HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-03-16 Regular —. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL M�ETING , MAR�H 15, I�y65
A regular meeting, �f the Friendswaod C3.t�� Cauncil wa.s held
March 16, 1�6J; 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall.
Present were Harry D. 4�tagner, Dale Brawn, Marvin Childers, HarryT
Hateher, Arden Hill, H.K. Speck.
A�lso present were Betty Merchant, William Davic�son, R��er l�ay,
Tracy Spears, U,tilliam Walsh, Guy Wilkinson, Glenn Brawne, C.C. Bost
i�esley Unr•uh, Frank Coe, Bob Phillips, Jim Shore, Tony Banfield,
Mrs. H.T. Nlatheny, Ken Camp, Linn Eignus .
GuS� W�:Ikinsan, �nief Sanitarian of the Galveston County Heal�h
Department, Explained that the functions of that department
included all the �ounty, except for the City of Galveston;
that their total bud�;et of $15E�,004.�0 was made up of funds
from the State, C�unty and variaus cities in th�.s county= such
as Texas City, LaMarnue, Hitchcock, League City etc. They
request that the Cit�T of Friendswood Contribtzte �900.00 '�o be
paid directly to a publi� health nurse. The council will discuss
and make a decision on this ma�ter later.
Guy l�ilkinson also discussed the Indtzstria� G�aste of the Fig
Plant in relation to the function o#' Sewer Plant �l; re�d<• Ietter
from Texas State Department o� Health which set out �eneral
requ?rements �or such sewage entering the City sewage system. ( copy
attaehed). He suggested that the best pr�cedure would r�e for
the CityT's consulting Engineer to workout revision of the present
Industrial 4daste resolution or wr•ite a new mare simplified one
which should est�blish the requirements necessary �'or such waste
entering the City's sewage sys�tem. Roger Nay requests that he
receive a copy of the letter from our attorney concer.ning their
. joint meeting on this matter• Jan.uaryr 8, 19��.
+�illiam Walsh requested a copy. of this letter �rom the State
Health Department to assist him in properly settin� out a
resolution or ordinance to cantrol Industrial Waste. He praised the
Galves�on County Health Department and its per.sonnel and stated
that in his estimation it far surpassed an�� others he had worked
�ith, Dale Brown and Roger MaSr eoncurred with this.
William Wa�sh a�reed that our streets need im�rovement; he atated
that the first thing to do is to finish the drainage map, then a
trunk sewer line system.; tha't street planning should be coordinated
with these for the rnost economical and sensi�le completion�' such
a pr•o�ject; that cement streets were verST good ( �ost �bout $15.00
running foot) �u.t that there were other surfacing methods that
were almost as good at a lesser pri;;e, ( asphalt topping with open
ditches would run sbout $C.00 per running foo�,� the mast important
step is pr•oper drainage, the best preiiminar�r drainage maps
for the Friendswood area and said that the fin�l map would be r�ead�T
in �bout 30 da��s. Dale �ro�an and ��illiam Walsh will get together
and check on the streets presentl�� due some impro�ement. Nir. Walsh
a?sa advised that all Subdiv�sion Plats he su�mitted to the
Drainage District far a�proval.
Wesley Unruh showed the cost �igures to run city water to
Sunset D�ive to service Atwell, Avitts, Mathen�r; the total
cost would be �5, 203.9(. This information was taken under ad-
� visement. There was �ame discussion oi a different rate for
those �ho do n�t receive water and/or sewer.
Linn �i�nus discussed the present Insurance program of the City of
Fr�endswood, its costs, purposes, coverage.
It was decided to submit Orflinance � �8 ( Peddlar-salicitor ) to the
Cham�er �� Co:YUneree for study and recommendations. The decisian
an Berlon Manry' s requ�st to extend the evening hour (now
4:00 P.N. } was tabled for the present.
Mr. Bab Philiips was inf�rmed that in keeping wi�h �he polic�
�f the Utilities Dep�rtment, the City would pay for 60' of the
water line that was run t� his lot �n Magnolia Avenue.
There was discussion of the p�ssible participation in �he Pearland
Police Department Dispatch Service. Our participati�n would be
a�out 25� (�100.00 per month) . It wauld give 2� hour covera�e and aI1
Friendswood calls would go through Pearland ' s system. Gal�eston
County has a 2� hour dispatcher in Dickinson and Truman Stone
of Galveston Caun�y Sherif�' s Department has said that General
Telephone would be willing to put in a direct dial line from
Friendswood to the ��ickinson disp�tchin� office.
