HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-05-17 Regular ,4 � tif ° MINU�ES ��' �'HE REGULAR MEETING �F �HE FRIENL'SWOQD CI�° CflUN�I� �� �.`�s �.9�?�. A �egula� mee��.ng oF the Fr3.enc�swood Ci�� C�ur�cil was �e�.d May 3'�, ; 1955; 7:30 P.M. at �he Scho�l Gonferenee Room. ' Present were Mayo� Harry Wagner, �a3e Brawn, I�arvin Childers, � �33.�.13.att� D�,v3.dson, Arden HiI1 and R�.1ph Lowe. A�so present wer� Bennet� Cou�.san, Buck Hausr�an, Elda Matheny, Betty Merchant, Francis Hieks, D. G. R�m�ike, 3�.m Shore, Harry �€a�cl�e�, Tracy Spears, Norman �'eaver, G1enn Br�wne, Tony Banfi.eld, Ge�ald Hol�.is, PauT Cramer, Bob Lee, Lou t�ortha�. MINUTES: Ch�ic�ers made a motian tk�at the minutes of the �pril �.9, 2`� a`n.�` May �, 1965 mestings s�and approvea as read. Mot3.on secon.ded by Hi1�. Tn d�.scussior�} Davidson sugges�ed several changes irz the �eco�ding of �kae m3.nutes such as sub-t3.�1es for �ach s�b�ec�, further revision, cc�pies of rev3.se�. nz3.nutes. Childers and Hil�. vai�hdr�w the�.r f�.rst and sedond ot' tY�e �aat�.an. Dav�dson made a motion that approva�. of tY�e abav� mentic�ned minu�es b� �ostponed �nti�: th� next regula� me���.ng. Mat�.on secan,ded by Brown; motion pas�ed unan�.mously. Wi�. LtyW�A� �N[FOTGE �79b: Mr. Lowman appeared be#'ore cotancil ta scu�s s o e C�.ty for $50�.00 for patching v�ork or� W3.13.owwatck Aver�ue. It �vas the unders�ar�d�.ng of �he Mayor and Brown, �ha� a v��ba�. agreement o�' �250.Ofl 2�ad been reached last Apr3.1., �hat w�.th Coun�y par�ic3.pa�ion, Mr. Lawman's se�vic�s would � n:ot be used itxr�her at �hat ti.me. M�. Lc�w�nan remembered �hat the ; amc�u�� ag�eecl u.pon was �500.OQ. � � PR4CEDURE LF �'�.SSACE OF ORDINANCES r L�ah I�c�rth and Marie �Ilman �ubm e � 1e� er of pe� �.on an a se� of p�ocedur•es for passage of ord�.nan.ces t o t�e �tavo� an.d Gity C�����2��n� (,�Q�v att���aed� �irs, ��ar��. and Mx�s. A�.1man felt that �here w�r�e r�n set procedu�es of the c�.ty counc3.l far the pa.ssage af ordinar�ces; that t�.e�e shou�.d be such procedures; and submi°�ted a set of pracedures �hat �hay �ecatnmended �he ci�y counc3.1 adop�. L�ur City At�arr�ey, Colen�an Garte�, was asked �o acknoi�ledge �he above men��.oraed le�te� and s�at� o�'r procedur�s now in practice. �ie �.s tQ a�.so d�aw up an a�d�.r�ance that sets forth our procedure. ]Cf w� kZave a pr�cedure it shou�.d be sa s�at�d, 3.f r�at w� should �.f{►rned3.au�3.y evc�i�;e or���. , PLAfi APPRt�VAL=�3UCK HALTSMAN: A letter of pet�.�3orz to �he Ci�y Couneil o approv� nnalea u iv �n - ��.