HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-05-17 Special MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 17, 1965; 6: 30 P. M. City Hall, with Charle5 Comstock, U.S. Sanitary Service Corporation of America. Attendees : Harry Wagner, Dale Brown, Marvin Childer•s, Bzll Davidson, Arden Hill and Ralph Lowe . Also present was Mr . Comstock of U. S. Sanitary Service Cor•p, of Amer•ica . This meeting was scheduled as a r•esult of the pr•evious special May 3, Zg6� meeting for trie pur•pose of further• discussi.ng the contract with Sanitar•y Service Carp , as proposed by them and the Mayor. Sanitary ,Service Gorp, personnel preaented a proposec� contr•act (Attached hereto) . Tne Mayor advised that in his opinion we should immediately enter into this contract, and especi�lly now that our Water Supervisor, Mr . Wesley Unruh, had jtzst resigneds which the Mayor• announced in this meeting. No Cauncilman present wanted to accept the fact of Mr, Unruh' s resigna- tion wi�hout a letter �'zom Mr . Unruh or his per•sonal appear•ance in front of the co�ncil. Respectfully submitted, ~� � ��Approved : �� ,,r, '� � ���-�? � � ' C,--e `� � „� �/�=. AGRx,'�IENt THIS AGREF.��9T, entered into this seventeenth day of May, 1965, by and between the City o£ Friendewood, Galvestoz� County, Texas, ecting by and through its duly author3zed of�icers (hereinafter sometimes_referred �o as the "OWNER") and SANITAI�Y 5£.RVICE CaRPORATTON OF AMERTCA, a carp- oration orgsnized and existi.ng under the laws of the State of Delaware and hava.ngs i•ts principal p�ace of business at 1327 Bank of the Southwest Building, �i4uston, Texas (hereinaf'ter sometimes xeferred to a� the "OPERATOR), WEiI' � S, ()VdNGR pre�en�tly owns sewa�e coll�c;ti�n azzd -txeatment fac:ilities desoribod in Appencia.�c A hereo£; and WIir,Ft1:L�S, OWN�R present].;� owns a water w�rks system described iri A�pez�uiix F3 hereof., and VJE�F�2f:A:i, UWi�f�� wishes to obtain services for the cou�etent apera ti�n, mainten�nce III1C� man�gement of its sewage colleci:ion and treatment facil.i�Lies aiid a_ts water works system (hereinafter sometim+es colleative].,y x�efer���d tc� as "C�r��r_ "s k'xopea��E,y") �vlzicl� �re 7_oca�ed i.n Friends+xood� Texas; a ricl WHE:��:I'.A:�, C)PF'..R,ATOf�, is wi7_ling to render such s�rvices �to tk�e extent axxd in �th.e manner hareinafter �rovided; DIOW� 'J'�3I:F?,EFORE, THIS AGEt�;�V'T VdI'�'NF�SEI'cJr That For aizc� irr c�r.i�:i.raer��La.on. of -t;lie mu�tua:1. �an�;t��zt�xl��a.z!�;a he.reiza ��azi... 1;a:�nE�d, UWNEF� azzd GP�NATOk ag�ree as fo:l.J.ows; f�. U1?T.�rr'.l�':�'CaR t�creby agxees to aperate, msizitain az�d usanage C}�vner's � Property beginning �xi ;lune 1, 1965 and cantinuing during the term hezeo£ as defined i.n I'ara�raph H hareof on �hA texms anri conditions s ta ted her��in, l� "Q�>exatioz�" sYiall consis-t of �'urz�ishing a�.:1. o.f �tl�� necessary service, mat;e���.aJ_s, supplies and ut:i.:l.ities i.n c,rder ta provade efficieri�t , (a) collec�tion �rza treattn��i�t o� nc�rna�1. c�umea�tic: sewa�e disr.harged , into the �WNER's sewage cullectio�n system and (b) distribution o£ water from OWNER's wel7.