HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-01-18 Regular a.
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Gity Council was held
� ,�-:�:
�anuary 18, 1g65, 7:30 P.M. at City Ha11.
Present were Harry Wagner, Dale Brown, Marvin Childers, Harry
Hatcher, Arden Hi11 and H.Ka Speck.
Also present were Fred Green, Lou Wortham, Mr. �, Mrs. A11man,
Be��y Merchant, Frank Coe, Keith Smith, Norman Weaver, Tony Banfield
Bob Phillips, D.G. Romeike, T�e11y Gafney.
Fred Gr•een, County Juvinile Proba�ion 0�'ficer, spoke about curfew
laws in towns in this county. These laws are designed to control
juvinxles out after dark. They do n.o� preclude 1egi�imate x�easons
for being out but would give some control to those who might cause
or be in tr�uble. He su.gges�s that our• Judge file any juvinile
offenses tha� a�e filed �n his court with the Galveston County
Juvini.le Da.vision. H.K. Speck made a motion that we cansult wa.th
our attarney to draw up a curfew ordinance. Mo��.an seconded by Dale
�rown, passed unanimously.
Minutes of the January 4, 1g65 mee�ing stood approved as read on motion
of H.K. Speck, second by �rden Hi11; motion unanimous.
Ox�der and Notice o.f E7.ection of �hree Councilmen to be held at City Hall
i Apri , was given y Mayor Wagner.
Da1e Brown �eports tha.t the wark on da,tches etc, is progressing
we11. Wesley Unruh and Dale Brawn w3.11 compile a lis� in order of import-
ance, the work still to be done. We have had a Grad-all and two
, operatore, and Jimmy Albritton and h�.s trucl� wor•king two Saturdays ,
so far.
Harry Wagner reports that the p�aposed laboratory far Wat�r and Sewer
tests that are required by the Health Department ��s been approved
by Guy i�i,lkerson, of the above depar�ment. Motion was made by Arden
�GHill that we approve purchase of this 1'aborat�ry fram Fisc�er
���G �� Scient3.fic and that we be aiiowea by said company to re u�rn or
V � exc ange any items that we deem not necessary. Motion seconded by H.K.
Speck; motion passed unanimously.
Norm.an Weaver and Keith Smi�h were asked to investiga�e the
solutian to the noise probl.em of the sewer plant in Cl�ar 'Creek Woods.
on this si,te.
Mayar Wagner would like to see a Soard or' Trustees for the Water
and Sewer Department until such time as a City Manager will �e hired.
'°��. If the committee stands, �chey can only aet in an advisory capac���
j and Counc3.l must man.age the department and it� finances . Marvin
1 Ch�.lders made motion that we pass Ordinance �52-A, amenda.ng Or•dinance
-! #52 creating a �Board of Trustees f'or the Wa�er-Sewer Department and
changing the porti;on about personnel to give the board members over-
lapping . term �staggered) .Mation �econded by Dale �rowr�. Discussion.
of' this motion was followed by a vote of:
three agains� : Harry Hatcher, Arden Hill, and H.K. Speck and
; two far : Marvin Childers and Dale Brown; mo'cion failed.
I Meeting tempor�.�ily ad�ourned at 9;10 P.M. for twenty-five minutes
1�"� whiZe C3.ty Ha11 Committee conferred with Mr. Gafney, archit�ct, who
submitted draw�ngs of a proposed City Hall.
Meeting called to order a:35 P.M.
Secand reading of Ordinance �61; mandatory Garbage pickup; after discuss-
ion; was approved on motion by H.K. Speck, seconded by Marvin Child�rs;
mption unanimously passed.
A motion approving warrants #1�3 through �162 was made by H.K. Speck,
seconded by Harry Hatcher; motion unanimous. Warr•ant � 163 voided
because of error.
H.K. Speck moved that a resol�.tion be drawn up that s�ates the
Iocat3.on of our bank accounts add lis�ts �hose persans auth�rized
to sa.gn checks in each bank. Motion seconded by Dale Brawn and passed
unanimously. ,
Buck Hausman tai11 attend a later m.eeting af�er obtaining enginee�-
i.ng advice concerning W.C.& I.D. �21.
H.K. ,Speck reports that Jack Harrison wi1l recluce his bill by
�30Q.00 �.f �he balance of 1,800.00 is paid in a Itzmp sum; Arden Hi11
; sugges'ced a motion �hat we pay this balance off in a lump sum.
Harry Wagner and Marvin Childers would like to have an itemixed list
' of such a large expen.diture. Dale Brown made a motian tn.at we pay
off the Balance in a lump sum afte� obtaining an itemized account of
tha orzg�nal �2,2�0.00 bi11 ren�ered to �he City; tha� a letter to
this effect be sent Lo Jack Harrison. iYiozion seconded by i�.rden Hi11,
and passed unanimously.
A 1e�ter (copy attached) f�om City At�orney, Coleman Ca�ter, to the
A.t�orney Genexal Waggoner Carr asking for anr�pinion on legali�y of
MSC (NASA) empl.oyees hold�.ng public office. City Counc�.l resolved
that �his letter be sent; by motion of Marvin Chi�ders, second by
A.rden Hi11; mation unanimous. �
Discussion was held on a prapased budget for� City and Uta.li�ies
�-(reference from page one) The council agreed that the accompanying
expenses of �ransportation of the laboratory fr•am its ship ing
point; and of the partitioning of the warehouse �o J he
lahoratary be au�hora.zed. taccommadate f
Respectfully submit�ed,
, �
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yor - Ha ry D. Wagner"
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z y S cre ary - Artha I�,.�`i.g �