HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-08-02 Regular MTNUT�S Or THE CITY COUIiCIL M3LTING, AUGUST 2, 1G6�/ � regular meeting of the �'riendswood Gity Council c,�as held Au�ust 2, Igr5 at the �'x°iendswood City Ha's_l, 7: 3C P.T�F. Pr•esent wer•e P�iaS-or uar•r� D. Wagner, Gouncilmen Dale �rc��rn, Marvin C:n,ilders, 1r3illian Davids�n, �nd Ralph La�rae, �i4s* �ecretar�- Artha ��tr•i�h�. �11so presen� were Crai� P�mbe�ton, Harriet Trucks, Ra�ford Trvcks, Ben Copeland, GladS-s �opeland, ,��3,l�iam YJa1s'�, Ud, J. Lo�rman, Helen I�an�°l, ?3oe ���an�e?, ?j'r�r_ces Nicks, Rit� S�u�blefiQld�Galt�eston h�ews, l�iarie Allman , �et�y I��erchant, Glenn Fro�sne, �., Vance �ui f ey, i�.�. �^�?:ite, Harry Katcher,Rog�r• Colmenero, Sa� T�I�tta, J�hn T�i. I�c Laren, �Tim ��11, Ro�er i�1. �'riedr�crs, �ei�h J. Smit�, W. J. �Ilman, �.scue Harris, �o� ifcCos�, Gi.enn Aiar�is�k, T�ti�ch �dr•i��t. David Shaw af tne Soutnwestern ?�ell Telephone �am�any presentzd _ e netie uase i�a � area 1 or y�r_en sUroa wvn�c_� s c�nssderably e-Lpanded yram �he present are�. It incluces a11 of :Nxzendswood, VZI1a�e Green, ana �lover A�res. The follotiving letter was read; fram Le�h N�rth, Chairman of the �omm�. ee on roceaures �T e �, oman s Lea�ue: n Gentlemen: The Committee on i'rocedures has �een meetin� regularly fr�r t?�ree ar foun c�urs each ���eek to discuss infarrna�ion �r�hicn each nlember nas researchea ��d studied dvring ti�e week, I+Je �r•e cur•rently concc�ntratin�,�;: an �rocedur�cz f�x° t�ze r�assage a� or•dinances and are col3ec�in� � file af s.nformation on r�les �f �rder and otiler procedures Qf Cit; Gaver•nment. Our pr•esent plan is to subr�it a araft of e�c'r_ group ol" pr•o�:os�d proceduras to cou.ncilr�en �or ttizczr inforr:��tian and comments . Tren thase coun�ilr:�en interes�ed ma� meet ����t:z our cflr�:nittee �o disc�ss tne �r•o�osals. r��t��ou�h i� Zaill pr•o�ably be se�eral w�eks b�for•e an;y� ofi- i�Z�i r'v�SL:�.�S aT'8 fOi��'l�0ii11ii� f'�QT11 �i,i�1S Ci?P�2C?'ili,��Gy ;'J� ''.STQi;tid 1ik� to su�;�es� ta�at �f �r�.T cyt3% �i ficial has � c?t�°st��n on a pracedur•e �uti?QtJ'G Lti't71t,'Y' 4;1@ ;�?1�f1'G �'1.�..VB lilf''.'�.I."CTI^G' '�?^T7 l:Z G�L27� I"i 1P,r,J f?� COriI,RC.'t L•�?�? i�?Or'�'�,� I-�?J-2-7%G�� Or �P,.12IZ Pes�ra�.:1� �L?-�-';'�.c�� rt Son�e �iscussi�n was 'r�ad o:� Orc�inance Proceaur�s. Since �:�t�� �1�t�r•r��,-, �alernan Car�er �vas unac� e o a e�� �is meetin� �nd i;e 4�as cioin� � �r•ie�"' on a cor��ariUon stuc�; �z^ t;�e �ev�ral r�co��m�nded procedur�s tha� 'r�ave been submitted U� C.?fsr °��unci?, �t t�r�s fPlt that �11is sL���ject be t�Lled unt�l �he rze�ti�ng of �ugust �.�s �C}�?. �47iIIiGm C. '�^daish intraducec� sevA�a? r.nem'�zrs uf t��e rir•r?� cf ;1�1s'_�. c° I�rcLaren: o;�n i�ic az�er., J�m :=;e , S�:ri � _o a, Ra�er• �r•:�e r��c �s, �i1Q :i^vGBY' '."iOr.C:'i2�t@r'{3. 1�8 stated �Yla v 'G-1F'�� c:�''3 �i^_� �c`'.T'�-"°S'G ^�T1�'.12�@@T'— �n� �"�ir� in tlxe �=uI7 ����,st �.r•ea �i,t=,�.d� ��� _��ustor.. Tne operation oz" the �ewer S�7stem w2.s discussed; we are operatin� �al scue I-iarris, �cense operatdr f�r Pear�.