HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-09-20 Regular . � MINt3TES OF �`HE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20, Z9E5. � A regular meeting of the F'riendswood City Council was held Spetember20, 19�. 5; 7: 34 P.M, at the City Hall. Present were : Mayor Harry D. Wagner; Counci2men Marvin Childers, Willi�m Davidson, Arden Hill, Ralph Lowe; City Secretary Artha Wright. Also present were : Bob Lee, Be�ty Merchant, Lou �Jortham, Marie Al�.man, tid,B. White, Lee North, Rit� Hatcher, Harry Hqtcher, M. F. Krch, Ceeil Br•own Sr. , Gene Kennedy of Kennedy Construction Co. , Richard Whitworth of Norwood Homes, Guy R, Odom of Norwood Homes, 0.0, TerreZl, G,E, WebbJr. G.E� Crepp�n, Kenneth Toon, A.F. Stoneman, Ray Diam�nd, Tom Long, D.G. Romeike, J.C, Hinds, Joe H. Foy, Morgan Young, Bab Phillips, Glenn Browne, Roger May. Mayor Wagner called the meeting to order. Niinutes of Septemb�r �, 1g65 : stood approved as corrected. Minutes of Se�tember 8, 1965:tabled. Minutes of September 13, 1965 : stood approved as read. Houston Natural Ga� Franchise Proposal : J.C. Hinds, 3oe H. Foy, Morgan Young, an G. . e Jr., epresen a ives of the Houston Natural Gas Co. , appeared before council to present their company' s qualifications and services; and request ed that the City of Friendswood grant a franchise for their operation in the city. Ceci1 Brown Sr, spoke of Friendswood � s earlier request fo� service from Houston Natural Gas and subsequent rz:fusal and cf Mr, 0,0. Terre�l' s willir�gness to serve this city when it was needed. Mr, Webb stated for th� rccord thst no statement ha� been made reflect- ing on the present gas service in the City of Friendswood. Guy Odpm of Norwood Hames spoke to council concerning his desire to see r�ore than one utility eompany to choose from. The subject of the above mentioned proposed franchise ta�led. Special meeting called for 10:00 P.M. this date after close of this regular meeting for further discussion by council, 0.0+ Terrell and one representative �f Houston Natural Gas . Mr.Odom, in answer to question posed b5T Ralph Lowe, stated that the a roximatel 150 homes to bE built on h3.s resent o tion in Annalea wou e � iJarwood homes, �l , to ; � range; an � i ir�g homes, �12, 004 to 17,000 range: That the Fay Harvey tract would be developed wi�th � acre to 22 acre 1ots; $ 25,000 to 50,000 range. W.B. White - Water Line: The following letter submitted by Mr. Whi.te was rea o ounci . Dated March 11, 1g59. '�. . . . The Galveston County W.C. & I.D. �15 is pleased to offer you the faliowing arrangements for e�tending a water line to your homesite. The District will extend the present 2" water line 850 feet along �he northwest side of Pine Drive to a point opposite your resident providing you will agree to pay a construction charge in advance of �_�.3.95 which is calculated a� 787 feet at $0.35 per foot. _ .._�.___,_..,__,._.�_�. __...e __...._._._,_.. _e_. _______ � �o�l�l�� The Distr3.ct further agrees to refune� ta yvu a total of �23�. �.4 which is our amount calculated as follows : $0.30 per foot for 78( feet, upon the Districts extension of the line beyond your property. . . , . . . . " signed Dale Brown, President Motian be Councilman Ralph Lowe, , seconded by Councilman Marvin Childers that this amount of �23�. 1� �s stat�d in the above letter be paid to Sv1.B, GThite. Motion earried by unanimous vote, Noise - Sewer Pl�nt 2: D.G. Romeike spoke to council about �he noise eve as a ects the peoplQ in the immediate vicinity on Deepwood Drive, He hGs o�tained an estimate fro . eir ( Ray Diamond ' s carpenter ) of 350.00 to bu�ld `��e�-se'- � � �) around the compressors. William a�dson requested an overall cost figure for the ' � ��au�� �' �� the sugbested additions to correct the noise pro�b].em; he fur�lzer requested that the possibili�y of a vertical �,�{�"��. �-piaced to deflect the remaining noise away from near-by residents. Mr, Davidson also s�ated that �che noise level in Clear Creek Woods subdivision was lowered �o a barely aud�ble tone. Ma�ror Wagner artd Engineer, `uJil�.iam Walsh will check this problem this week. Motion by Councilman DavidsQn, seconded by Ralph Lowe that the Ma3rar be au�horized to sign the final linen for the Lexin ton subdivision after iin�l approv�l of the anning Commission an e ra nage Distric�. