HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-10-18 Regular . . F;�.�,,,?y°�c...�,e°'V. %F° i _' � 'v�+— � , , i . � MSNUTES OF THE CI`TY CC�UNCIL I�ETING, t7CTt�B�t 18, 1965 .� � A regulax meeting af -the Fr�.endswood City Co�zneil was held Octaber 18, 1965� 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall. i� ( Presen� were I�ayor I�arry D. Wagner; Councilznen Narvi.n Chi:Lders, Walliam Dat�dson, Harry ! ��. Hatcher, Arden C. Hill, Jr. , Ra1ph Lowe; Ci.ty Secretar,y Ar�ha Wright; Ci�y Engineer � William C. Wa�.sh. Alsa prese�t were J. A. New�7orn, Jr., Louis Wart�am, R. S. Benriett and J. G. l7ickson �f Bovay �ngineers, Mara.e Allman, Leah North, Susan Bri.dges, Bettp Shore, Frank �' Parmenter, �F. FC� �l`hipkey, W. W. Wilder, Betty Nlerchant$ �'red Krch, Vernon Dauph�xi. Mir�utes of the C�etaber 4, 1965 reg�zz�.ar rneeti,ng stoo3 approved as corre�ted and read. Minu�tes of f.he Oct;o�er 11, I9b,5 special a�eeting were -tabled unti7. the November �, 1465 meeting. �g3,r�e,er, ��.1.iam, ir�alsh recommended that tb.e �a.ty af Friendswood purchase a drawer t�pe map file far proper care and starage af maps �.:� plan.�. A.�roval of L�xirx�ton aubdiiris��,n: Mr. YJJaI.s� f�rthex �ecammended �hat Le�ngf.on Sub-. d�.�r3.sinn be approved by s�.gn2ng o£ the final l�.nen, sub ject to the subdivi...der praviding the fo�.la�ng: A �inal. linen of the recorded plat; s�reets - sampl�s taken for strength °test of eoncrete, and aored to check sp�cified thiekri�ss; testing of water line for pressure, cert�iaate from recogn�.zed labaratary that these water lines are ster�lized; ir,fiZtra�3.on test on se�rer line (at Engi.neer's opt3on� ; set af a.s bzzilt drawings upon complet�.nn; f,hat r�o water ar s�raer serv3.ce w�.�.7., be prov�..ded un-�i1 th.ese requirements are met. Ca�.ncilmar� Hill made a motzan seaonded by Caun�ilman �avidson, that Council aceept E ; �the abc�ve recnmmendations made by Mr. Walsh concern:�..ng �the Lex3.ng�E:on S'u1�d�.nision and � i fihe motian carr�.ed unani.mous3y. ' ' Suburban Jaurr�al: Mr. �'. A. Newborn, Jr., o� the Suburban Jouz°nal, appeared before Gouneil, �ta ask �hat �the Counc�. consider this newspaper as the afficia7. c�.ty news- �,a�� s:4.�a�e :�.t zn�ets a1.1 r�qs,zir�r�#��s �s �et �°e�*�: �.n �le�:�n'� �r?��tat.�� C�ttr�'?1. 5��,�utese The3.r charge �ra�.l.d be 22 cents per word. `I'.his newspaper is del,iver�d by �ai�. o�.ce a week, subscr�.ptian �at,� 3.s $3.00 per year. Comprehens3ve Pla.�na.n�: J. G. Dickson of Bavay Engrs., aft�r �.ntroducing R. S. Benrtett of th�t �irm, went ot�er �he revised copy of their pro�sed eomprehensive plan with the Couiae�.�.. Z`his r�va.sion encomp�ssed sugges�ions maa.e by Cca�cil at thes.r w�r�shap meeting of C1c�bex� 11, and suggestions made b� C.oun�ilman Dav�.dson by phone to Mr. I�i�ks��. Maycsr ��"a�er w:i.I.1 gcs over f�iis pxoposai xith Mr. Dave Bx•awn o� Texas Nl�znici.pal League. Mr. I}ickson agreed -to subm�.t a letter setting fox�th what eauld be started s.mmediatel.�' QSl �S11..$ LJ�`Q�'l.'G.ii{ �V� �id�.t@ �VgVVV•VV o�v''c3'.i�cF.�vi°v �ivlia v.