�nd, as advisor, �,ob P�cCay, Bio-�hemist, daing t'�e anal;�sis ��r �'rienc'st�rood, and Pearland and ��her ar�as, and Glenn Martiszk oL_r fu13 time empla�Tee. Much has been �ane tc� im�rove tiz� s� stem, Plant �1 �ovlc� use 15 h�ur �per•ator, t?�e 30D (bio-Cremica'� �<i���en demand ) i� t��er•e 3.s enougl� o��:�an �o suppert li�e t��zre is n� �ollution. Tn° a�'ig Plant efrluent has '�een cortrolle� �o bring ����n the �GD enough ta be a verti accpptable b. 8 ta 7.6. T�e pr•esent plants (;,`1 ana�2) ctiTith proper nGndling are c�pa�le of �peratirtg �ur• �ewer S��ste�n with no capital �.mp;ov�rnents fc�r• at l�ast a �7ear 5°e�. Sanitar� Service �or•pora�ian: �'red Krch reported trat hQ had ca e Be er _us_ness i3ureau �or a r•ep�rt on Sar�itarz Service C�r�orati�n. He s�ated t�;at ti;ey haa 'oeen f��V2I"! n� informat�on on �nis campan�r when t�ey riad aske� for• i� , ���a.t �>z��y rec�mmendecl personal investigati�n '�e�'ore hiring svch a cam��n�T. Several ci�izens iram the r•esidences near ����T I�aII appeared t� pro es e constr�cti�n of a do� retenti�n ca:npou�d on Cit� H�lI pro�er �y�: ay ora an Harrze Truc s, �s�rs an G�a ys Copeland. They stated that Tay Di�nzond couldr.t t �e t��ere 1�ut ��e c�:as �gains� tnat lo�atian also. �alph Lowe suggest�� �:Zat Ra;ford Tr•ucks ac� as �hairman of a committ�e to be made up o�' ��;a� citizens fro�. each �f the areas where the Cit� owns land tf�af mi�r�t be usec� for• such a compound. ie. I}riper•ial Estates, Imperial Gardens, Cleax� �reek t��loods and Cit�� �a11 ar•ea. l�ir. Truck� a�re�d to ac�ept the �hairmans��p �nd �Y�e mee�3.n� i�ras arran�er f't,r n�; QO P.M. Augus� 3, I�55 at t;�ie Cit�; �iall. �etty� Mer�chan� reportea that the Hire i-�yrc:rant at the corner of � a ow ena . venue r en sw�� r�.ve �y �e umber Y�.�d ) vu�as leakin�;, an� there was a stana of stagnant wa�er. Cr•aig Pemberton as" the �ire Dept. agr•eed to work tv�.th �Ienn P�Zar�isek to remed�� th�s situ�.tion Crai� Pernberton, Fri�ndst�aood Vo2unteer rire Department, a�tended. exas r-:&. 1 �r e�r � re Instir•uc zon CUli2'S?S . He �ave a repor•t af tne need ior adequa e r'ire pro ec zon, �rotectian ��' Iife and z�ome, that the su�part af the �ihole city is needed in an�T c a�c�.t;y� tr�at a person is aple to serve; that statist=cs sh��a �haL e�,�ery tovan ��as a ma jor fir4 di saster sooner or la�er•; t'���t ��e are ke�- rated �y the quality of our iacilities such <�s ��7a�er line s�ze, i ir•e �lug location �nd quanti��T; �hat our pros;imit� to u�uston alla�as us an �mprove� i�ating. Check vaith �;our� inst?r•ance a.�en� to �ee if' theti i�ave your insur�nce a� the prop�r r•a��n�. Tl�e rir•e �J�partment nelc of� or_ its cam�ai�n �o ra�se fiunds f�r ec;L?i�r:-ien� in orc?er n3� �� j��paruize �he e�T^r-ts o�' t??e C�?t�- H�lI Px'ogY'a.rti, _ti gr�up of ciLiz�r?s ;v;11 endors? ti�e n�te i or pu.rchase of �ne needed equ�pment, to ne �rdere� im����iatel�. T��e Po?ica 7e�ar•tr�en� has stated that ?'exas St��e Ia«a requir�s �na� an�= oper•atar of � r�o�or �Tehic�.? must ?