HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1964-12-21 Regular MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL �EETING, DECEMFER 21, 1�6�
A regular meeting of �he Friendswood City Council meeting was held
December• 21, 196�; 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall.
Present were Harry Wagner, Dale Brown, Marvin �hilders, Arden Hill,
and H.K. Speck.
Also present were Coleman Carter, Betty Me�chant, Frank Coe, Tom
Long, Wesley Unru�, Bob Lee, Tony Banfield
Minutes of the December 7, 19b� meeting stood approved as read by
motion of H� Speck, second by Arden Hill; motion unanimous.
There was discussion of a change order on the Water-Sewer contract
concerning item ,�15 Cowart ' s Creek lift station and sewer line on
4Jinding ti�ay Drive. ( cost �1G,827. 78) Alternate use of this money
was discussed� ,�ong them completion of water loops on three dead end
lines (water), IDale Brown introduced a resolution that City Council
�S.So� ` - a change order to remove the
Cowart ' s Creek lift st�tion �item;�l5 ) and sewer line on Winding Way
Drive from the contract; that redistribution of this maney be
decided upon recommendations of Water-Sewer Commission. Resolution
seconded by Arden Hill; resolution unanimous .
�' .� E'E ;L`c�TE ,.�����/e� .
Roger �May �,ttended this meeting for a discussion of Industrial Waste
disposal requirements of the FigPlant. It was decided that the City
Attarney, Roger May and his attorney, Wesley Unruh and possibly an
Engineer meet to work out a solution.
The attached report concerning the meeting on Choate Road right-of-way
was read and discussed.
Recommendations of the Planning Commission were read and discussed
By motior. of Dale Brown it was decided to approve the cost of fifty
co?�ies of the Zoning Ordinance; motion seconded by Marvin Childers;
motion unanimous. The public hearing on this ordin2nce is scheduled
for the I�-th of January, 1g65.
A sewer ordinance that requires any sewer facility be con�ected to
existing Iine whe�i 3�0� or• closer, will be studied for action at a
latter meet3.ng. '���ES7�-�T�� er i�r,s ,s r3��N� �.t��f �; ,�i<3�z�,u ���Lp��zS.
Coleman Carter will investigate the qualifications of several publications
that could be used as the official publication of the City.
Arden Hill reported that he and H.K. Speck had contacted se�eral
landowners in. the vicinity of the present City Hall about the purchase
price oi their property. The Unruh property is not for sale at this time
out if it ever was the City could have firs� option. Other pr•operty
is for sale, Bryarly - 140x185 about �8,500.�0 - Stout - l�-Ox185
at a comparative price.
The City Hall committee would like to meet to discuss the building needs
of the various City dep�rtments and facilities. -�
�Y?��solution was intr•oduced by P!Iar•vin Childers that the Ci�y pursue
ofierind oi post oifice facil�ties in the new City Hall to the
Post Oz�fice Department an a pr�liminary basis, on a pay as you go
basis; resolution seconded by Dale Br•own; resolutzon unanimous.
Tom Long would entertain a proposal that he sell his land on Stone' s
Throw to the City with n� strings attached.
Dale Brown would like to see a committee to investigate contracting
for a grade-all or other equipment for road and ditch maintenance
on a rental or purchase program. �here was discussion Qf the str•eets
that are legally the City ' s responsibility.
H.�.Speck made a motion that the Social Security Fund be deposited
in the proper accaunt. Motion seconded by Arden Hi11 and passed
Ordinance 51-A(�mending the Ordinance absorbing the ��.C.& I.D.�15
by including the date eff.ective and rewording of the obligations of the
City) was passed by three emergency readings as follows :
lst- Motion by H.K. Speck, second Dale Brown. Motion unanimous.
2nd- Motion by Dale Erown, second Marvin Childers. Motion unanimous.
3rd- Motion by Arden Hill second, H.K. Speck, I�otion unanimous.
Thir� reading and passage of Ordinance ;-,��9"Negligent Collision:
Mation b�T H,K. Speck, second by Marvin Childers; motion unanimous .
Third reading and passage of Ordinance ��2 � Animals at large : ��
Motion by Arden Hill, second by Dale Brown; motion unanimous.
Third reading and passage of Ordinance �}-�5 : � Fiscal year : '�
Motion by Dale Brown, second by H.K. Speck; motion unanimous.
�, ��
� Second reading of Ordinance �I �7s Zoning : passed by
Motion by Arden H�11, second by Marvin Ghil ers; motion unanimous .
Passed by emer•g�ncy reading:
�'�`5�: ''S�op si�ns�assed by motion of Dale Brown, seconded by Arden
Hill; motion unanimous.
��59:�� Speed limits+ passed by mo�ion of Arden Hill, second by Marvin
Childers; motion unanimous.
;,`�60:� Yield ri�ht-of-wa signs��passed by motion of H.K. Speck, seconded
by Dale Brown; motion unanimous.
