JUNE 7, 1965
A regu�ar meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held ,3une (, 1965
7:30 P,M. at the Sch�oZ tiuditQriu�.
Present were Mayor Harry D. Wagner, Councilmen Dale B�own, Niarvin
Childers, William E. Davidson, Arden Hill and Ralph Lowe, City Secretary
Artha Wright, City Attorney Coleman Carter, Engineer William C. Walsh,
Also �re�ent were Dr. Quebedeaux, Tony Banfield, Bernard Horn, Francis
Hicks, Marie Allman, Betty Merchant, Mrs . Bill Davidson, Patr•1cia
McDonald, Lou Worthacn, Howard Kyle, Leslie Thorn, E.H� Br•undrett,
J.T. Dasch, Buck Hausman, Harry Hatcher, Harry Granberry of San Antonio,
Mi�ch Wright, Lee Upp�ncamp of Eagle Pass,
Budget Hearing : Budget - 1966: All those people present were give� a
copy of the propose 19 budget along with a cover letter from the
Mayor. Mayor Wagner explained various phases of the budget . The �eeting
was then opened to questi�ns from the floor. Subjects that were discussed
in this question period were : mosquito control, office supply, City
Hall ( supported by Chamber of Commerce-Building will not cost the City;
that funds have been allocated for its maintenance in this budget ) ,
street maintenance for subdivisions that are now doing their own,
street signs , fiscal year, Fire Department, Police Department, Taxes
(comparison of last year� and this year , )
Marvin Childers made a motion that the proposed 1g66 budget be
adopted as it now stands . Motion seconded by Will,iam E. �avidso�n;
motion unanimous .
William E. Davidson - Street Sign committee report : William E. Davidson
recomtnended hat t e city commit itself to supply pipe and cement
fot the pr•oposed street sign program; that the money come from the
$1,000.00 revolving fund previously allocated to the Phase II,
Road Program that was appr•oved at the regular council meeting of May 17,
1965 . William Davidson made a motion that the above recomme�dation be
adopted, Arden Hill seconded this motion and it carried unanimflusly.
�e�ter- form Leah North; addressed to the Mayor and City Council:
" 3n its regular meeting of May 24, 1965, the �xecutive Board of the
Wor�an' s League of Friendswood voted unanimously to accep� •�he respons-
ibility of providing a committee to derive and recommend procedures
for the operation nf the Ci�y requ.�sted in a notation f�llowing th�
City Gouncil minutes of May 17, 1965,
The League is pleased and honored to be of help. The Committee will
welcome constructive suggestions and ideas from any citizen. "
Signed ; Leah North Fresident ; the Woman ' s League of Friendswood .
Coleman Garter-Resolution setting fortih procedure of .passing all
or inances : o eman Car er. presen e a propose reso ution setting f'or•th
�he procedur•e of adopting and passing all ordinances for the City
of Friendswood.. ( Copy attached ) . City Secretary was r•equested to
provide copies to the council f'or perusal.
Section one : "�11 Or•dinances sh�11 be in. writzng and each member
of the City Council shall have a period of two ( ? ) weeks to review
a copy oi the purposed Ordinance , C�pies of the purposed Ordinance
will b� furnished to each cit�zen upon requ.est.
Section Two : An Orr�inance will be rezd on t�vo separ•ate and sever•al
�pen eouncil meetings . The Qrdinance shall �e r•ead in its entirety
at �he first council meeting and on the second reading only the
captiorz snall be r•ead unless �he Gity Coun�il deems ir advisable
ta r•ead the entire Or•dinance .
Sect�.on Three : l�n Ordinance can be amended at any time during the
adaption of said �rdinance. .
Section Four• : Each Crdinance shall Le numbered in the or•der• in
which they are rec�ived i�y the council. The City Secr•etary shall
keep �11 or•iginal Ordinunces in pr•oper• numer•ical order and �hey shall
be open for public inspection.
Section FiJe : The City Council may p�ss any Ordin?nce on the first
�na final reading, with an err�ergency cl�use, as they deero it advisab�e
?or the health and welf�re of the City of Friendswood .
Section Six: 'I'he City Attorney shall review a11 Ordinances and
shail make any abjection.s to the said Or•dinances in w�iting to the
City Council.
P�SSED AND APPROVED this day of A.D.
1965. .
