HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1964-07-20 Regular MINU'�ES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 20, 196�
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� A regular mee�ing of the Friendswood �ity Couneil was he1.d
i��-= July Z0, 196�, 7;3Q P,M. , at �he �ity Ha11.
Fresent were Mayor Harry D: Wagner, Couneilmen Dale Brown,
Harry Hatcher, Arden Hill, and Alan McGinn�.s.
Also present were Lou Wortham, �rs. C.D. Merchant, Lay�on Johnson and
George S�rouhal.
Coleman Carter was appoin�ed City A��orney, w3.�h a retainer fee
of one hundred-twen�y-�'ive ($125.0o) dollars to be paid per mon�h.
Mr�. �.D. Merchant reques�ed that 5hadowbend Avenue not be oiled
from the driveway on her pxoperty to FM 518. She also men�ioned seve�-
al bl�,nd carne�s (due �o ov��growth of shrubbery). Council fe1� that
these need prompt attention.
Layton Johnson wanted to know about the measures to be taken with
the dra�.nage from Sproul home� around th� Methodist Church praperty.
Curtis Morris wi11 be asked to consult with La.y�on Johnson on �his.
Layton Johson aiso wishes �to know the status of �he streets 3.n
Lor3. Woods; whether pr3vate or City. Dale Brown suggested that
tha� previous records be searched for the status on aIl subdivision
I s�reets.
� An equalizat3.on board has been appoznted: Layton Jahnson - Chairman,
Ceorge St�ouhal and Glen McDonald with Fred Krch as an alt�rnate.
Council agreed tha� an �.ni�ial approach could be made tn �,P'A a�ou�
a plann3.ng study of Friend�wood.
Da1e Brown;.��will hire someone to se� some stop signs and the City
Ha11 sign, and �o cu� down the brush that obstructs the view a�
severa7. co�ners. �
�t was agreed to change the proposed swi,mming pool ordinance,#�l,
r�equi��.ng fencing, to read :unless si�uated on five acres or more
a�d i.s more or less cent�rally located on the. premises.
Arden and Fowler �"arton are drawing up a contraet that will be
acceptable to both the City and �Ir. Bar�on.
Minutes of the July 6th and 15th mee�ings were unanimously approved
as read.
Harry kiatche� agr�ed to talk with Otto Haardt abo�.� setting up a
proper bookkeepa.ng s�*stem for :��.e Ci�y.
Da1e Brown motioned �hat the meeting be adjourned. Arden Hill
: seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Respectfull.y submitted, � ; �
Mayd� - Harry D. Wagner • �'l1'
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,Secretary-- Alan McGinnis ��'�� y �
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