There was discussion of conflict of interest of Councilmen and business
with the City of�'riendswood.
H�K.Speck felt, after talking with his Aust�n attorney and a local attorne
f o r a b r i e f; t ha'� .:_:, y N :.��`. �,�;��--r�---���e-�e s�--�-i�e ��--�ad--�-o--.int er-��t
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ARDEN HILL stated that since he was now aware that he had been in
direct violation of the penal code forbidding a councilman to do
business with the City, he wishes to publicly state that he will do
no further business with the City as long as he is a member of the
Friendswood City Council.
MAYOR HARRY WAGNER stated that in his opinion and the opinion given to
him by the Galveston County District Attorney and his staff, they felt
that Mr. Speck' s truck line was in conflict of interest in hauling
pipe for John Mansville Co. into the City of Friendswood for the
Municipal Water Department Contract.
COLEMAN CARTER, City Attorney stated that he feels that H.K. Speck' s
position creates conflict of interest and a favored position.
DALE BROWN feels that conflict of interest in this instance is question-
able and with the Water District just taken over and the short time
remaining of the term of Councilman of H.K. Speck that the matter
be clarified by resolution.
MARVIN CHILDERS interprets the law to say that H.K. Speck does have
a conflict of interest and that the decision tonight will set the
pattern for other future questions of this nature.
Marvin Childers made a motion that the Council vote on whether H.K.
Speck, by indirectly hauling pipe for the Municipal Water Department
Contract has a conflict of interest. H.K. Speck seconded the motion;
motion carried unanimausly.
The vote taken was :
Is a conflict of interest Is not a conflict
Marvin Childers Dale Brown
Arden Hill
Mayor Wagner went on record as believing it to be a conflict of interest
at the time of the vote.
Metting adjourned. Respectfully submitted,
� � L
Mayor - Harry D. Wagner
Secretary - Artha Wright
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� �egular mee�ing of �h� Friendswood City Council meeting was held
' December Z1, 196�; 7:3� P.M, at �he City Hall.
� � � .
� Pr•esen� were Harry Wagner, Da�e Brown, Marvin Childers, Arden Hill,
and H_�K. Speck.
A1so p�esent were Coleman Carter, Bet�y Mex�ch�.nt, Frank Coe, Tom
Long, Wesley UnruH�, Bob Lee, Tony Banfiel.d
Minutes of the December 7, 196� meeting stood approved as read by
mot�.on of I�� Speck, second by Arden Hil1; motion unanimous.
Thex�e was da.scussion of a change order on the Water-Sewer contract
concerning i.tem �-�15 Cowart ' s Creek �ift station an.d sewer izne on
Winding Way Drive. ( cost $1.9,827.78) .A.l�ernate use of this money
was da.scussed�,�ong �hem completion of water l�ops on three dead end
Zines (water)�. IDale Brown a.ntroduced a resolution that City Council
�S�-i�c - . _ - a change order to remove the
Cowa�t' s Creek lift s�ation (item�l5 ) and sewer line on Winda.n.g Way
Dxive from the contract; �hat redis�rxbution of this money be
decided upan recammendat�.ons af Water-Sewer Commissa.on. Resolu�ion
seconded by Ard�n H�11; x�esoluta.on unanimous.
,;�' ,�'�'E �i;�'csT� ,��i���1c^/� �
� Roger �May .att;ended th2s me�ta.ng far a discussion of Industrial waste
� �� �� d�.sposa�. requirements of the FigPl.ant. It was dec3,ded that �he City
� �t-:�orn�y, Roge� �Iay a.nd his attorne�r, W�s1ey Unruh and possibly an
; � Engineer meet to work out a salution,
The attached report concerning the meeting on. Choate Road right-of-way
was �ead and discussed.
Recommenda�a.ans of. the �lanning Co�nmissa.on were read and discussed
By znat�.on of Da1.e Brown i'c wa� dec3.ded to approve the cos� of fif�y
° copies af the Z�n3.ng Ordinance; motion secanded b�r� Marv�.n Childers;
_ motian unana.mous. The public hearzng on thi.s o�da.n�.nce is sc.heduled ,
far, th� I�th of January, 1g65.
A. sewer ordinance that requires any sew�r facility be con�.�eted to
exi.sting line whe�. 300' or closer, wi1.1 be studied for action at a
latter meet3.ng. .r��'�,���rr-�d� �,r� r�+�s rs r3E=r�a' ���� �°� �°1:����t� ����.�-�s.
Coleman Carter will invest3.gate the qualifica�ions o�' several publicat3.ons
that could be used as �he official publication of the Ci.ty.
Arden Hi1.1 reported that he and H.K. Speck had contac�ed se�eral
landowne�s zn the vic3.nity of the px�esent City Hall about the pu�chase
pr�.ce of their property. The Unruh property is not ior sale at this time
but if it ever was the City could have first option. Other property
! is �'or sale, Bryarly - 1�Ox185 about $8,500.40 - S�out - 1�+Ox185
' � at a comparative price.
