HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-11-29 Regular . �
MTNU�ES OF THE REG�3II�AAR C0�'NC�L ME�T�N�, 1V0�'EMB�R 29, 1955
. -� A regular meet�.ra� of �he Fr�.en.dswood City Council was he1.d November
�i , ��� 1.965; 7:34 P,M. , at City F�a11,
' Pres�nt we�� Mayor Harry �. �dagne�; Counc3.lmen Marvi�. C�ilders, �illiam
]�avidson, Harry �atche�, Arden �. �ill, Jr. , and Ralph �owe; Ci�y Secretary
Ar�ha Wr�.ght.
Als� pres�nt were Susan Br3d��s, Pa� Reed, k�. H. Jc�nes, Pe�ty Jones, Do�ee�
T�dd, M.rs. T�avid �cCraw, Frank I�. Parm�nter, Warren Gillespie, J�. , W. B.
Evans, Sue Evans, Bet�y ShQre, Leor�a Lee, Mr. and Mrs. �. D. '�hc�rne� C, Ra
R.uss, M�s. JoY�n Le Okivas, Sam Ru3.z, R. W. �Somers, Ce R. Stephens, Tom
�r�.msrud, Richard RaY�i33y, �fil�.�.am B. Pat�aM, Be�ty Auch�erlanie, Hartence
B�nwne, ��nneth �i. Toon, Cher3.e R. Too�., D. Elrod, C. E. Creppan, Kei�h J. ;��
��i�h, J�an B�:�d�rback, Betsy' Murx�e3.l, B�tte �ogdel.a., R�z�l� W. Nlaianey, P. R. �
Malor�ey, Jim Bel1, Williarn C. Walsh, Marie A1Z�aan, I�ah North, Be�ty
Merchan�, �. �» Fom��ke, 3. Ra May, Gl�rn Mar�tisek, �lay R. I�icks, Jr. ,
Franc�s V. Hicks, �'i. F. K�c�, ��ryl Perkins, �ean ��zrt, Jerc�m.e Er�gel,
I�o t�. Lar�n�.ng, Elda l�a�her�ye
Bi.d C�pening �- Ro��;1 Gour� �ewe� 13ne<
�.'Ot��' "�c�.�l'��.Z�.O �i'�115�'ie �iC)• ��.6�4��`�.��.
�}f3AYt�G'�.O �:OTES'�. �'O. '�>'�-�2.�j� .
Bost Di�cYa�ng S�rvice 5,5�0.5�
C---� d A'�taehr��n� �l)
� ; �
i�ill.iam Walsh, C�.ty Engir�cer, ��1�°w• ��a� th� bi�s were high and �equ�stecl
�i�te to cons�.der the�. Counc�l sa�.d ��i�t it was 3.mpor�ar�t '�o compl.ete
this pra�ect as saon as passible. Cour���.1m�.n Ghi�.�ers made a mo�iarz,
secondQs� by Co�nc�.lman Lawe tha� ��e �,.oS�r b�.d �f $5, �-9�.30 �� DeAn�;elo
Canstruct3,an Co. ba accep�ed. Ntot�.or� ca�r3.ed by unan3.mo�zs uo�e. Mr. �e-
An�elo s�a�ed tl�at the �ob would �ake ab� two weeks w3.th good weather. M�.
�Jals� said °��e coz�tra�� wo�:�d b� r�a�t�r �ursday, Decet�ber 2, �955.
� �arre�t�,on �,r�d A�rav'a1 0£ M�r��tt�s:
Nov�mber l, 1.965: Reg�zlar meet�ng - app�flved as �crre�t�d.
�1ov�mI�er 9� 1g6�: �ecut�.�e mee�ing �ab�ed.
