HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1966-02-14 Regular MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CALLED COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 14, 1966 A called regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held February 14, 1966; 8: 30 P.M, at City Hall. Present were Mayor Harry D. Wagner; Councilmen Marvin Childers:, William Davidson, Harry Hatcher and Ralph Lowe; City Secretary, Artha Wright. FINAL APPROVAL - ANNALEA: WHITEHALL SECTION B & KINGSPARK SECTIOM B: Mr. Buck Hausman and Mr. Jay Dasch were present to submit final linen of plat of Annalea: Whitehall Section B and Kingspark Section B for approval and signatures. A letter, dated February 14, 1966, from Planning Commission Chair- man, Tony Banfield, was read which stated that the Planning Commission approved final linen of the above mentioned subdivision. Copy attached. Councilman Hatcher made a motion, seconded by Ralph Lowe, that Council accept final linen of plat of Annalea: Whitehall Section B and Kingspark Section B, that the Mayor and City Secretary be autho- rized to sign said linen; that this approval is given on the contingency that the builder ( s ) abide by Ordinance #23 and its amendments (Sub- division regulations ) . Motion passed by the following vote : For : 2 - Councilmen Hatcher and Lowe. Against : 2 - Councilmen Childers and Davidson. Mayor Wagner broke the tie by voting for the motion. Councilman Davidson stated that he voted against this motion because, although it met requirements of Ordinance #23 as it presently stands] he felt it should have been plotted on the proposed 751 X 1201 lot size requirement. POLICY ON ADHERENCE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS: There was discussion of setting policy on adherence by all developers and builders to Ordinance #23; Subdivision Regulations; the particular point in question at this time is side yard set back line. No slab should be poured less than 72" from side yard boundary line. Councilman Lowe proposed that any irregularity in this re- quirement be subject to a fine of $100.00 per running foot or fraction thereof; that the minimum fine b ss than a $100.00 and the maximum fine be not more than $1,000. 00; and that the water rate charge for that house in error would be 12 times regular rate until the assessed fine is paid. Council proposed that an Ordinance be drawn up setting forth penalty of fines and/or increased water charge for any deviation from Ordinance #23 and its amendments . Councilman Lowe made a motion, seconded by Councilman Davidson, that a letter be drafted to Glen Norwood and Guy Odom asking for cooperation in adherence to the Subdivision Regulations of the City of Friendswood; and to invite them to Council meeting for discussion; that final approval of Annalea: Whitehall Section B and Kingspark Section B has been given on the basis of full cooperation in' tZIG matter. - 1 T ORDINANCE: LOT SIZE: An Ordinance amending Ordinance #23: ORDINANCE AMENDING LOT SIZE REQUIREMENTS AS SET FORTH IN ORDINANCE #23, SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, SECTION -1. ENTITLED LOTS, SUB PARAGRAPH 2, SUB SECTION a. AND c . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: a. Residential lots, where served by public sewer, in a given subdivision must average 70' in width; that i the minimum width of the lots on each lot be not less than 60r ; that the minimum area will be at least 7,000 square feet per lot and that the width of any lot may not vary more than 101 from any contiguous lot. a. Residential lots, where served by public sewer shall not be less than 75 feet wide at the building set ack line nor less than 9,000 square feet in area. {fc . No lot shall be less than 115 feet in depth and the ( general desirable lot shall be at least 60 wide by 115 feet deep. � f. C . No lot shall be less than 120 feet in depth and the general desirable lot shall be at least Y5 fee wade by 120 f9et deep . passed by emergency clause by motion of Councilman Lowe, seconded by Councilman Childers. Motion passed by unanimous vote. A copy of the amendment was presented to Tony Banfield, Penning Commission Chairman. HIRING TAX APPRAISAL FIRM: Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Childers, that the City engage the firm of Pritchard and Abbott to perform a tax reappraisal as per the proposal by letter of January 24, 1966. This study to be started as soon as necessary to give working data for setting tax rate in May 1966 and be available for October 1966 billing; that Pritchard and Abbott provide pictures of taxable propertoies �� (not to exceed $200.00) . Motion passed by the following vote: For: 3 - Councilmen Childers, Davidson, Hatcher. Abstained : 1 -- Councilman Lowe : reason - possible conflict of interest. DRAINAGE DISTRICT CORRESPONDENCE: Councilman Lowe submitted a letter from him to Mr. Jim Shore, President, Friendswood Drainage District dated February 14, 1966. Copy attached, CHO _TE ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY: Councilman Lowe made a motion, secondedy Councilman Davidson, that the Mayor sign deed of that parcel of -land required by the Texas Highway Department for right-of-way on proposed FM 2351. Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Childers, that any property owner of Choate Road right-of-way requirements who has not signed by midnight, February 18, 1966 will be placed on condemnation list to be forwarded to our attorney. Motion passed by a vote of: For: 3 - Councilmen Childers, Davidson, Lowe. Ab- stained : 1 - Councilman Hatcher. WARRANT APPROVAL: Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Hatcher, that Warrants #732 through #736 be approved. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Lowe, of adjournment. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Respectfully submitted, Artha Wright APPROVED: arry 'Wagner, ayor