(s) to its customers. It is understood tha�t OPF.:RATQR wi11. not bc respansible for i;he adequacy of water �uppl,y but shalY promptl;J notify 0'vVNER of any condition knocvn to OP�TOR which a�f f ects the supply. _, , <�' ��,.- I ___._. 2. "Maintenance" shall consist of cleaning, lubricating and ad3ust- ing equipment necessitated by operation and will include replace- ment or repeix, when needed, of those paxts of equ3pment whieh are expected to req,uire replacement or repair in the normal operation of facilities of the type which constitutues Owner's Property, provided that, the total cost anci expense f or each separete instance of replacement or repair is not in excess of $250,00. Maintenance shall not include the painting of equipment or facilities other than "�.ouch-up" paiz�ting. B, OP�RA.TGR shall provide repair or replacement of parts of equipment and facili�ties wnen necessii;ated by any cause other than stated in �.,. tYae foregoixig ��aragraph, and, unless caused by OPERA.TOR's negligence, OVJNER stiia:LJ_ pay OP�RATUR therefor, within ten d.ays of' subrn:i.�sion af verifieci ilrvoiees aovering the same, at 01'I?i?�'Tt)ti's ec�st pl�.zs ten per.ce?�t (1.�). bYhenever f'e�s:ible, OI'�ATU�t sha.l]. c.7btairi advance �apprc���a1 oC O�j,'Idl:It before undertakirig sueh work, but OPEt�1T�?F�, is here-� t�y au�tYioi�ized �Fo u.ndertake such work v�ri�thc�ul; such approval iz;. cases vrhere i�t deE:nLS necessa��y, C, e1 list of' the xiames azid add.resses af' a1.1 c,f' t;h.e Ul"lI3EIt's pre.�ezit cus�i;i»ers �z�d curren't �•ate schedt�l.� i:, ettached l�ereto as Apperid.�x C and; du.r.ing �t.he tYie term th�xea£, 06V1�1LR vra.�.1 �romptly give 0�'T'RATOR wri�i;uen notii;e of' �7_1 chan�;es �f;a su.ch list-, inc�l.udir� �tt�e effective datc:,� o� such chanp'es. Dw U'dJ�dGtt ti;�ill. t;i.ve ����1�tAT0� wr:i�i;ten riol,ice of ar�,y adda.tions, deletions c�:r ��;Lt�er rnc�c:iif.�eata.Uns 'ta (hvner's F'ropex•t,y v�Yiich are nat inade by C)Pi�:t:?�','�'0�?. :Cr_ -!;he everit �az�y su�h moclii�l.CatlOT1 ainounts to a sub- s�tarz::�a_;. cl�un�;e ir� t,Y�e i,y��c� �.r ex�te�zt of Chvnex 's �roper.�ty or woia.ld mate��i.�>>_Z� ir�c;rease OT'ERF�TOR's co�t i.n per!'arr�irig its obligations }iereuz�der. , ��'�;11:�'ti vrill give C)PL:RATuF{ priox• �r�_t�t,�zi ncti.ce of the pro�oseci modi.f ica�tion and the latter. wil7_ have the opportu.ni�ty to terrni.nate this A�,rreement within thirty (30) days, if it sa desires. E. OPE'�l1:COR wi.11 provide billing and collection services to OWNER coverin�; servi.ce cliarges to �l,he latter's custor.iers and will de�osit to 0'rYI�ITs�f�'� ban7� account on � �;�zekl;;, '�,asi�, tl�e amount collected. xf OPERATOR's obligations regarding collection of delinquent accounts shall be limited to sending delinquent notices and notifying OWNER of those outstanding for more than thirty (30) days. F. Upon written instruction fram OWNER, OPERATOR will disconnect and subsequently reconnect weter service to a�y of OWNER's customere at a fee �f $10.c�0 per diseonnection. In the event that a separate permit must be obtained to open a public street, the cast thereof shall be deemed as an extre �;o this f�e. OWNER hereby agrees �tn indemnii'y, def.end anci hold QPF�tA'i`QR haxrnle.