�ounc3.lman 3�av�.dson made a mot�.�z�, seconded by Harry Hatcher (Councilmar�}
�ha� ea�h pag� of m�.nu�es not ye� apprav�d be r�arked "ur�app�o�red" in bold
black Iet�e�ing a� �cp anc�. bnttom. �.ca�ion carr�ed unan�.mous�yo
Council�:n �a�r�.dsora s�at�d �ha� Y�e wan�ed reprod�ct�e�r�s �f a�l dQCUmera�s
attached �a a12 eapies of a11 drafts o�' final a�proved minutes �.nste�d �.i
includi�g �hern by re��rping in �he body o�' �he minutes; �hat �inutes no� �e
� pu�liely pos�ed unti�. firnal apprt�val. Resolution d�fea�ed. S�.nce the
Mayor o?��ec�ed to �his or� the graunds that it woul�. be too expens�ve when
� cor�parea 'to re�yp�:ng, Cour�cil�nan Davidson goll�d a?1 Cotznc��.�en v�ho va�ed
. unani�ously for reprod�actiars ec�paes f�� �t�ac'rzme�z�s.
- a �
. �
, Cour�cil.man Ch.i3ders made a r�o�ion, seconded by Co�.rtcilman Lflwe, �hat
copies af unapproved m3.nutes be p�zb2iely pflsted wi�M "UN�APPROVED" in
in bo�.d 1�:tters a� �op of the page; that the first dra�'t be numb�red 1
�� �one} ; tha� subsequ�nt drafts, if any, be ntzmb�red ir� chrt�nilog3.ca3
� order; �ha'c t�ese stay posted ux�til final approva3.-Mc�t�.on passed by
� unan3.mous vo�e.
Counc�I.man Davidson stated tha� the Min��es of Qetahe� 20, 1g65 were not
as app�caved unt3.1 the minu�es were �edone and a�.�. d�af� copies af mi.�utes
w�.�h attael�ed �ep�oductio:�s given to each G�un��.�.man. "�Ie further sta�ed
tha� th� minutes of S�p�ember �F, �.g65 we�°e r�a� ye� corr�e� for ��Se
following reasons: First, even '�haugh the 13 paragraphs omittec� in t�e
second re-�yp�.ng of e m3.nu�es ar� now included in �he third ��ping, the
carrec�iflns tcr these paragraphs made in �he September 20th meeting by Mr,
I}av�ds�a�, a�� �aot 3.nc�uded, and s�cond, t�� �.r�ti�e paragraph on the
�he �.ee��.r� witY� Fear�and ?'e�s�rz�e �,r�s alsc or�i�ted cn �n� �third t�pin�;. "
t�ayor Wagner �.s �o supgly the names of a11 a���nde�s.
Cammunicat�.ons from the Mayar:
Mayar Wagn�z� s�a�ed �ha� the C�.'�y af Friendswoods t� h.is know�.edg�, is
not contempla��.ng any ckaange of p�:rsonne�. �.n th� Follce Depart�ent nar ar�
we ir�te�vi�w3.ng for any pos3t�.on in �hat departmen�. �owever, we do neec�
aux3l.�.�.ry pol�,cem�r��
Mrs. � Be�fity AU.�.^1��ex'�.ot��.e' speaking for the P.�'.A. �x�eu�3ve Baard, s�a��d
� tha�; th�y w�re satisfied �ith Mi.�eh ��righ°�, tna�t he was do�.ng a go�d �ob
� , w�th �he sa�`ety of the ehildr�r�, �ha� she wan�ed a gc�c�d reaso� g�.v�n 3f he
� is ever fi.�ed.
Counci�.man Lawe sa3.d he kr�ew no�h�.ng Qf ar�y plan to re�lace �i�c1n Wrigh�
��ia �h�� z��: .w�.� ���i.�fiecl �€�.�i� �i�e p���e�� poi�.c� QeFar�eri� �zici reques�ed
a pa��.�,ng of the Caur�ci�men to de�cermine �heir knawledge, if any, g�r-
tain�.n.� �o �he Mayor's reported rum€�re
�`udg� �31�.3.am B. Pat�on said th�t Nti�ch Wrfi.gh� �.s �he be�t �'�1.ice C1�3.ef
�r� ha�� �v�r had; �hat we Y�ave a very go€�d Po1�c� Depa��me�nt.
Ca�ncilm,dn H�.�l said he had just heard �h� r�,mor about possible chang�s 3.n
the Pc�l�.ce I3epartment today.
Coune3.Irn.an �a��h�r also said h� had heard this o�.Iy �c�da�.
Coun�ilman I3avidsan saicl k�e had ne�.�d �hi� rum�r �e��er�.ay.
