HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-07-19 Regular �
` �l regul.ar maeti.ng of the �'ri�r�dswood Ci�y Council was held July 199 1.9 5;
`�;30 P,M. a� the High �chaol Conf�rence Room.
present wexe Mayor Pro-Tem A�'den Hi11, CQUncil.men Dale B�own, Marvin
Ch�.lders, William Da��.dson, Ralph Lnwe, �ity SeGrstar•y� Artha Wr�.ght,
City A'�torney Coler�an Cax�ter.
��.so present were Buek Hausmang J. Dasch, Lou Wart�iam, F�ancis Hicks,
Leah North, Gerald Hollis, Bennett Coulsan, Betty P�ierchant.
Minutes of �he June 2�, 1�G� regular meeting stQOd approved as read by
m��ic�n o�' Bill Dava..dson, secor�dec� by..pale Brown; motion �an�n3..mou� .
N�inutes of �he Executive meeting c�f J�.ne 2�, 19�5 ����d �l�l�roved as read
by mation of Bi11 Dacridsan, secondecl by ��rvir� Childers ; mo��.on. unan�.mous .
i�2inu.tes ��' �he special meeting of �7u.ne �9S 1,��� �f�oci ap�roved by mo'tion
�f Dale Brown, secc�nded by Bi1� Davidsot�; mc� ion unan�.�azaia.s.
Bill Davidsan su�;gested that the minutes be posted in ma�e areas suc1� as
t e stare� �� he i r�ary.
; prapased changes t� amend Ordinance _��3 � Subdivi.sion ��de which �he
I �o�.nci ha recommended���T m�tiori passed June 1, l9 5 were submi�t�c1
� j to the City I�ttorney f�r �x�vp�r E.ao��in� t�o i��su�e that the �.n�ent of
� the use of average l.�t si�e in a �;�ven subc�i��ision be understaod. i�r .
�a�tez° ' s pro�osed am�ndmen� was as fal.lows �
Sectit�n. IIT, --E.�- a thx�u d amended as fol�ows :
" a, Residential ].ots, wh�re served by �ublie se�nie�, in a �;iven subcTiv�.siqn
must averag� Sev�ntY(70) feet in wa.d��., (Th� avez�age sha11 be �dken from
���id�t��ia1 �.oLs a���y� ; tl�at the �nin�_mu.m width on any 1dt _shall be Sa.x�y
(60) feet; that the min.imum area sha11 be Seven Thousa��d �7000) squax�e
f ee�t �aer �.ot; �h�t the minicnum _depth c�n any 1ot shG].1 be One Hundred
and F�fteen (11� ) �'eet anc� that the width of any lo� �{�r�.thin. the given
su.bdivi�ion sha11. no� vary more than Ten (1Q} f�et fram any contiguaus lot .
b. R�sidential lots wh��� served by� c�the� than publi.c sanit�ry sewe�s
shall bot be less than Ninety �9d) fee� in width nor less thar� �n�
Hundx°ed Twenty. ��.20) �'eet in depth.
c . Dep�h and wid�I�� o:f prape�ta.es x°eservec� or laid out far cocnm.ercial
and industridl pur�os�� shall be ad�c��a�� �o �rova-de f�r the of f-s�ree�
serva.ce ancl �ar1�3.ng faci�,ities r=eq�zir•ed ���r the type of use and cieveiQp-
ment con�templated, 'r
Ordinanae �23 - Subd�.vz�ion Ccad� w�s amended by th� �bove by a moti,on of
Dale Br•own, second�d b�r Ralph Lowe and carried by a uote of: 2 for:
Dale Brovan and Ra1.ph Lowe; � agains� . B�-�1 3�avidson and Marvin GhiZders;
tie brok�n and tnatio� carried by a v�t� fo�, by ;�rd�n Hil.l.