�s f.razn �,nd against ar,,y and a11. e.la ims, c3en�arids�su.its ar jucigment�s a inc]ttdirig a•t;tc�xzxeys f'ees, expenses and costs :in cozlnec tioxt wit.h the .i�regoirig, ss � resu.]_t o�' i'a7_lov�inp, �tze OWN�R.'s ins�truc�t;iozis. G. 01?Lr�AT0I2 sha]_1 cr�aperate wii;h the OWI�i,EFi in pre,paration of ra�te scl,.r:;r�i.�l.es axzd :��e�c,xts, xeytaix�ed ta be f'a.�f�c1 witl� az�y �aresent �asie��n- mez��al. s,�,c:;nc,y, and z°ee�onal�l_� st�a+i.s1.;�.c,s ��r�l;�t.iaig t�� Chrrz�er's t'..ro.���,.rl.;y ��nd thca opez���t:i_ozA t1z::x�EU:t',. OP.�,E?A`�OIt shall a°ei�dvr OWIJL:F?. al.l rea:;oz��1i�_F: a._,.�.:;t,ar��r� :i.n. 1:<Y�c� promotion af goc>d rele�tians wi-th 01'�Idk:1.-�'s ;;ustow.crs. H, The OPEI�TOR shall receive the fol:Lcswa.n.g ec>zrr.��exi���tic�n eacl� aionth for performance of i.ts duties and obla.g�tic,�is pux�suant �f:o th�.s �.�reemesi-r: a. A ba�ac �aymen� of �3.15 pex mon'th per ac-Live single fr�mily xe,:�_de:ntial �acount as detexmas�ed a�L �ti.me of' m�te.r x�ead:i.r�. AccUUaits oth�r �than single fama.:ly residential shal'J. �k�e charged on an e�uiv�len�L basis by dividin.g tkie monthl.;y �vat;ex' C:OTI.5UiTTptl.0I1 by :1.U,000 orid multi�lyin�; i.his x�uznbex lry �3e:1e� be 0'NNI:�t .represents tha�t 1:Y�ere are the i`oJ.lcnvir� nuznbex oi' connactions �,o its water worl�s and sewexage callectiarzs � systeins on the date hereo£: (1) VJater , single te�mily rQeiden�t�.el � rnultipie femily residential or commercial � ` (z) sewex � single family residential ,�,,,,.M. _._ �rnz.ltfple family residential or commerciel C, A pay?�aen:t; nf ox�e tiuxidred dollars ($100.b0) for each ne�r aingle :�an�il�+ r�ai;er �;ap. k`cx thie price, OPF.R�I.TQR agrees to make t,�se ta� :in•to OWNER�S line in £ront of house, provide snd instail . pipa to ;z�,�ter hax, provide and install mater box and fittings, anc� a•��<<���;:�>�t, t?�;�yer tap to be made by others. It is agreed and urici�x�Ccs..xl t#k�t meter boxes are to be installed on �Che property li�.e fae�.a�;; �LY�.e street �nd that two hou�e meters will be in- st��llec� 1.T.t each bwt wherever possible. Ta��s for. othez• than singl� i`ami1.� residentia7_ dwellings wi].l be payed at eost plus 10�,� I. The co�u�ens��ti�ii to be paicl to QPERATOR hereundQr is exclusive of ., any t�Y, �ssessment, re�ilcitoxy expense or other charge vuhich may be imposefl t�y az�y goverr�u�xatal authori-ty upon the OPERA'tOR as a resu_l.�t of perfoxmi.r►g i�ts obligata.ons pursua�.-t to i:his Agreewent ot2'iez 1;har.� 1;axes u��n thc purchase of material, utili�ties, supplies and par�ts pursuaxit to Pa:�agra�h A hereaf. ]:n tki� even.t �that OPEItATQR a.s rec�,uired by applicable law or regulatit�zz i:o pa� �x collect a�y such tax, a�sessme�zt, reguletory expense or other c]ierge on sccaunt oi' t.kiis Agreement or ii:s �erf ormarace hdreuncler, 'theiz the amoiuit �Lhexeof sh�l.l �e reimbursed -to UPERATUR by ()WNER (in addi�tion to thc� c�mpensai;ion provided hereixz;�bave) wi�tYiin thirty (30) days of receipt of invoices the��e�'or., �-� is uxuierstocx:i, howevex, �that OPE.R.ATUR shall be responsibla at its �wn exper�se �c�:r a:L1 ec�rporate a.naome and fx�neY�ise taxes arisiz�g out . of its c�perations, arid a11 emplvymexit taxPS or contribution� ir�a��sed by law or trada union contracts and regulations with respeet to or me�sured by th� cor�spensntian (wage, salary or other) paid �o employees nf QP�2AT0�. a.rid its subcantx�a�tc�rs far� tivork covered by this Agr.eement, irial.uding, but not by wey o£ l.irni�ati�zi, t�xQ� ox oon�;ributions f'or tl:iC."