Cot�ncilma�. �h3.1d��s stat�d ��a� we �iave �welve 1?�?x�1�.a�y Pc��.icer�e�., t�r� are
�ery ac��.�re and two are on mi3�.�a�gr d�t�r. �'he� l��.v� trainirzg s��oo�. mee�-
i.n�s c�� the second Sunday of ea�h r��r��Y�.
• � Al� �he Coun��.l sa�.� th�y wer�e s�ti�f�ed wit� �he �r���r�t� Po��.ce Depar��.�x��
� p��St�l'��3,
� ��t� �nsu�a�ee :
i��,�ra� ta�agner �ead �xeerp�� �f �. 3.�V��r (attac�c��nv �'2) �ram R�Iiar�c� In�o
�amp�.r�y. �ayor Wa�r��r sa�d tha� a.ny mc�n�.�s �p�r� �y t�e G3.��r is d ma���r
c�f pt�bl�,e ��cor�; �ha� a13. r�cc��ds ar� op�r�. �'�� liabil��� �olicy ��.�h
_ � �
. 7
Reliance Tnsu�ance Car�pan�r was in eff ee�t at time of Sept�mber 3� �-965
acciden�. The C3ty°s ins€zrance policies were charaged Oc��ber I, 19�� tv
' �nclud� a braader eoverage of Czty vehicles. T2�is s�k��ect was tabled
� fQr later d�.scuss3.on w�.th �he Cit� Attorney, who had been requested to
; at�end this meeting by the Mayc�r.
t�a�er Su,��r�.r�tendent:
A le�t�r dated November 22 (at'�achme�t �3) from Hous3,rag and Home Fir�ar�ce
Agency was read by Mayor Gdagner . I� was decided th.at �his
matter be �xam�.ned carefu�ly.
�ouncilman Lowe made a mat3.on�, se�onded by Caut�c�lm.an Chi�.d�rs, �ha�
Wes3.ey t€�z�uh' s �mploymer�t 'be pos�par�ed �.r�t�.l January l, Ia66, by ��ic�
tir�e �.t is hoped �that �his ma���r wi�.l b� ��ar3fied; ti�a� a �.etter �f
na��.fi.ca�ion b� s�n� tv Mr. tTnruYa. Motion carried by a vo�e of: Far - �,
Caunc3.�man C�.ilders, Dav3.dsc�n, Hate42er, Lowe; Pgains� -� 1, Caunc�.lman �i�,1.
�r. Koe�.ler - W. C. Hedrick Engiraeers.
Gouncilman I,owe stated tha� i�x�. Koehler has �greed to attend an execu��.ve
me�ting wi�h Ci�y Couneil 3��cemb�r 6, �g65; 3:00 P.M. �o disc�zss fir�a� as
bui�t draw�.ngs Qf APW-TEX 1.0�#G Contract. The regular mee�ia�g of December E,
3965; 7s30 P.M. w3.11 �ec�ss £ram 8:00 P.M. for this meeting and res�tme
a� $.3c� �.�.
; Presen�a�i�n of Peti�ions and ��mt�!.un�iea��.ons:
E Lori �Te�ods - �tr���ts a
W3.�.�ia�t Lee s'�ated that represen�a�ive� of Lor�. Woods had ap�eared bef are
Cc��t�c�l �ve� a ���� a�ca ����?����n� th� �; �:v to ?�e�air �r��p h�'I�?es �tv.
�.'Yze stree�s are st��.l in n�ed of re�a�.�� Cour�e3.lman �owe ag�eed �o me�t ��.tl
Mr. Lee Wednesday, I3ecembe� �., 1.965.
Pas� Office - re uest �'or da�e of' �.nstalla�ion of s�reet s3. ns.
Stree� �ign.s a��. posts are ava3.Iab��. Counci3mara C1�ilders made a mo�io�.,
seconded b�r Counc3.lman Davidson tY�at s�re�t Qign �,ssemblies and pQSts be
r�ad� ava�l�,�le to any p��sons in��test�d �.n i�s�asi�.�.� �nem in �he�.r a�ea.
Motion carried by unan3.mous vote.
