HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-04-19 Regular � 1�IIk�tTTES OF �HE REGULAR CI�,'�.' C�UATCIL P�-'ETING, �.FRIL 1�, �g65 � ' 1� regular meet�.ng of the Friendswood City Cauncil was held Apri1 19, f Z965; 7:3o P.�. a� the City Hall. � Fresen� we�e Harry� Wagner, Dale Brawn, Mar�rin Childers, �Ii�liam �a.v3.d�on, Arden Hi11, and Ra1ph Lowre. ° Also pre�ent were Wesley Unruh, Coleman Carter, Keith Sm3.th, R.W. �omers, I,ee Sl�dg�, �.J. Grimsrud, �etty Nierchant, Buck �austt�an, L3nn C. Eignus, Benne�t Coulson, T.H. Dave�r, D.�', Da�ling, W.J, Bolster, Hube�t LaMg, W.B. White, E�.da �aye Mathen�, Mrs�. Wesley Unruh, �'raneis H3.cks, Selma Engel, Tom Long, Mr. Areha�t, Lee l�or�h, �.G,Rc�meike M3.MUtes of th� April 5, z�65 meeting were apprcved as read byy- the . members flf the Counc�,I. that were m�mbers at that date, by motian of Arden ��,ll, second �arv�.n �hilders, mo�ion unanimaus. Mi.n�tes of the Apx�1I 12, 1�C5 m��tin� were approv�ed as read by t�otion of Arden Hill, second Dale Bro�rn, motion unani�ous. ��`� �� �; „� ;�� �� ��� G1en. I�cDc�nald, Fostmaster, gave u.s 3.z�ormation c�ncerning the ma3.1 del3.very� rural �tail box at curb s3.de), its ro�te, that it would serve autside subd�.v�:sions ( �u�s3.de � mile radius of the post of f�.ce), •� tha� the b4xes should be ��{' �o �5" to battom of bax from gr�nund, �hat thexe wa� passibil3ty of house to h�use delivery within a year, � � b rir� was a �rere uisite. a� an ord;Lna.nce s�ttin fo�th house r�un� e g p c� � th � � �Ir. Somers, Grimsrud, Sledg�; spoke for �cheir civi� c�.ub in �he Friendswcaod Forest. S/D abou� �heir. street, they have approx�rnately �6,000.00 fa� materials if the C�.t�r coul� a�rartge labc�r and ec}uipment , �o pu�c a hard sur��aUe on ch�ir s-cree�. �hey aiready nave dr�,inage in- for�na�3.on that could 'be �.sed. The Mayor and Council members wil.l talk to the Coun�y about this possibility. T�aere was d�.scuss�.on ab�sut the streets, 7�oads� d�.tehes etc. and the t�eed o�' a defin3.�e st�p b� �tep program ta handle this. William Da�ridson�:,made a motion that �her� 3�e a stand�.ng committee of tl�rc�e �nembers for �he street p�agram; cor�sisting of Da1e Brown as Cha3.rrnan, k�a�.ph Lnwe and �Jilliam Davidson; Motion ���:��onded by b��-;Arden H311 an pas ed un�nimou�Iy. � �, � -�•�� �.d�•'�t'1�'�?✓st�-sc '� Ral,�a'h Lawe �ade motion that at 8:4t? A.I�. April 24, 1965 wo�k be started on Whispering Fines w3.th �100,OQ �.�nn�.t to see ��.st how much coulc�"-��� r�e done. � on an e�cperimental bas�.�). �irden rii3i seeonaed �ne �otion, mo�ion unanimous. Buck Hausman in�roduced a �eplat of the p�opased S/D of Annalea II, Kings Park and Whitekiall wh3.ch would have 63�# lots; 55 f- 52 t in the �12,000.00 to $],b,000.0� range and 60' to 75� l,o�s i� the �16,000.00 j to$20,OU0.00. He says �hat builders will not be able to make out ' financ3.ally on larger lots when they ax�e in �he pra�.rie and not in � icrees. Council dzscussed the pros and cons of inereased revenue meriting ehanging our standa�ds; there will he a�►endments necessary �o allow sueh deviat3.on. There will be a meetin� of the Counc3.I, bu3.lder, devel�per wi�h the Planning Commission a� the Planning Cornmission' s regular meeting April 26, 1g65. e i There was a vote of approval given; that the i�ayor represent �he ; City at a meeting Apr3.1 22, 1965; 8:3� A.M. , LaMarque Cit�r �Ia.11 ` to vote an the appointment of an initial board for the propased Galveston County �dater Au�Chori�y. l�o�ion made by Ralph Lowe, second b� ��lliam Davidson, Motio� unanimous.. , �To�ion ma.de by Arden Hill that c�e suthorize an e�pense of �77.b�+ far mater3als �o build a temporary dog pour�d utilizing a part of Sewer Plant �2 enclosure; �.abor �o be furr�ished by eity employees. �otion seconded by Arden �3i11. l�otion carried by four vo�es for: Dale Brawn, Marvin Ch�.lders, Arden Hi11, and Ralph Lowe. One vote aga�.nst: William �avidson, who �tated that Sewer �1.ant ,�j-`2 already had a noise problem, as ye� unsc��.vec�, and suggested �ewer �1. - ^�� ����- ���:.�� �--,� ��.'� ����E �- -���.. �a--�.-_� j��z..�.7�' �Ti7.13.am Dav3.dson and Wesley Unruh wi�.Z �xamir�e the specs on a muffler (bid ) to mvdify and red�ce the �he noise at Sewer Flant �� and bx�in� recommendat3.ons back �o �1�e Council. �,�°den H�.11 made motion that Ralp� Lowe be made Cha�rmax� of the City Hall Camm3.ttee; mot3.on seconded 'by Dale Brown and carried +r�.r�animously. RaZpYa �,owe made a motiar� th have the Gity Secre�ary obtain a water cooler for the City Ha�.l on a 7.ease b�sis for not o�er $10.�0 per month. Marvin Childers �econded �he mat3oM and i.t carried unanimously. l I Cou��cil expressed gratitude for the services rend�:red in the past ` year by William B. Fatton as Corporation Judge and confidence in his ability to perform tYais fao�.ce 3n �he fu��zre. Th�y felt that a letter o i' appr�e c 3.a t on wa s in o�der. �G�,�,.�,.,��(1�r.-�.a,��,r,ti-� �'�-�' �-{,� �e. �.�U*1 �v�c.2-�r- .�-�'�^--�--� _ Meeti�g ac��ou�ned. � Respec�fully submitted, ' � , A � Ar a r3.g - at y e ary ApprQ�red; L �' � V W �.. nl..X� ( G, Har�y 3�. Wagner - May�or Warrants� �7�? thraugh ,�273 - were read and s�.gned. ; i