�i.�vj +��:�.��. 'Ik'he C�.�y t s share af -the expense for this eQm�ar�hens�.ve plan will be paid - �3,OOQ.O(3 3.n 1.q66 a.nd $3:�00.0� an �967. --- Clear�ira�; ap of rubbish �d weeds on lots in ths City vr�.s discussed. � cc�mplaint has � �een reo�iv'ed about se�eral lcs�s i.n the v�.c�.n-�.ty c�� Cst� HaL.. �t ��as deczded t,o send � ! a eopy of our Ordinance � 37 requ�ring weerls �d grass tcs �re cut upon prerna.ses and tha� ! rubbish and trash be remQV�d -Ehere�ram, to C�leman Garter, Cit�y Att.arney, �or h�.s op�.n�.a� of its legality. This subjeet will be fux��her dis�uss�d at a wc�rkshop session. 1 Road 4dork for City of �'riendsc�ood: The following �eport �ras given by Ra1ph Lowe: t Coun�il approved $1,80Q.00 for repa�.rs to City- s�reets. � I Jimmy A1.britton - 41� yds. she11 - 2.1fl per yd. 86�.z1�0 _ (Pay J3mm,y A7.brzt�n $869.�0} FZa.Iph Lowe - 120 yds. shell. - 1.5C3 per �d.• I80.�0 ,5t? tons S. S. Shell 2.�.0 per -ton 1.O�.�Q 55 gallons tack coat .3Q per gal.. 16.50 (Pay W. D. Haden - Parker Bros.} (Gu1� Sta�s Asphalt as per ) (their a.nvai�es � J�hnsen Concrete Tile 12� - �.3t1 1.98 23.76 16' - 2�" 3.15 50.44 8' _ 30 rt �.�r1 35.28 2�� _ �.,�9r z.6z 3�.8� ' $l� T�e s s ?� �-�5,'r Gene Kenriedy - Zabcar far repairing holes �35•OQ Parker Bras. - 26 Tons asphal.t sY�ell 5.5n p��' �� ��'�� �Q ��-a 9� �•zS Nlaters.al. Left O�rer: r-- i ; i 9 tor_s asphal.t shell 5•5� ��•5� '--- 8 to�.� S. S. SheI.I. 2.�.Q �..608:2 l2' a� Z,5'� t31e I..62 19.�F4� 2� �a1�.ons taek: �oat .3� �'`"'`" �v7�•2!'r ���3__._2.�_ $1, Ot� l.(31 Counei:Lmar� I��.11 made a motion secanded by Counci]..man �atcher, t.�at Caunc3.]. apprav� �the additis�i�a1 e�.Ypendi'��ure o£ �9�.2� and. s�c��kpile the �at,�rials left over ($93.2�) far futurs use. I��otian ca�^rs.ect by unan�.mc�us v°c�te. - Pol.ice De a�tment: Cou�.cilmar_ Chi�dars ma.de a m�-tian; secori�.ed by Couneilman Hil.l that C�rdinance r�8: au�horiz�ng erec��.an of stop si.gns �e amer�ded as �al.Iaws: strike ccsrner N.W`e Shada�rbend Ave. and ec�rner 5.�. Sh.ad.o�bend Ave. kFk�ere they �.ntersect Woodlawn 13ri�re ax�d add ecarner N.W. Woactlawn Avenue and ec�rner S.E. Woodlawn A�nue where theg zrs�rsect dt �ha.dowbend Avenue. Mation earried bg �nanimaus mQ�io�.. CfY�5.71C1.�.Ttid�2 .E�.I"Ci�It �.�i Yt�,�� a. ttf9a"i.:t.vYla 88�a°vi?�i�ia. uj=' L`Guii:::�.�a'�'iu,.'i ��:'1.`�SCt21 �lia,�F. t„�3 ��l�nzy., ing prapessal be dra�m up in ardinance �'orm for Counc3l action: T0: The Honcsrabl.e Mayc�r and City Caunei�.men _ SU�sIECi: Ret�.si�n o� schao�. zone per�..meters Rnd creats.or� of one-�?ay street ta `i acc�madat,e foat and bicycle �ra�fic betweerf sch��3 grrsunds and FM$�8. � i PRGPOSAL: l. The e�.sting schoml zarze on �'M�1.8 be shcsrtenEd � �the fc�3.lowix�g � boundaries: (a) Fram a p.oint (j0� fift� �eet raor�hwest �f �he intersectien of FM-�1.8 anc� Magnolia Ave� extendi.ng tcs a pc�int (�C}) fif�y feet sat�theast of -�he intex�se�tion of FM-�18 and Spreading C3aks Av�. ` (b) The speed lz.