HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-12-21 Regular .'.-,� �-� ` MINUTES OF TI�E COUI�CIL MEETII�IG, DECF.MBER 2�., Zg65 � A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was he�.d December 2Ia 1965, 7 : 30 P•.M. a� the C�.ty Hal1, j Present were Mayor Harry D. Wa$ner; Councilmen Marvin Chil,d�rs, Will�an� Davidson, and Harry Hatcher; Ci�y Secretary A�tha Wright . �3,so presen,t were ?�13:��ey Unruh, 0. 4. Terrell, Betty Merchant, Elda Ma�heny, Marge Huss, Thomas Grace, Fred �rch, Les Thorn, Harry K, Jones, Cnxree'�i.ons and Approva�, c�f Minutes - De�ember 6, 1965, Tab�.Bd, Councilman Davidson recotnmended that a tape recorder be used at the meetings ta supplement the minutes; Counc�lman C>.,�.lders agreed to con- tact someone to set up a demonstr��ian tape rec���er to fit out needs at �he first regular workshop meeting in January, 1966, Invbe�.tion: Councilma#� Dav�.dson suggested that the Council consider hav3.ng the several ministers of the churches zn Friendswood be con-- t�.c�ed about g3.s�ing an invocation before the opening of each Council meeting. Communications from the Mayor : Galveston County Wa�Ger and Control and Tmprovement Distriet �21: Mayor Wagner discussed the impending bond election for $��0, 000,00 slated for January �.1, Zg66 by W.C. 8c I.D. #Z�.; and that distric� ' s adding 95.825 Acres of Pear3and, Brazor3.a County; and the $600,000.00 � bonds already voted on and sold by 'chem. Counc�lman Davidson made a motion, seconded by Harry Hatcher that the City of Friendswood pursue necessary l�gal actian with Jack Harrison, :�uorney far the C1�3.T o�' Pear?and, and the C�ty of Pear3and in the investigation of W.C. & T.D. �21 forthcoming bond election �lated for January 1�, 1g66, Motior� carried by unanimous vote. Reference Boaks - Munici.pal Forms ; Council decided that we shoul.d orde� "Municipal, Ordinances" - Text and Forms ( 2 Vol . ) on a Trial basis; that such publicatian would be of great value �o us. This was at the Mayor' s suggest3.on. Petitions and Communications : �evera2 cit�.zer�s inquired about the praposed tax apprais�l by an out- side firm. They felt that it was well worth investigation. Elda Matheny wanted to know wha� the status af the personn�l po�icy, which was promised by Mayor Wagner during his postcard meet�ng, August 2�k, 1965, particularly in regard to the hiring of relatives, Mayor Wagner stated that a rough draft had been m�ade the fol.lowing week after �hat meeting; that Marie Allman had volunteered �o review .and rese�rch ' this; that it eould be available saon. � Cauncilman Davidson made a motion secQnded by Harry Hateher, that Harry Hatcher be appointed Chairr�an of a aommittee to devise personnel poliey for the City af Friendswood, Nation carried unanimously. Suggested names for the commi�tee; Marie AZlman, Elda Matheny, I�arry K. Jones, Mo�ion Carried by ut�anirnous vote, � Stand�.ng Committee Reports : Sts�_e�'.s -� Mayor Wagner info�med Council ' that the state will no longer maintain drainage or i�sue permits and requirements for drainage, tile, grade �tc. on a11 state highways w��h- in �he City of Friendswood. It i.s felt �hat we need a city wide po�.icy on grading, �ile size and other pertiner�� criteria for drainage. As an �.nterim measure, Councilman Davidson rnade a motion, seconded by Coun- ei�r�an Childers, that any one installing culvert drainage t3�le in '�he C�ty of Fr�endswood must app3.y for permission to Ci.ty Hall. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Citizens of Imperia�. Gardens subdivision asked abaut the paving of Merriewoad Drive, �he access road to their subdivision. Previous action in this mat�er was reviewed; and future passible solutions and neeas were discussed . This group indicated that �hey wou�d prefer minimum maintenance i.e, grading and some shel�. 3.ns�ead of a larger outlay of the tax money for a road topping program that would be af a temporary nature. These personnel were adv�.sed that all, praperty owners in the subdivision wauld be canvassed f�z� �heir opinions on paving Merriewood and the letter from the Imperial Gardens Civic Association would be submitted when canvass is comp�eted. Reliance Insurance - Repar�: The Reliance Insurance Corripany had wri�ten a letter to the attorney of the compla�.nant aga�.nst the City of Fr�ends- wood and is now awaiting a reply. Ordinances and Resolutions : Fixst Reading - Amendt�ent of Ordir��t�ce ,�23 � Subdivision regulations. Sectior� E. - Ent�t�.ed Lots . Subparagraph 2, - Lot dimensions sha11 conform �o the follawing; Sub Ti�le a. Resident3.al lots where se�ved by publ�c sewer shall no� be less �k�an 75 �`eet wid� at the build3.Mg set ba��C 3�.ne �la�r less than 9,000 square fee� in area. Sub Ti�Ie c . No lot shall be less than 120 fee� in d�pth and the general desirable 3ot shall be at least 90 feet wide, by �20 feet d deep. �mendment approved on first reading by motion of Councilman Davidson, seconded by Councilmar� C,jilders, and carried by unanimous vote, First reading of proposed ordinance � AN ORDINANC� OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS: PROVIDING FOR INSTAIYLATTON OF SEWER LINES IN CONNECTION WITH �'HE SEWAGE SY�TEM. PRO�TIDING UNLAWFUL ACTS PERTAINING TO THE PUBLIC SEWER AND A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIflN OF ANY PROVTSIONS OR SECTIONS� Tabled . Firs� rea.di�g af proposed ordinance - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI'I'Y OF FRIENDSWCIQD, GALVESTON COUI�FTY, TEXAS: REQUIRING EMPLOYERS WHOSE BUSTNESS IT TS TO SE�,L FOOD, OR T�J MANUFACTURE, PREPARE, STORE, PACK� SERVE AND SELL THE SAME WITHZN THE CITY, NOT TO EMPLOY Ah1Y PERSON ZNFECTID WITH � CONTAGIOUS AISEASE AT THr. PLACE OF SUCH BUSINESS, AND NOT TO EMPLOY SUC H AN EMPLOYEE WHO HAS FATLED TO DELTVER TO SAID EMPL4YER A CERTIFICATE FROM A LICENSED PHYSIC IAN ATTESTII�TG TO THE FACT THAT THE FM}.'LOYFt�, �S FREE F'ROi'� CONTAGIOUS D�'SEASES REQUIRING EMPLOYF,RS `I'0 PROVIDE FOR EXAMINATTON BY LTC ENSED PHYSTC TANS OF EMPFAYEFS AT TWELVE (12} MONTH INTFyRVALS. REQUIRTNG EXAMINING PHYSICIANS TO MAKE A _ , HISTORY DF THE EMPLOYEE TO DETERMINE rF SU�H EMPLQYEE IS A CARRIER �F CERTA�N DISEASES REQUIftING CHEST X-RAYS: PROVIDZNG THAT THE DTRECTOR 4F GALVESTOiV C4UNTY HEALTH UNI� SHALL EN�'ORCE THTS ORDTNANCE: PR�VIDING TH.�T A VIOLA�'ION �F THIS OFtDINANCE SHAL� BE A MxSDEMEANOR ANU UFON CON- ^ VICTION SUCH VIOLATOR SHALL BE PUNISHED BY A FINE OF NOT LESS THAN FIVE ( $5. 00} D�LLARS N4R MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED ( $200.00) , Warrant .Approval: Warraats # 591, 6�3 �hraugh 646; and ,#2],83 through 2215, 2183 approved by motion, of Councilman Davidson, secartded by Councilman Hatcher and motian carr�.ed by unanimous vote. Mr. 0. 0. Terrell reguested that the City cons�.der xequiring contractors to run gas line from the hause to easement or a given amount af feet fram the house to the meter instalI.ation. Th3.s would prevent high pressure �,ine from being c�ose to a riesidence whi.ch can be dangerous ; Meeting adjourned. . , Respectfully submitted, _ � ,� � , _ /, ��- �t�� r a r g - y ecre y �pproved: E ;� , �. � � � � � � �. ��:7v.�.r.• '�. '�,. ,f�.�:M ��'�,.� _ arry . , agner - ayo,r