HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-06-05 Special MCNUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING , JUNE 5, 1g65 A special meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held June 5, 1g6� at the City Hall 6 :30 P,M, Present were Harry Wagner, Dale Brown, Mar•vin Childers, Bill Davidson, Arden Hi119 Ralph Lowe and Artha Wright . Also present was Harry Hatcher . �he purpose of this meeting was establishment of a budget for 1g66 . The Tax rates for• the City and Water Distr•ict #15 last year• w�re: City - 60� at $.50 per $l00. 00 of assessed value Water• District # 15: 35� at $1. 00 per �100. 00 assessed ualue . The City Tax roll for• 100� evaluation of pr•operty and improvements- was obtained from the School tax r•oll; the improvements values are much the same in the City and School and Water District#15. The land value is different ( lower ) on the Water District � 15 Tax roll. (l�% - 15� ) 1N@ W1111J2 US21Tlg �11� G'lt�" 7'ct3�. �'Oii . ir'ic Ni vuaui2 i c�2 Jdi�.�. uC : 60� at $1. 00 per �100. 00 assessed value Suggested names for the Equalization Board are : Alan McGinnis, Marvin Childers (alt) , L�y on Jo nson, eorge Str•ouhal, H.I{. Speck, W.L. Boy3e, Nor•man Weaver . zt was decided that Nir . Cline, �'ax Assessor•-Collector select 3+2 alternates . Gover•nment Contract - HHFA 10�-G Tota� Contract $127, g3�+. 21 - A warrant to Bost Ditching Service for Estimate �}4 - �15,735.47 was autnorized, The Council authorized a letter to the bank of C.C. Bostts choice designating tne 15/ reter�tion an+� completion of car�tract pr•ice avarrant and cheek be m�de payable to Bost Ditching Service and said bank. Comprehensive City Planning There was discussi�n of possible contrac or 1 y anning. Several members of Council have been in contact with r•epresentatives of Bernard-Jahnson, Inc , concserning a �omprehensive City Plan. Marvin Childers made a motion that $3,000,00 be set aside in the Planning Commission budget for• a possible contract for such a plan. Ralph L�we seconded the motion; motion unanimous . A phone call to Linn Eignus was made to get a rough estimate of the C�S'C OI insur•ing �1'�@ 112W �;1ty i��ii ar"iu itS CGr'i�22"'itS� ?2i CL'e�'as� estimate was $13� .00 to 150. 00 for• building �nd $50.00 to 75. 00 for contents . Ralph Lowe made a motion that Bill Davidson be appointed as Chairman of a Financi�l Work Gr•oup; to choose two c�tizens ; and work out his ideas of financial and budget st�tements and pr•acedur•es , Motion second- ed by Dale Brown and passed unanimously. Bill Davidson is wor•king out graphs and curves of the trends in income a.nd disbursements for• the Srears since our• incorporation. � � � Respectfuliy submitted, • � _ _ � ^ f � ����� ` ,,�� � �.. W ` A �m e � � � � . , ,� pp • _� -_�,!_: �— .- .f-�; .; ��.r-s,/-��