Impe�ial L�velopmen� Co,
Le���� �a����'t�rrt�r�� �`�? �a� ��ac�G �xa�i�a���n p� ��e �freet� in �mpe�?a�
Gardens shows �hem to be unaccep�able at presen�. Mr. P. R. Maloney su�;ges��
ed tha� H.F�A be asked �o inspect th�se streets for ae�ep�ability to �hem.
Couneilma�. TJc>we said �ha� there �.s a mee��.ng scheduled for 12:00 �.M, ,.
`I'�.aesday, I�ovember 30, �.g65 �o d�,scuss cotzn�� ��a��arc�s; paving of i�errie-
wQOd ��ive. Mr. Dowdy, a caunty engin�er, C�uncilma� Lc�we, Mayor Tr�agner
( and Mr. Lcan Brawtt are at�ending �h�s tneet�.ng.
` ' Bovay En�ineers - Reques�ing execu��.c�n af lette� of auth�rization.
, _
Co�a�cilman Lowe made a mo�ior�, s�c�nded by Councilm�n Davidsc�n, tha� t�e�
�e°,rise�. e�s� f3.g�.r�s for LTrba� P?a�ni�ng Assis�ar�ce Pr�agram �a��achm�n.t ,��'-5)
by approc��de I�o�ian carried by� �nanimous �o�e.
_ � �
. � �
• Repo��s �f Stand�ng C�mmittee� :
- CQUncilman H��l - �arbage Con�ractor reques�. �ouncilman HiII sta�ed
; �hat Fow�e� Barton��eq��ste �a a� age pick-up days �n Friends�ood
� b� Tuesday and F'riday instead of �'uesday and Sa�urday due ta schedul�
t conflict wi�h other areas. ��e l�yar s�ated ��. Barton w�ll soan put
ou� a schedule that �i11 let each eust�mer kn�w in �h�t �wo haur pe�iod
�hey c�n expec� pick�up �n sched�Ied days. G�uncilman �ill made a mat�on,
seco�ded by Coune�2man Lowe, th�� �owler Ba�ton be adv�sed that h�s
request �o c�ange from Tuesda�* and Sa�u�day to �.ssday and Friday is
aceep�ab3e and tha� each c�sto�er s�ould �� �otified of t�is ehange.
Mo�ion �ar��ed by unan�mo�s vo�e.
�aneing i� C�ty Ha1�.
Ca��nci?ma� LotiAre sa�d t�a� �e has ��rn�d ���r �he �etur�s of h�s ��es���r�
naar� on use of ���y �a�l �o �udge Pat��n for i�t��pr�ta�io�o C�unc�l-
m�� Ghilders asked w�a� w�1.1 be ���e ��i�� this �nte��retation. Co��cil�
�an �a�e said �hat if s�x�y (�Q� p�r���� o� ��ase re���ned ��ere �gai�s�
use �f C�t�r IE�aI�. fear social furac�ions, t�e p�1�.c�,r o� use of C�.tg= Ha1.1
shauld be cha�rged.
Courzc3.lma�. Childers co���.imen��d the Sc�.00l B�ara ran �he way th��p had
har�dled �he issue of dancir�g ir� the schoals.
Mayor Wag�er said tha� he d�.d r�o� know �his sub�ec� was coming �p, �ha�
� 3.t ���,s no� vn the agenda. Th� I��a�or, �.n his in�erpr��tation, aftAr x�e-
; ce3.ving derogatory commen�� f"rQ�. �ome of the c��izens, threatened �c
� escc�r� t�em �o ja�.l 3.f �h�.s con��.nued. Gou�;cilman Lowe reques�ed tl�a�
� I3ar��3r�g �n C�.�Cy I�all be c�n �he next ag�nda �D�c�mb�r n, I�6�j .
Unf3,nzsY�ed B�,siness.
�cntract -� Wa�sh and M�Laren.
