HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1966-01-17 Regular r_ . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCI_L. MEETING, JANUARY 17, 1966 A regular meeting of the Friends,600d City Council was held January 17, 1966, 7:30 P.M'. at the City Hall. Present were Mayor Harry D. Wagner; Councilmen Marvin Childers, William Davidson, Harry Hatcher, Arden Hill, Jr. , Ralph Lowe; and City Secretary �rtha Wright. Also present were William C, Walsh, Engineer; Les Thorn, Don Smith, Elroy M. Sa.tterlee, Susan Bridges, Linn C. Eignus, Buck Hausman, J., P. Jones, Mrs. Harry Hatcher, Mrs . C. D.. Merchant, J. A. Lawrence, R. G. Hamil, Joyce Horton, Joyce Schaeffer, Irving L. Peabody, Tony Banfield, Harry H. Jones, M. F. Krch, 0. 0. Terrell., C. Urick and Eldon Schrum. Flag Ceremony: The flags of the United States and of the State of Texas were pres-e5zed by a color guard of Friendswood Boy Scouts commanded by Charles State The pledge of allegiance was given. Street committee report: Councilman Lowe stated that there was consid- erable work on e s reets and drainage and that funds for this were very limited. He requested that the Utility department employees be made available for this work if possible. It was decided that this was feasible if and when there was no conflict with the needs. of the Water and Sewer Department at the discretion of the Superintendent, Wesley Unruh. Councilman Lowe stated that there were some 12" tiles in stock; and asked if it would be possible to use some of these double for road crossing to assist in drainage on Melody Lane. This was approved by Council. Mex-r:iewood Right-of-Way: Councilman Childers made a motion, seconded by Councilman Lowe, that the right-of--way requirements of Merriewood Drive from Cowart Creek to Clear Creek be increased to 60r Motion carried b)r,, unanimous vote; This area shall be surveyed to identify requirements from each property owner; that the cost of this survey shall be charged to the budget item right-of-way. Councilman Childers asked where the dirt that is removed during ditching on the. Friendswobd Forest road program could be dumped. There is an area at Sewer 'Plant #1 that needs fill. Correction and Approval of Minutes : December 6, '1965 9 tabled, scheduled for Workshop of- January Z4,, 1966. December 21, 1965 stood approved after correction. January 3, 1966 - stood approved after correction. Copies of the Executive meeting of January 5, 1966 ar6' to be distributed to board members of Water District #21, and the Pearlana City Council. 1 Communications from the Mayor: Mayor Wagner mentioned the letter that each Councilman received concerning the proposed service of professional_ tax_ app" :sal and its cost, submitted by Satterlee and Spencer. Mr. Satterleewas present to answer any questions and participate in discussion of this subject, r& Histari al purvey Committee, GalVeston..County: Judge Peter LaVa�le v1 te___a _letter to th e mayor reques Yig sugges ions as to who might be interested in the history of- F ie�dswood and Galveston County, Two names were suggested; Mrs. Cecil. Brown, Jr. and Otto Haardt; Thee people are..to- be contacted.- A letter was read from Louis .Pk is to Hudson Caro Count- Auditory concerning the calling off' of fhF' ond issue election n Water District 21, (copy attached,}'. A letter f'rori. Judge--Peter LaValle was read stating that H.B. 319; ; : passed by the last session of the Legislature and which went into effect a few months ago; authorizes counties, cities and school districts to establish regio, al planning commissions and departments . It is his hope that a plane ng comma ss on can be es a is e w t iH tie next few months for the "Galveston County Metropolitan Area" . If a city has a planning commission, members of this commission also would serve on the County Commission so that Oajor efforts would be coordinated. A letter from Ma-$or Eddie Schreiber of Galveston was read stating an interest in establishing an Association. df Mayors and Councilmen. Communications and Petitions, United Gass has requested permission to run a 4" line from Coastal Gathering Line up FM 518 to the Pearlarid City limit. Mr. ' 0. 