IaPPROVED: , � `� �';
f `�� �
Harry D. W�gner - Mayor
�'s TTES T:
Ar a Gdr•ig t - 1 y Secre ary
Sunset �rive Right-of-way:Sunset �rive right-of-way is �eing obtained
y e � y. ex awson s property will be divi�ed by the road; there-
fore, the ar•ea lying on the county side of this road plus all
por�ions of the road lying in the City will have to be de-annexed so
that the County can legally proceed with their• paving pr•ogram. It
is moped that Mr. Clutivson Taill petition to be annexed back into �he
City after this worl: is acc�mplished .
City LiabilityT; Colemun Carter•, Ci�y AttorneyY, brought the fact
that prece ent has been set in higher courts for city lia�ili�y;
Ralph Lowe recommended that we discuss possible policies and costs
f or city liabilit�,r insurance with Linn Eignus .
Planning Commission-Discussion of Lot aizes : Tony Banfield, Chairman
o the P�anning Commission9 z�ep��° e at, at the r•eguest o#' the Cit�
Council at tne regulas� iricetiti� of i��ay l;y 1�65, that the p1.�r.nir.g
Commission prepar•e recommendatians to the council on ehanges in the
subdivision code, the Planning Commission felt tha� the most important
item at pr•esent is lot sizes . TheSr recommend that ( all members wer•e
pol3.ed; four out of five agreed ) lot sizes sh�uld k�e governed by a ED'
minimum with an average �i' 70' . The F_1_anning Commission will meet June
l�, 19b5 in regular session for discu.ssion of lot sizes, park sites,
sidewalks ; they will draw up a formal recommendati�n to �he C�ty
Council that lot si2es be changed in the subdivisior_ code. Diarvin
Childers recommended that vahen the Plannin� Commission gave recommend-
ations to the CitST Council �hey also give their reasons far same . William
Davidson made a motion �hdt the Planning Commissien su�mit their '
repUrt in one week; c��at the council would act on this infox�rnation at
the next regular mee�ing, June 21, 1q65. Motion seconded by Ralph
Lowe; motion car•r•�ed unanimously.
T�r . Quebedeaux-Poll�tion af Clear Creek: Dr , Quebedeaux reported that
their o ice had received severa ca1 s c�ncerning oil on Clear
Creek, zt was lound t� be emptying from Turkey Creek, that it is .
crude oil fr•om an unidentified line of unkn�wn owner•ship . The Harris
County !�ir• and Water Polution Board, of which Dr. Quebedeaux is a
member, is investigatin� this at pre�ent, He sugges�ed that there are
several methods �f remo�ing tr;is Dil from the surface pi the water; '.
burning was a possibility in some areas, the r•ecommended way would
be to put a Y�oard across the suriace to stop the oil flow ancl vacuu�m
purnp ot off the surface at that p�int . He said that some caller•s
blamed the Lowe Chemical Plant, but, it was nct responsible . :
Ralph Lowe-Agent for the Utilities; to sign �aper•s re1evant to the
present HHFA contract-- '-G: A resolu ion tha - Ra pn Lowe be appoi nt-
e agent f�sr e Utilities Derartment of the G�ty of Friendsw�od f or
the purpose of executing any papers relevant to the HHFI! con�ract
l0�#-G was passed by motion of Dale Brown, second by William Davidson;
the vote was unanimous .
' Elmo Brundrett-PVC Pipe :Elmo Brundrett repor•ted to the C unci� that
his Com�any, ohns-Manville, was ma�ufacturing � relatively new plastic
' pipe that is less costly than cast ir�n and is recommended for use in
water systems . Dale Brown recommended that we might revise our spec-
ifications and r•equirements for type of pipe used to include this
PVC Pipe with Ring-Tite Jcints . William Walsh, EnginBer, rec�mmended
that �his pipe be used in �ur system9 that once it is used we wouldn ' t
want to use any other• kind . He agr•eed to write a letter• stating that he
approved of this pipe for city use .
Corr•ection and Approval of Minutes - April 19, 26, May 3, 17, �5, 1965 :
Minutes o April 19, 19 5 wer•e approve after• cor•rection.
Minutes of April 26, �g65 approved as read .
Minutes of the May3, 1g65 special meeting wer•e submitted by William
Davidson; and approved as read .
Minutes of the May 3, 1905 regular meeting wer•e appr•oved after correct-
Minu�es of May 17, 1965 were approved after• cor•r•ection,
Mintes of the May 17, 1965 special mee�ing were approved as read and
vYrit�en �y ti;1ill.�am� �avidsor�.
The Minutes of the May 25, 1g�5 sp�cial mee�ing were appr•oved by
motion dF� Dale Br•own, secand by �lr•den Hill; motion unanimous .
