HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-09-08 Regular ` MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COt3NCIL MEETING OF SEFTEMBER 8, 1.965 A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held September 8, 1g65; 7:3� P.M. at the City Hall. Present were Mayor Harry D. Wagner, Councilmen Marvin Childers, William Daviz�sQn,, Arrien Hi11, Ralph Lowe; City Secr��ar,y firtha l�rigi�t; City Att�rney Goleman Carter; City Engineer William �dals.h. • Also present were Mrs. Ora Warr, Wariren Gillespie, Jr, , W. B, White, Betty Shore, Mx�s . Percy Hurt, Mrs . M. L. Childers, W. B, Evans, J. B. Roach, R. G. Hamil, F. C. Cogdell, Mrs. F, C. Cogdell, Mrs. Harry � M. Hatcher, Harry M. Hatcher, Leon Brown, Ray Dia�ond, Tom Long, Norman Chennault, Gene Greathouse, C. C . Bost, 0. 0. Terrell, G. E. • Creppon, Mrs . G. E. C�eppon, Armond F. Stoneman, Mack Wilder, Lou Wortham, Betty Merchant, Dennis Grizzle, Linn Eignus, Bob Lee, Keith Smi.th, Fred Krch, Leah North, D, G. Romeike, Marge Huss, Fritz Huss, Ken Toon, H. �. Speck, Gle�in Browne, Morris Taylor� Stanley Faber Minutes of the August 16, 1g65 stood approved a� read, Ray D�amond stated that he wauld like to see a ma�or Gas Utility Company in Friendswood an�gave some 'o -�reasons which were encom- passed in a le�ter to the Citizens of Friendswood of �ugus� 24, 1965 . "Many times your city government needs the help of the citizens to back them up on decisions as to what� s best for the city, Your Friendswood City Government is probably composed of some of the most � fair mindec� men as are in the United States, but now and then on issues of major benefit and importance to the residents of Friendswood you need �o indicate your dzsire and wisries by per•sonally arguir�g a point . Now that is what I am asking for by this Iet�er. I need your help to support this idea if you see it as I see it. We have an opportunity to get a ma jcr Gas Utili�y Campar�y ir� Fr:iendswood, ihis ��rould n�t puic the old Utility Company out of business but it would simply franchise two companies. For the City Qf Friendswood the following benefits that you as a resident would get : l. Elirnination of development cast and �50,00 meter charges, consequently, a new house wauld be less ex- pensive, - 2. You wou�.d have a major company that would provide excellent services, good pressure and adequate supply. 3. The rate would be considerably cheaper in the areas the new company serves . Possibly this competition would bring our rates down. �. I� major company with its engine�ring, planning and promotion can better serve a comrnunity whatever need may arise. The above would be benefits f'or just an ordinary resident, but the following are tangible benefits for a developer a�d builder and any benefits a�ong this line benefit our city indirectly because we can compete favorably with surrounding communities and consequently attract new people . U�e need new people in Friendswood because we need ta split up the tax burden. Our taxes will accelerate in the years ahead; otzr population must increase : _....__..__ .,.,...._,._._._.. ___..�_.�......��...._.....___..�.,�. ._. _,..._..___�._,__._ ..._ 1. Development Cost - by this a major company has the expens� of putting in the lines and meters . Z. Gas participation �ith prornotion expenses are very helpful to �he builder in keeping the cost down, consequently making , , hi�� competitive. 3. Major companies offer builders and developers professional services when needed that would ordinarily be included in the cost of const�uction. I am for allnwing a new franchise in Friendswood, f�irstly, being • a resident and secondly, being a builder and developer. There ' � are no immediate benefits to me personnally because I live in a developed area and the old company will continue to serve me, � but I know competition will cause better things to happen, . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . n 0. 0. Terrell, Gas Utility Service Company, resented cauncil with Copies o e ers ra es an gra s s owln cost i ures, ua y e r serv�ce e c . , w lc are on e �n e 1 y �ce. e 0 owing is a copy of the Gas Utility Service Company Gas Rates- approved by R.R,C. : First �00 cu, ft. �2,00 Next 640 cu, ft. 1,05 " 2,000 " " 1,�0 per M r� 7, o00 " ,� .95 C " �+o, 000 " „ ,85 " 50, 000 " " ; ,70 � � O�er 100,000 " " .60 For: AIgQa, Alvin Heights, Bonn�y, Clear Creek Manar, Liver�aol, �-:illcrest jTillage, Rosharon, L�Jebster ar.d Friendswood. Further discussion of other Gas Company franchises was t�bled urztil other company(s } can submit franchise �,roposa�s for discussion. W. B. 'w'hite - Water Line tab�ed since D le Brou�m cou�.d not be here to scuss s su ec or tid, B. White in re].ation to W, C. & I, D.