�:=7..t, �'c' .'., ,."�r1.�t.'Y: ...i 1;_ . , ?rl.`� .-t„ .,, , � . . :' ' ' .. .. . ,w.,,p�.,....k,. � ,:���'trA's�� ��NFwro:��. OPERATOR shall defen(i, inc3emnify and ho�.d OWNER harm2ess from e�y liability for ax�y and ell such taxea or contributions or interest or penalties f or failure to pay the s�me. J. After execution of this Agreement, OPERATqR will furnish OWNER with certi£icates of insurance i.n a compax�y or companies satisf.�.,ctory to OWNEft, evidencis�: (a) Woxkmen's Compensation and Employer's I.iability (b} Gomprehensiv� Genexal Liability including coverage of risks rnenti.r3ned h�ereinafter in amoun.te not les� than: (1} Baiily Injury $ 500,000 per person (all hazards) 1,000,000 per occurrence 1,00O,OOQ aggregate (2) Pxoperty Damage 100,00U pax occux�re�.ce (automobile) (3) Property Darr�age 50U,OQ0 per accurrence (o�;her than 500,OOQ aggregate automobile) EacY� party shal]. indemnify and �ave t,Yie other harmless from and agein.st a11 loss ox liability for or on account of an;� i.njury, in- eZuding death resulting there�"rom, or daznages xestz].tin� or sustained by ar�y persori or persons by xeason of any willful act or riegligence on such par.�ty's part or on the part of such party's agents, employees, or subcon�,ractoxs. � K. OPERATOR shall nat be responsible for any direc�t or inciirect loss, injury or darnage resull:ing from the dimux�ition ar interruption of watex supp�,y or �ewage coll.ection or treatment, regardless of th.e cause �,hereofo To the extent that correction of such dimunition or in�terrupLion is within OP�RATQK.'s caritrol, it shal2, however, attenipt �Lo correct the sarrie with ala. due speed. L, OWNL;R .represents that Ownex's Pxoperty is in good working order, does not cc�zit;�in an;,� known def�ctive equiprneiit or farilities, and is - suitable and adequate for the normal needs of its present customers, and expected addi�tzanal customers during the term of thzs Agreement, Priox to execution h�reof, UYJNER has provided OPFRA.TOR with accurate date concerning oparation of Ch�mer's Pxoperty for the previous year, including the cost of such operati�n. } B ,F i M. It is underatood thet OPER,ATOR will provide replacement equipment for which it is responsible pursuant to this Agreement. OPERATOR ehall use good �judgment with xespect to seid replscement equipment and shell not be xeaponsible to O�WNER for eny gu,erentee or warranty in conneetion with aaid ey,uipment. OPERATQR shall exert reasonsble efforts to obtain the normel guarantees epplicable in the particular industry and shall assign the same to OWNEFt. N. OPERATOR agrees to operate pwner's Property 3n canf ormance with all applicable laws, rulas and regulations. 