0. Terrell, Gas Utility Service Company, suggested that he transport their gas in his . high pressure line from his Webster connection to their line; that at the usual charge of 20, he would take 1¢ and the City would receive lr Preliminary Plat, Quaker' s Landing subdivision was submitted by :..Irving Peabody, Engineer, to the City Council. William C. Walsh, City n:gineer. was, asked to attend. This plat has been given approval by the Planning :Commission. Questions- raised about this plat were Clear Creek...drainage easement- (1001 or 1501 ); the offset in Heritage at that location;' elevation of some of the lots , Mayor Wagner called for a vote of Council on the offset street to eliminate this question. Councilmen Davidson, Hatcher and Hill were for the offset in Heritage and Council- man Childers was against the offset. Mr. Childers. stated for the' re6ord that he' wa -Por the subdivision as a whole but-Pelt that the offset would create problems with the future street- program; that it would not fit traffic safety prop V.aming far the city. The three Councilmen who voted to accept the subd_�visioh also voiced their dislike of street offsets sU.oh as the one in question in Quakerts Landing, but felt Since this had already been approved by the Planning Commission after consid- erable .debate and plat changes-.,in an attempt to improve the offset condition and also that Mr. Peabody had agreed on a street paving coniprom.ise on Heritage Drive by increasing the paving width from 28, to 36t and also that the subdivision would be a tremendous asset to the City of Friendswood and that .it should be approved by City Council. Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Hill, that the Quaker► s Landing Subdivision preliminary plat be approved contingent upon the approval of the Drainage District Board, Motion carried by the following vote; for - 3 - Councilman Davidson, Hatcher, and Hill. Against - 1 -- Councilman Childers. Unfinished Business., W.C,# k L'P* #21 Qo-ntraq, MrK )Bu X Hausman" -stated -that his . bciard o ' had voted to call off t1le. prrop-o$ed bond eleotlpn f r that disc triQtt that they h4d voted t jn tr' wi'th- 0 1 s I uct their attorney to work J*,�Y'k Harrtspn, Attorney,, toward disannexation of the 95.825 acres 1, tuatod in. -B- tazorja County and partly in the City of Pearla d., After discussion, qoqncilman 1P4vid.*q?n made a mqti.Qla, sedQnoed by q to r qqntr4at,, whie-h ��az formulated ano pA_ unanijaeqsly agpee- V i ou j6im '11F,04 Of Friendswood, JOL, a 6 ti 0t A 11ded I .n q nu,r e7Mawood be app`--rove as: a A-A #21 arid, the .City of X.ri ­A by their respeotive lawyers, Motion carried by unanimous vale} Ordiriances, and Resoluti ons: Second Reading- AN ORDINANCE AMENDINQ LOT $1z-4 ARqUIREMTS AS S RE VLATTONS, S TI N FORTH IN ORDINANCE #23,,, .80-DIVISIONS ENTITLED LOTS, SUB PARAGRAPH 2, STJBSECTION a. AND c , Passed by motion. of Marvin Childers, seconded by Coulicilman Davidson. Motion carried by unanimous Vote. Second Reading.