#15 action previously. Glenn Browne - Fire Hydrant - Glenn Browne had asked Marvin Childers to scuss s pro em for �iim; and asked Mayar Wagner to explain that due to illness he might not be able to at�end. (He did come for part of the meeting ) . The f'ire hydrant in front of his property on Nlerrie- wood is withir� his �:oper�y line and he r?�U�StS tha'� it be maved . in order to give unencumbered title to his property� Council had given Marvin Childers author•ity to investiga�e this line; Faul Milligan, County Surveyor, was requested to stake the property line on the above mentioned pi�operty and that across the street; whzch he did. Thi� showed that the hydrant was on Mr. Browne' s property. There was discussion of the possible need of more right-of-way by the city for widening of Merriewood; of why it had been put in side his property line - because the only apparent �orner marker used �o line up that water line was not in a true line with that property. Council agreed that C. C . Bost move the hydrant to the city easement since this was part of the ��?�ril-TE}� 10�-IG contract px�esently being cam�leted. H� �. S��ck, sg�akirig for Lhe Frlez�dst�oQd C�a�nt�er t�f Cammerce, stated � that �he Cham��r of Commerce had unde�taken the construction of the City Hall; that the en� result was more than the original plan; that the jai2, fire office and utili�y bui3ding and moving of �he chlorinator and calgon equipment were additional expenses not planned on, He submitted bills for the follawing; Electric work (moving panels, e�c . � �1,015.00 Plumbing 935.00 Util'ity building & sidewalks 550,00 �2,500.00 �• He further stated that the Chamber of Comme�ce felt that these were legitimate requests of payment from the u�i�ity fund since these . items were directly related to the operation of the Water and Sewer Department. In �esponse to questions by Marvin Childers relative to who had au�hority to approve these expenditures, it was stated that Ralph Lowe did b� unanimous Council vote at special meeting, May 18, 1965. Mayor Wagner sta�ed that, in talking w1.th the City E�uditor and Ci�y Attorney, i� would be illegal to take this money out of the Utilities Department funds d�xe to the bond indebtedness . H, K. Speck stated that in his opznion, �he funds were available in this fund. Mayar 4Jagner said that he would like to see the city -�ay this bil1, but Council would have to vo�e to make this expenditure after study of the books showed that this maney was available for such pux�pose..� �ill Davidson stated that, cansidering iche sad state of repair of' the old calgon and chlorinatar nits, � ��-�' ���� �� --� � -�' � c� --�c��.=�-..���-�e� c�r��,t-.�'�.�,.c��c.�G.���G' � �...�.�. ��` �;� Mr, Speck saia that he would resubmit these bzlls in a more itemized form if i.t was f elt �o be necessary. � Ralph Lowe stated that w�th his appoin�ment as supervisor af the Water and Sewer Departrnent by unanimous vo�e of the City Council, that he felt that this meant operational and financial responsible, therefore he had authorized �hese expenditures . If this appointment was in error, he had been operating illegalZy and would pay the $�,500.00 h�.mself. The attached letters from Coleman Carter, City A'ttorney, which s�ated t a Counc men were egal �.n running a ciepar men , were read and ` discussed, Ra�.ph Lowe read notes of his attarney� s opinions on thiS subjec� of he 3ega zty o a counc man 'unc ionin a so as a epar men ea . Mr. Lowe said that he would like to see an Im�ar,.tial Board of Inquiry of quaii ie en�ineers inves�igate the wa�er and sewer sys�em and giue reco�mmenda�i'ans. The following people were asked to serve on this board: Fred Krch, Jerry Roach, Warren G?llespie, Jr� , and W3.i23.am C. Walsh. There was diseussion of the Council interviewing qualified personn�l for �he position of Water and Sewer Superintendent - to be appoint�d by the Mayor with Council approval or by ordinance; it was auggested that for the present, until such licensed person can be hired, tha t R�lph Lowe continue in his present capacity. Ralph Lowe stated tMat since there was one legal opinion that stated that this position was not legal, he relinquished this function at this time, ..._.._...._. �-----....-.....,-�-.....�..,.�.w.�..-,a_.._..._ � ..._ _. .:o. „r Ralgh �owe read the follawing letter from C. C. Bost, g/?/65 "In reference �o your request dated August 3�, 1g65 f�r estimated cost of relocatian �f the sewer main on Royal �ourt for the Shore and Gillespie res�dence, we would Iike to postp�ne �his until �h� City Engineer has completed his �ork �n this pro�ect. Then we wi11 be happy to give a bid based an his �Ians and specification�. . . . , . . . . " Marvin Childer•s made the m�tion that the Ci� Council give the MaTor � aut or �r to run s a er an ewer epar men on e same b�sis n re. e pressn �icense man, scue arris o � earland, and Bob McCoy - analysist; until appointment of a licensed supervisor which wi�Z be expedi'�ed as quickly as possible; ��rith all expend3.tures to be appro��ed by Council; and that by th�s action Ordinance ;�52 (�rPating a ti�I�ter and Sewer Commissi�n) wi12 be rescinded. P.rden Hi.II secanded the moti�n an� i t was carried �y the follawing va�e : 3 f �r: �r�den Hi 1?, M�rt�in �hilder�, and Ralph L�we. 1 aoainst: Wiliam Da�idsor. who stated that his reason for th�s vote tkcs that this is not �n impravement over the �xist�.rg s�.Tstem and t?