HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1964-08-17 Regular MINUTES OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL,AUGUST, 17, 1g6�+
A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held August 17,1g5�+
at '�:30 P.M. at the City Hall.
Present were Mayor Harry D. Wagner, Dale Brown, Arden Hil1, H.K. Speck.
Also Present were Coleman Carter, Lou Wortham, A.J. Block, Mr. & Mrs.
McGraw, Mr. & Mrs. Allman, Elmo Brundrett
Mayor Wagner mentioned a bulletin concerning a Planning and Zoning
meeting to be held in Dallas in Sept�ember, and suggested that we
rnight help to defray the eost of sending someone from the Planning
Commission to attend.
Minutes of the August 3, 5, 12, 1g6� were read.H.K. Speck motioned
that the minutes s�and approved as read. Arden Hill seconded the
mot,ion and the motion was carried unanimously.
Mayor Wagner stated that Friendswood is incorporat�c}under Title 28,
of the Vernon' s Texas Civil Statues. According to an attorney of the .
Texas Municipal League, the position of Police Cammissioner is non
existent. Harry Wagner, as Mayor of Friendswood, hereby dissolves
any relationship af the city to such position. Therefore ac�ivities
of the council in special meetings durring his absense were on a
non existent position. Mayor Wagner moved to appoint La.wrence Cline
as a committee of one to supervise Police Activities. Carter,Ci�y
Attorney, suggested that the temporary 30 day appointmen� of
Lawrence Cline as coordinator stand and then such responsibility
revert back to council; until an ordinance defining such responsibility
is drawn up.
Coleman Carter stated that Councilmen must do the work of government
and not delegate their responsibility to.others.
Coleman Carter says that thou;�h by-laws and a charter are reportly
in existence, they can nat be found. Dale Brown suggests that we research,
the misplaced documents. Since Rex Clawson drew up the original bound- ,
ary descriptions for incorporation, he might know of, or have cop3es
of legal documents relative to Friendswood's �,ncorporation.
Mayor Wagner rescinded a11 Committee appointments that he made and
each councilman will be free to head a committee that best;: suits him.
Mayor Wagner read a letter of resignation from Al.an McGinnis; effective
August 17, 196�+. Mayor Wagner called for a vote on this resi�;nation.
Arden Hill moved to accept Alan McGinnis � resignation. There was no
second. H.K. Speck moved to �afiale this mo'�ion for later actton. Dale
�rown seconded this motion and it was carried. There was discussion
- of accepting H.K. Speck' s resignation, Arden Hill' s resignation, and
Alan McGinnis ' resignation at one time, to facilitate a single speeial
o�y�ity�,�ecre�ar�dandaCityeTreasurerr for a later meeting, the pesition
i Dale Brown reported that there had been ��� misunders-�an�ing on a
permit agreement of a builder and the building inspector; and that this
� �, matter ha� been satisfactori�y taken care of;.
Second readin� of Ordinance #�1: Swzmming Pool Fencing; approved by
motian of H. K. Speck, seconded by Dale Brown and carried unanimously.
Ther� was di�cussion of � �2, Animals at large. It was dec�ded �hat our
dog ordinance was sufficaent for problems with dogs; that we have no facil�
ies fo� impounding and care of animals; that this needs reworked to be prac
icaX fo� us.
�he notices of tax evaluation have been mailed out 8/�7/6�; and the
Board of �qua�ization is scheduled to meet August 28� 196� from 1P�M.
to �P.M.
Dale Brown �eports that due to partial of the Bridge on Winding Way,
it ha� been barr�caded. Coleman Carter said that it must have a light. �
Dale Brown agreed to con�a�t the County about proper repair o� barr�-
cade proc�dures.
Coleman Carter was asked to check on deeds of righ�-of-way on Cou3�ty
road, Sunse� Drive. �
� H.K. Speck suggests that we -have an ordinance to eontrol sale af Fire-
� works, an the nex� agenda.
Elmo Brundrett would like to have a joint meeting o�' the City Council,
Flanning Comm�.ssion, and Drainage District. This meeting is set for
August 2�, 196� at 8:OOP.M.
Da1e Bxown motioned to adjourn the meeting. Ardem seconded the motian and
it was car�3.ed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
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Mayor - arry n. Wagner
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