HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-05-03 Special . . , . .. — : , t.'�'�t . < y—s...... ._. , ':yr. ;F<oa .. , . m x .. . ^ . t N��NUT�� OF A SFEGIAL l�lEETING, MA� 3, 1�65; 7:00 P.M. �ity Hall � Ai�tendees ; Harry Wagner, � Dale Brawn, Maxvin Childers, Bill Davii3son:, i _ Arde� Hi11, R.alph Lowe and Artl�a Wright, Also present were Mr. Ernes� Bro�rn; and Mr. Char•1es Comstock. This special meeting was called by the Mayor for the purpose of introducing to the City Council his proposal to hav� the Fr•iendswood City Water and Sawer systems contrac�or operated by Sanitary Service Corp. of A.merica. Mr ,. Ernest Brown of Moroney, Bei�sne� & Co. Houston. and Mr. Charles Comstock of Sanitary Ser•vice Corp, af America, Houston, had been invited to this meeting by �he Mayar and were present.0 on - request , co�aies of April 14, �.�65 Service Corp, letter• (attached� to the Mayor were provided each caun.cilcnan fo� study. The Sanitar ; '��..--- �..� Service Corp. of America cost fi�ur•es are based upon the City - ✓ - er���r � casts as stated in this letter. Rather th.an mee� again �.n �he ne�� y few days with these Sanitary Service Cor•p, personne�. as recommended by the Mayor, it was unanimously d�cided to schedule a special me�ting to again discuss this subjec:t one hour before the rzext regular• meet� ' ' ing scheduled for May 17, 19�5 . g � �espee�fully submi�ted, ; � App r ove d: -- ------�- � ; � � - c,.,,� �� �. � r..� ,�,3� ' � � \ J Sacnitary Service �'orpor�c �ion J of America 1357 BAMC OF TAE 90UTA�VEST BUILDING • HOUSTOIY, 'lE]CA3 77002 • ?13 CA 7-1a04 Ap�'il 1+4, 3965 Haa�o�sbl� �arr� D. �gaer, tiyor City ot 1�icieACl�raod, ?r�a s De�r �yor, lurt�h�r t�o aur preliadn�r� disawsian, I �roE�ld 1#.k� 4o provid• yo� wit�h ra�a boc�icg�rcnwd a��Ltri.al oa 3eniter�,�r �r�rio� Ca�rpo�ratios� rslative to our o��bilitit�r faxr m�fn�Laining •nd cYperatin� yanr .��r a� �r�r faail�ti�s. 9�nita�,ry Servics ia awn�d sq�11y b� Dasr-f311rer Isac�rporoted wit�i . b«tdqurrt.ers in 8tread"vrd, Gonascti�ut e�r�i lbrc�r, Bei�ener � Co. , Inc. of H�a+aatam. �nrr--0�.ivex 1� � wczr7..�-�rid.�a ���rix� sr�d �e�eufac�urin� firm s�eoialisi� in a wid� �ariety n� p�r�ue►�si�e� �v�tsaiq,e�es n�8 ral�ted �quigarent � • i�alru!�.e$ tta� pairif f c;�o��.:.