HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-04-26 Joint, Planning Commission C� MINUTES 0�' THE JO��T'I' vMEETING OF THE PLANNING COMM�SSION-CITY COUNCIL i APRIL 26, 1965. � - � � A �oint meetirig of �he Friendswood Planning �ommission and City Council was held at the High Sehool Ca�'e�eria, April 26, 1965; 7:30 P.�.. Present were Harr� Wagner, Dale Brown, Marvin Chi.lders, Arden Hill, Ra1ph Lowe; Wilbert Boyle, Tony Banfield, Gerald Hollis, Dean Sa€zrenman; Nor�nan Weaver, Keith Smith, �esley Unruh. A,lsa present w�re Tracy Spears, L.�. T.�affer�ys Lydia Lafferty, Doris Kovitz, Franei� �Sieks, Se1ma Enge2, Buek Haust�an Bennett Ca�lson, G1.enn Browne kIarr�r Hateh�r, Bett� �fe��hant, William Bolster�, W.B. White, Linn Eignus, ��an �ielch, Yenne�h Camp, Leah �orth, �ir. & Mrs. Rafuse, �,G. Romeike, �. Raper, Fau1 Kramer Da1e Brown quest�.oned the status of the Road, Str�e�t e�c. Commit�e�, what authc�ri�y it has. Harry Wagner stated that at the oper� budget heaxir�� last year, Dale Brown had presente� a �nap shocving the most needed street repa3.r-��nd improvements { topp�.ng stre��s wi�.h County cooperation). Da�� Brown had been having sand she11 and washed she11 applied tc� needed areas at his discretion, that this program is sti.11 3.n affc�ct, that the county will start topping on this base in P�ay or � June. He commended the energy and work that the committes has expended ; but stated that the Counei3. shou�.d should have a cost estimate of material r and labor on file at C�.�y Ha11 ico be discussed and ac�ed upon. Aa1e B�own brought the curve �t Shadowbend-Mornir�gside to our attention; , that �� needs shal.lowing. Mr. B�autigam (for Dr. H.K. Davis)is agreeabl.e to giving sa�►e right-o�-wa� t� fac�li�at� v�i� ��a����. Z'�� ��praxym�te eos� of th3s wi11 be $�gg.0�. Har�� T�agner stated that the Street Committee �hould meet and come up � w�.th concrete p�ogram for Couneil aetion. �then funds have been alloted ` for approved programs, the commi�tee may u�e them at their d3.scx�etior�. ,'' T�a�vin Childe�s� reminded the Council that th3.s sub�ect was not on the a�enda for this mee�in� and no mation concerning 3.t sho�ld be entertained at tY�is �1me. Da1e Bro�n made a ma�ion tha� the sub,�ec� of �he Shadowber�d-Mornings3.d� curve and the proposed water li.ne to �unset Drive ir� di.�cussion, lae �abled; tE3 be pU� Ori th� a��rida af' ��s� �:c^t� 3s ��5`j �����.ri�. �at3.CL secor�ded b� Marvin Childer�; �otion unanimous. Ken Camp, President of �he �riendswood Volunteer Fire Department, presented a pro�ect of the Fi�e Depar�ment; a fund raisin� campaign far the pu�°pose of acquir3.r�g a r�ew fire truck (pumper) . �he up�ating ; and expansian of equipment �s vi�al to the �aperation of the department ` and the i.mprovement af our f3.�e ra�in$ in the communit�. xe would ` appreciate City Caunc3.1 gi�ring consideratior� tc� their need of a bu3.lding for meetings. A� present they use �he City office beca�s� af 3.ts proximity �o their equipment. There will be a letter put out to the people af li'riendswood and _ sur�rc�unding area exp7.aining the needsfor a new truek. T�e campaign should. start about Nlay lst and the haped for date of a�taining their gaal €�f �20,000.