HomeMy WebLinkAboutPost Office Committee Minutes 1965-01-01 Special POST OFFICE C�MMITTEE MEETING, JANUARY 1, 1�55 A committee meeting was called to order at 9 :00 A.M. t� discuss the , � proposal to build � City Hall- Post Office combination. A letter frflm the Post Office Department, Dallas Texas, signed by Mr. Ar�a P. DeWitt, notifying�c�he City Council that they were interested in leasing Post Off�ce space from the City zn a proposed �ew City H�11. The letter stated. . the type location and square fee� r•equir•ed. A discussion was held concerning the need for including a neti� fire statinn in the construction of the New Ci�y Hall-Post C�fice. Mr. K. Speck made a motion that in cansider•ing the building of a new City Hall-Post Office �ha� the present City Hall-Fire station be given to the Fire Department; �egard2ess of where the City Council decided � to locate the proposed new City Hall- Fost Office. ', Mr:. M. Childers seconded the motion, the vote was as follows : For (� ) Dale Brown, Mr. K. Speck, Mr. M. C�ilders, Mr. H. Hatcher. Against (1 } Arden Hill. h A discussion was held among all ca�ncil members and the Mayor concerning $he most suitable location far the new City Hall-Post Office . � Two lacati�ns were discussed; The pr•esent site af the City Hall-Fire �� Station and the Tom Lang ( Al1 Texas Developers ) �ite on Stone ' s-throw Street. Mrl H. Speck made a motion that the City purchase the 2.2 acres of ;: prope�ty located an �tone' sThrow �treet gffered ta the City by Mr. Tom Long for $6,000.00 providing there are no strings attached su.ch as the City' S selection o.f the Architec� to dssign the building and etc. Mr. D, Brown second�d the motion; The vote was as follows : For (� ) Mr. Dale Brown, Mr. K.Speck, Mr. M. C�ilders, Mr. H. Hatcher. �� Pgainst (1) Mr. oA. Hill Befare the meeting was adjourned, Mr. Dale Brown sUggested that the Mayor and all council mem�ers drive aver and inspec�t Mr. Red Bas�' s new buildin� �o get ideas concel�ning office space, building mate�ials, square feet, building arrangement and etc.that possibly could be applied to the pro- p�sed new City Hal1-post �ffic°. T�ose attending this building inspec�ion were Mr•. H. Wagner, Mr. D. Brown, Mr. H. Hatcher• and Mr. M. Childers. City Gouncilman Marvin Childers .