HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-04-05 Regular �I�NUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL N�ETING, l�[PRIL 5, 1c65
�� . A regular meeting of the �'riendswaod City Ccuncil meetyng, Apri7.5,
; 1Q65; 7:30 P.M. a� the C�ty Hall,
Present wer•e �Iar•ry Wagner, Dale Broznzn, l��ar�vin. �hildeYs, i�arry Hatcher,.
Arden Hi11, and H.K. Speck. .
Also present were T�irs. H.T, ��atheny, ��Irs. C.D. 1'Fierchar�t, Tom �o1�g,
Bi11 Davidsan, �.G. Roma.eke, Gl.enn. �rosfvne.
�lftez correction of worcing on ��e �.in�tes of I�Iatch �ily 1���� the
minu.tes of the meet�.ngs of 1�iareh l, 3, 10, 16, 2?, 30, stoad approcred
as r•ead by motion of HarrsT Ha�cher�, seconded by Ar�.en ?�ill, mota..on
�.ii�ninzous. _
� Udesl.ey Unruh is to be present at �he ne�� reg�.zl�r mee�ing.
� ,A,11 Ga.ty vehicles will buy service fr•om same station i or sume per�.od
of time on a �ot��ional basa.s, to be char•ged to City of F'riendswoad
�'or pol:i.c� car and to City of Priendswooa - Utili�ies Department for•
Utilat�..es Departmen� service, these accoualts �o be carried by the
operators of the s�at3.ons personallyz��th.�r than go through �he Oil-
Companies. Each ti.c�cet wi11 be i.temi��.�� accaunt oi purchas�s, signed
by per•son abtaining same and the mileage on the �ehicle to be xecorded
on t�O.s charge ticket. This was accept°d by motion o� Arden Hill, second
by„ H.��. Speck, m.ot:ion un.an.i.mous .
� H.K. �5peck mad� a m�otio�, t�1at i or a one yeur period, a l�i� ��acedure _.
an ca.�y vehicle ser�Tice and iuel purchase �e usea; al� s.nterested `
par•ties wi11. bid a 120 day period to }�e submitted prior �o the beginna.ng
of each such period :�or• council appr�tral. �Tpxt bi� ���e �n or �efore
A.pr;1 1g, ig65. Moti�n secon.ded by Marvin Childers, motian unana.mous.
l��ax�vin Childers made a mo�ion tha� an.y item �urchased i'or a pr•ice
ol �5500.00 or moze must be advertised far bids by posting in the
Post Q�':f�,ce and the City Na.l1 for seven dayss, excep�irzo an emer•genc�
( an , emergen.cy to by determi��.ed b�r a ma�ority of �re �i�y �ouncil. }
Mo�ian Se�oria�a bv Hazry Hatchea.�, motion unanimous. .
� The peddler ° s o�dinance (,�,-�-�28} was submi�ted �o the �i�amber of
Comm�rce z"ar their recommenda�ions an any .changes. The recommenaa�i.ons
wer� that the hours �hat were permissable to sell or salicit be
8 p R1�1« tQ 5 p.NT. ; tha� local peddlers and s�li�itors '�e �.�cluded
a.s ti�rell as itine��nt �.� �ravelsng pe�dZers an�. ��lici��.�s; t1�at
I�on-Prof it orga�lizatians be issued a pe�mi� at na char.�;e; that �he
charge as s�ated in the present or•dznance of 5�100..Q0 be adher•ed v�.
They also felt �ha� the Sno-Cone �r•ucl� tha� �s p�esen�ly .�operatin4
(by ��a��mi�c} izz �he area is dangerous to children dar�ing into the
street etc. H.K. Speck made motion �.�.a� Ordirlance "2� be. re-t�Tri��en
' by Ci�cy� At�or•ney to incl�.�de �re al�ove recorr�menda�ci�ons. Tlo�cian second�d
� 'y �y Da1� 13rawn an.d carr��.ed unana.m�usl�. It v�as al.so �ecide� �a add to
� ` 'che alaove m�ation. �hat s�gns adv�.sing �hat �:ec�dler anQ so�ici��.�
ar�ina.nce is in force be placed �.t t:ne en�rances to �he City.
;- The �'irearms ordinance,T;' b5, was amen.ded by m�tion o:f Mar•vin Childers
i to exclucle spring laaded �.�. guns as t�e �ai.sy type from �he
! the ordinan.ce wh�n fired n.ot less than 2�0 feet from any residence.
"`� N1�tibn seconded by H.K. Speck, moUion carried by vote oi four for�
( �a1e Brown, 1�iarvin Childers, ,P�r•den Hil�., Y.K. Speck) and ane
a�ainst ( iIarry Hatcher ),
The propased budge� ior 1�65 oz" �he City of Frienaswoa�, as prepar•ed
for• x"inal presentation by H.K. �Spec� was app�'ovec? by motion af
l��Iar•�in. Ghilder•s, secon.ded b�T I?ale Brown; mot�on v�z�nitnous .
L,G. }��mi.el�e asked that the counca�l mak� some decis�.�n on �he
problem oi the moi.sy pump in the C�ear �reek U��oods �/� ar•ea, that
had been m�x��ionecl 'co the I�Ja�ex �oar•d an.d �i�y Cauncil soime i,ime
. a�o.The Council went to the site to see �'irst h�n.d the problem af�er
� the clase �:� th:is mee�ing.
h,h« ;peck raade motion 'chat vae advertise i ar '�ids i'or 2" water
line � rout� �o be proposed by Utili��es D�partment} �to serve
�hree residences � Ntatheny, Avitts, :�.�wei1. }T�lo�ion secondec� by
A.rden �-ii11; motion u.ran.i.m�us ,
;,tiresley Unru.h asked �o have 1is� of a1.1 �n the ��i,y who ar•e n��c
ser•ved t�a_th i�rater ana sewer ior 'che ne=�� re�ular mee�iixg, �i/��/6�.
` I��otioz� a?° Da].e �,rown �a ap�rove �-�rarran�s Ut�l�t�.es De�ar•�men� ;�`-1°7�
! �hrau�h l88`7 with 1�8;, 188�!-, 1885� 188; ei�c���ec� fr•om ax�prova�_.
C�,�J� wax�ran.ts ;;� 25�!� throu�h 268 w�_th 25�, 253 e��cepted fr•om ap��ova1.
l�o�ion seconaed ;�y Harry Hatc�Zez�� motion una.nimnus.
x�.�den T-Ia.].1 mad� motion .�ha.� the G��_�.res uon Coun�y Heal�h Department
be paid �(5.00 per ��nonth. Tha� de�artmen� r.•equ.es�ed y 900.00 p�r
yea� to l�el� defra�� expenses iZOt co�rered by sta'ce and� c�untyr funds .
dther can�.munities in �he coun�Ly �re al�o con�C:�a.bu.ting.:�io�ion seconc�.ed
i�� l��Iax�vin �hilders; mat��on v.nanimcvs.
iVe�t�n� P�d jour�ned.
hes�ec�?°ull�r su+:�mitt°d,
., �� ( !�
V`,-r G �'-�'�
. har•ry '�, i�rabner - Na�;o,�
. ���/�-
Ar•tk�a Wr�gh� - �it�T Secre�ar�r
__.._ -2_