' J. Dasch pr-esent�d a �'zna�. p1a� o�' "�nnalea - Sec�ion 1 - Whitehall and
�ecticrn 1, - Kingspark . �.r:� h� Counc�. consis��ng of �. 99 ac�es, 1 3
p�s ' }��.o��cs, The p�ice range of the homes will be a group in the
$12,0�0 �o �16,OOQ cat�gory and a ��aup in the �16,000 to $2�,000 •. :
Ralph Lowe made a mption that th� plat fo� �nnalea - Kingspark Sec�ianl,
( and Wh�.tehal Sectionl. as submitt�d by J. d�sch and Buck Hausman be
; approved by the City' Council when si.gned b3t their• Engineer, Bennett
i Coulson, stating tha'c the average res�.dential iot excee�s 70' , after
deleting la�s 4 thr•ough F, but including al1 other lots in obtaining
this average . Motion seconded by Da1e Brown. Motion carried by a vote
of' �three to one o Far o Dale Br•own, Marviri Ghilders, Ralph Lowe9 against:
Bill Davxdsan.
9 Criss-c�oss director�r is b�ing of fered for sale for uarious corrirnunityes
in t is areas at a cos of �25 ,00 now or $35 .00 af'�er publica�ion, Counc�l
felt that we do nat need such a service at this time .
� �.etter from William Lowman of HighUaay Construction Carporation ta the
City Counea.l was read and discussed . It was fel� tha� the pa�ties i.nvolved
should be present a� �h� next regular Council. meet3n.g, .�ugust 2� 1965 to
attempt �o clear up this mat�er.
Coleman Carter stated that he has received a let�e� fr•om F�e1d Enterprises
Educa�ional Corpora ion coneerning Ordinance ' � Ped .lers a�d 5alici ars .
They are contesting the valid�.ty af th�.s or•d�nance �.n reference to their
application for a permi� f�o�.�.their 1oca1 representative to sell an
er�c�clop�dia. 'They cl.aim that s�.n.ce they c�n�.y ta�e orders for• la�er deliver�
of the�.r pr•oduct that the ordina�.ce doe� not cover them. Coleman Garter
has sug�ested that the ord�r�anc� be rewr•itten to r,la��fy th�.s poznt; �hat
I it also .x�equix�� a bond �o be placed with �he city for those who v�i�h to
j pbtain a perma.t; that the annual fee #'o� such a permi.t be s�t a� twenty
4 �o twenty-fa.ve c�o�.lars > Co�ncil �av� the�r ap�r•oval f'o� Mr s Carter to
proceed with amendments to the Ordi�ance ��8.
.� let�ter fro� HHFA was re�d Eahic� acl�na?Rtle�ge� the Cz'r.v� s reques� that
e name nn �h��P+�-TEX=104G governmen� con�ract pr•esent��r in force be
changed f'x�om Gal�reston County t�ater Gontx°ol and Impr�ovem2nt Distr•ict �15
to City of Friendswood . �'he pr•oper documents f or this change order should
be farthcoming.
Procedures for pass�ge and approva�. cnd aclap�ion of �rdinanc�s have been
submit�ed y Leah North o� the Wamen s L�ague , Co eman C� a�r�e� and by
Bil3 da�ridson whQ rew�rded Mr. Carter ' s proposal . Colernan �arter• was
a�ked '�Q rev�.ew these and have a comparison study for the meeting of ,
�'�s�.-�jus� �� �.g65 s
Dale Brown reported that the street prc�gram iri conaunc�ion wit� the
caun.ty is prog�essi.ng well. Two st2 G�VS y Her����,° Lri�,re and Uroo�lawn
�venue are completed. The �ot�1 cos� f'igures to date zar �he over-al3
prc�gr�m are �7,�88.55 - materia�s an� labor
1, 280, 00 - purchase of r•ight-o#'-way on Choate Raad .
3.,QQ0.00 - firs� pa�rment on Dr•ai�age map and study.