�t�.�.I.iam I�,3a�.sh, Ca.�y En�;inee�, d�.scu.ssed �Sis proposed �.nte�e�}ator �r�r�� _
Iine detailed s�udy and s�oUred fc�r i�lus��ati�re ��zrposes on�.y, sugg�st�d
3����ceptor t�ut�Iz sewer and �lar�� loca�a.on.s. �.'he f�e of ap�rox�.matel�
�6,000,04 wauld be dedtzc�ted ��or� h3.s nox�ma� fee �,�her� �'rien�swoad passe�
a b�n_d issu� �'ar such utili�ies. �e suggested that ths C�t�r ob�ain a
loan f'z°om �HFA �vhich is gi�ren ��r�.°�h n.o in'�eres� charged for such de�ail
plann�.rzg ta be repa�.d only �.f a b�.ildiz�g program is exect�ted by a band
�.ssue. �Iis study wauld a1sQ 3�nc3ude brin�;�n� presen� maps tif our
facil3.t�.es up �o da�e.
i�� .i�ii.it3U�l's.Y1g 2�'G'w(5iu�.'tC�"tl 'v��.� s.t�'�,�•t�u�`�Ca' �'#�t1 �����.�aE3t��i.� p�.s��t'� �.�`i� ��t5p'�E?d :
WH�REA�, `�he Ci�y of F�i�ndswaod, �e�.a� is in need of cer�ain
� eng�.nee�3ng �erv�.ces nece,sary for �advin,g; cc��.s�ruc�ed certa°�n
� impro�remen�s, i.�acl�zd�:ng a Sei�rage T�ea�men� Plarz�, Sani�ary
s Sew�r Co�.leetis�n Liness '�+Iate� W�11, Wate� P�a�.t, Wa�er Dis�ri�u�i�.n
� System, Streets, Storm Sews�s and ar�y o�her capital �.mpr��reme�ts
deemed n�c�ssar•y by �he ��ty.
�REAS, �� is the opinian �f the above o�"fic��z�.s ��a� t�e ��.g�.-�
n�ering firm Walsh ar�d McLaren, C�nsulti�g �ng:�ne�rs, �f �ng1.e��on,
_ �. _
. � �
" Texas, �s a firm eons�sti�g of several Enganeers who are eo�petent
and capa�le in this spec�f�e fie�d of �ork and �aving as p�incipal
� members of the firm engineers �eg�stered as Prof�ssional Engi�eers
� �n th� S�a�e of �exas :
, N'OW, TH�RE�ORE BE IT R�SflLT�ED by the Czty Caun�il of �he Ci�y �f
Frie�dswood, Texas, �hat the Mayo� be and zs h�reby authc�ri�e� and
�.nstrtze�ed to enter in�o an agreement �;�ith the said firm for the
engineeriz�g services above mentic�n�d in t�e first paragraph of
�h3s Reso?u�ion.
The above Resol�.ti.on was introduced by Ralp�i �,cwe, sec�nded �� �arvin
Ch�.lders, and the �Iayor p�zt same to a vote. The Mayor and all �he
Couraci�.men vo�ed A'YE, there being 4ri4ne} v��ti.ng �'0, 3t was declared
'�y �Y�e Mayor �ha� sai�. Rasolut�on has been du�.y carried, pass�d �.nd ',
adap�ed, and i�t �tas ordered to be en�ered or� �;ne m�.n�.te book of��e '
City af �'r�.endswood, Texas.
Fr�.er�dswood M��hod3.s� Church Sewer:
Co�zr�cilman Lov�Te made a mot�.on, seconded by Caunc�.Iman Childers, �h��
�he �'ra.��sdswaod Me�hod3.s� Ghurcl� be perm�.tt�d t� �emporara.ly use sep�ic
tan�(s} f�r sewerage un��l �hat area �.s fur�her develaped. Mo�ion
car�ied by unanimo�s vo�e.
Ordinanc�s and Pesoltztions :
i �?rd�.nance �71 - regul�t�.ng r�ne--way pat�ers�and s �ed �.3mits in schc�ol
� area passed and approved on ir an� f3.na1 re�d�.�.g by mo ion of Cotanc�.l--
' man Dau3.dsc�r�, second by* Cauncilmar� Hatc�.��. �otion, passed by ur�animotzs
Pro osed C7rd�.nance requix�in.g se�zer hoal�€up w�s r�v�.sed for firs� r�ad3�r�g
BC�rT►� eaC' , a .
� Propased C?rd�.nance regu3.rix�� h�alth cards f or fo�d handlers �c� :na.�,�e
emergenc� c ause retrtove . Q �.�.x�a 3.an o 3,s pendir�g or inanee wil�.
be ga.ven �o a�.� �.n Friends�ro�d w�a hand�.e fac�d �nd to T�xas State Le��.
of Hea�.th prior ta f�.rs� Re�ding December 6, 1�65.