�ave an o�erator• � s li�e�se and asks ii �:�:v ���unc�I feels t�at t�:is la���T snoulG :ae �nforc- ea,�` It c�,TGs a�r•eed that �ince �t �s G sta�.,e ia�°a �r_d �� c'o�s Ut�ct��� -2- _._.�._....._..�._.,...��.�..,.._..... _ .. . _..........,r....,_..�-.- life and Iimb, �t is to be ens�arced . It asked that an�� j ncide�ts �f van�alism �� r•eported f,o the pali�e even thoug�� there may ��t ?�e any th�ng tha� c2n be done �a a p3rti�ular inc�.dent, it VJOLiZCI be �ielpfu.l �n ty�e recor•ds . I�iar�zin �hilders,�xe�orted that he had recPitTed � call fr•am Bet��T A�erchant compla:�n� of the noise �rid "diogin� out" of �een-age ba�-s late at ni�ht a� the Texaco st�tian. Tnese bo�rs are ini"or�mea o�' th� cur�ew law uno usu.ally� compl��. It is t�?e general o�ini�r_ that theS� are well k�ehaved, an� i� taas s�z�g�s�ed that a "coke" macnir�e ne located at a larger• area, z"ur�?zer f'rom residences . Mr. �;i�3.Iaex°s ar_d Pfitch Wri�r.t ctiiill inves���ate the possibilities ef a L�e�� laea�ion. The f�llawing letter ?,�as received : �r•on-Ro�- �n�elke, �:ttorney. r: �TT�hT`I'10I��: CITY C�UNCIL PI�1D POLICE ^HIE4 Dear• S�rs : On trie evening of wednesc�ay, JuI�° ��, 1���, I was r•eturning from an �stro �ame and passe�. throu�i-� ��'riena�c�T�od. I aid not re�?ize r�;y� speed anc] I v��as stopped k;�- two �`r•iendsv�ood Police ar�':i�ex°s . I am sorry th�t I d� not rec�ll t'�Air .�u11 names, bu� the first name of ti�e ofz''icer who U�lked t�,�itri me caas Keith. ���e �urpese of t��is lett�r is �o lef �f�u k?-iv?•a �aw vp�� mucn .� ap�r•ec?ate the manner• in whic�? i,hese oi f�.cers conducted themselves and especiallyT th�ir courtes��. It was ver�r �Iain that their �b ject was to enforce the traffic laws and thereby increase traz'iic safet� in Frien�swood and n�� as s�me farm o�`' r•�venue col?ectars for the City as is too aften the case sn other communities . T�te "I�A'vJ" is far most peaple the palicemen t'�at t����T come in c�n�a.ct .�rith. The manner• �n wr'_�ich these men ��ver•e doing tlleir �obs vaas creatin� respect far the lau�r �n msr c�pinion, and respect is necessary to �et obed3.ence. I �o not o�ter� �ari�e such ?e�ters us this, L�ut I r.ave something gaod to sa�.- ak��ut H'r•iendst���d anc� i�s la�a enfQrcement office�'s and ?" didn� t c�aant ta ne�lect �o s��� i�, r' wlilliam J. Lowmunt s bill �or raor� ��ne on i•J�11o�r�ick �venue Iast year T1Tas discuss�d. H:e had tzo iter�ized account �f the w�rk dane. H� stated tha� after patch�ng, t�ey Nren L �ack ?ater and d�?a rollir�g sc,�.ri.i,Tin�, sheepf�otir„ �sp?�alt. D�le �r•a:ti=n Lt�ted that sin_ce ?