Copies of the c�rr•ected minutes will be available when time per•mits
them to be r•e-typed and copies macle .
William Walsh Bill-Drainage Map : Statement of Walsh 8c McLaren
I TEXr'lS. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE � CONTRACT �ATED N0�. 30� 19i�� � �`�� rj00. 00
AMOUNT DUE IVG�a 1, 000.00
William Walsh-Water Tower : William C . Walsh recommends that a reputable
irm be contacted about examination of the water tower inside and
vU�, ivr' pOSS1b1� S�rViG�: nceded; i18VZ SpzL1�'iLc`�i�ic�riS C1Y�dWri Up fOr'
such service .
Ral�h Lowe stated tl�at the Chamber• of C�mmer•ce will pay the �I . 80
monthlST bill on tne park.
��larrants �` 20�, 335-350 ( excep�ing �303 ) approved and signed.
�rTarrants �� 193o-Zg��8 �excepting �1947 ) approved and signed .
Uale Brown made motion of adjournment which was seconded by Marvin
Childers and carr•ied unar.imously.
Respect ly submitted,
.�,pproved : '1rt.ha Wright - Secretary'
r-- _ ��,�
; .� i '��J �. �...�,�1
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Harry �. Wa ner• - Ma���r•
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To the Citizens of Friendswood :
Treme.ndous. eff�o�r� has been expended by �he community to finance and
constr�uct a City Hall to enhance Friendswood ' s image, As Mayor I
would.. like to poin� ou� some af the factors that h�ve. ;this project
so successful.
-The �FIRST STAR to be �warded goes to �he Chamber of Commerce. This
group has accepted the responsibility for something that any other
_group �r.ould cGll imp�ssic;le. The individual sacrifice af its members
and the speed Gnd perfection of its organization could only in the
space age i�e over-shadowed by � multi-r��illion d�llar manned f?ight.
The SECOND ST�R goes to �he Vo�unteer Fire Depar�ment who have been
wor•king toward the successful completion of a City Hall. This is in
addition to their const�nt vigilance to protect the community.
The THTRD ST�1R goes to the People of Friendswood, They wi11 builcl z
City Hall by the old-fashioned me�hod of commun.ity eff'ort, a method
unparalled in this age of big government,
Tre FOURTH STAR goes to the man who made it a11 possible, who has
given time and org�niz�tion to build the City Hall. Everyone knows
who �his individual is, you have seen him around town, He can be
recognized by the dream in his eyes, a dream that is rapidly turning
into brick and tnortar , At this time, I make a motion th�t in the
Counc3.1 Chamber of the Friendswood City Hall a plaque be installed
to read as follows :
In recognition of CouncilmGn
Ralph L. Lowe
this Council Chamber is dedicated
as the Ralph L. Lowe Community Meeting
Presented by the Citizens of Fri�nclswood
Wi�h the tide of community effort ris3ng, now is the time to
inVestiga.te and adopt other• areas of �-:�sponsible government
th.at our community raust have to make Friendswood a cit3r deserving
of such a fine new building.
However srriall the st^rt, now is �he time to consider z branch
library in the City Ha31. No ci�izen will den�r that it is the city ' s
responsibili�ty to pr•ovide educational facilities for its population.
The ground �or�C with the G�lveston Coun�y library system has been
completed. Friendswood has the opportunity to set an example for
p�anning and oper•ating li�rary f�cilities .
One fundamental purpose of our society is to provide materials
for self-education, A library can be cansidered in this age of
progress as necessary as self-government, education �nd the
guarantee of freedom. I have made a request that the city budget
funds to the library, This request was rejected; other sour•ces
of revenue are being explored.
If a ci�y government is to operate efficiently, it requires plan-
ing. If our• city had been operating with the benefit o.f a compre-
hensive community plan as � guide for facility expansion and im-
provements, a saving of �;200, 000.00 would have been possible in
the last five year•s based on our present gr•�wth.
The S�ate of Texas lzsts aur population for lyo5 at 2,6�� a��d
for•ecasts a 1985 population of 19,530. With this potential, no
one can abject to plannin�, An outline of what compr•ehensive
planning is aII about is available to you at City Hall. Without
detailed planning, groUrth will me�n excessive waste r�sulting in
higher taxes.
I have made a request tha� the city budget �3,000,00 in 1g66 and
�3, 000. 00 in 1967 to camplete a master plan of our commun3ty.
