HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-03-27 Special MII�TUTES OF uFE�IfiL I��EETING Cr CI`i^Y CCUNCIL, I�iARCH 27, 1�F5;6 ;00 P.P�i.
�eeting cal?�d to o�de� by May�r•; a.11 councilmen beir_g present.
�.lso presen� �aer•e T��r . ?���yle an� T��:r. Banf,�eld from �he Planning
•�OIT1Ti7.1SS1.G?". Ot:�ers r��esent �n�zude� Mr•s . Pesm.an, P�tr. �ill Davidson,
?��r•. �oe; �oleman Ca�^ter �resent at r•equest. �par: mct�.on , seconded
and passed, F-±.K. Speck �o act as se�%etary of t�is meeting.
Discussion was had with r•e�er•ence to the m�nner in �Thich the
r•equest �i Mr. �r•autigam f'or bu�lding per•m�t LtiT�,s handled. Nr.
Bo��le a:�� T�r. B�r�f:�eld expressed the ei>per•ier�c� �net '.:�� '.:Gd and
that no approval ct d:�.sapprov�l had beer_ made b�� them as to t�ie
granting of builain� permi�. The I✓iayor indica�ed tnat he h�d talked
�o Ntr. �rautioam or.�y on �ridaJ, March 26th an� th�t r.is actian
was never• �n an o�'iicial cap�citST to auth�rize or not to authorize
the gran'�ing �� the said permit. It was aoreed to have Execu�ive
meetirg iuesda�r Evenin�, I�iarch 30 �h with �ity �ecretar�7,
Gity Inspe�tor•, Counc�1 a�� th�se r!2em�ers a� �he rlannir.g Comrnission
ir_volved, ta secur•e fur•�her infor•mation so th�.� procedure �ac�uld
be handled rro�erlti hereafter,
It was suggested inat the further di�cussion b� handled in :�xecutive
session. All parties e�cert the City Cour�cil �nd City Attor•ney
The follov�ring in.i arm.ation T,nT�s determined at E�ecutLve session
v��hich is herewi�:h re�oraed �n the rninutes : ,
On all fu-�ure eiecti�ns �here �till be a��ac'r_ed to i,he �pplication
far iiling a notice of date for dr•a�ving ior• posit�on on slate.
This will �e in addition to the pos�ing at Ci�y u�13 of said date.
On rnotion by P2ar•vir_ Childer•s and secand by Har•ry Hatcher, it was
moves that the April 6th Ballot for City Council Electicn c�ntain
a "s�raw vate" to allow the citizens to st�te "For or Against
Zoning yn the City �f rr•=endswood. " T:nis action is intended to
conform �vi�h S�ate Statutes, �hat action pr•ev;�ously taken. This
a r•efer•endum vo�e.
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H.K. Speck - :�ecretary cf the P�Ieeting