�.gspark Sec��.on A and Whi�e H�11 Sec�ion A as per plans approv�d by �he Fr�.ends��aad Plannir�g; Cotnmission, was read. Mr, Hausman showed his plat for the above mention�d S/D< Torzy Ban�'ield, Gha3.rman of th� P3ann�.ng �ommiss�.c�n, stated �ha� �hey had g�.ve� �`inal apprc�val. �o th�.s pla�; James Shore, Fresident of �he Lra�.nage Uis��3.c�, stated tha� tha� Board had g�.ven �entat3ve approval, p��d�.ng the City Engineer"s �'inaZ approval of �he dra anage as sh�swn. Arden Hill mad.e a mot3.an �Y:at the p�at as presented be accepted, tnot��n sec- i or�ded b� Da3.c� Brown. There was d�seuss�.on o�' �h.e approximatsly 35� of �he ; lots th3t did not mae� the set minir�um squ�re footage, but, did nor•e ' ��an m��t the 80� minimum �.o� wid�h star�dard. Hi11 a�.c� Brown withdrew � their firs� and sec�and on the previous �otian. L�we r�ade a mo�ian ��a� the p�.at plan for Anna3ea Subd�.v�sion Kir�gsp�,rk Section A and W�i�e �a11 Sec��.c�n A 'bp acc�pted and signed wh�n the Plann3.ng Comm�.ssi�n �'�ates the Iats �hat were at var�.an.ce wi�h the S/D c€�des ti�e �easons fo� the2r �a.riances �r�d �hat the w�rd unrest�ac�ed �e del��ed �'rQm the pi��. Motion _ �, .� 4 secpnded by Hil1 and passed unan�mously. BILL WH�'�� -» SEWER LTNE MANHOT,E: A l�tter• of pe�it�.on fram Bi11 White r as n� a e e y 3.nves iga e the Iocat3.on of a s�wer liMe manhole on the�.r proper�y tha,� sits approx�.mately 24" above ground level and � �.s 39" 3.n diame�er, was read. )picture a�tached) . Counc�.1 decided ` that inves�a.gation and correet�.on a� �his proglem be �.ade. CONTRACT�-OPEI�ATION OF WATER Al�'D SEW�RA�E FACILI�IES: Mayor Wagner said t a e ad rec��ve wor t a es ey Unruh, til�.ties Superintendent, had r�signed, Da�ridson stzgges�ecl �ha.t we find c�ut why; Brown fel'� that �he resigna�ian should �ave been presented to Council before there 3.s discussionof the r�atter. Da�r�.dson recommended that we get b�.ds on �ny availabl� �ontr�etors �ha� would be able • �o operate a fac3.l�.'�y such as ours. D�v�.dson x�ecommended �hat di�cussionof personnel, and �he wate� and s€�wer contrae�irag be tabled; �a be discussed in e�ecuti�� s�ssion a�`�er �Y�is m�e'�ir�g adiQUr�s. '� BID 0�'ENI�'C�-�D�'F"LT�A�"4R: Gestetner Corp. � dup���ator $8��'00 c�.bi�et �8 .00 � 8Q.00 �T�.lson Stat. - A. B. Dick .00 5�.70 � �17.70� Wa1�.ace Dupli� Rex-m�meo "„ �88+�0 " ��j�.�j4 775.00 Benson Ca�Ta. Rib.Co. Roneo tt �� i� i► �r �r ��,00 '��4.00 Chi�.der� made �. mo�iot� that tne RQne� Mod�l 754 E1ec�rical Stenc3.3. Ihx�a�.�.eato�° b�.d of' �75.40 i�r�.th 55e00 cabinet be aecepted; �hat ; �I�eir offer of the Nord W�,zard Photocogie�, �.� �r.;� " a� �.o cos�, be aecepted a3so. Mat�.on seconded by Davidsora; motion � G��.]'�'�,.GC� 't�l'ic'�,X'13.ITi0USl�r. SPECI�`2�P�TIONS -� P4LTCE CAR: A �ro�osed spec3.fieat�.Qn sheet �'or pa�. ce pa ro car was presen�ed �o cauncil. Hi11 and Lowe r�commenaed �hat the eng3.r�e spec�.f3.ca��.on be changed f rom a 383 cub3.c 3.nch �o a 361 cu'b�.� inch V-8 eng�.ne, and �hat it be des�.�ned �'or s�andard fue�. consumpt�.on. L�we made a motir�n �hat the bi� specifica�ti,on sheet be accepted wi�th the above mod3.fications. Mo�3.on s�conded by Dav�.dso�; m���o� carried unar��.mous'?�T. SPEGI.