�e - :�acl been �acr�:ing ��n tne pr�ject for a wee�� L�erore it �nTas called of�, ?ae s'�ould be �ai� the atner• ��52�;O.d���ia�-a� l•d�gner remembered no cauncil action o.z th�� �o�, �hat it �.s "e1t t�-�at Iacal expert hel� v�Tas good, thG� �l^ere ��er•e very lim.i�ec� funds, tha� this bi11 can be paid �ut tl-�at no nYa jor autlay af mone; should be ca���empla�ed ti•,i�noL1t C�un�il ac�_on of r�ecor•d. Da?e �rot��n .r���� a motion tliat ��va �a:� La'illia�n J. L�w���ai-� the otr:ex� �'�?��.GG ��' the Ui13 ��� �;OO.C�O t'�a� =,�:as rencier•ed . '�ill ��vidson seconde� �,�� �!oticn �nd if �-.�s ur�ar.`m��,� . ;_ . �ayor �f�a ner stated t�iat �ur funds were sucl: that we would meet our o i�a ions �ar the �.Tear l�t would n�t ?�ave any surplus i or• an� ma�or outlay (Capa.tal el,pend�tures } that has n�t ��en a3read1ly �udget- , ed. There Evas discussion of the June financial staierrient. Bill Davidson recomm�r�aea t a a er• x ��as c�een signe an �.�echec re�, that the presen� June 1�65 financial ana budget s'�a�emen� re accepted; that we hire Mrs. Can�er, c�ur auQit�r, to do a n?�nt�i3y audit. A�o�ion secanc)ed by I+=�.rv�.�n �h�.I.ders, motion �ananimous . There v,Tas discussion �s t'_s�e letz�r• of' Jlz1�� �?, ��L� .�rom Harr�T t`�a c er reques ln� a au "� �;:a. _Qr d ai i�na_ ca e e c . .� ar �n�enna ?�o�kup far civ�I de��°�ns� raai.a s�rs��m. City u�.11 �aas mPnti�ned as an��her p�ss�_� e �::�:tton ��sic��� �Iae s�•:no�I, or• per•haps �o'ch locations would serv� a pur•pose in tirae oi ais�ster. Iy.r. H��cizer �,�i31 consi.�er• ti��se �c�ss�� '.1:��ies an.� re��z�t i�G.Ck1 a� tne �.u�us� 16, l�u; tnee�c�n�. B�11 Davicsc�r� s Uated t:�a't �r�er� vaou3d �e a r�ur•chase �f as��ut sac s o2 con�^rete � or �he se U_n� a_ si;_,n ��� �s or• �tr•ee� �-!�:ns ��r r�rzen stiao�a rlve ins a � z�z�. �:ince Nenr�- 41J�nst�n i� no l�n�er 4�aor•kir.� �'ar. �he LTtilities Dep�. that �epar�ment ���eds � 1U�..I ��me man. Ral�h Lowe recommends tn�:t i.ta �:2@p �r?? presQnt ;L`��t� �.2'1Q ��il''@ 3 "12?p2Y' '�"��' Y��,�C�.�CJ 1,`��T' mont]_. � this i,vas the �ei��ral COT�iE�:�iZ,?S cj^ tl�e ��uncil . F�nal �pproval ��,Jil? �e U.p to P7!as-or i�va�ner a.:�d ra�i_�h Lo��a�. I�ia��or• i�'a;ner• �resented a proposed con�ract 1"ar t�e Library. �z asked � aL e .,z y un GT'b�TT'U e r�e am�un or �r� �. L o e reir��urseca L-s- .,3 Y.:�t +-�..( l • f}��t-� ' n " S sn A � f �» }-,-t t�i.. Li���ax�: s t%:�.ti:tlif'i2@Y �'2•Jl:��. rxi v2r' G��.SCuS::i^vii vI �T.siB zi�.G�u .... t.i:.�3 �"�eilit�- �rersus t}�e �i�yv�?eirz� �b1iGa�ed .f�r t�e mai�et�, I��i�:yor :��gner vouchea f'or the rnon��� bein; reirn�ur•seci. Ral�'r: Lowe md�e a r�a�;i�:a �ha� tlze Cit� �ay �� t'�s I:motzn� ai' �6!k�.�C� x"o� Linra�y espense, �� �:e �epa�� to �he ��.�y ,��- �he L1br�'!"s- �oard within. ,C� da��s . i�:ot�on secon��d b�, i�ar•vi�� Ci�ilders, m��ion T�mamin�LS. ��i�rrants ;; 1��;' � 1�a8 and 20G1 thr�ugh 2_�1C; �,•darrants ,;� �16 .�hrou�h ��2�3; appr•oved and si�nec . �S���e�tir�� ad�i�a�ne�. ���pect=u?1�- svbmitted, C. -�. ���.� %-� . :--'�%-�-��'" , ; Art:�a �ri;�l�� - Cit��� Secretar�= �a r,c,r�.�.D: �- �,� �.�� :;a �� . .�:'a�ner - I��i���or .....��..._._ __..._.__._.._._...___ _. __.