- AN ORDINANCE OF, THE CITy OF FRIENDS,W0,0D GALVESTON COUNTY TEXAS: REQUT�t.INQ OYE T SELL, FQOD., _,MPL --R,$ WHOSE BUSINESS .1 -I$ TO QR �URB PREPARE STOPE, pSERVE AND SELL THE SAME W��T- H- 14ANUPACT IN THE CITY., NOT TO EMPLOY ANY PERSON INFECTED WITH A CONTAGIOUS DIS- EASE AT Tj4R, ' PLACE OF SUCH BUSINZ,$So AND NOT TO EMPLOY SUCH AN EMPLOYEE A E WHO HAS �FAI-W TO DELIVER TO SAID EMPLOYER A C'��R TIF1 C T FROM A LICENSED PHYSICIAN ATTESTING TO THE FACT THAT THE EMPLOYEE 13 FREE FROM CONTAGIOUS E DISEASES RX(;UIRING EMpLoyERS To PROVIDE, FOR EXAMINATION BY LICENSED PHYsi. Q I4M OF ZMFLOYEES AT TW9LVE (12) MONTH INTERVALS, REQUIRING EXAMINING .PHYSICIANS TO MAKE A HISTORY OF THE EMPLOYEE To DETERMINE IF SUCH 4MpLQyRE IS. A CARRIEA OF CERTAIN DISEASES REQUIRING X-RAYS: FRO - VIDING THAT THE, DIRECTOR -OP GALVE$TON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT -SHALL ENFORO'.4 THIS ORDINANCE: 'f1ROVIDING THAT A VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE A' ,M,j5D.EMEAN0R AND UPON CONVWTIQN SUCH VIOLATOR SHALL BE FUNISSHED BY A FINE OF NOT LESS THAN FIVE ($5,00) DOLLARS NOR MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED ($260,00) DOLLAR$. Passed by motion of Councilman Childers,, seconded by Councilman Hatchexi# Motip4 oarriba by unatiimous Vote. Departmental, Ue orts, : A combined monthly .and oomprehensive report of the Pc liee Department was mibmitted° Tjt.i� ri#y Department: AHVA 104G Contract*. QouncilmAn Davidson made a motlog seconded by Q-6tincilman Hatcher, that the final close-put a-��I dit of contract 104 G be Approved; ,that, the amoun b t of $7971i75 . .e transferred t-�bia contract construction fund to the Ut3lityDepArtment i M. & 0. Fund. Motion carried by unanimous vote, Warrants; #224-7 through #2276 and #678 through #-(@0 approved and signed, (Exception #697) . Warrant #697, general fund for a tape recorder, will be discussed dt' the January 24, 1966 Workshop4 The proposed revolving warrants with the exception of the payroll warrants of regular employees which were approved, will be discussed at the January 24, 1966 Workshop. Councilman Davidson requested that the December audit be attached to these minutes. Respectfully submitted, Arta rig t - City Secret APPROVED: n ;2� 1H�reiy Ry? f1 Tarry . T agner mayor Meeting reconvened January 24, 1966: 7: 30 P.M. , City Hall. Present were Mayor Harry D. Wagner: Councilman Marvin Childers, William Davidson, Harry' Hatcher, Arden Hill, Jr. , Ralph Lowe; and City Secretary Artha Wright. i j Warrant # R-677. $1,000.00 Library expenses approved and signed, Meeting adjourned by motion bf Councilman Davidson, seconded by Councilman Childers. Motion carried by. unanimous vote. i I CITY OF FRIENDSWdOb ROAD REPAIRS JANUARY, 1966 Shelf. Hauled by Ralph L. Lowe l-10-66 i 1-li"66 Winding Way 146 Yds . Shell $1.60 per yd. $233,60 1�1:2-6� Shell,.Hauled By J. W. Albritton: 1-13-66 Garden Drive 27 yds . 2.10 per yd, 56,70 1-17-66 Sunnyview 18 yds. 37.80 1-17-66 Shadynook 9 18'90 „ ++ 18,90 1-17-66 Melody Lane 9 „ 132.30 1--18-66 Garden Drive 63 1-'18-66 Shad6wbend Ave. 45 " I' 18. 0 It It 1�-18-66 Sunnyview 9 1>-19-.66 Pecan Drive 18 It it 37.80 1-19-66 Shadowbend Ave. 45 " it6. 0 57 1-19-66 Cedarwood Drive 27 " ,I 0 1--22-66 Melody Lane � 9 " It18.90 1-24-66 Melody Lane 72 I' '+ 151,.20 1--2 -66 Cedarwood Ave, l8 It 37,80 1-25�66 Stones Throw 36 It 75,60 1-25�-66 Cedarwood Drive s it " .50 18 1-26--66 Laurel Drive 9 " 18,90 1A26-66 Merriewood Drive E. 81 „ `+ 170.10 1l=27-66 Merriewood Drive E. 18 37.-80 54 113.40 ( ,28�.66 Merriewood Drive E. „ „ 16.,80 1` 28=.66'. Heritage Drive 8 ,, 16,80 1-28-66 Sunnyview Avenue 8 ++ 16,80 1-29-66 Heritage Drive 8 71.40 1-29--66 Sunnyview Avehue 34 I� 1,-29-66 Merriewood Drive E. 51 Itit107,10 1-r29-66 Dawn Avenue 34 „ " 71,40 1-29-66 Lauren Drive 17 35.70 1-31-66 Heritage Drive 8 „ " 16,80 1-31-66 Merriewood Driv6 E. 40 " " 84,00 -1-31.-�66 She.dowbend Ave. 40 " " 84,0o 1�,31�66 Whispering Pane 8 ++ 16.80 1 Yds , Shell 2, 0 1-25-66 176" 15" Culvbrt At $1.53 per ft. $269.28 z63:90 Less 2% Discount -� 5,38 Myron Worden - Maintainer 16 hours . 