HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-12-06 Regular MII�IUTES OF THE REGi,TLAR CC7UNCIL M�ETING, DECEMBER 6, 196� ' �. regular meet�.ng of the Friendswaod �ity Councix was he1.d December � 6, 1965; 7:30 P.Nl. at the City Ha11. ! Present w�re Ma or Harr �. Wa�ner; Councilmen Marvin Childers, Y Y WilYiam E. Dav3.dson, Harry M, HatcMer, Arden C. Hill, Jr. , Ra�ph Lowe; City Secretary Artha Wx��ght. Also present were Pat Reed, �Ir. & Mrs . P. R, Maloney, Betsy Murrell, Wiley Murrell, David L. McGraw, W; P, Whipshey, H. H. Jones, Di.ck Willardson, Z`. W. Davis, Donald Chandler, Sue Carlile, Mrs, (3ra Warr, Marie A11man, Joyce Horton, D, P. Vaughn, Percy Hur�, Mx�, and Mr�s . Les Thorn, Betty Shore, Sue Evans, Bernard Horn, W, B. Whii�e, Kenneth B. Toon, Mr. & Mrs , John L. Olivas, Sam Ruiz, J. P. Jones, C. R. Huss, R, W. Tadd, Bette Cogdell, Mark Cogdell, A3�.en Klein, Dee Collins, Mrs; Harry Hatcher, Cheryl Hatcher, Lillie Unruh, Nelma Lee Keeter, Sam Standley, Hor�ense Cas�illo, R. W. SQtners, R. S. Vale, J. E. Hollis, W, B. Pat�oi�, Wesley Un,ruh, �'erame N. Engel, Betty Merchan�, Glenn Browne, Mack Wilder, Leah North, Fred Krch, Eldon Shrum, Keith Smith, Shi.rley Long, Jean Bilderback, Glenn T��art��ek. Correction and approva�. of Minutes . November 29, 1965, regular mes�ing. S ood approve a ter correc ion. � Communications from the Mayor: � Mayor Wagner read the following list of accomplishme�ts of the City � Gounci3s in the last eighteen months : J 196�+ - Present Planning Corn�-nissic� Crdir.ance Interim Zoning Ordinance Nuisance Ordinance Extra Territorial Jurisdiction Ordinance City - County Co-op Street Program �bsorb W.C. I.D, #15 - Create C3ty Utility Department Weed Control Ordinance Police �uxiliary Ordinance Swimm�ng Pool Ordinance Taxa�ion Pragram Budge� and Audit Program City Office Operation C�.ty Hall (New Bldg. } Post Office Building Program Telephone Rate Reduct�.on Es�ablish I,egal Court Procedures Ist Jury Trial ProZixity of City Records Choate Road Program � Library Comprehensive P3.an Master Sewer Plan - 1 - , � Improvement of Water and Sewer Op�ration • Drainage S�udy " City Engineer City Fiscal Agent Fire Truck � The fo3lowing items are important goals for the future: 1965 - Future Tax Roll Profes°::.�rzal AppraisaZ Zoning Ordinance Parks and Recrea�ion Public Works Department Garbage Pollution Stree�s Dancin� in Cit�y Hall: �fter an impromptu workshop s�ssion, December 1, 1965, the Mayor and Gity Counei.l, af�er �horough c�iscussion, agreed to the followirig policy, Councilman Lowe read �he follawing agreed on policy of use of City Hall: TO THE PEQPLE OF FRIENDSWOOD At a workshop meeting between your Mayor and the City Council on Wednesday, December l, 1g65, the fallov�ing sta�ements and agreements were reached af'�er very though'�ful considera'�ion, (1) The City Council of Friendswood met November 1, 1�65 and voted unanimously to pass the f allawing motion as made b3r Marvin Childers and seconded by Bill Dav3.dson. The motivn is as follows : The City Couneil will form a list of recognized, sponsored groups and/or organizations th�t wi11 be permitted to use the City Hal1 facilities when they do nat canfl3ct wi�h normal City bus�.ness, THIS MOTION WILL STAND. ( 2) We ask that requesting groups be cagnizant of the true, intended purpoae of this building v�hen submitting their reques�s. ( 3} Even thaugh other, more appropriate, facilities are now ava3.lable, this Gouncil pledges to give every request complete consideration. (� } We do recognize that there is an urgent need for a defin3.te super- vised facil.�ty for all kinds of normal com,munity and social activities. (5) We strongly recommend that a committee be formed to build such a faci- Iity. �6) �rt exhibits and any type of group displays are welcome after their governing committees are recognized by the City Council, -- 2 - Signed by: ayor arry D, agner ounci man arvin i ers Counci man Bi Dav son ounc man arr� a c er ounc man rden 1 � ouncilman a�ph Lowe Councilman Lowe then said, "Now I would like to add a fe� personal comments. In this spirit of harmony, I wish to express my sincere appre, ciation to all of you who participated �n the response to my letter and questionaire. However, I feel that the results of this response