The Ci�y Hall committee would like to mee� to discuss the building needs
- of the various Ca.ty departments and facili�ies. -
�h��solutian was intxoduced by Marv�.n �hi.lders that the City pursue
; offerxng oz' past oi f�.ce facil�ta..es �n the n�w Gity Hall to the
� Post Of�'ice Depar�ment on a pr�Iiminary baszs, on a pay as you go
basis; resolution seconded by Dale Brown; resolution unan�.mous.
Tom Long would entertain. a proposal that he sell his land on Stonets
Throw to the City v��.th no strings at�ached.
Da1e Brown would like to see a committee to investigate cont�acta.ng
for a grade-all or othex� equipment for road and da.tch maiMtenance
on a rental or purchase program. �here was discussion of the streets
that are legally ,�he City' s responsibility.
H.T�.Speck made a motion that the Social Security Fund be deposited
� in the px�oper account. Motian seconded �y ,Arden Hi11 and passed
unan�.mous 1y.
Ordinance 51-�.(�,mending �he Ordinance absorbing �he "vJ.C,& I.D.;'15
by 9.nclud�,ng the date eff.ective and �ewording of the ob�.iga�ions of the
City) was passed by three emergency reada.n.gs as follows ;
lst- �fotion by HtK. Spec�, second Dale Brown. Motion unan3.mous.
2nd- Mo�ion by Dale Brown, second Marvin Childers. Motion unan�.mous.
3rd- Mata.an by Arden Hill second, H.K. Speck, Motion unanimous.
��- ; � ,�
; Thir� reading and passage of Ordinance -��9"Negligent Collision:
Mation by H.K. Speck, second by Marvin Childers; motion unanimous .
Third r�ading and passage of Ordinance -;��-2:� Animals at large: r�
Motion by Arden Hi11, second by Dale Brown; motion unanimous.
Th�.rd read3.ng and passage of 4rdxnance ��5 : �`F�.scal year: ��
Mation by Dale Brown, second by H.K. Speck; motion unanimous.
y� !�
� Second reading of Ordinance ,�57s Zoning: passed by
Mota.on by Arden Hi11, secand by Marvin Childers; ma�'i�on unanimous.
Pa.ssed by emergency reading:
!�`58: ''Stop si�ns_passed by motion of Dale Brown, seconded by .�rden
Hi11; matian unanimous.
�_;t�S't��Ed ].im3.tsl�passed by motion of Arden Hill, second by Marvin
Childe�s; mot3.on unanimous.
�60:� Yield ri�ht-of-way signs passed by motion of H.K. Speck, seconded
by Da1e Brown; mo�ion unanimous.
Th�re was d�.scussion of conflict of intex�est of Councilmen and business
� with the City of Friendswood.
' H.K.Speck felt, af'ter talking with his �.ustin attorney and a local attorney
�'O X' a b r i�f; j'i�l.�'�`i.u i1 V V�l.UL 11.L 1 �' �-���i3-R.S 9—u��GCG-�€--�---T-I.�--11��P.-�'--�'�-�
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ARD�N HILL stated that since he �as now awar•e that he had been in
� ' direct violation of the penal code forbiddinb a councilman to do
business with the City, he wishe� to publicly state that he will da
no �ur�her bus�ness w�th` the City as long as he is a member of the
Fr�endswood City Counczl.
MA.YO� HARRY WAGNER stated that in his oninion and the opinion given to
him by the Galves�on County District A��orney and his staff, they felt
that Mr. Speck's �ruck line was zn eonflic� of interest in hauling
pipe for John Mansvil�e �o. into �he C�ty of Friendswood fo� the
Munxcipal Water Department Contract.
COLEM�N CA�TE�,City Attorney stated that he feels that H.K. Speck' s
position crea�es conflict of interest and a favored position.
DALE BROWN fee�s that conflict of interest in this instance is question�.
able and with �he Water D�s�riet just taken over and the short time
remaining of the �erm of Councilman of H.K. �peck tha� the matter
be clarified by resolution.
MARVZN �HZLDERS interprets �he law to say that H.K. Speck daes have
a conflict of intersst and that the dec�sion tonigh� will set �he
pattern for other future questions of thzs nature.
; - : Marvin Childers made a matzon that the Council vote on whether H.K.
! Speek, by �nd�rectly hauling pipe for �he Municipal Wa�er D�partm��t
� ; Contract has a confZict o�� interest. H.K. Speck sec�nded the motion;
motion ca�ried unan�mously. �
The vot� �aken was :
Is a con.flict of xnterest Ts not a confl�ct
Marv�n Ch��ders Dale Brown
Arden Hill
Mayor Wagner went on record as believ�ng it to be a conflict of interest
a� the time of the vo�e.
Metting ad�ou�ned. Respectfully subm�tted,
_ �
. � � c� �—�,
d "Mayor - Harry D. Wagner
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Sec�etax�y - Ax��ha Wright
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