HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-08-16 Regular MINUTES OF THE CTTY COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 16, 1965 fi regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held �ugust 16, 1965 at the Friendswood City Hall, 7 : 30 P,M. Present were May*or Harry �. Wagner, Councilmen Dale Brown, Marvin Ghild- exs, Arden Hill and Ralph Lowe; Acting Secretary Octavia Eklund. Also present were Jack l�inds, New�on Alexander, 3im h?�iday and Marvin Young, all of the Houston Natural Gas Co. , Frances Hicks, Betty Merchant Buck Hausman, Dave Smith, �ay Diamond, Tom Lo��, �.rmond S�oneman, Joe Taylor, Keith Smith, Fred Bingington, Elda Matheny, Marie �llman, Coleman Carter, Linn Ei�nus. The minutes of August 2, 1965 were approved ta stand as read. A�tached is a letter from the Better Business Bureau read by Mayor �agner. �ttached is a letter from the Sanitary Serv3ce Ccrporation read by Mayor Wa�ner. Councilrnan Da1e B�own submi�ted his resign�tion effective immediately ue to e fac tha he is moving away from t is communi�y� � special eleetion will be held on October 11, 1965 for the purpase o� filling this vacancy. M�. 3. M. Young of Houstan Natural Gas Co, asked for a franchise in Fr endswoo . He sta e a hey ave an amp e supply o gas,�odern equipmen �, permit for area, and they are already near site of F`riends- wood; they do not charge meter or tapping fee. Ray Dismond and Buck Housman as bui�ders are in favar of more tha�z or�e company being a�lcwed in the area as they feel that the competitive bidding will be beneficial to b�th builders and huyers. No vote was taken at this me�ting. Linn Eignus explained the roblems involved in insurin the police car. e Uni e a es F e y & uaran ee ns. o. as agree o nsure the p�lice ear if all other city pol�eies are covered by��the same company. All existing policies will have to be cancelled and rewritten by thfs � company. This will be on a pro-rata basis with a return af any unearned premium but with an additional charge for cance�la�ion� Ralph Lflwe made a motion that the City accept this program of insurance with the provision that the 1gb3 �lymouth be used by the city utility dept, rather than the police dep�. as t�ey need another car in the wa�er de��. After some discussion Ralph Lowe amended his motion to delete the provi- sion on the �g63 Plymouth. Arden Hill seconded t�e motion as amended, The insu�ance wi�3 beco�e effective at 12 :01 �.M„ ��ugust 17, 1g65. Ma�vin Childers re�orted on his meeting with the School Board concerning �fie Do� Compound. '�fifie Sc�iaal �oard recamme—n�'c �"e`cF��ha the og compaun .�e �oca�e�amewhere on the 40 acres where the footbalZ stadium is located. They recammended that a ternporary structure �o that in the case i� becames a nuisance in the fu�ure, it can be relacated, Marv�.n Childers was appointed to carry out �his project. Four pens will be constructed on a concrete base with a double-line fence. Fred Krch presented a signed petition on the sub,�ect of relatives work- ing for the city. Mayar ��tagner read the petition t� the Council� � copy of said pe�i�ion is attached to these minutes. After some dis- cussion on this question, Arden Hill suggested that �his sub�ect be tabled until the next meeting when a res�iution can be made for future rule. The problem of city dumping at Imperial #1 was discussed. Ralph Lowe • as e or vo un eers o mee a , . , Augus , 55 to make up a work crew to clean up the area in question. He proposed that this plan be used for � consecutive Saturdays in order to clean up this and other areas. Re �est by 4H Club to use City Hall facilities on �he Ist Tussday af eac mon h gran ed w th no charge f'or use a t e presen�t me. Policy for use� of the City Hall was discussed. It was decided that a cal�nda of sc�edu e be set up and �hat all requests for use be in . wri�ten form an� must inc u�de—the name of the adu��who will be res- pons i b e f'or the group ; Betty Merchant , asl�ed about the Health Card Ordinance for faod hanc}1�rs in e C y. I as agreed tha� 't�T�s should�e�a en und�r con li �r� ioni Also th� quest�,ori of ab'andon�d hr�iz�ses which are a menac� �b the Sa�'ety of children an�a�'Sreed3�i�g p�.ace�o�rodents will be taken Lind�r4 -- . . - advisement. �a�lph�L w_e stat.ed that a. thiY�d employee is needed in the water dept. T�ie wa�-�r an s�ui�ge program was iscussed. The ci y coul�ia�ve two licensed employe�s k�y �he end of the year, (if the new man is hired ) . Another t�ehicl� �� i�eeded. Use of the 1963 Plymouth ap�rcved af�e� removal ��f' the decals, lt was suggested tha the Calgon plant be re- ac�ivated ancl fire plugs be opened to e imina�e bac�eria�caus�ng rust in � wa`��er.r�'see A� Coleman Car•ter was asked ta talk to Lewis & Paul� Bonding Co, about permiss�.on o add mandator,y l.UU to the water bills for the purpose of paying fcr-�he fire ergir.e. Warx�ants #365 and �53 through 460; Warrants #�-6� and 2011 through 2025 apprcved. Meeting adjourned. A� Ralph Lowe stated that a third employee i� nee�led in the wa�er clepartment so that some relief can be afforded some of the employees who must work seven days a week, 30 days a month,. He also stated that the third employee would enable the city to work 2 or 3 days a week on the streets which continue to get worse because there is no maintenance program in effect; also, there is no one cleaning the new C�.ty Hall and this also could be accomplished by �he addition of a third man. FespActfully submitted, �C�'�,�-�-�� L-�I �/ . Oc avla un , �,eting Se.cretary �P�'ROVED: -�,; � Harr•y D, � agner Mayor