are no longer pertinent and this issue should be closed as of NOW: : Those of you who would �ike to see how your opinion has been handled may look through these three manila folders . Your n�mes are in alphabetical order. If your desire wasn' t cornplete�y clear, youx answer will be in file ��3. It is very probable that this chamber has more interested citizens at its council meetings, per �umber of citizens, than any city in �merica. Hous�on would have to accomodate some 50, 000 people at their r�eeti:�gs �o equal aur percentage figures. THIS WAS OIv'E OF THE "HOPED FOR" BENEFITS WHEN THIS PROJECT WAS STARTED. " REG��7:LESS OF THE CONFUSION THAT MIGHT CC� I�IHEN 0:1E IS I:3�TOLVED WITH SO MANY people, and regardless of any discour�eous comments, or lack of control �hat may take place when dozens of our citi- zens crowd these chambers and express their opinions on so many different issues, no elected official has any right to group these comments or opinions togeti�er and act as if they had been made by a single person. I'm afraid I was guilty of doing this last November lst, �vhen I very ill-advisedly used the word "Mob" in one of the camments I made to you. I �£AS WRONG, VERY WRONG in doing so, and I apologize most sincex�ely t� those �i you who were here at that time. "As Built" drawing - HHFA Contract APW-Tex-104-G, Since "as built" drawings were presented ta Council of HHFA Con- tract APW-Tex-10�-G, Mr. I�oehler of Wyatt C. Hedrick, Eng�s . was given a check far f3.na1 payment of engineering fees for HHFA Contract APW-Tex-10�-G, REC ESS: Meeting called to order 8:50 P. M. (3� . Bil� for labor a�d materia�s for se�tin� fixtures for jail ce�Is, � , . �9, rom ear an um ing Company was marked "Please consider this as a contribution - Tha�k you, Bill Roby, " Repor�s of Standing Comm�ttees. Streets, etc . ____ Councilman Lowe read a letter from Leon Brown, President, Imper�al evelopmen ompany wr en on ecem er , 6� tQ the City Council of Friendswood. �See attachment �2) . �fter discus�ion, CQUncilman Childers made a motion, seconded by Caunc�l- rr�.n Davidson, that the City go ahead and accept the offer of Tmperial Development Company ta pa� �hree�fourths the expense of materials involved �o top Merriewood Drive into Irnperial Gardens; "Imperial Development Co. offers to pay �hree-fourths the expense of materials involved ta top Merr�ewood Drive into Imperial Gardens, estimated to cost approximate�y �2,000.00 based on �he county cost of abaut $5, 000�00 per m�le, �his pa�men� will be ma�e pravided the city furnishF�� Imperia� Developmen� Company with a letter stat�ng it will complete �h�s road �n its 1966 spring and summer• road developme�t program. A1sa, pro�=ided th�� �etter satisfies the F.H.A. so they give app�oval to Imperial Gardens as a F.H.A. subdivision. Preceding the above mentioned letter I wou�d expect also a letter from the City stating that the water and sewer utilities in I�perial Gardens are completed and under permanent maintenance and that the streets are dedieated public roads and subjeet to permanent cit� maintenance. " Mot3on passed unanimously. 1 � Councilman Childers will contact property owners along Merriewood Driue __ to discuss obtaining additianal ri�ht-of-way wyth C�ty G�unci�� Plapni�� Cocnmission, Drainage District and City Engineer. There was discussion �f using the dirt that �s remo.Ted fram Lexing ton subdivision on �he 1Qw spot on Merriewood Drive which would entail closing the road about two days �o scrape off shell, fill with dirt, put shell back and add more snell . Unfinished Business . Personnel representat�on for the Cityr �ouncilman Hatche� read a resolutiQn; Tha� on one but elected offieers represent the city; an exception can be made by the author�ty of the Mayor after alI members of Council have been asked. The i�ia�ror� stated that this wau�.d l�.