HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-10-11 Special f ✓ �� /�%�- �� y '� MINUTES OF THE SFE�IAL COUNCIL MEETING, OCTOBER 11, 1965. ,- ; � A special meeting af the Friendswaod C�.ty Council was held October 11., 1965; 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall. Presen� were May�r Harry D. Wagner; Councilman Ntarvin Childers, Wzlliam E. Davidson, Arden C. Hill Jr. ; City Secretary Artha Wright. Also present were Councilman-eleet Harry f . Hatcher; 0,0. Terrell, Emily Ann Knight; Morgan Young, and Jackson Hinds of Houst�n Natural Co. 9 Jack k�cLaren and Sam Tillo�ta of Walsh 8c McL�ren Engrs. 9 Charlie A. � Schaefer and J. G. Dickson of Bova�T Engrs. Inc, ; Charles 0, Mills �f Cominunity Pub].ic Service9 Tony Banfzeld, Ghairman of the F�ier.dswood Planning Commission, and Mrs. Rcnald �lexander. . �ve���°•The �'irst purpose of this mee��ng: 4rder Declaring Result of Cit3,Trs Special Ot'f�cer El�c�ion9which adopted �he fo lowing resaluti.on: That t1�e said e�ection tvas duly called9 that no�ice of sa3.d election was hel,d �.n accordance with ].aw ai�d that HARRY M. HATCHER was duly elect� ed councilman and said above named party ls ere y declared duly e3ec�ed to said off�.ce, subject �o the t�king �f his �ath and filing bond as provided by the laws of �he State of Texas. M�tion to adopt this' resolution was made by Ccuncilm�n Childers, second�d by �ouncilman Davidson and �he moti�n carried by unan�mous vote. �- ,s f�7�JI����cr.P�-ti�/�/l� �'"�r��P�E'-�`�s'I N�:-2.�� � �C,�c:rY� ��"'�,' �.�lL.��ccvwe-G.� � The oath of of1'i e��d�istered �o Harr�x�xatcher l�y��y or�ner.•-� Councilman Davidson made a motion that the c�uncil �zote on allowing � Hous�on Natural Gas Co, to be franchised b�.T the City o Frien swpo . Mota�on seconded by Councilman �Iill and carrie unanimously. The vote �'o Counca�l was as follows : �/ �'or allowing Houston Natural �s Co. a i rancha.se : One; Councilman Childers. Aga�.�zst a�lowing Hauston N�tural �as "Co. � franehise ; . Three. Councilmen Dav�.dson, Hill, Hatcher. A phane call fram Councilmaiz L�we was received b�T Mayor Wagner �t '; : �.5 P.M. at which '�ime Counca.lman Lowe stated tk�at he was again.st allawxr�� ������� ������� ��� C�.. a franchise at this time. Councilma�. Davi.dson requested that the Mayor� s opinion of this matter als� be entered in�o the minutes of this meeting. M�yor Wagner is against allowing Hauston �atural Gas Co. a franchise at this �ime. Mayor• Wagner �hanked Houston N�tura� G�s Co. for �heir time and excellent present�tion and sa�.d that he was of the opinion that o�her fr�.nchises may be given at some fu:�ure t�me. ; - , � - ; _- " ���-���f .���-�.� ���� ,� , � J I%3� _��� S�c.e'r�i'^�d�' ��f i� _.��ii�-����' / w' �`�-- ! � Hous�on Natural Gas Co. represen�at�.ves expr•essed their apprecia'�i€�n for �he manner in which the Gouncil had taken their request fo� a f'ranchise under careful consideration. 0.0. Terrell expressed his grati�ude for the cauncil' s vote an� stated that his, company wou�d do a11 in its power to continual.ly ir�prove their service. Meeting adjourned by motion o�' Councilm�n Ha�cher, sec�nd by Councilman Davidson; Motion unan3mous , Res�ectfu117 submitted, �'.'f l . e.. � • Artk�a Wright - �City Sec e�ary : �� APPROVED: �;v _� „_, � -- '��� � , Harry D. T��gner - Mayor � _2., � � t