HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-06-29 Special � MINUTES OF SPECI�L MEETING, JUNE 29, 1965 a special meeting of tha Friendswood City Council was held Ju.ne 29, 1g65; 7 : 30 P. M, at the City Hall, Present were Mayor Harr•y D. Wagner, Councilmen Da1e Brown, Marvin Childer•s, �r7illiam Davidson, ;�rden Hill and Ralph L�we, Secretaz�y .�x�ha Wright. �lso present wei�e Cur•tis M�rr•is , C. C. Bost and Wesley Unruh. The 1'ollowing r•esolution was passed unanir�ously �y motion of Dale Brown, secand by Bill Davidson: r` � RES�LUTION OF THE CITY QF FRIEI�S�700� REQUESTING THAT THE UNITE� ST.�TES G4VERNMENT SJBSTITUTE CITY OF FRIBIBDSWOOD FOR GALVESTON COUNTY W,�TER CQNTROL .!1ND IP�IFROVEMENT �ISTRICT � 1� ON CONTRACT �PW-TEX-lO�G. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CGUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXfiS: The Cit� cf Friendswood requests that the United �tates Government � substitute City of FriendsUJOOd for Galveston Cou.nty Water Cori�rol and Improvement Distr•ict �15 on Contract �Pt�-TEX-lO�G. 1,lhereas the Galveston County Water Control and Impr•ovement Dis�rict � 15 desired to be absorbed by the City of Friendswood and the City of Friendswoodm by ordinance �51 and 51-A, did a'�sorb sa�d �is�rict, this ehange of name on abcve mentioned contract would facilitate all corres�ondence between the City oi Fr•iendswoad and the United States , Government concerning con'tract ( APW-TEX-lO�G ) . " Attachment : Copy oi" special minutes �dr•awn up by Curtis Morris ) of a segment �f this meetirg relative ta Change Orcler #� iNhich w>>1 be included in pertinent information being sent to HHFA to accomplish this Change Order . Ralph Lowe re�or•ts that the City of Friendswood U;bilities �epartment will use Eskew Harris, licensed C Water and Sewer Operatar• for Pearland and Bo� McCoy, Chemist for Pe�rland, orl a trial basis of �hirty days for ,-�-130. 00 per month t� run analysis (Bab McCoS�) , and supervise and ap��rove operation of the facilitzes (Eskew Harris ) . �uthorization to hire an employee far general labor in the Utilit�.es Department to replace James Stankowitz was eiven by motion ot Dale Brown, seconded by Bill Davidson,; motion unanimous , .� plaque for the City Hall, given b�T Ralph Lowe , was accepted by motion of Marvin Childers , second�d ay Daze Brown; motion unanimous . � t reads aS Z 011WOS : �� L'�''}'ii�,Ll' �ri.0 C,1 il��'r�a kiS i��' �'i.r i'��'., iJ i��L r�i��i�' OF G��ERNMENT, HE IS THE UNT_T OF TH.� ST�TE. TEACH HIM THAT HIS HOME IS HTS C.ySTLE, AND HI,� SOVEREIGPITY RESTS BENEATH HIS HRT. Ml'.KE HIM SELF-RESPECT�NG, SELF-RELZ.�NT :�ND RESPONSII3LE. LET I-�IM LE�N C�N THE STATE FOR NOTHING TH'�T HIS GGJN �^:RMS C�;N DG �,IvD ON THE GOVERNMENT FGR NOTHING THAT HIS STATE C;°;N D0. LET HII�i CULTIVI?TE INDEPENDENCE TO TAE POINT OF S.�C�.IFICE, 't:D37i LEARI�T TH�T HUMBLE THINGS WITH UNBARTERE� LIBERTY �RE BETTER TH.���N SPLENDORS BOUGHT WITi� THE P�ICE. "Henry W. Gr•ady . There was discussion cf the wording for• the dedic ion p3a�ue. � - - -- — � f�p Respectfully submitted , -�=,.i'�',,r % ` �, `{' qpproved : ,. �',� ; ^� ity lSeer•et � � ,� Ma�l � - Ha � 5 �,�°�, ag 4 r _