�nit �tr�er C�ty �ffic�als i.4. Gourt Judge, Police Chief, City Secretary, Watear Superintendent, etc . Counca.l requested that all invi�ations to [neetings etc . that encompass legi.slature matters be rept�Hduced or, if verbal, be put in writing and mailed to each councilman. Ordinances and Resolutions . -- �lmendment - For First Reading - #2�, Subdivision Regulations . Councilman Lowe made a motion, seconded by Councilman Childers that - 4 - ' . - Ordinances and Resolutions . �- �mendment - For First Reading - #23. r Subdivision Regulations : Councilman Lowe made a motion seconded by Councilman Childers that the City Attorney prepare the following change in Ord�nance #23: Under Section E - entitled "Lots" Sub paragraph 2 Lot dimensions shall conform to the follow3ng: Sub title A. Residential lots where served by publ�c sewer shall not be less than 75 feet wide at the build�ng set back li�e nor less than 9, 000 square feet in area. Motion carried by unanimous vote. �mendment - For First Reading - �72. School Zone Revision. � . Councilman Hill made a motion, seconded by Councilman Hatcher, that Ordinance �72 be amended to read "a closed s�reet" instead of `� "a one�wa� street" in the caption and in Sec�ion Two, (See at�achment #7� ; that first reading of this amended Ordinance ( 72-A) be approved. Motion carried by unanimous vote. First Reading - AN ORDINANC E OF THE CITX. OF:IFRIENDSWOOD, G L ST N COUNTY, TEXAS: PROVIDING FOR �NSTALLATIONS OF SEWER LTNES IN CONNECTION WITH THE SEWAGE SYSTEM; PROVIDING UNLAWFUL ACTS PERTAINING TO THE PUBLIC SEWER AND A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION �F ANY PROVISIONS OR SECTIONS. FIRST READING - AN ORDINAI�tCE OF THE CITY OF FR2ENDSWOOD, GAL- OUNTY, TEXAS: REQUIRTNG EMPLOYERS WHOSE BUSINESS �T IS TO SELL FOOD, AND TO MANITFACTURE, PREPARE, STORE, PACK SERVE AND SELL THE SAME WITHIN THE CITY, NOT TQ EM- PLOY ANY PERSON INFECTED WITH A CONTAGIOUS DISEASE AT THE PLAC E OF SUCH BUSINESS, AND NOT TO EMPLOY SUCH AN EMPLOYEE WHO HAS FAILED TO DELIITER TO SAID EMPL,OYEI-�t 1� CERTIFICATE FROM A LICENSED PHYSICTAN ATTESTING TO THE FACT THAT THE EMPLOYEE IS FREE FROM CONTAGIOUS bISEASES REQUIRTiVG EN;PLOYERS TO PROVSDE FOR EXAMINATTONS BY LICENSED PHYSICIANS OF EMPLOYEES AT TWELVE ( 12 ) M4NTH INTERVALS, REQUIRTNG EXAMINING PHYSICIANS TO MAKE A. HISTORY OF THE EMPLOYEE TO DETERMINE IF SUCH EMPLOYEE _ . IS A CARRIER OF CERTAxN DISEASES, REQUIRING GHEST X-RAYS: PROVIDING THAT DIRECTOR OF GALVESTON COUN'I'�' HEALTH UNIT SHALL ENFORCE THIS ORDINANCE: PRpVIDING THAT FAILURE TO DISPLAY AT THE PLACE OF BUSINESS VALID HEALTH CERTIFICATES SHALL BE PRIMA FACIE EVIDEN'CE OF A FAILURE TO COMPL� WITH THIS ORDINANCE: FIXING RESPONSIBILITY FOR COMPLIANCE InTITH (5 ) , HI�F'A Contract - APW-Tex�l��-G and employ�ent of Wes�ey .U�ruh as Water . an `ewer 'uper nten en . Couneil.mar� Lowe read a 1et�er written on Decemb�r 2, 1q�5 by Councilman � Lowe to Mr. Travis Wm. Miller, RegioMal Directo�, Community Facilities, ! Housing and Home Finance Agency, Department of Hausing �.nd Urban � � Deve].opment, Fort Worth, Texas (See attachment #3. } Councilman Lo�e x�ead a 1e�ter writtsn on December 3; Z965 by Travis Wm, Miller, Regional Direetor, Comm�zni�y Facilities to Council.man Lov�e ( See attachment ��F) , Councilman Lavae read a letter written on December 6, zg65 by Richard E, Magee, Chief Engineer, Wyatt, C, Hedrick Engr. Corp, tQ Ci�y o#' Friendswood, ATT: Councilman Lowe ( See attaehment #5. } Councilman Lawe read a letter written on December 6, 1g65 by Richard E: Magee, Ch3.ef Engineer, Wya�t C. Hedrick Engr. Carp , to Nlr.. Ralph L. Lnwe ( See attaehtn�nt �5) . Councilmar� Lowe stated that HHFA Contract APW-Tex-lO�k-G is com.plete and closed out, ther�fore, there �,s no con#'lict of interest ir� hiring Wes.�ey Unruh as Water & Sewer Superintendent fox �he C3ty of Friendswood . Couneilmari Hill made a motion, seconded by Councilman Davi.dson, that Mr. Unruh be hir�d, as originally voted by Coun�il, 1Vovember 11, 1g65, as Water and S�wer Superintendent for the City of Fr�endswood as of � December 6, 1g65. Motion carried by the f'ollowing vote: For ; 3 - Councilmen Davidson, Hill and Ha�cher. Against: 2 - Counci3�en Childers and Lowe. Cc�uncilman Lowe stated that in as much as W�s1ey Unruh had been hired effective as of December l, 19b5 by vote of Council he was voting against this resolution because Mr. Unruh wou3d be penalized 5 days pay by an error by others . War�ants �82 through 587 an.d #596 through ,�620 approved; excepting #59�-.. Warrants ,�2161 through #2�.65, #2167 and �2�.6g through �2182 approved. � Me�t�.ng ad�ourned. Respect y submitted, ' �r a r�.g - it3r ecre Appro ed: ; ^' �t l�J rry agner - ayor - 6 -