New Business :
�i�� Tele��.one Po1.�.cy t
Counc�lman Ha�eher 3..n�rc�due�d the fc�Ilowing resolu��c�n:
4. That th�e C��y Secreta�y inc�.ude v�rith tl�e warr�nt to be approved for
eacl� �elepk�one Co. b3.11, a re�or� to the CaunW�.l on a�.l 2Qng d�.star�ce
t�lephone calls char�ed to �he City c�n ��at bi��.i�g. The r°eport shall.
list the pe�sons making ��e cal�.ss �h� r�ci�ient ax�d �he pur•pose �f �h�
� �all. This shall �.nclude the ut�.lity departmer�t.
IB. �hat �o �ersona�. lono d�stanee telephone calls be charge� to 'the
C3.�y ph��.es. Resolutior� passed by un�.ni�ou� vnte.
�aunca.�. a��eed �hat is an exee�len� s�ggestian a�d z� w�.33 be fel�.o��Yed.
(I��o�e: A for;rg �.as �e�n d�si n�d for us� ���.th each �hone �a facilita�e
'��'l:i.S �C'�].O?'1. ���'�3G�lTTt�t1'� tC�� .
_ � �
. �
; Amend .Auxi�.iary Police Qrdinanc� �39�
C�une3lman H�tcher felt �hat the Police Auxil�,ary applicants shauld. be
apprflved b� �he City Cc��.n�il. After di.scussian of tl�e func�ians and
� preser�t aperat3.on of the Po3�.ce Auxil�.ary and its me�hod of aceep��r��
appl3.�at�.�ns, Cour�ci1man Ha�cher t�ade a moti�n, s�con�ed by Couneilmar�
�av�.dson, t�.�.i; a1l appair��men�s of applicants tc� the Auxiliary Police�
�`ar�e sha3.�. 'be sub�ec� to final r�view of �he Counc3.1 at the e�.d of
their n�.nety day probat�.onary �eriad, l�o�ic�n carri�d by unanimaus vo�e.
Pes sor�nel Representa�ian for the Ci�y:
Counci�.marz �Ia.teher sugg�sted tYaat Co�neil pass a re�altz�iQn stat�.ng �hat �
only elect�d offic��.ls repres�n� th� Ci�y �nless an e��eption �.� �peci-
fica.3,Iy apprQVed b� �ounc�..l ae�ion..
A�'ter some discuss�.c�n �of t�i.s �.t �a� d�c�ded �a �ab2e �h3.s su��ect u�ti1.
the next re�;ular mea�3.ng - December 6, 1y6�,
Cotxnc�.Imar� �avids�on made a mfltion, second�d by� Gou,�cil�n�.n Hatc�er, �I�at
�rden ki�.11 is appo�nt�d Mayor-Pro-Tem retroaetive t� April 1�, 19e�5.
Ma�i�n c��r�.ed, `by una��.�taus va'�e.
Warra�.ts. �..
- --- ��
Coun��.lman /H�.11 m�de a mo��.on, seconded by Cauncilman Davidson, tl�a�
E warran�s ,� 596 �hrough � 6�7 and � 2135 thr°oagh � 2160 be app�aved.
� Mo�3.on +��,�r.3edr: by urza�imaus vo�e.
� t�ee�3.r�g �djour2��en�:
Ccs�.nc�.�man. H�.11 made a m��ion, s�c�ndeel by Cauncilman Childe�s, that
vc��.�.c�,1. M���3��g nn� c�ncinue a��e� mid�azghti; �i�a�c any �.n�'ini�n�d bus3.n.ess
be p�z� n�ar at f�.rst of �he next regular agenda. P��t�.on carried b�T a
���� n�': For - �-- Council.man Ch�.lders, Dav�dson, ?�i11, Lowe. A�a�.ns� -
1 � �GUncilman Katcher.
Me���.�g ad�ourned. 1:3Q �1.�.0
�sp�c �u�. y stt mi ed,
r � r3g , i �� eeret
i A tJ�
a� y � a�;z�e�, aycr
_ � -