�� �f e�un�o ipe 1 �z�c� indu�tri�I wa ter �utpplie� end the t,��.w�►�ct � c�n�►�rt�.,^ �awa�e �r�d 1z�ttuetr3�1 wart�s. , Mc�ar�me�y, �ri��s�r 3� Cc�. , xn�. a�e in�eat�rtt btnkere wi�h mo�!� t�wa �b�rsn�r-f iva� �Mer� ��c��ria�e�s in t.ki� ge��erol inv��tw�nt bsuYing fi�ld, 3na14Rin8 t�i�s ti��►otr�g r.!' �Che csc��t�wc�tic� �� �xtarn�ie�i of �s4�P et� �a�t� �s�����t ts�it{*,i.e�. Mc�ar�c�ey, k�ie�er & Co., Ine. are n�e�absre ut' th� Yick�sst Staak BxaLsngs, �rre sativd► in li�ted r�ecuz�itie�, ov�r the ccnmter seauriti��, unde�- rrritS.n�a e�� e �ensral invast�an� ��a�sr��� ��i�s�. � iNe a�x�s etu�ren�tly aperating td�e Bayehore D�fuaicipal iF�1li�y IIistriet ' syste� whi�h inc2ude fo�.x �ellb, e�n e�.�v�tec? tenlc, thrae lift �tati.o�s snd a ee�►age treat.r�ent p�.ant. The Presid�nt o�' Bayshors �I.E3.D. i� �r. Ot3s 1�x°r�y � and if you wc�u►ld T.�.ke to ocmtaet him v�itY� reapect to cntr e#.�n�nr�� of aper�ti�, he aan 1�e reachsd A't r�ork at �I 9 23� �nd at haa�e et � 1 �219. �e e�so have � ao�trsat v�i.th the H�la Co�+�V ooveriz� rosf.ateriance �r� op�ra�Gion of the water aDd xsttt�e �aciliLias serving H�eqpc�rt a� exg�et t�o ao�nce actual �rork thexo +�oatti� in Jun€�. �'rcux� an �peretia¢u�l s�ndpoint, �ve h�ve � �ell-qtt�Iif ied ahief oper�tor who tuactia�� �+t the locel 1eve1 r�ith assie-�nt� 8�i 7.�horoera as required. A " plennad preventiv� na�in�enance progrit� Cov�rir� sIl fraaiiiti�8 whi�►i �►� o}���� is a kty pRrt c�f aux c�ver�ll pl�n. Inftial�y, lebvrstory eon�rol �nd reporti.ng w�.11 b� da�te in Houstan, but, eQOnraa�3.e� mhc�al� fliatate s tiel.d E°ac�i.lity in the � very ne�ar futur�. Z, persc�ally, �tipervtse the oper$tir�g, m�i��Le��ence, labora�ory sa�i ao++�st ooaYtxol asp�cts Qf th� prn�r$m. � qtsaliticseticm� i.nc:2ucie a degree in r.k�mioal en�ineering and � b�ekgrauz� �� c�v�r si3c�e� y�r� �itii I?orr-Qliver. . f �� � t,�/t�' ��Y' !�I oc»� r�a�t •rsi�et •i�h Dorr-Oliir�►r v►e� �stic�waal. �l�s ms�sger of the dirialoo �his� 2rsaal�d �►11 swr�ge L1^�rt�sat plents. �s���t�tiea ttc�a cu� a liu�f.a�l 9se3l�et�+oo i�aunQatiau :c�zitt� ���o s� BACI at�e�p� to Indv�try► azd Sts'� Boaxde � #�es 1� �� p�t:"�►e �Y morrr�rot t�h�r c�psr�a�ium��- ��+b�+� ��sc�+�.� �°;�.th a�r�l.2 tre�t.mers� plant�. ;�� c�.�,�,,� ,�x f�r�l �:c�rt��a��:� =�a.