HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1964-11-02 Regular �� i ; I�IINU'I'�S OF THE �'RIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCTL NO�tTEMB�R. 2, 196�k � ! A regular meeting of the Fr�.endswood City Counca.l was held November 2, �-9��� 7:3� P.M. at the Ha,gh School Conference room. ' present were Harry Wagner, Dale Brown, Harry Ha�cher, �,K. Speck, ' The �'ater Boa�d of W.C.& I.D. ,� 15 was asked ta attend and a11 members were present: M.F. Fos�er, John CartmilZ, R.J. James, Keith Smith, and Norman Weaver. ,Also present were Marv�.n Chil.ders, Bi11 Pa��on, Wesley 'Unruh, Lawrence �l�.ne, Layton Johnson, F'rank Coe, Coleman �arter, C.C. Bost, Buck Hausman. Ordinance � 52: Creatian of a Water and Sewer Commission; was discu�sed and copies were given to aIl (�ounciZ members and Water Board members, :Eor study. Th3.s commission 1.egalizes the Water Board as pa�t of the City function. There was discussion af all �he resolutions and contracts of the • Watex� D3.s�rict which are autamati,call� adop�ed by the City on a'�sorbtion of the {�a�ex� District. �rd3.nance ,�50: Annexation; was approved aMd passed on final reading by mot3.on of Harry Hatc�.er, secand by H.K. Speek, motion earried unan�.mous ly. Ord�,nance #51: Absorbtion of W.C,�c I.D. �`l5 to become a muna,c3.pa1 water, and �ewer department; approved an.d passed on final reading by mo� ion af Dale Brown, secand by H.K. Speck, motion carried unanimously. �Brdinance �-`52: Creation of a Water and Sewer Commission; passed by emergency measure by motior� of H.K. Speck, second Da].e Brown, motion car�ied unanimously. Ordinance �53: authox�izing C�.ty of Friendswood ��ERrea�e Social Secur3.ty Fund for their employees, passed by �gency measure by mot3on of Dale Brown, seconded H.K. Speck and moti.on carra,ed unaM3.mously. A resolutian to ereate a standing committee for Architectural Control to work in an advisory capac3.ty with the Planning Commission was in�ro- duced by H.K. Speck, seconded by Hax�ry Hatcher and adopted unanimousl�[. The City Secretary was asked to wr�.te a letter �o the Post Office e r ment re uesti �ha� the ost nne their� B�.d o ening date, Por D a t c� ng y P P P p ew� o that the ed ost Office for a f da s s r a ro os P � submi�ting b�,ds fo p p Y � Ci�y might submit a proposal far theii considerata.on. This formal — r•equ�s'c was .made by Dale Brown, seconded by H.K, Speck and accep�ance was unanimous. We are to a7.so ask Mr. Stevenson �o send a letter of concux�rence. � i , � Lawrence C1ine �i11 meet with Dxck 6�i11adson, Carl Hopper and � Norm Chennault to map out locations of needed stop signs and speed limit changes. An o�dinance will then �e drawn up to cover these needs. Da1e B�own needs definite answers on �hat can be done at �his time on roads and ditches. Tge list of roads that merit immedia�e attention needs same revision. Dale B�own has the deed-s of right-of-ways for right of-ways on Sunset D�iv� and the County has started grading. There was same discussion of the necessity of assessment of property owners for street paving. C.C. Bost �equested �hat some chan�e might be made fo� building permi� fees for wa�ehouse type constructions that have little �n�erior improvements. Tt was decided to a11ow C.C. Bost to �ake out a pe�mi� for such a building wi�h no fee until the Flann�ng Commission can discu� and .��� set such fee�, ne�t Monday ( Novem�er 9, I�6��) . There was discussion of Bi11 W�lsh, Eng�neering,proposed price and � paymen� ar�angments for the Drainage Board 's immediate requirements. The �ayor and City Council wi11 be at the City Office Saturday, - � November 7, i�6�, �:00 P.M. for an informal quest�ons and answer i sess�on with �he candidates for the open councilman pos�tion. ! � Meet3ng adjourned by motion af Harry Ha.t�her, second by Da1e Brown, mot�.on carried unanimously. . Respectfully submitted, �� ��, r � � � Mayor Harr D. Wagne� - �--��//z � . Secrei;ary A�'�ha Wrigh� �----� .�� ����-��-'�-r ��,���,��, i ; ��e�� .���� ��� � _ ��ii�� ��-G'��-�LGG7 �,.+P,�'�-�—'�.�-c�r�_�-� ..c'�C'.�--d�,� o Gi�� � ,�v/� / / .� �/��.'`�-� ��x,rc--G�• �o� �St���-�-c-�--�r ___• `L%;���7'��O/ _ J�G"�G' C-L�' �tG��GJ'� /� c—a-�o - �-v �L�u�,.�`GG �-�i�--C.�'�P�t.e�`G���e� ow a�_,����e_... � �O-� �U-D /� %�� C�s��Lt'7� �F"i�-,s�z�a�y.i J ..,�'�o -- C.,1-i%�i n .