Any drivewaST �hat is an the pu�lic right-of-way may be removed
or partially removed when necessa�y to lay water lines, dr•ainage
lines etc. It is the owner� s responsibilit57 to replace it;
i� is therefor recommended that driveways be constructed of a
more temporary material th�n cement.
�Iater District # 2�; Buck Hausman has asked f�r the City of Friends-
wood to supply said district with water at a buZk rate. bJesley Unruh
su�mitted a cos� list explaining our cost of water at the present
time. The passibi�:ity of supplyin� them with w�.ter and the rate
to be established will be further discussed. William Walsh
recommends tYiat we run � sewer Iine to handle their sewage to
Plant �I, rather than have sewer plan�s scattered aIl over the
NTarvin Childers made a motion that the bills for maintenance
af' the Li�t Station servin� 3,�'�21 be appor�ioned as to their
servi�e to ,-�21 and to the City and that they be �illed far their
share of this cost. Motion seconded by J.K. Speck, motion unanimous.
Mr. 'vJalsh stated that his fee for a transmission sewer line
systern map would Y�e ,�3,500.GG to �e reiunded in full when bonds are
vo�ea to impZemen� that pro�ram �"rom his precentape .zee of
sucn bonds.
4�arr�nts 7,-�` 18G2-I��2 - Utilities Dept. read, approved and signed.
,�Iarrants �2cI-�31 - CityT read, approved and s��ned.
The recommendations of the Planning Commissi�n that have �ot
been acted on as ye� were read and discussed. H.K. Speck made a
motion that the Subdivision Code �23 be amended to specify
building line £rom back lot line, for sin�Ie dwelling, be a
minim�m of 20' from the permanent roof line with e�ceptions
made °or detached �ar�ges, swimming pools, cabanas, etc. �Totion
seconded by Dale Brown, motion una.nimous .
CouneiZ approved �x� proceeding wit� the establishment oi 80'
right-�f-wa�,T °or Heritage Dri�e, �ielod5r �ne and h�errietaood/
Nr. H.'r'_. Speck agreed to talk to Cecil Brown Sr. about the
praposed payment to �lar�;uerite Obenhaus for her excellent work,
and completion of the �Iap of the City of �'rien�swood.
Council decided that Caleman Carter shoul� T�ari�e a simplified
Junk Dealer Orasnance.
It was also stated that Coleman Carter, as CityT Attorney, attend
the r•egularly scheduled Council meetinas .
Dale Brown made motiorz that �he �uilding code be amended to speeiry
that no floor level oT" livin� �r•ea be less than 23.� ' elevatian
ab�ve sea level, l�oti�n seconded �y Harry= Hatcher, m�tion
�nanimous . .
'�'h2rg tr7aS 1''„',T,."''G�:?r' ��..SCUSS�Ot2 Qf' ��le i��adge.�. ���1.^'�'1 t^Ic'�S �:a�e 't3�
Dale �ra�vn that Harry l.iagner �nd H.K. Speck meet and i inali2e
the bue.�et. Aiotion se:.onded by Arden Hill, S+�ot�on un�nimaus.
- Respecti'ullyT su�mi�ted,
� 1
Pr•th� Wrignt - Cit3� Secre�ary
��L \ `� ' I."� ,�:.x.,,,�,.,,
:�arr�,� T�. '�tir��nA� - Na, �r
P . O . B O X 1 2 2
* That an ordinance be enacted to control structure height;
� �hat property owners be informed that dri�Teways that are on
public right-of-ways are sub,ject to being torn up for laying of culverts
and storm drains. The owner should use asphalt or temporary topping and
not concrete; if it is torn up it is the owners responsibility to
� It is recammended that the Subdivision code be amended to speciiy
ui� lding line irom back lot line, f'or single dwelling, be a miMimum
of 20' from the permanent roof line with excepti�ns made for detached
garages, swzmming pools, cabanas, etc.
� Discussion on length of drainage ditch that mau be covered. It Should
e�a —a—permanent natur.e and have breatners at least every 32 ' .
� Junk deaier ordinance.
�- ecH ommendation that the City Council establish a penalty for failur•e to
0 ow Ordinance y�23.
� 80� right-of-way recommended for Melody Lane, Heritage Drive, Merriewooc?/
� No floor level of living area be less than 23.5 sea level.
� T a Mar•gar•ite Gbenhaus should recei've a check f r•om �he City for r�ot less
�'�nor• more than �200.Q0 for her excellent Tnror•lt on ancl completion
of a detailed map of the Cit�r of �riendswoad.