�i �dsQuete �xt�eil.�tie� pPCnv4s- ,��s r�x�.t ot�� �a�'e��d� ^�^��rar� Qa� ����. '1� wv�.1d b� hsp�y to e�nd � �:�e ac,���� w�� ,�sr�c ar yoau ���-�:b�� f'car x�a^�#�r. �a a crr�liminary 'basi� T �:�< ��,�� �c�?e �n ��°������ 1�sa o� �;�ra �: � er�ts�at rrr��� ns follaret Be� �'r3.s� Thres dc�l�r� ��►d £'���� Qe��L� t�"�.3�) p+��' �nt,h " ' �r �ni t .,:•�:� a,. � .�;:; � •.��w :��+�cs�tic�i i� ��"�e� �� s �ir�.L� t"��;i� r+�aid— +"'tAR�.a�rdM.h. ���.4.A..L.:1"T',y ne.d'�a.'.. v�� E���jW4l�r.'�" ai.i '�r+'�"�`.°"� G�F3. '�� .���.. k�'A.b� �� ta:»#a�a� ^����:�� , ..+.��., �:c�.a�v��uaa►+� uc�.�.� +��_ �'��a.���t Qtsr�*'�; s�r�;,� �iv�3 �toz►i�h ' .� � r.��e t�r,,s� ���` ��a�:�� xeedi�' h.�,� :°..;:�x�� i� ��� 3'c�r �c�<.���ss�o�� r��s1 or ..�.kN�W r..r�.XOi i��.�+.3.L.��� {����:'4 .'�'+ �X:.�Eri� iFAi�Ta L'n AA� >.����si S� 6VY� �A • ��i y�y J'�4 e�y��g v�y•�yp@� S..j.{, 4ix 3 2�. :1�� �.�iM:L: �� �.�3��6i[� 4�t� �V1J.VR� ���Y iti'�`"i.ii� . � ` , .�r�� �fr�*�x�a�w� �a� ��tic,� ot' �tee ���-��s. „. �y+�,�i.� ::�- ��p�.a���� a�' �.�or p�x°�� �c� �� �e��re, b�s�a�i��, ���P �, . 5:���� re�diz�, bi�.�� �s�l �c�lleetiar� �;. :��'����y a���s��v�bl� r��a�sA �t�3,y� ����z���.ra� �nc� � y����.� ��.z�3�.� a� ��1�.���E�ans �y �ria�r d��terho�t��r �, ����;t �a�' all ia�vc�f.c��� f� �leet�iei'�, �h��c�l� �nd cs�i�r ����tix� �up�lfe�s. �. �'��� }r.r�z��r�tic� z°�,�,�°�i � ts�*�t� �� �t�L��tl 7. �Ca�:�i1.� t��.��s�c�a*� c;�.�.�'s'��.c�. F�. C�.�'�h��iv� ��s����. I��?�.�i� �.�..7'°���� ��� �t��.2.� ��� 13.�.i.�� a�' �SQCI��D ��3 ��.,�,� a�3 x��c+���f��� �€���� �.its�.�� �:��" �1�Qp� nr�d ��4�3,�. 9. '��:� cs�'�it� :��'��� �� � �`id�3.�°� �e�&��^3.� ��.1 �gl.ay��. �. ��c�� �c�1.�ai,u�� r�� ��.�.�s ��].�a��r�. r� . ���� �'�t�� (�� h�r� �a�.��� ���3.�� �� e��a��3.�. , pria+� �cxv�r� � �ca�� a� r�n.�3.� �h� �.i.� �'�°�� �s� �i� �€s #�,� ���� tac��� �FP�"� t�t�� �a��° ��.�, $'Y� ��r.� �-��.i� �� t����� �� �� .�.����J"� �z�d f.ra����.l..xa�; �a� r��� �rc� £i�,��,r��. �`�� ��.� ��.��a ��:�.t��� �.�. ��� ��ad i �p�ro.:� �.�:� ���^ ���a ; j � ±,"�e�x��� ��� �c����°� ��3.E��<�� � �.�:�����:��e °C.'�.�� �;���c e.;�,���� ` c��.�co�a:����.c�a cs� c��I��t ��c���� ��a€ ����t�.� ���� �� �s,����,��a es��.�.s���,c� . � . . f,_ .. . . . , ' . , ,. .....i'. . , ' � �� � Y ��' ��' C� a�Y j�!lldl'�t �,Sl �!