HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-06-22 Executive MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING, JUNE 229 1g65
�n executive meeting af the Friendswood City Council was held at the
School Canference r•aam June 2�, 1965 : I2: 15 �.M. , immediately fallow-
ing the regular council meeting of June. 21� T9�5.
The purpose of this meeting was to discuss city Fersonnel, During this
meetirlg the following mations were submitted and approved as noted on
each : �
Full Time Patrolman; Mar•vin Childers made a motion th�t Mr. Mitch
Wr•ight e hirAd fu2 time for $500. 00 per month effective� June 26,
1g65, Motion seconded, and passed by a vote fo � to l : For - Childers,
Davidson, Brown9 Lowe , ��gainst : Hill .
The June 26th effective date was picked so as to immediately f�llow
the June 25th "thirty dayr" contract terminatiQn da�e established
in e�ecutive meeting of May 25, 195�.
City. Secr.etar�i : Ral�h Lowe made a motion that Mrs . Artha Wrigr� ' s
sal�r•y be raise L�y $50. 00 N.er month effec�ive June 15, 1955 .
Davidson seconded the motion ; motion passed unanimously.
Police Department Coor•dina�or• : _ Bil? �J�SYTidsor. m�de a maticr� thaL �he
Po ice I)epar men Coor•dinator du.ties be transferred fr�m Laurence
Cline to Mar•vin Childers . Seconded by Dale Brown; motion passec� un-
Respectfully submitted ,
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