HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-05-03 Regular MINUTES OF THE REGUL�R CITY COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 3, �965 A regular meeting of the Friendswood City G�uncil was held May 3, 1965; 8:00 P.M. at the Fr�.endswood High School Cafeteria. Present were Ha.rry D. Wagner, Dale �3rown, Marvin Childers, William Davidson, �?rden Hill, and Ralph �we. A?so presen't were Co3eman Carter �nd �bout ��+ citizens. ( list attached} A petition from Leah North was read which pointed out that all pe�itions and r�emonst�ances to the City Council be submitted �.n writing to �hat bo3y as stated in V.T.C.S. Art. 1008; therefore she rec}uested that Buck Hausman� s proposed subdivision not be discussed. again unt�l this rule has been complied with. Mayor Wagner mentioned three sub�ec�s t�at will meri� further thought and iscussion: Fire and Police Departments and the 1g66 Budget. 'I'kie chairman of the Street, Roads etc. Commi�tee, D�.le Brown, read that committee 's Street Pro ram and ea.rplained its phases and answered questions from the floor. �attached� . Ralph L�we reported on the work an� cost of the experimental work on Whispering Pines. The bi?�1 for this work came to �90.80/ Reso�.ution. by motion of DGle Brown, second by �Tilliam Davidson; Th�.t $7,400.00 be set aside in budge� for completion af Phase I; of the Street Progratn that fo�lows the glar_ that was accepted last year to fix certain streets, etc. , with County aid of labor and equipment. Res�lution passed unanim�usl.y. After discussion, Dale Brown made a motion tha� Phase T of the Streeic Program be accepted; that Phase II be re�ected. MotiQn secanded by Ra�p� Lawe. Fcr �he ��.ction: Da1e °rcwn, Pa�ph L�w�, Ma�vin �hilders; Against the moti�n Arden Hi11 and l�xi3liam Davids�n. Motion carried. WiZ13am Dav3.dson reparted on three }aids and possible solutions to the noise problem at Sewer Plant �2, Sount Ieve�s were measured �nd the general feel3.n,gs were tha� mufflers wou?d subs�antually rzduce this problem. t+I3lliam Davidson believed�._that the Maxim ISniversal silencers would be satisfactory; their price was the l�west, an� asked for $�+99.00 to cover the cast Qf the muffzers and treir• instalZation. :ilencer costs : Burgis-Manning - ��72.0 ; Kitteil �105.00 for one - $210.00 for twa; Maxim - �92.00 for one - $18�. 00 �or two. Ralph L..we made a motion that $�99.00 be all�cated ta William T�avi3s�n t^ s�lve and �omplete tris p��,ject. LG�e Br�wri seccnded the motion. Motion passed by a vote of � tg 1. For: Dale Brown, William Davidson, Arden Hil3 and Ra1ph Lowe. ; P.gainst: Nfarvin �hilders. Coleman C�rter gave a repor� on Choate Road right-of-way. There arz several people working on this pro�ec�; Ra2ph Lawe, Pa°al 0'Farrell. Zt is �e1t that candemnati�n p.�oceedings will have tc� be start�d in about two weeks on several pr�perties. � petition is hereby enter�d �.nto the minu�es (by residen�s �f Clear Creek Woods S/D and �ther families surrounding Sewer Piciri'� �2) reques�ing that the Ci�y n�t bu�1d a temp�rary �og Compound at Se�rer Plant j;`2. - 1 - �� Dogs are a time consuming problem; our ordinance must be enforced. It was suggested that several veterinarians be consultea �n the possibilitSt of a contract to keep and dispose of dogs as required by our ordinance. (this is a corrected copy of page l; William Davidson made rnotion that we hold off construction of the praposed Dog Compognd until Marvin Childers has ha� an opportunity tfl explore the possibility of ? contract w°ith a veterin�rian. Mot3on seconded by Ralph Lowe, motion unanimous. Bids �ere opened for the propased 2" water line from existing water line to residents of Sunset Drive. Bost Ditching Service �1,527.00 less 375. 00 plastic pipe Main��nd Constru��i�n CcmNa�y 856 per fe�t approx. 150�' Ralph Lowe reported th�t the Galveston County Health Department report on the water from H. T. Matheny we11 was safe to drink. An additional 3ist of names on petition requesting that lot sizes not be l�wered is here entered; the tota� number of names todate is 190. In discuss�on of the Subdivision Code (�23) R�lph Lowe said that he though that the lot size should remain as is; Dale Brown and Marvin Childers agreed with this. William Davidson felt �hat there was a need of different lot sizes allowed according to the area in which they were proposed. Arden Hiil felt that the present 80i �9600 �q. � } was too large �nd that 5� ' 3ots were toa small, that there shvuld be an inbetween point ar�ung 70' . �egis�ered ietter from Allen Fields �nterprises was read; which stated that they were going to start improvements on land lying partly in Galves�on County and our Z00' buffer strip and partly in Brazoria County; that they wou?d appreciate getting water and sewer service if reasonable from us, but would put in �heir own facilities if necessarST. By motion of Marvin Childers, second by Dale Brown the Spaceland Star was declared ta b:e�the City' s official Newspaper. Motion carried unanimously. �his information is to be posted in Baker� s Bulletin and the P�st Office. A reso�ution that states that the the City of Friendswaod accepts all contracts that have been entered into by ths �alveston Coun�y �later Control and Improvement Distriet �15 and the United States gavernment was accepted by ma�ion �f Marvin ChiZders, secand by Da1e Brown and passed unanimousl�*. I� was decided that a�l builders be notified that load bearing canc���e such as ariuewr2ys are preferable when reinforced and that an erpansion �oint be used at the property line in cas� str•eet and di�ch maintenance require the tear�ng up of drive- ways etc. _ � _ William Davidson made a motion that specs for bids on duplicating equipment be drawn up and posted. Motion seconded by Ralph Lowe and passed unanimously. Ralph Lowe made motion that specs be drawn up for police equipment, namely patrol car and police radio. Motion seconded by Arden Hill and passed unanimously. Ralph Lowe made motion that the base pay of police officers be $50.00; that Mitch Wright and Ken Toon be promoted to rank of Sargeant with a pay rate of $50.00 per month. Motian seconded by firder. Hill and passed �nanimously. Arden Hill made motion that �e use the Pearland Police Dispatch System which will cost $100.00 per month; give us 24 hour coverage. Motion seconded by Ralph Lowe and carried unanimously. Ralph Lowe made a motion that Bill Lowman be paid $250.00 of his bill submitted for street maintenance in 196 ; that a letter be written to Mr. Lowman informing him that if this is not satisfaetory, he is welcome to appear before the Council on i�s next regular meeting to discuss this further. Motion seeanded by Arden Hill and passed unanirnously. Warrants # 285 �hrough 294 (except #289 ) approved and signed. City Warrants #1899 through 1917 approved and signed. Utility Meeting adjourned. Respectfuiiy submit�ed, ,-. -- � � � � Artha Wright - City Secretary Approved: Harry D. Wagner - Mayor