� ���
i G1en. B�rowne stated that the di�ch that was cut alon.g Merriewood in fr�nt of
� his proper 3� is encr��ching on his proper•ty; that G �'ir•e p ug has been
install�� on his prop�r��r ins�ead o� in the easement. M«rvin Childers
said that be wou,ld check far survey markers ar�d measur•e the amount of
encroachment . Council expressed �h�ir awa�eness of �he situatior� arid
suggested th�t this subject be further d�.scussed at the meeting c�f
.August 2, 19�j, �fter further r•e�eareh.
r/�r •. J
Glen Br�own� read the street sign program as proposed af the Stree�
' Sign Commi tee, copy attac ed . Bi Davidson made a motion �l�za� the
Street Sign Program be accepted as read, Ralph Lowe seconded the motion;
% mation carried unanimousXy.
� Marvin Ch�.lders made a motion that the 21 assemblies neeeled for the
`- - inte�sections along Friendswood J3rive (FM �18� be ordered as saon as
possi�le so th�t they might be instalJ,ed by �ugust the 10�h when the
new City Ha11 w�11 be dedicated; that the Sargent-Sowe11 Gompany be
�.;ked to rush the order, if possa.�le; that if �he �hamber• of Commerce
does not �ay far them as has been requested, the Gity will do so.
Motion seconded by Ba.11 Dav�dson; mo�ion passed unanimausly'. �
Bill Davidsan xead a leti�er from Harry Hatcher concer•n�.ng purchase
of m�teri�ls t� eamplete a c?vil defen.se radia communications, wh�ch
t��s or•iginally submitted ta the Mayor and COUT1C11 Ju1y �, 196�. {co�y
�ttached } . This subject was talaled �.zntil the �ugust 2nd meeting.
Ralph Lowe opened �hree bids for the paintzng and xe�ai.r of the vaater
ower. Copies a ached oRalph Lowe made a moczon �hat 'c e 1ow b1d of'
he choa P�!in�ing Comp�ny :�ar �1, 1.�5 0 00. Motion secondecl by Bi11
�3�vidson; motion unanimous .
Marvin Childers repor�ed on his findings concerning � dag re�en�ion
compound . He h�!s a1.l�ed with t e veterinar�.�ns in fhe area and they
all say that they would not consider con�r�c�ing with the city for
keeping or disposing o#' clogs. T� w�tzld be detrimental to their
business and very time consuming.
f � resolu.ta.on was pas�ed by motion of M�rvin Childe�s , second by Bill
' �avids�n; motion unanimous , Th��;� � dag retention campaund be erec�ed
� �aeha.nd �he City Hall .
:1 discussi.on of zn air conditioning unit for the new p�l�.c.e car was hzd.
Ralph Lowe and �ill Dav� .son felt �M� . it w�� � �o�d ide�, th�t since
much of �lZe policeman' s working hours were spent in the car, it
would be well worth the few dollars a month addition�l for such ir�stall�
ation. Marvin Childers did no� feel that we should spend �he mone�r at
this time when o�her more impor�tant items needed attention
Ra�.ph .Lowe made a motion. tha� xn .air condition.er be purchased �'o� �he
police car; to b� added the the mon'chly payments on the c�r, not to
exceed an additionzl �8.OQ per month. Motian seconded b�r Bi11 Davidson;
r�ation passed the following vote; �`or 3: Dale Brown, BiII Davidson.,
Ralph Lowe; against l : Marvin Childers .
R�lph Lowe i�.de 2 matian that the przce for water and sewer taps be .
raisecl to; Water Tap .-- rotn .00 to 1 0. 0 an Sewer T�p -- �'rom
�75. Q� to �100.00. Pnctior� s�co�ded by �arv�r Chiluers; mcv��n tananim��ati.
Ra1ph Lawe said that th� �nd of Ju.�y rep�r� on the opexation of the.
Utilities De�artment would gi��e a go�d picttzre o the s atus of th��
depar ment; ha a that time he w��l.d like Council to t�lk to the '
personnel �hat have been wor•kzng with i.t c?urir�g this time a
{ ,
Leah Nor•th ask�d about the six inch lines now in ser•v�ce ancl mer�tior�ed
th�t their• key �atzng is affectad b�- the lin� size . S�e will hr•ing ,
some material concerning key ra�ing f'or the counci3 �o read .
Meeting c2journed. Rsspectfu.11y submitted, a
Approved `�( ' � / , /. -
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