HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-03-01 Regular J' ���'D'TES QF �'HE CI�'Y COY3NCTL I�EE�I�'G, NIARCI3=�_�,, I�65, 1 } A regular meetit�g of the �'riendswood �3.ty Council was held �4arch��.� 1965, ; 7:3C� P.M, at the City Hall. � Fresent w�re Ha�ry Wagner, Dale Brcwn, i�ar��rin ChiZd�rs, Harry �atek�er, and Arden Hi].1, Also present �rere l�r. �eai, K�nneth Land, Ton� Banfield, �Irs. �.T. I�ather2�r, �ank Coe, T�m Long, �ei�h S�th, Layton Jahr�so�., Pau1 0'�'arrell, C.C. Bost, Wesley Unruh, �,B, l�ansf�.eld. �tr. �ea1 c�f �he Fost Office, real estate departmen�, as�ed �o gave a d�cis�Qn �'ram the Ci�� about wh�ther it pla�s to ac��.vely consider bu3�l.din� fac3.l.a.ties for ��.e Past Offiee� The Fos� Offi�e has been asi��d �o mo�e au�t of i�s pre�en� quarters or pay cor�s3.der�abl�r more re�t. TYaey h���re no'� bee� ab�.e �o lo�ate �emporary quarters �ha� are sui�ab2� sizc and pr�ced. T�e�� ar� �c�o usual cou�ses �f actian that the Post Off3.ce may �Cake to ' obta3.a� new quarters, �ne; �a�e �p�3.on an a site and open 'bids an building, �.'Y�e b�.dde�, awarded the con�ract would buy �ha� site, or; advertised b�.dd�.ng on s�te a.nd bu�.ld3,ng which wo�ld a11ow the �ity to partic3.pate in �he b3.dding. 'Z'here w�re mixcd opin3.dns on the C3.��7 '�a�3.ng par�� in this matter. CouMCil decided �o meet �.00 P.M. , i�arch 3, 1G65 to make a final decision. Harry �dagner will do sot�e che�k3.ng o� financial methods � of handling such a projec�. � Ken�eth Land of tk�e Sauthwester•ri �ell Tel.�p�,om� �c��ipany, �pol�e ta Counc�.�. eoncerning ou.r present base rate area and answered guestions. Cauncil asked �Ir. Land to have the Telophnne Co:. to do a. populat�.on den�ity study for in�reasing �res�r�� �as�.::ar�a Iay �ati�� �i �ale Di OVtlil.� s�cc�nd by �Sarvin Chil.dera; motit�n unanimous. l�r. Land said we cvuld expect an answer in about n3.nety days. �3'. B. Mans�'ield pres�nted final plat of Enchanted `�flods fbr correc�ion I and apprc�val. Tony �anfi��.d w�,s g3.�en a set of plans af this plat �o pr�esent �n F�anning Commiss�.on for their final recommendation to City� Counc3.1. Mrs. H.T. 1�atheny stated that she had Ii.ved �r3.th�n:.a shart distance of presen� water lines and paid ta�ces to the ��tater District; �[er problem wa�. discussed. Wesley Un��zh �ril1 have �n est�mate o�` the cost and procedures for March 3rd meeting. �---�ia�rants� � �0� not approved; warrants � 205, 2I.�, 215, 216, 217, 218, �lg, 220, approved and �igned at �his meeting, ��arrants �203, �4C�, �hrougk� 213 taere issued ar� basis af k�l.anket w�rran� appraved by cou�.cil to pay wages. � l��.n�ates of the mee�a.ng� of Ae�ecnber 3.1, 15, 196�; January II, 12, 18, 20 � ; 1965; �'ebruary I, 15, 16, 1q65 approved a� read by motion of Dale Brown. �- Seconded b� �arvin Childers; motian unaniu�ous. U�ili�y D�pa��ment warrant� # 1836 �hrough 1855 ( with the exception af �-�.�55) were appro�red and s�.gned at �hi� me�:t�ng. -- Dale Brown repor�s th�t the City Ha11 Comtnittee feels tha� the p�ans that that have been considered for Ci�� Hall are too mueh for �he City to �andle; that they m�st r�-evaluate th� needs and what can be spent on th3s prv �ec'�. � h t would be devi�ed b �t w a s �e c�d e d t o s t�.d�r a p�o p o s a l f o� s�r e e�s � a y a survey� of needs and finaneial Meeds-_to carry out any progra�n. Nfr. Wi�liam C. I�alsh �iTl ,be asked t€� attend the I�ar•ch 7,5, Zg65 meeting of �the Ci�� Cnuncil. Artha Wri�h� was asked to dev3.�e a fc��m of per�mi� for� those that can dispose c�f thei� own refuse in-:.sanitary and �ccep�abl.e manner. The�e was a �eques�C for �. sewer line tc� be run �o aecomada�ce Mr. Goadman �t�d 1��. P�il.lips on Sunnyv�.ew A�en�e. The City can p�ovide �Ot per prQper�y owz�er if there is a 12� easement. G.C. Bc�s� affered to work ` up severa3 propcasals to have a �'i�m pc�lic�r an running �ater and sewer lin�s to p�ope�ty owners des�.r3.n� sueh �ervice. Marv3.n �ka3.lders made a motion tha� Mrs. Edith .I�eG�.nnis �hould get her �� sewer �onnect�.on foa� �Ghe $�5.�a originally agreed on w�en sM,e first ' requested sewer service. I�o�ion ssconded by Harry Hatcher; motion unan�.mous. �al� Bro�n absta�.ned fror� �hi� motioz�. �- An Qrdi�anc� �'orbidding the f3.ring of firearms, compressed a3.r �uns and spring pot�e�ed guns, and Cannc�n Crackers within the �orporate Limits � af �Me Ci�t.� p�' Fr�.end�wood was pass�d and approved by m.o�ion �f Da�.e ` Brown, second by Harry Hatcher; three �a�ted for �he motion and one, i��,rv3.n Childers voted agains� �he mo�ion. l�otion ca�ried. , The curfew ordinanee was a-ppro�rcd by motion of Arden Hil1, second by� Dale Brown; motion unanimcaus�:: V�tesley Ur�r.uh is to call �.R. Rodne� of Maintenance Enginee�ing Ser�ice �o get advice on the p�^oblem of red �ate�. It was resolved by mc�t3.o� of Arden HiII, secand Harr� HatcY�er that C.C. Bost ancZ Wesley Unruh work �ut a �iek�t s���te�a an she11 and labor u��sd. to repair cuts in streets and drive�ays for 1a��r reimbursemen� f'rom the contigenc� �'und af 10� - �. Mation unanitnous. �See�3.�.g ad journed. Re�pectiully s�.bmit'�ed, _`. . . ��C:/.�"_. 5 Approved: Artha �trigh� - �i�y Secre ary i 1.-- � � � �'• � . �^-' � ��-- 4 � � L �i���°.� IPa�.gri:�:� - Ma�ror