HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-02-01 Regular { � ir " MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL A'L�ETING, FEBRUARY l, 1965 � A regular meeting of the Friendswood City (;ouncil was held February l, -- , 1965 at the City Hall, 7:30 P.M. Present were Nayor Harr•y Wagn.er, Dale Brown, Marvin Childers, Harry Hatcher, Ar•clen Hi11. , A1so present were Darrel L. Salmmn E.K. Nills, R.D. Willadson, E.R. Harlo'�e Jr. , William S. Lee, Pau1 Fitzgerald Jr. , Frank Coe III, � Tony Banfield, Bernard 'Hor•n, Narie A11man, G.R. i�az^use, Tr•acy Spears, Pau1 Kramer, D. Romeike, Bob Phillips, Kelly Gafney, A1 Odell, Bob Lee . Jim. Shore, Chairman oi' the Friendswoo� Drainage District, asked the City to pay the bills on their election since they, though a taxing unit which they do not do, have no moneys Clarke & Courts - 12.50 and County C1.erk for rental of vating machin� and hauling of.' same - 28.00. The Judge and Clerks gave their services. Dal� Brown, made a mo�io� that� the City pay these bi11s, motion secon.ded by Harry Hatcher; motion unanimous . Bill Lee spoke for the group from Lori Woods : They wauld like to know the status of the roads in their area; Cedarwo�d and the ones in the subdivision. The Cit�,r can no�t at �his time do any ma jor• paving but � will attempt to keep the war•st holes filled. � Da1e Brown reports that the cost of ditching and shellin�-that has been done � thus far is just over 3,OOO. QO. The fu�urE work to be d�rLe should be mapped out carefu.11y - ditching , she11 and toppin.g. Kelly Gafney, archi�ec�, presented �ev�.sed dra�ir�gs �i �he prap�sed City and Post Of�'ice building. It was decided to interview Fiscal agents next Monday, February 8, 196�. If Mr . Gafne�r is hir•ed as A.rch3.tect an this pr�ject, his fee will be 6/ and will include drawings, comp7.ete specifications, supervision thr•ough completion, �. The Fina1 reading of Or•dinance 5`;: Zoning will be held at the regulai� � Council meeting, February 15, 1g65 in the High School Cafeteria. �. There was discussioiz of the need of cor•relation between s�reets and utili�y right-r�f-way. After same discussion o:f the Compulsox�y Garbage Pick-up ordizlance : Marie .�11man had pr•esen�ea the Mayor and each �ourzcilman a copy of an Ordinance that she felt was better than the City' s ; Sec�ion five was amended �o state that those who hauled away their otim trash and garbage could do it in a sanitary and satis�'actory manner rather• than to a 7.ega1 dump. Ordinance ��-' 61 was passed by motion oi Dale Br•own, seconded .t_- by Mar�rin Childers; passed unanimausl�r: To be effective in 3� datTs( � T�iarch l, 1g65� � ; There was discussion of the pr•oposed curfew or•dinance which wou3d make parents and legal guarc�ians r•esponsible f�r• keepine those 21 years oi age and younger off t;he streets after• 1 :0� a,m, to 5 :00 a.m. ; 1.B �yrears of age and under of i the streets after 12:00 midnight to 5 :00 a.m..; �hose fiTteen year•s or age and under 10:00 p.m. to 5 :00 a .m. ; unless there tiTas good cause to ae out. ; � . � ,. , �T Ordina�ce � �8: P�ddla�s and Sal3,ci�ors; �ras amended ta state that no � peddlar or solic�.�or could cor�duct his bus�,ness in the Ci��r of � - F�iendswood befo�e 8.0� A.1�. and af�e� �:�a P.i�. . A�otioM of this am�ndment was made by A�den H11.I, �econded by Aale Brown, mo�io� unani�no�,s. - Har�y Ha�ch�r� made a t�cation that �2�e C3.�y at�ach a rider on �Q their . present automobi�.e ir�surance tha� would co�rer City er�ployees �rhen 3.n their o�n car� or a hired veh�.�le when conducting City busin�ss. 3 Mo��.an seconded by Dale Brown, mo�Gion unan3.mous. It was dec�.ded to ask L3.nn E3.gn�s �o talk wi�h the Ci�y �ouneil at a future meet�.ng abou� an 3.ns�zrane� pragr�r� or raeflrru�enda�ior�s. � Respectfully submitted, , , � Ar�ha �Jright - City Secretar� App�oved: � '. � �, � Harry D. Wagner - Mayor �- � � �_-