� �i`!�C'�8 ?�23��'� 8II$ 81tt�8QQt=Qllt PQttlt�dlA@tl��C3�. �t a2S0 inolqd�a dieoc�ec3tiaa oaa rsatel hausing, v�c�tic�n housirsg and ahsr,�e a� cyaner- �Pf ��S �'�al r�dings; eAd css].cuL�ting snd biil�g for f3�I oill ar rePtmd b�sed cca w�ter d��3.t. Thie prias alsv �over� subseq�ent ra��eati� wh� the sciocaun� agaiu Geec�s aa�tivo. It fe r�tt►ex ditPic�ult ta m�k� an �aaura�e aoa�riscan betwe� the abrnre t's� aa��dule u►s�1 ycxsx a�t c�n'stix�g �cPe;'�. The c� morst.h tar� �2aie�a �re h�ve ti�ttr�►a, D�oca+�iber 19W„ nc��e aa axpeas� os� ��,t�?.0�. '�ith �� 548 �a�er ec�n- a+�ottoe� xhiat3 �� the cueta�ex aouzit �.n D�ca��r, aur beee Peev wottl.d hsee bsen �3bOD.00. Ha��re�, dur�.ng Dec�e�r en i.�c�;: �xo� tep fees ��� sl�oa�x� at �109C}.qa. . i�i#�hout Ic�rnr�y �Dz�t y�atr aotc�l t�gpii�&° ch��,;� 1s, T �ou18 gue�re thi� ac�ver� � ` sbaait t�m 'tap�. 0� c�ur �c�hedt�].e th�ee =�c�.a��3 c�ks# az� acfditfo�l �100� (�],00/t�p) � to briz�g the Lat�l to �E�.�l. ��a ��� �.>�c�� expezase s�t.�z�t sha�� � . � t'i�ure od' �33�.9� t'ax ir�,s�arer�c;,er e� �i<u.���., :�c�,; ��3.d ts� �ble� t� r�.�nce�. � ,��d p�rt ni` thi� in��.uk3ing most if r�oL �lI c�f �� Ya�da, �,21 t.�ce �ark�erz� eomperu�stic�a ; snd emplq,�er's Iiat�ilifiy �xid �12 t.�e publ�c r�,� Hutamabil.e liebilit,y. �ic�raver, ; ' You mea went t�r �sonti�ue the fire, Ii�t.r+�z� �rac� extea4ded aovex��e oa t.�ie o�`ficse �ttles� ana �Ln� x�tar �rilc �na tc�►sr. az� �x� :�v�t� ba�� a� t.he ��m�.�b?s fi�rce�, the C1�y �rc�� apg�rent�jr r�;,l��� :�u�:��k4 � 1Cl� ��vin� by utfZiz � izig c�tr g�rv�.c� Cc�led �rit�► �.iss i:� r�n �s�r,r�ra�:� th�t� Y��, ��4�s �fll �be �pera���d 3.� � �ro- feeeicxc�l,eff"�.c�.�nt rr�a�►sr �r�3 t�t� t3ae ��,�z��zt �ill aca�a��t�� �� ����s� �'�r ��� ���itsA,��ed 2��'F� ��;.�.�e4�ranay. I 2aL�p� fi,�ae �bova� px c�v�.d�a� v��c� !�.��, ,��.�'f i�i�st� iaf°caor��ic�a� �tr� �rr�Iv�°�e tiur prc�pc,��d s�eat,t�c-� Q� cap�x°atic:�iss. Z ia¢��� t:��.�� �,-�e��o�d �� ��a�l���l �t.�riael c� bafi►ti Darr—fl3i�r �n�tt 1�6c�rcmey, ���.s�wry ,��r�.�.'�,d �c�sz ��ve �:�� q��r�ica� �r �s�— � ��V�� ���+� �t..3 �4 tl.�a��ti��s«� �rCl.,�',$�.��. �: .YAi�if�' 3.?7t LW���e{�'la � �$.Ik��'X°�''�.'r t�a�. �i�t�� e=--. ��."-�' t'�x`���.S��DZ� '_�:�.�i � , ,;,, G`�C/�ct _ �c�,o��