�0 is Novetni�er lst. . r-- j Bu.ck Hausm�M, develope�, presented his plans far a subdivision, ' Annalea II which daes not meet our subdivision ru�.es and regulations, ( in regards to lot sizes) to the Git� Council and Plannir�g Comtaission. A builder has specif'�.c house designs for a specified lot s3.ze. ,��r. Ha�zsman showed pietures of' hhou�es and a plat of the house and lot la�ou� for this area. The houses would b� in two elasses: to be dernons��a�ed by six models in the �12,Q00.00 to �1�,0�0.00 � range ar�d four models 3.n the �I.6,000.00 to �20,000.00 range. There wa� discussion by the Council, Planning Commission and the ai'tizens in a��end�nce of the pros and eons of smaller lots: Some points of discussion - doubling the �ax Fevenue of the Gity, �nain�enance fr�e streets (Gemen� curb & gutter), added burden to the sehool sys�em, need of added pQlice ar�d f ire pro�ect3.on There are here entered the names of thase ��rith the following petition: �TE, THE UND�RSIGNED HEREBY PETITIQI� THE FRIENDSWOOD CSTY COUNCIL NC}T TO CaNSI17ER RE�?UC�NG SUB�IVISI0�3 LOT SIZE BEL(}W THE PRESEIiTT 80 �'EET FRONTAGE A'tTERAGE aR 9600 �QUARE FEET �IR1I�'3.UiyI. , I3.sts at�aehed. � � � f Meetin� ad�a�zrned. Respectfully submitted, � ,� � .� ,� } � /'��: � Arth.a Wright - �ecretary A.Pproved: � � � �� ��ti Harr� D. Wagr�er - May�r ( � - � , � y � ' . ,�ti ��` 'fE pA,,. � _ rfh � ���: 2x K: 'H � >: .� 1 � j .'•+: :' THE COUNTY OF GALVESTON COUNTY COtJRT HOUSE GALVESTON, TEXAS 77550 , �, VIRG[L D.SCHULTZ A,�r�� "G2 I965 COUNTY ENGINEER ��p� � '` af l�r. R. ��au�ar� � c��20 G��.f �'�eeway __ 5�zi�e 206 .. Houston , Texas 770�.7 �� Dear Sf.Y: �a� r�vie�af.�; �aLr �as�er p3an of the area adj o�.:��.�n Anr�a�.�a� Seetio� C3�e, we �ine� severa�. i��ms �ha� wi31 be �equired baxore we c�n complete the �irst preliminary gcview. �xr comm��ts are as �ollows: 1. S��d us 2 �a��.es of prelim�.a�a�y plat og Sec��.o� �'�,ur� �w�e as�u�e area f� red wila be SecL�.on 2) . TYPe�e �ri�ts should bear the sidnatux� o.£ �pproval of �he: (�) J�rie�d�woo� Pl��ar��.ng Co�snnission (�) Frie�,d�wood Drainage I�i.s�t�ict (c) Galv�stan Co�xnty W. C. Z. D. ��21 � (d} F;c�.e�dswood Ci�y Counc3.I , � , 2. Ser�d us 2 copf�e� o� your propos�d gav�.rsg an�3 d�a�.�ag� planso Th.es� plar�s should sHow the: �a) Paving Typical Sectiora �b) t�rb Deta�.l � , .. (c} S�o�n .sewe� inlet d��ai.3. � � (d� Expansiors a�d cot�struc�ion joint detail (e) Reinfo�cc���t steel details 3. Submit copy of instrument s'hawing proof of abandonment on any existing �oads through ; � said Sect�.on �ao 0 � I . I. � a q J� r w ' ' M�. R. Hauscaan Page 2 Apr�1. 22, I965 4. Submi� e�gi.��era�g drawis�gs on dep�h and s�.z� of a�.� pi�s�l�.n�s whe�e proposed streets cross over s�me. 5. �ub�it b��.d�� ar ��Ive�t �e�ails and dgawings �aheY� pYOposed �treets cross . o�er drai�age ea�e�ents. 6. Su�m�.0 typ�.cal c�oss sectio�s of 60 f�. � a�d 50 ft. drainag� easemen�s showing: (a) TD�p�h (b) Gli��� (c) �3o�e� (d) Grad� The �t�eet� layau�, as evi.denced by the pr�limi�azy r��ste� pl�n, appears to be acceptGble; hovaever, �e cannot co�ple�e our review without tY�.e abave infoz-�aat�.on. Yoizrs tru�y , Virgi2 D. �c�.ultz . Cour.ty Er,gine�r , ,�H:tI G �sy I _�7f��`'�'.,e��tJ' 1/Y;�'L� G� Enclosu�e CC: Fri�n�seaood P2anr�.�g Ccm�i�sior� � �r�.e�dswood ��n�.n«ge I��.str�ct � GaT.ves�an Caunty G�. C. 2. D. ��2I � � �riend�wood Ci�y Cour�ci�. Galveston Cour�ty Car�n�.ssioner, Pct. 4 � �� �� a,:�� ti . z ' ,_. ._..,� . Qi�.._�., , —