0. Recognizing that ��e contxal of indu�trial wastes discharging into the sanitery collections system of tY�e C7wNER is of vital import- ance, �t�:le OWNE� agrees to no�tify the 0�'I:RATOR in advanae of ai�y si��h corxtemplated discharge. If in fi.he opinion of the OPERATOR, th� dxschar.go of such waste wauld h.ave an advexse ef�ect on ei.�ther the cal:lec�Eion syetem or the treatment facili�ties, OPF.�?ATC1�, reservAs �the ri�ht to re�'use to trea�t s��ch waat�s W:ithaut suitable prelim:inar� ta°�atmsnt at �ttie sourcc� ��rior to di�charge to the sewer collecti.on sy s't etn. Pe QPI:RAl`OR n�ay subcontraci; sucYi of i.ts wark �ler�un�.�er. as may, �xi OPEEtE1TOR's opinion� be aosirat�ler bu�; sucYa subcantractiz,g shall not r.el.iev� OPERATOF� o£ r�ny af i.ts abligat3.ons nx liabil.i�;ies here- uncler. Subcontractors will orily Y�E re�;a�riize�i as emp:Loyees of OF'ERATOR. Q. In the event tla�t OPENATOR is rendered ur��ble, rvholl,y ox ixa part, by Force Ma,jeure to carr;y out Its �b1i���ta.oria under this .��xeeu��nt, �.t is a�7�ee:a that OPF:I3ATOR 9t18.L�. g:L`JB nata.�e and f'�ull garticulars of' such I'or.�ce Ma jei.ue tU OVJ�1.� in wr3.tir� as �oon as gossible af�ter. th� �cc�arrence af th� cause relied on and sha11 �hereb�t U� r?lieved of its obliga�tions, so fer ae t�he� are affected by such Force h�a jeure, dw°ing �the con�tinuance of ax��,y 3.�iabili'ty sc� caus�ci, t�ut fox no :Langer . periaci. . In the event that the pexiod of sus�aensi.on sha11 extend lon�er ��t-ian thir�;y (3a) days, either party �hall have •the privilege of terminating thi� AQreau�ent. Zxi such evant, OWNEFt shall, pay OPFRATOR compensation pursuant to th3s Agreement up ta the date of �ermination (pro rated for less than a fulZ month, if necessary) and utipaid expenses ;�;, � � ol OPE�RATOR imourred pureusat to Peragraph F� hereof. R. Thia Agreement shall be erid remain in effect for a period of one (1) year end ahell aonti.n,� theresfter from year to year sub3eat, how— ever, to termination by aither party hereto at ex�ytime by giving sixty (60) deys advence xritten notice ta the other, S. No alterstion or modification of this Agxeement shall be made excep�t by a writing duly signed by the �Sartiea hereto. T. Whenever under the provisiona of this Agreement notiae i� required tr� be given, such notice shall be given in writing 'by registered srjail and addressed i;o t,he party for whom intexyded at �.ts then acldre�e af record, and such notice sha�.l be deemed to have been given �vhen t2ae notice was tlxus rnailed. U, N�rcher party mey assign i�;s int�ares-G herel..n withou�t prior wr�.��ten aonsent of �the o�ther, �pxo�tided that OPEI�ATOR u�sy a�sign any monies due, ar �to become due hereunder; t;o a third paxty. IN �"IITN�aS WkIEREOF, the parties hereto Y�ave oavsed t�ia Agreement to be executed �n dupl�.cate t�y their duly aut�hoxized o:fficers as of �the date fixs�t hexeix�above wxitten, F aANITA.RY' SEftVICE CORk'ORATION OF AMERICA � Vice President A`!"r�`aT: $�Y.. Secretary CITX OF FRIFNI3SWOOD, TEX.AS Bv M�yor Ax'TEST: AY Secretary Ac�epted by vote oP the �ity Covncil,City of F`riendswood, Texas, ' mee-�in.g in session this the �7th day of May 19G5. Mayor ATTFST: City Secretary i _�._ � _. .._,__ _ -_. . _