unanimous vote, 20,000 lumen 3.75 ea. 6,000 lumen 1.75 ea. 4 - Councilman Childers reports that the joint committee of Pearland and Friendswood Councilmen,_ due to circumstances, will postpone first meeting until after the elections . An Ordinance provided by Texas Highway Department setting our school zone limits on FM 518 was passed by motion of Councilman Davidson, beconded by Councilman Hatcher. Motion carried by unanimous vote, 'Speed Zone Ordinance. SPEED ZONE ORDINANCE---STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHED FOR VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6701D, VERNONfS TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES, UPON THE BASIS OF AN ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC INVESTIGATION, UPON CERTAIN STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, OR PARTS THEREOF, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE: AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200,00 FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, Mayor Wagner submitted a request for a riot gun for the Police Department to be kept in the car, Councilman Loge requested a written recommendation on the use and needs for this weapon. S ecial Committee Re ores. Personnel. Policy Committee; Councilman Hatcher reported that the committee on Personnel. Policy has completed the first phase; that copies of this phase will be ready for committee members February 24, 1966. Council agreed that this committee proceed with phase II: salary, wages, job descriptions. Ordinances & Resolutions, THIRD READING: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOODt GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS: REQUIRING EMPLOYERS WHOSE BUSINESS IT IS TO SELL FOOD, OR TO MANUFACTURE, PREPARE, STORE, PACK, SERVE AND SELL THE SAME WITHIN THE CITY,, NOT TO EMPLOY AN PERSON INFECTED WITH A CONTAGIOUS DISEASE AT THE PLACE OF SUCH BUSINESS, AND NOT TO EMPLOY SUCH AN EMPLOYEE WHO HAS FAILED TO DELIVER TO SAID EMPLOYER A CERTIFICATE FROM A LICENSED PHYSICIAN ATTESTING TO THE FACT THAT THE EMPLOYEE IS FREE -FROM CONTAGIOUS DISEASES REQUIRING EMPLOYERS TO PROVIDE FOR EXAMINATION BY LICENSED PHYSICIANS OF EMPLOYEES AT TWELVE (12) MONTH INTERVALS,a._.REQUIRING EXAMINING PHYSICIANS TO MAKE A HISTORY OF THE EMPLOYEE TO DETERMINE IF SUCH EMPLOYEE IS A CARRIER OF CERTAIN DISEASES REQUIRING X-RAYS: PRO- VIDING THAT THE DIRECTOR OF GALVESTON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT SHALL ENFORCE THIS ORDINANCE: PROVIDING THAT A VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE A MISDEMEANOR AND UPON CONVICTION SUCH VIOLATOR SHALL BE PUNISHED BY A FINE OF NOT LESS THAN FIVE ($5.00) DOLLARS NOR MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED ($200,00) DOLLARS. This Ordinance was approved by motion of Councilman Hatcher, seconded by Councilman Lowe. Motionearried by unanimous vote, SECOND READING: AN ORDINANCE REVISING SCHOOL ZONE PERIMETERS AND DESIGNATING WILLOWICK AVE, CLOSED STREET DURING THE SCHOOL ZONE HOURS, - 5 7:30 A,M, TO 8: 15 A M AND FROM 2:30 P.M. TO #:00 F. M. , MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY: PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR ALL VIOLATIONS; passed on this, the second reading, by motion of Councilman Childers, seconded by Councilman. r - Hill. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Draft of proposed Ordinance. CREATING A WATER WORKS UTILITY BOARD FOR THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, PROVZDING, FOR THE QUALIFICATIONS OF MEMBERS, THEIR APPOINTMENTS AND TERM OF OFFICE: RULES AND REGULATIONS: POWERS AND DUTIES GENERALLY, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Lowe, that a proposed draft of an Ordinance creating a Water Works Utility Board prepared by Councilman Davidson and submitted at the February 7, 1966 regular Council meeting, along with the as read correction (as follows ) : (1) All vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term and expired terms shall be filled for terms as provided for the original appointments and in the same manner except that the existence of all vacancies for expired terms must be announced at a regular Council meeting, recorded in the associated minutes preferrably before any such vacancy occurs, and all such vacancies can only be filled by the City Council after reviewing a list of prospective candidates obtained by the City Secretary through advertising existence of each vacancy in a Council approved local news organ for a period of at least four weeks prier to Council selection of commission members either from the list or and ed In he minutes of each Council meeting wherein shall ba newdcommissiond t member Co is elected by Council, be submitted to Attorney Coleman Carter for drafting into an Ordinance format ready for reading at the next regular Council meeting, Motion carried by unanimous. vote. Councilman Lowe stated that he is not convinced that a Water Works Utility Board is the answer to our needs, but is willing to give it a try.. Workshop Agenda.:', Councilman Childers. made a motion, seconded by Councilman Davidson.°,- that a post card agenda of Workshop be sent out to each Councilman Wednesday afternoon following the regular Council Meeting; that all Councilmen could call in 'items for this agenda through Wednesday neon... Motion carried by unanimous vote. Planning Commission Members: Mayor Wagner recommended that Dean Sarecommendadio. of TonyBoyle Banfield, be reappointed to the Planning Commissi o Planning Commission Chairman. _ After discussion, Councilman Childers made a motion, seconded by r Councilman Hill that Dean Saurenman and W. L, Boyle be reappointed for a three year term to the Planning Commission. Motion carried by the following vote: For; 4 -- Councilmen Childers, Hatcher, Hill and Lowe; Against: 1 - Councilman Davidson. Councilman Davidson stated that his vote meant no reflection against ,these men; that advertising might have brought more candidates prior to selection for these positions. Mayor Wagner recommended that Tom Grace, one of the men submitted by Planning Commission, fill the unexpire.d term of .Gerald Hollis. After diocussion, councilmah Lowe made a motion, seconded by Council- man Hill that Tom Grace be appoinited -to 'fill'-the unexpired term of Gerald Hollis, Motion carried by unanimous vote. Unlit De.partment Ealoyee: After discussion of the applications ( 2) of Arthur McCarty and Tony Ray Fehl; Councilman Lowe made a motion, seconded by Councilman . Childers, that Arthur McCarty be hired, based on the recommendation .of Mayor Wagner and Uti'lities Superintendent Wesley Unruh, to fill present vacancy in the Utility Department on a 90 day probationary period. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Warrants : #2318 through #2333; and #746 through #755 approved by, motion of Councilman Hill, seconded by Councilman DbLvidson.. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Cbunoilmah Hill made a motion of adjournment, seconded by Council- man Childerso- Motion carried by unanimous vote. RespectfiAlly submitted, Artha Wright-, City S_Re_c—rTT! ar Approval:' _74 Harry 35. VWer, Mayor