HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1965-01-11 Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNvIL, 1-11-�5
fi special meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held January
11, 1065; 7; 30 P.M. at the City Hall.
Present ;aer•e HarryT Wagner, Dale �rown, Harry Hatcher, Arden Hil?,
H.K. Speck. ,•'✓/a.2v,;v.G. El,:icf��'S
Also present were William Walsh, Frank Coe, ,
The City Hall-Post OfTice committee discussed ideas that they had
come up with so far• on zhe pr•opased buildin�; one building or
two buildings fa�ing each other ( one for City Hall and One for•
Fost Oif�.ce ) ; materials ( metallic or conventional construction) .
It was resolved by mo�ion of Marvin Childers to autrior•ize the City
Hall-Post Office C�m�n���ee to proceed with arrd ar•chitect of theiy
choice in drawing up pr•eliminary sketchs of proposed City Hall-Post
Office bUildir�g �o their satisiaction as soon as possible; that they
could pay the required f.ee for• such services .Motion seconded by H.K.
Speck. Notion passed unan�mously.
H.�.Speck made a motion that Mr. Wesley Unruh be given the t�tle of
"Utilities Superintendent" for• the City of Friendswood; that Mr.
Gdesley Unruh have �he authority to sign Gny documents relative to the
Federal Grant an Contract � APW-TEX- �0'�G. l�iotion seconded by Marvin
��hilGers . The vote was as follows : ror•(5 ) Dale t�rown, Narvin Childers
Tir^.aT'i�' .Liai",Cii@i, �rden i;:i?�� �.�'i• apeck. AgainS f. �1^i^vi1G � .
��Jilliam Walsh reports that he has given his re�ommendations and
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sewer facilities as pro�osed on the preliminary plat presented to
the Water and Sewer Commission JanuarST 5, 19�;: that his �pinion
on the waste �'rom the �'-:.g Plant is that the Company is responsible
for• maintaining a B.O.D, coun.t oi from 40 to 50 parts per r�il.lio�h
on the waste tr.at enter•s the �ity system.
Mr. 'vJalsh stated that his fee far a Wa'�er and Sewe� survey for the
City system wot�ld be $3,500.00 for sewer and �1,500. 00 far water.
This �'ee would wor•k ou.t to be paid back if his plan is implemented
from the ? f charge of the lines laid.
Respectfully submitted,
Harry D. Wagner - AZayor
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