MAY 25, 1g65.
P�esent wer� Ma�or. Pro-Ter� Arder� Hill, Dale Br•own, ftalph LoWe,
Marvin Childers, William E. Davidson.
P�lice Department Personnel Problem:
A special executive meeting of the Friendswor�d City Council was
held at 7 :30 A.M. , Tuesday morning to discuss and resol�e an
emergency Police Department personnel situation.
On the previaus day (May 2�, 1g65 ) Arden Hill, Mayor Fro-Tem
1.ear•ned that Sergeants Wright and Toon were pZanning to resign.
The Mayor Pro-Tem, after discussing the situation with the
other councilmen, except Da1e Brown, requested Marvin Childers
to ful�y inv es��.gate the emerger�cy si�ua�io^ an� submit
recommendations. This special meeting was called so that the
results of Mr. Childers investiga�ion and recommendations could
be presented to the council.
Mr. Childers advised council �hat:
(A) Both Sergeants Wright and Toon had resigned for personal
(B) Patrolman Prince was out of town for a week.
The above situation which would leave Friend�wood with virt�aally
no palice protection was thoroughly di.scussed, Marvin Childers
recornmended tha�Sergeant wrigh� be hired, if possible, as fu31
time �fficer for ��QC.00/mon�h. Ralph Lowe made a �motion
that Sergeant YJright be offered a 30 day, ��40Q,00 contrac�
(effective May 25, 1965 - June 25, 1955 } to perform r�ormal
police duties as a full time officer for the City of Friendswood.
Motion seconded by Dale Brown. Motion passed unanimously. It was
agreed that Marvin Childers would discuss this proposal with
Mr. Wright immedsately.
Water and Sewer Plant Operation;
During this meeting, Ralph Lowe gave a brief report on the
status af the Water and Sewer System. Mr. Lowe advised that the.
sewage lift pump cavitation pr•oblem at Sewer Plan� #1 was
now solved �y cleariir�g out �Y�ie pump in3et ( sew�r water ) .
Considerable trash was found in the tanks including a tin
coffee can which was lodged in the pump inlet of the cavitating
pump .
Respectfully submitted,
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, ,�� William E. Davidson
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Arden C . Hill Jr, - Niayor Pro-Tem