HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1964-12-07 Regular MINUTES OF THE CTTY COUNCTL , CIT,Y OF FR2ENDSWOOD, DECEMBER 7,�.96�.
( A �e�ular meet�.ng of the Friendswood City Council was held s�ecember 7,
� 1g6�, 7:30 P.M. at �he City Hall.
Present were Harry Wagner, �Da7.e Brown, Marvin Childers, Harry Hatcher,
Arden H3.11, and H,K. Speck.
Also presemt were E;B. Mansfield, Beth Holmes, Bob Phill�.ps, Fred
Camp, A.J. B1ock Jr. , D.J. Arcemant; Ken� Truman, Wilma Coe, Sue Grace,
Maril.yn Arehart, Tom Long, C.�. Bast, M�. Bullard, Curtis Morrzs,
W.L. Boyle, Tony Banfa.e7.d
M3.nutes of the Novembex� 1�, 1g6� meeting were approved as read by motion
af Dale B�own, second, H.K. Speck; mo�tion unani.mous.
Minutes of the November 30, 19�1l- meeting were approved as read by motion
of H,K. Speck, secand,Marvin Childers; mota.on unanimous.
E.B. Mansfield presemted final p].at for 'Enchanted Woods ' subdiv�.sion
including lot layout, sewage and lift station, water, raads, drainage.
Final approval is subject to recommendations of Water Department,
P1ann3.ng Commission, and Chaa�e Road right-of-way location.
A proposal far site and build�.ng of a City Hall was presented by
All Texas Developers. This proposal included acreagz of 2.2 facing
Stones Throw, �,000 sq. ' buildin.g, 5,000 yds. paving, and landscapa.n.g
� � for an estimated �75,�00.00 Committee will check into legalit3.es, financ-
; ing, feasibil3.ty of other sites. Arden Hil1 and H.K. Speck will check intc
the cos�t nf other sites.
Tt was dec3.ded nat to go into street paving assessment at this time;
S3.nce Heritage Drive is a city street, C.C, Bost wa,shed ta know what
Cauncil wants done to this street. He has graded and put shell on
much of the road adhoining his property. �ouncil agreed to supply more
she11 for th3.s road.
Second r�ading of Ord3.r�ance ��5: Fiscal Year, approved be mota.on of
H.K. Speck, second Arden Hill : mo�i.on unanimous .
Second x�eading of Ord3.nance ,-��8; Rules and Order of business,
with the amendment by H.K. Speck, was approved by motion of DaZe Brown,
second by H.K. Speck; mota.on unanimous.
First read�.n$ a:F O�dinance ,-�57: Zon3.ng, approved- by mo�ion of Marvin
;� Ch�.l,ders, second by Arden Hill; motion unan3.mous. Marvin Ch�.lders of
's Ci�y Council and Tony Banfield of the Planning Commission agreed to
wo�k to set up a Public Hearing on the Zoning Ordinance, ,-�57,
som�time between the lrst and 15�h of January 1965.
- Ordin.ance ;��2: Animals at large; was passed by two reading emergency
measure. First reading approved by motion of Ar•den Hil�, secon.d by Dale
� Bx�own; motion unanimous. Second reading approved by motion of Da1.e
Brown, second by Arden Hil.l; motion unanomous.
Ther� was discussion Qf street and house numbering, and quadrant
designations. Curtis Morrzs was asked to write an ordinance �i�
caption adopting the proposed numbering using Choate Resd-FM 5-�
as center.
The subdivis�on code should be amended to include specificatzons
of street signs .
Mr. Bullard o� Allen Field Enterprises d3scussed the propoeed �
rentaZ develapement. The� would like water and s�wer from us which
we can not provide. He will cansider the recommendations of t�e
P1ann�ng Commission on this pro�ect.
Mee��ng adjourned by mo�ion of H.K. Speck, second Arden Hi�l; Motion
Resp ctfully subm�tted,
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Harry Wa ner - Mayor
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Artha Wright - City Se� etary
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City of Friendswood
Friendswood, 'Texas
In compliance with your advertisement soliciting bids far banking services
for the City of Friendswood, League Gity State Bank makes this bid and
proposal. This bank will serve your City as depository and provide banking
service as follows: �
1. We will collect all checks and drafts deposited.with us and pay
' all checks and warrants drawn on us without any collection or
service charge to you.
L 2. In addition to the above service, vve shall be glad to furnish,
without charge, money wrappers, deposit books, certified
or cashier's checks, use of night depository and use of safe
deposit box.
3. In the event you have funds with which you wish to purchase
certificates of deposita we will pay interest on such certificates
of deposit as follows:
1 day to g9 days 4. 00°jo
90 days and over 4. 50%
These rates are the maximum allawed by Federal Deposit Insurance Cor-
poration regulations.
This bank is a member of Federal Deposit Insurance Carporation and is
b�und by i�s regulations. Fn addition to �he security afforded by that
corporation, we will adequately s�cure at all times by deposit of legal
securities of the United States government or political subdivisions all
funda of your City on deposit with this bank.
We solicit your careful eonsideration of this bid and assure you that if we �
are awarded the contract, we will make every effort to serve you we11. Thanks
��:, for the opportunity to submit this bid.
�5`qtNSURq,y�F Yours sincerely,
o s+x•M�� � �
� Qw�e� o
ya�, oinosrtax O� I , Q
y'M�MBEa? Vice President��