��GAT�Cf�NS�POLICE M�B�LE T��j(�-WA� RAUIO: � �rOp�S�G� specifica�i.on s eet for a wp-way rad o ma e was presented to e�ur�e�.l. Browr�. �tade � motion �tha� �he spec�.f�cations be p�� ou� for bids; mot3.o� s�c�nded by Childers; mo�ion pa��ed unan�.mously. BUDGET: Wagne� sta�ed �ha� '�uilding permi�ts have d�opped �ff considerably s r�ee last �rea� at th,is time; tha� the est�.mated budge� f�.gu.re for the 1.g65 budge� �.s h�gh and should be e�� by ab.�u� l0,OQ0.00. �avidson recommended that a graph be plotted o�' the i.ncame #'r�om a�� departments mon�hl� and kept �n a bookl�t for eae�. council�an. �rvwt� asl�ed tk�a� tYae Ci�y� Secretar� be reques'ced ta have �he necessary iig�xres ready for Dati�idsan fflr tY�is stud�. � t��agner stated that a purehase p�s�c�dure has been installed �.n the City ; affice. T�owe made a mo�ion tha°� a publ3.c hearing on the �.966 budge� �e " he2d a� the school cafeter�a Jun� 7, �1�65; secanded h�T Uavidson; mat3on passf ` ur�anirnously. PLAN�'ING COI�ISSION: The �?�ar�n�rg Commission asxs tha� �he C3�y C�un.cil. g�.ve t em rec Zon; �.e� t2�em kn�w what �hsy wish �o have �vsarked a�, and sugg��'��d a�p�oaahes or guide �ines �o ��ri� w3��ira. �avid��n made a mc��.on - 2 - �_. < < tY�at the Planning Commis�3on be ins�ruc�ed �o rev3.se the zoning ardi.nance; obta3n ad.ditional matera.als �o aid in th�s. Childers secor�ded. I?av�.dson anc r -- Ch3lders withdrew their motion and seeond. �avidsan a�d �hilders agreed to � wark �ogether 3.n �he rev3s�.on of a zoning ordinance fox� 1a�er submis�ion ,' �o tlne Planning Comm3.ssian. It was f�l� �hat �he mos'� important item for � P1.ann3.ng Commission cons3.dera�ion at present is a revisian of the Subd�,vi- s�.on Code. St was decided to ask �he Planning ��rr�miss3.on to mee� w�.�h the City Council a� 6:30 P.M. June '�, 1.9&5 for an haur meeting. ��F-�EET-C�NiM�TTE�: Brown stated �hat he �vould like Phase I� of �he , p'�'OpOS� s ree program tha� was 3,n.�roduced May 3, ��55 be reins�ated. '' R�ot�on seconded by Davydsona '��.e ma�ic�n passed by a �ote af � f or; Brown, L7avidsan, HiII, Low�; and 1 aga3ns�: Chi�.de�s. �hilders fe�.t that i� zs �h� ob�.3.�atior� caf el�c�ed off�c�.als �o �e11 t�e cit�.�ezas what their money will be spen� on. Mayor Wagn.er oppnse� �he motion because mone�r �.s b�3.ng au�Yzori�ed for ex�er.di�ur� w3.�ha�� a p��d��er�ined us�. rnh� �l,000.40 w�.�I probably b� spen� on the fc��.l.owing items ; �thisper3ng Pines, Shadowbend Avenae, chuck holes and drainage ar�d grading. I3A�TI�SON-REPORT 4N NOISE S�WER FLA.�TT �2. �av�dson s�bm�.�ted a �omp3�te b�.d pac age an repor on t � ndse pro em a� Se�rer Plant ��. The �r�cc�mrrtended mtzfflers to be ins�alled were l�.xir� M-31, the low bid on 3nsta�.la��.om was Ken Toon. 