I have made a recommendation to the City Council to explore the
advantages of contr•acting the oper•ation of our public utilities.
This method oi operation has been r•ecommended by the Texas State
Water Commission and members of the Clear Creek Sanitation Distr•ict.
The efficiency of professional management this year would have
shown a saving in excess .� f. �7, 500. 00. These savings would h�s�en
retirement of bonds, which in tur•n would retlec� �ower taxes or
lower• water rates ,
To enhance our position as a gr•owing, well-managed city, I recommend
that a fiscal agent be appointed fcr• the city in the near• future. .
Sever•aI firms hav� been interviewed ana a selection should be
made to provide adequate �dvisory strength �o our city finaneial
oper�tions .
As Assistant Chief of the Friendswood Volunteer Department, I
believe ;ir,�ncial suppor-t fr•om the city operating funds shou�d be
made to further• develop the pr•oficiency of' our f'ir•e protection. I
believe that serious study should be given to deter•mine a sour•ce of
r•ev�nue to support fir•e protection.
Your attention ys called to the attached copy of the 19G5 �udget .
The citizen' s study and interest in local gover•nme�:'-� insures good
management policies.
Harry D, UJagner
Mayor of FYiendswood
Tax. rate of �1. 0� per �100.00 valuation with an assessment of 60�.
City of Friendswaod T�x structure
appraisal ( base ) y�11,8�9, 500.00
60� assessed value 7, 13g, 700. 00
tax ra�e �;1, 00 per $100 71, 397, 00
General Fund
Tax�s, penalties � Interest �;71,39'T. 00
Fines �c Forfeitures 5, 000.00
Franchise "c Gross Recea.pts 5,500.00
Buildin� & oth�r Permits �,500. �0
, Miscel.laneous Income 250. 00 �'
� 90,647. 00
City Utili.ty Fund
b•Jater �c Sewer Fevenue �;511 ,500.00
Water �� Sewer Tap Rev�nue 12,000.00
?� 66,500,o0
ti� � � ( .
General & �,dminstrative Expenditures;
Salaries �; Wages
Mayor & Coiznc i 1 .$ 6.00
City Secretary �+, 200.00
City Engineer 600.00
Ci�y 1lttorney 1,500.00
Building Tnspector 2,000.00
Tax Assessor-Collector 6,000. 00
Total Salaries $14, 306.00
Insurance & Bonds 1,500.00
Utilities - Builclings & Street Lights 2,590.00
Office Supplies 5,�300.00
Dog Tags 25.�p
lluditing Expense �00.00
Election Expense 250.00
Payroll Taxes g�0. 00
Total Gen ' l. & l:dmins. Exp�nditures � —"��25, '�71.0
Police T3epartment Expenditures ;
F���rolmen Salaries 7, 300,00
Supplies 350. 00
Radio Dispatcher 1, 200.00
Patral Operation Expense 1,5�0,00
Patrol Car Sinking Fund 900. 00
Total Palice TJepartment Expen�i�ures ���11, 250.c
Street & Drainage Dept. Expenditures
Streets, Roads, Bridges maintenance 10, 000.00
Street Improvements 15,000.00
Grass Cutting 500.00
Tra:ffic & Str�et S:igns l, 000, 00
M3.scellaneous 696. 00
Tatal Street & Drainage Expenditures �7, i96.
P1ann3.ng Commission Expend:L�ures :
Planning Cammission Expense 500.00
Camprehensive Master Plan 3,000.00
Tota1 Planning Commission Expenditures � 3,�500.
Miscellaneous Expenditures :
Galveston County Public I3ealth Dept. � 900. 00
To�al Miscellaneous Expenditures g00.00
Tatal General Fund Expenditures $68,617.00
Utilitie� Department Expenditures �
Salaries & Wages 9,000.00
Operating Supplies 3,500.00
Repairs - Plant 5, 000.00
Repairs - Lines �,000.00
Taps - Wa�er & Sewer 12,000.00
Truck & Au�o Expsnse 720,00
Utilit�es 6,000.00
Maintenance - Shop 300. 04
___. _
Total Utility Department Expenditures '�" ��+0,520.0�
City Ut�lity Depar�men� �C Cap3.�al Improvements c�,,000,00
Interes� & Sinking Fund Expenditures :
Transfer to r�serve account ,5,98Q.00
� Bond Pa�ments - 1g6G 33��30,'C�0
�48, 010.00
Total Utility Dept. Expenditures 8$35�30.00
Total City and U�ility Department Expenditures �1�7, 1�7.00