�at it may jeopardize the sewer system. more �han it has been in the past. At this time Mayar Wagner called an emergency of the �auncil for �,ep em er , or s presen a on o p ans an cos figures a e wi comp 3e far• operat�.on of the 6dater and �ewer Departrnent. Marvin Childers was asked bt the Friends�r�od Forest Civic C3.ub to pre- sen a re;ues� to t e i y ..ounc . t .�. e ounc�.l give permission for this group �o hire a firm - Trees cf Houston - who have su�i.mitted a price �'or removal of five trees that are in the public righ�-of-way Nhich wil�. further thei� paving �r�gr•am. T.zis perrnis�ic�n �va� �rantec� by motiflr� �f Ralph Lowe, second by �Iilliam D�vidson; motion was carried by �he fol�owing vote : 3 f�r: Marvin Childers, �ailliam Davidson and Ra�ph Lowe; �rd�r� Hi�� a�s�ained. Wil3iam D��.v�.dson read the recommendations of the financial work grou w c� was es�a s e ur ng a spec a counci mee ng at e oi i y a � une , 9 : copy at ac e . The final approval of �his report and its rec�mmendations will be plac�d on the agenda of the ne�t regul-r meeting September•, 20, I.965. 'vdilliam Davidson recommended that shel? be put on Whi[pPring Pir_es wh c s n a s ape. HarruT W��ner read his e�ork sheet - Stree� Program recom.mendations. ��QNy u v��"..a �u� � representative of L�r•i �+Ioous stated that they had removed the 12rge s ump n e m e o.� arey ane; � a t ey requeste a �ut t r•Qe yar� o� �ancreLe �� 'i�l the resul�ing �ole, t u*as felt that t e � aa ornr.'t ee , 4i�liam Davidson �nd Ra?ph Lowe) shoula give th�s thei� c��sidera�icn. 1� - � Leah North said that she had_ requested of Dale Brown, former eouncil- MAN, that an engineer look at Imperial Drive for recommendations on its repair. Water leak in the road betwesn ths��raft and Tindall residences is undermining the road; and the road by the Shumilak � residence had been chewed up by heavy truck traffic, the base is giving away. There will be a workshop sess�on far the council; subject - proeedures for passage of ordinances as drawn up by the Procedure� Committee of � ' the Women' s Leasue. The Street Sign Program has been tabled, A written ballot frQm each councilman was given to the Mayor for ' voting on their se ection o an Eng neering Firm for a master planning program far the Ci y o ' Frien swood. The Council unanimously selected Walsh & McLaren-Bovay. Personnel policies - tabled. A resolution to notify two property owners that the must clean up e r proper y wi in en ays was passe y mo ion o ' r en , seconed y W am llavidson; motion unanimous. A motion was made by William Davidson that the City add a thi�d p one num er. Mot on secande by arv�n C i ers; motion unan mous . ; A motion was made by William Davidson that Sectian 6. of the Financial � Work Group report e imp emen.te as of' Sep ember l, 3 , Mp ion seconded y Ar en Hill; matian unanimous, � motion was made by Arden Hill that �rtha Wright, City Secretary be in�truc ed to issue warrant s 'or� a to a amoun cf ' ,SC�, o t e Chamber of Commerce - f'or irnprovements on ma�n enance an ape�a ion o ' t e ater and Sewer Department as per bi11s submitted by H, K. Speck FOR THE Chamber of .Commerce. Motion secondad by �illiam Davidson. The motion was carried by the following vote : 2 for : Arden Hi:�2, Wi�liam Davidson; against 2": Marvin Ch�lders, Ra1ph Lowei Mayor Wagner brake the t1e by voting for this motion with the st�pulation that he wi11 talk to_ Gene Greathouse, , Secretary-Treasurer, of The Chamber of Commerce to get an itemized bill for these expenditur�s, Warrants #20�5� throu�h �#2�5�; Warran ,s #476 through .�95 „(.e�cepting;.#�75 } apprqved and signed- by i��'��f� Marviri Chi3ders, secone�aecl by ArdenY�Hi�l, mot�ion uriariimous , Wiiliam Davidson requesteti that the Councilmen be issued keys z"'o� the outside door and city office, Meeting adjourned. Respectfui y submit�ed, � ', , ,; � ' , , �' 7`/ ��� i � r a g - Ci y ecre� ry APPROVED: � , � . `� a � N�1 �Jr" �y—�'W.J� Harr� D. ��r - �layo5�— ( Remark: Mayor Wagner stated that the same calgon unit is still. in operation with cnly minor repairs and the old ch�oinator is of a better manufacture than the new and should hGve been repaired at a savings to �he �ity. �e old chloinator ro�m is still unoccupied . The t�ta3 change of equipment �nd f2oor space has been a capital cost and not a saving. i