'The tota�. �ric� $531.00. �awe made a mo�3.on tha� �he Counc3.l author�ze Da�r�.dson to se� this pro�ec� ta i�s campletion at on�e 'by awar.d3.ng �he bid to t�.e 1�c�est accep��.b�.e bidder. B�own s�cond�d �he motion and it carr3.ed unan�.mously. ' SUNS�� I�R��E WATER �lNE: Lowe s�a�ed �ha� �here i� �p�r�ax�.mately 1,5a4� ; o ga van z� p p� n the gr�und in Frienas�oad Fores� t�.at is `� usabl�. Hi�� has volunteered h�.s v�rvace to assis� �.n g���ing �he pipe out of �he graund arid ta �he �ob s3.te. '�he ,. on�� cost would be for Iabox� �.n ge�ting :�� out of �he ground. A cost est�.r�a�e for insta�.�ing �h� pip� and �'�.'��3.ngs shou3.d b� 4��a3.ned. Lo��e made �. mo�a.an tn.a� �nis pro��ct be �urned ave� �o H�.1I. and Chi�ders; sal.vage af pip� and installa- ti,on of the 1.3�n.e; tha� �his p�+��ect be �'a�.lowed thra��h and cflmpleted with- ou� f urthe� counc�.l act ton. Mc�t�.s�r� seconded by �avidsora; motion unan.3.mous. GAI,CUZ�ATOR: Lawren.ce C��.ne subm�.��ed �'igures on a ca.lc�la�o� tY�at wotzld a�2swer s needs for the �ax process�.n�. Bx�o�vn sta�ed tl�a� he wau�.d give th� Ci�y* �i� calul��or, �f h� ea�. barrow it occasionally. C�IOATE ROAD RTt��T �F WAY: Lowe re�o��s �I�at mos� of t�e �eop3e ��at have een ean ac e a ou o a�n�.ng ��.ght-of-way f�� �he S�ate Hi�hwa.� Dept. have been most coopex�ative. A fi.gu�e a� �1.50 per running f'caot �ras men.�t�.oned b;�t they agreed that a �h3.rd o�' �he traf�'�.c was strzGtly �r�.endswo� a�d ag�eed �t� ��..00 pe� �u�.n�.�2g .�ao�c, Th��e are �everai peop:�e ��no ha�e not �ommi�t�d th�mse�.ves as yet. Br�wn and Pau�. 0�F�.r�ell 3�ave a�,reed to work Qn th� s�gning af deeds. BL�NKE� LIG•I3T FN4 5�8 - �'NI 528: An ar�inance requ�.red by the ��ate to � s3.gn fy the �. y s accep�ance of the B3.ink�r L�ghu at �'M 518 - FM 528 v��s � pass�d by mo-��ar� of Lowe, second b� r�ro��rn; m����n unan�.m��slgr ��.�sed. ; I WARRA.N�'S: War�7z�at �298 �hraugh �17 appr��,�ed a�.d s�.g�.ed� ��ar�a�ts �u�ili�y c e�p€�. -� q22 �hrough �93a approved and s3.gn�d� � 1 ! , � �r S�R�ET SSG�TS: There was d3.scuss3.on of the need for street s�,�s. �"he os •� Of�ce Departmen� requ�sts that we have str.ee� ��.gns in repara�io� � for house-to--house delivery. Lowe made a motion that Dav3dson ask ; G3.enn Browne to act as Cha�.rman of a cgmm�t�ee �e ta3k to civic clubs, ` �ndividuals, ete. about contributing s�ree� �igns fcar their areas. M�t3,on secanded b�r Hi3.1 and passed unanimously. CT!�`Y i�i1�.LL: Lowe opened a d�.seussiar� about the idea of having a community `e,� o�r�"'� b�.3.ld a �emporary Gity Ha21. I� would be on the pr�sent si�e, ar�d be bu�,1t by contributions o#' �itne, money, mater3.a3.s, C�tizens conzm�.�tees, 1oca1 3ausiness men and indiv�.d€�a?� �ave express�d an ir�ter�st �,n �his p�ca�ec�. Th��e will be a publ�.c mes��.ng scheduled, tQ talk to tk�� peopl�, g3.ve deta3.ls and answe� quest�.ans. l�eeti�.g ad�aurned. Respe��full�r subr�it�ed, Artha Wright - Ci�y Secre�ar� APFROVED: i ! W i . �Iarry D. agner - Mayor Ma�ro� re�ues�s '�ha� Leah North. ac� a� a cha�.rman af a committee of her cha3,ce - �o derive and �ecomrnend procedures for oper�.�Gion of the Ci�y. � ; �. �. _