�..t and t3.mes of recl.ttced speed should rema�.r� the - same as are now in e�.stence. � i 2. That �1'iLlowick Ave. frc��n its int.ersectian at FM-�18 extend�.ng sauth- eas-terly ta its i.n�ersection �th Laurel Drive be closed ta a�ta- mo�i:Le tra�fi.c durix�g certain speci.fsed schoel Y!a�zrs. 3. S,et there be only one (1} offzcial school crasswalk an FM-�1..8 and �.et that one be at tlse intersection of �J3.1.1.a�+rick Ave. with �'NNb--S18. 'Phere are several reasons for �these praposed �hanges: (1) To bet�te;r and mara e�fec�tive?�y contx°al traffi.c �raugh aur schoal �one (the preserst school zane is .4 of a inile in length arid too I.ong z"o� Qne man -F.a eomple�tely enf�rce w:ithout mavi.ng arc�und within the school zone). Proposed schoal �ane would � be approxima�ly one-�h a1.f as long as the e�st�.�ag schoc�l !, zone. (2} At `P.he pr�sen� tzme, ch�7.dren i�si�t an �rowsing FM-,�7.8 at �h.r�e C3� di�£e�ent places. I}ue to the �.ength o� 'F,he ' schocsl zone zn exi.stence; three �..ntersectians az�e encompassed. � (3) With nne (7.) centx=ally loca�ted �rosswa.l.k, the arossing w:i11 be m�re equitable to children from a11 sections af tc�wn arzd encou�age them to all use -the gnz�.r�.ed crosswal�. f.__. � (4� The b1.�ek of strEet (���.1.1.ow3.ck� b��se�n FN�-�18 and school Y,�hic�� wouyd be u�e�? Qxel�w�.t�e�� f�r facat �nc� ��cycl� ��°af��.e during school zone hours would eneour4ge parents who dr�ve �Izeir chi7Ldren to and from schc�Ql to pxck them up at. �'M- �.�� ��d ��.�`i1.1.c:�::� L7�P.�A +�e nff;cer -?5 ��a�.ic�r��d ar�d thus relieve some of the traffi.e �rom ax�ound sehaol. Ord3.na��e �7�.: �pe�d 13.mi�s a�.d on�-wa�r pa��ern for ���.ff�.� du�ing sehool �o�.e Qurs �.n �he �.tnmediate a�ea of the sehool�� Counc3.�.mar� Childex�s made �, mo�zo�z, ��QOr�d�d by Cea�a�e�.�.man. Lc�we tk�a� �r�dinanee �7l be app�ov�d on �'�.rst �eadi�. Mot�.on e�rr3.ed b� un�,nimous vo��. F�.r� Truck: S�v�e�a�. e3.�3.zens a�ked som� ques'��.oz�s ���iee��.�.x�g �h� new ��.r� �ruc :�fio au�hor3.��d �.t� purchase? W�r€� �k��r� othe� metk�ods cons�.dered f o� it� f�.nanc3.n�? Wha owns t�.� fire tru�1� now? Cousd it b� pa�.c� for ou� a�' a �ax p�ogram2 �'�.ey f e1� �hat, �'u�3.rr�g �he �i�y Ha3.�. Bu�.ld�.ng campaign, a.'� had b��n ind�.cated tha� �he purchase o.� th� fire �r�ek was t�,keM c�r�e of ecriu. vjic�,� �Si'�T"�rr'v'�� �7^e,,� �.°v�:°�. �i� G'C,`'?��F�,:�i hs�f:m {�:r� f:l�p (,�'i f�t' Ha'L� w��� ��'1G �nder— standing t�a� ar�y �xcess f�nds wo�.ld be fo� ��e ��ack� �`his �s�b�ect w�.11 bE d�.setzs��d furth�r �,� a works�.op r�eet��.g �.r�d �M.en a l��te� wil1�_be pu� ou� to b���e� �xpla3.n th�.s program �n the ci�����.� af the comm��.�ty. Couneilt�an �owe sa3d �h�,� at �r�sent ��.e f�.r� truck b�I.ongs to hi�n sinc� he signed a nQ�� fox� �19,00�.00, held �.r� escrow wi�h �. 6� 3.n�erest rate e Mayor Wagner } - said tha� �he Fr3.endswood �ro�.un.t�er F'ire Depar�men� had au�horized purck�ase i of a fire �ruek a� a regular meetinge '1'�.e truek: fro�n John Be�.n Co, of ; T,ansin�, Mzc�i:�.gan had been a de�nanst�a�or t�sed a'� Texa� A� �c M, tra3.�.3.ng schools and �herefore was o�fered a� a reduc�d p�ace c�f �19:00(}.00 ��di.nanc� ��3: S�zk��.i�r�.