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Fred Krch asked if the Fire Departrnent is consulted before final ; approval of a subdivision p at i i conta�ns dead-end streets or cu - e-sacs, as o e al owance for turning radius of fire equipm�nt; and if it is not , that this should be cons ere . Moti�n by Councilman Davidson, seconded by �ouncilman Hiil that Ordinance �69: Proc�dures for enacting ordinances be approved on first reading, otion carrie y unanimaus vo e. Armond Stoneman read the follow�.ng letter concerning the financing af the new fire truck: o: Frien swood Ci y Council Frorn : Fire Truck Finance Committee Subject ; New Fire T�uck Financing Committee consisting of A.F. Stonecnan, Chairman; Mrs. Be�tee Cogdell, and Mr. Keith Smith, members, have �greed that the bes� possible methad ut our disposal at this time for �"inancing an expenditure of this magnitude should be r�n a voluntary basis . Donations from homeowners, business and civic graups may be the answer, but in my opinion, considering �he recent campaigb to raise funds for our city hall, the citizens wouZd be r•eluctant ta accept a � purel3r donation program at this time. It is doubtful that the Fire Dept. personnel would meet with any greater success than an all out campaigh. In all due respect, the Fire Dept, personnel should spend as much time as they� have at thsir task of learning the new equipment and not flur door knocking for contributions. We are of the opini+�n that �onds and taxes are not the answer at this time as both would require a special vote und an increase in the tax rate in both cases. _�_ We investigated the possibility af working through the mortguge companies, but faund this undesirable since most people iiving in Friendswood at this time own their hornes and propertSr. In any case this (method )of financing the much needed fire truck would not be egu�l The most equitable solutian to our problem is to add one dollar to the water �i31 wzth a not�tion that this amount {clear�y marked ) is far the p��hasing af the new fire truck. True some, very few, of the residents oi Friendswood do not have city water but I arn sure that they wouldn' t hesitate on such a small donation for protection of life and property. dne Life, one fire is worth the cost of �he Fire truck alane, If we, as citizens of th�_s community, do not support this purchase, we may or may not live to z•��;ret it. " Mr. Stoneman said th��� the second answer to the problem would �e taxation Motion by Counci3man Hill, seconded byT Cc�uncilman Childers that a letter of exp�.anation concer.ning the �1.00 per month an the water bi11 to pay off the fire truck ( approxirr,ately four years ) , to be added starting this month, be sent to all residents . Mot�on carrie�d by a unanimous vote. Motion by Councilrnan Davidson, seconded by Cauncilman Lowe, that the previaus motion of Sep�ember 8, 19;�5 aceepting the Section �. of the Financial Work Group report be amended ta transfer from the Utility fund to the General fund the audit�d figure arrived at by Mrs. Canter, Auditor, WilZiam Davidson, and Artha intright. Motion carried unanimously. Warrants �` 500 through 505 - and Warran'�s ;;' 2053 through 2068 Approved and signed by Motion of Councilman Hi11, seconded by Councilman Lowe. Motion� carried by unanimous vote. Harry Hatcher asked tha� the council consider s�udy of Civil Defense pragram; and tha� Civil Defense be placed on the next agenda. Counc3.1 agreed. Meeting adjaurned by motion of Cout�cilman Hill, seconded by Councilman Lowe. Motion carried unana.,mously. Resp�;ct£=��I7�? subr���ted, � . ' � � � �C / C - �, --- Approved : Artha Wright - City Secre� ary Harry D. Wag�er - Mayor -3- �