200.00 TOTAL $2,520430 f I - 4 Financial: Councilman Davidson submitted a summation of the 1965 and 1966 Budget figures. (Attached), He further requested that a correct copy of the 1966 Budget be attached to these minutes, (Attached hereto), Subdivision Approval: s Buck Hausman presented final linen of Annalea - Whitehall Section BY Kingspark Section B. The Drainage District Board has given final approval. Councilman Hill made a motion, seconded by Councilman Hatcher, that Annalea - Whitehall Section B, Kingspark Section B final linen be approved by Council. After discussion Councilman Hill withdrew his motion on the basis that the Planning Commission had not approved the final linen prior to submission to Council for their approval. Councilman Lowe requested a letter from Planning Commission stating that this plat had been presented to them before Council had started reading of Ordinance #23 amendment changing lot size. Since Planning Commission has not approved final linen, Council approval will be tabled-until Planning Commission has given final approval February 14, 1966; Councilman Lowe made a motion, seconded by Councilman Hill, that a regular Council meeting be held February 14, 1966; 8:30 P4,M. Motion ( carried by unanimous vote. i Councilman Lowe was appointed by Council to investigate right-of-way requirements for proposed Drainage Ditch behind Garden Dri�Te to Cowart Creek, Councilman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Childers, that this meeting continue past midnight. Motion carried by the following vote: For: 4 - Councilmen Childers, Davidson, Hatcher, and Lowe; Against: l - Councilman Hill. Reports of Special Committeesp Councilman Hatcher reports that the Personnel Committee; Harry Jones, Chairman, Marie Allman, Elda Matheny, Fred Krch and Councilman Hatcher, is progressing well. Mr. Jones, by letter to Councilman Hatcher, submitted a "Job questionaire" and requested that all permanent employees complete these as soon as ppesible. Councilman Hatcher requested that City Secretary pass out these questionaires and collect them after they have been completed, also, that a copy of the setter. from Committee Chairman Jones be attached to the minutes. Third Reading--An Ordinance amending lot size requirements failed by the following vote: For: 2 - Councilmen Childers and Davidson. f Against: 3 - Councilmen Hatcher, Hill and Lowe. Councilman Childers, having received many complaints, proposed that - ' Ordinance ;,;�65 be amended to include BB guns. Councilman Lowe made a motion, seconded by Councilman Davidson, that an amendment to Ordinance #65 controlling use of guns in the City of Friendswood, be drawn up. Motion carried by the following vote. For: 4 - Councilmen Childers, Davidson, Hill and Lowe. Against: 1 - Councilman Hatcher, - 5 - . 7 Pro osed Draft of an ordinance Creating a Water Works Utility Beard ` was introduced y Councilman Davidson. He requested that Council i consider it for the next two weeks and give any suggestions they might have to him, that it be considered for draft approval at the regular meeting of February 21, 1966. Annalea S - Proposed Civic Club requested that the City would approve; by e�ctex., any e orts o beautify their area. Departmental Reports : Mayon Wagner reports that the enzyme experiment appears to be working, Statistics show an appreciable drop in B4O.D.Pant #1 is operating with one compressor off and use of the Emhoff tank is being discontinued. Wesley Unruh-, Water & Sewer Superintendent, requests the Council consider the purchase of an electric eel. Warrant A roval: Warrants .#�8 through #2312 and #697 plus 701 through #731 tiby mtion°arriedfby Councilman unanimousLowe, vote,seconded by Councilman Davidson. ( Councilman Hatcher made a motion, seconded by Couniman { Lowe that this meeting be adjourned. Motion carried by unanimous vote, 1 Respectfully submitted, c Ar ha. rig , i y ecr ry APPROVED: Harry .v, Waner, ayor ; I