���r� ��ga�.a��nns. `�h�.s wa� amera�.ed by mo�iar� of '�;ou�.c`�man��'�.1de�s� s�eon e y o�z�.� m�,n Dav�.c�sc�n, �ha� �he subdivision. reg�zlati�ns; t3z°dinance �23 be am�r��ed as ft��.?a�s s d � S�bd3.v3.sior� Regulat�.ons: Be i� ordained by the C3.t� �ouncatl j- of ��.e Cit� of' �'��.�nd��rood, �exa�: � Am.endm�n�s Sect3.on �', 5ubsectimn C; A�.� st�eets re�riewed or acc�p��.nee only upon �o�al comple��.on. ;:�;: Ame�dm�nt s S�et�.oz� SV, subs�ction B; Tt sh�.11 be ��.c s�.b� v �� s respons�.bility to instal3. the proper �r�.ff�.c can- �G�nl meas��e�, �'�e�. as ��op sign�, y�.eld right-of-wa�r sigMs and other sueM. �on�rol meast�res a� reeammendec�. by �he C�.ty Engineer. Mot3.an carried by ur�animo�.s vote. Ordir�an�� �f9: Procec�ures for �nact�.ng 4rdi�.anc�s was p�,s�ed and app�o've oz� r�a u rea ng y mo .�on o o�.ne lman Hateher, seconded b� Co�.n�il,man David�on. Mo��.on �ar��.�d by un�.nimous �ot�. Counc�.l�an �h�.1de�� mae�.e a mo�ion sec€�nded by �Q�r_cilr�a� Lmwe f �ha'� t�e C��nci.l have an ord3.nance dx�awr� up requ3.ring �ha� ar�y b�.�.ldi� or res�.der�ee Ioca�e w - : n a g v��. nu�n.>e� o �e� rom a� e�z� �.ng sewer a.ne mus eonnee �o a sc�we� �.Me. o �.oz� carr�.e y tzn�,n mous vo e. Rig;�.�-of-way: Chaa�e Road. Man� ca� �he �igM.�-of-way deeds for prop�r�y on oa e oa� a�e e�� signed o�rer to t�.e �i�y. A letter i.s �Q be s�n� ou� �o �hose who have �.o� r�ade �ame ag�eemen� wi�l� the �x�y to nn�if'� �h��e people �ha� �he Ci�y is �nak3.xig one 1�.st effor� �o f3.n�.sh thi� prca j���. It was ag�ec�d t�i�.� ar� addi��.ozaal �3,��0.�� be �et as3.de from �he ��6� budge� far t�3�� pu�pose. � �e�e�nt�,g� of tax �.on�.�:s colle��ed z Couneil.�an Dav3.dsor� made a mo�G3.c�n, � se�on � �y ou�.��. man �. �r� at �8� of each ��,x dollar be put 3nto �h� �.n���e�i ai�d. ��.�k�.� ���.a fc��c� �.�e r�t�.i�e��er�i. �f ���id� ar�c� 52 o b� p�t 3.n�o �he gen�ra� ft�nd accoun�. MQ�3.on ca�ri�d by �,nani�ous �rote. �'s.S�r�,i �.���"i'�: .n'i�E.' Ci�'t�.ii��.i. vi:�"��u ca,� i Gi,.'�..�t�ia i�i d i i.��ca,� c`3.�,�ii'�. Lewi� Pau1� a�.d San: 3 Councilmen Davidson, Ha�che�, Loc�e. Ha�xy (�ranb��ry: 1 �o��c�.lrnan Hi11 (tY�e R�.yor stated �hat his prefer�n�e w�.s Mr. �r�.nberry} . �o�d�.ek and Peallok: 1. Cau�c�lmar� ��.�.�,d�rs o Courac�.�.r��.n �a�r�.d�can �a�.d �ha� a1�r�Q�.gh ne wa� ve�y 3.mpressea wi�h �i�. �ranber��, �c� �'e1.� �h�.� his 2o�a�3.o�. �.n �5��. A�.�o�.�.o wa� not convenien� fo� any cons�.�.tat�.az�� by phon� th�.t m�.g;ht b� r�eeded. l�ayQr Wagner �ompl3.r�en�ed �he Corpora�io�.,, Po�.3.c� Depa�t�.e�t and �ho�e �'��«^ u'�J'��.'�.�."E,°'� �'^�.' �;.'�Z'�* �E.'y"�'�.3° ��3 ���' °X�°�.�°�� ��nr���Z.^.�'s r^f' ��''r�..°IsG�.w;":�f3� �3.r��G ��x�y �ria1. � War�ant�3 �30 t�.rough ;�51 and #�489 �h�ough �2116 apprQVed by motzon o� o�.�c'�1man Dav�.c�.sc�M, �ec€�nded b� Councilma� Lflwe. Mo�a.on earried by �� � na.mo s vo � ��, � -,�,� � — ����,e.-� ..��r��, , - � �ec�i�e.-���� ��zz..r�� Q_�z- p�z-` ~�����,,.!-,�.x,: i �4 e 3. ad,jou��ed. f Respec �1.y submit�ed, � �� � APP �VED: r a r�.g - - �y r� ar� � �� � , y . agn�r, a