HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1964-06-02 Regular MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 1964 a rebular meezinu o° the �+'r�eY?ds�rJOOd C�ty Council T��as he�c� JuL�e 1, l�i�'-; at �he r�rienGSvvoaa Hign S�hQ�i at i` :30 F.A'I. Present were Mayor Harry D. Wagner, Councilmen Harry Hatcher, H.K. Speck, Arden Hill, Alan McGinnis, and Dale Brown . Visitors present were Louis Wortham, Leah North, Buck Hausman, Ed Stuart, Richard Pyatt, 0.0. Terrell, Dean and Mary Jane Saurenman, Armando Gonzalz, Carl Huss, A.J. Block Jr., Jim Baker, Larry Rynearson, Jim Shore, Tony Banfield, Bill White, C.C. Bost, Roger May. Dale Brown reports that the s�reets needing attentian �ne most have been seiected; Willowick from FM 518 to Laurel Drive, Heritage Drive to Spreading Oaks, Shadowbend. lhe material to imnr•ove these stree�:, wii7. r°un a��ut �6, �00.00. The county ti•aill provide scariiy�n� ai�d pa��'_�inQ the roGc� Led. :�t �. Iater date, afi,er• the road bec� is �ael3 p�.c'.-ced,a ��Lopyn?� can �e applie�. C.C. �ost said that he nas �rdered patch�nQ ma�eri�l to do Shadowbe��.� �r•�m his p1a�e to �T�f �?^. Daie Brotian anc� C.C. Bost will confer on this . Our Police Departrnent Uvor•i1s under the comm3.ssioner s;�stem. There is no �hief oi Police at present. Th�s T�vi11 corne la�er as the budget allo�,^rs . Arden Hill re�or�s tnat thv hire �Jepartment is c�oino ver•y well. Twenty men attended the ?ast mee�in�. A T�.nin; Pro�r•am is being s��rted nel�t ziveek with the aid o�' Houstor� F_re Depa��tmen� personn�l. Ordinance #38: Nuisance: was passecl '��� emergency measUre a� the special meeting May 23, 1964; and caption of same v�ill be published as ordained by Iaw. Our budget will have to be el�tremel�, limited this �.-eUr• un�i? �aii money comes in at the en�� of tne year . A tentative rate of �.10 �e n ��3C0. GO an �;0;�� evaluati�n o�° a�pro_�im�tel�- �„ C00, OCC.-- nas rJ°�Yl 52�. ;J8 LV1.li 111Q.'i �Y'�SS Oil Gl�� px'OGE?"'G�"� �l�C:i 'v7ilel'E� needed GZOi'1� l.C1C 1'Oc`'.�:�� c1iC'.! US8 a11 i,�l@ CO1:lY?�;;' r"i2�� V1@ �.c'i.1_'] �2G iO:C` S'",i'G-s°c�. ���c,t'l�S . ?JG� r1�C� 1i3O Y`�'J�_�� 'Gi'12 �'JU.C�o2'G 'GO .:OJ2r' c.i'1 2=�'fl���i1 li1Oi1�.1 ���L'�.00�. Open Hearing Declaration on the city budget will be posted publicly. _ Jack Harrison, present City Attorney, has resigned effective July 1, 1964 due to press of his business. He has agreed to go over all ._ .'. .,i _. _...'_. _ v _ .�� .. _ ... . �._�.�i -�..._ �_..i_ �v ..�L. ._1:.... ._. r..���. ...,..._i ..__ �..�� .l__-�.]. � _ ,, �-'�_ _ ..__� __��., ,�_. . � ... _ .._.�` � __.. .:.,.__ �. .i. :=';�.,ii�'��1 l�l�`: �� �.i'° interested. Several names mentioned as possibilities for City Attorney are; Coleman Carter, Green, Jack Tabor. It was suggested that Rex Clawson be consulted. F°_��-^� on anne.c�t::.o�� c:�" ���e ne��ss�.r�: iarxc� _n �=.e ia��;y�;;= i� -in�o !=.�Y'=:a;�?,�5;'JOCt`. t !''!8�Oi.i.,z,' i�i12 �0 �12�r v'@°�x� . 1�'�a,t,FO:P iV3oYlei'' �'cs.t� ` �_ �@"t' i,r�.!rC� Y].� �0 Ci7.G,i7�" 2i-v�� '1:,.1@ 'v'0�2i;� lii v^1S c:X@a� 'Gi7�� ... I11�tjOi':.�;;- ��c�° ��;o�._�� �_L�s�. �he c�the� lana n�;,e:�sar�- -c� a�;�sor;� ;i��::ID ;;=I�, L1.f_'i. '.`.'?�i`lla.� �'v�i'le `.iO"l'iJ, } 'v�if2f? �pbl'�c`i.",�l�a VJ sign petizi0'P. iOr' annel��t�on, r��vsec?. Th° pr•eser�t peti��o.� c�uld '�e r�evar•itten to inclu�e a ��' st'r�ip ei land dround tne �it;T 2nd ;dCucID ;--'15 bourclries. The counc�l aoree� to co this �nd Jack 1-iarrison �r�11 '�e c�r_sulted. 'vd�::s Thete�I�i�gthy discussion oi ��1C�;ID ;;`15 and nroposed tidC�cID T,-�21, w���ch e:itenas genera?iy n�rthwes� of the �resent cit;y limits to 'c:�e county I;ne. T�_ost feit that consolid�tion with „'l� is ad�isable. �ean Saui enmar� �'elt that znre shoU.ld c�nsidez� th.e present za�� payers of Hrien.dst�rood be�ore puilders and d°velopers outside our lim�ts. C.C. Eos� ielt that wnen � �Nate�• district is taken aver �y a c�ty, it is onit- cr�e cit; �`�rict�on oi man� and isn' t given enough attention �s i�v c�rou?d on i�s o4�an, Ma�:or ��pla�.ned that we are aII for kiuild�r•s and deTreloper•s bu� must c�nsider first. Dale Bro;�rn �e�Is tha� we si�oul�n' � p�at G ��urden o£ doul-le ta«ation on iuture res:idents of tne sui�di��risions just be;�ond cur line s , Alan McG�nnis Cl^vC�S Y10� ap�rave O� c�zang�t�g U;L'BV:iOUS 01•C;1Y?2.Y7CeS �T1G C?eG.i.S1.Or'iS Of' b�e"vsOUS COL�f1CilS� tip@�7,:i�.,&�Zy; Pz�ta�t'11T2o t0 G�.�.OVll.rl� �. r�ausman, �eveloper, �e e��eat� a tzet��: ���r2��er d�s�ric�. Mau�ar ti^laoner• rea�1 e,:cerpts Lrom or•u-�nances, minu�es anc; recor•cs t� show earlier• ieel- ino on cr�a�ion o_�' � �v�ter• district, �e sh���a discrepancies in Grdinance T;=2� ( su:odiv�.siori c�cie0 and;ApproTr�l of ��o� submitted ' '�y c�evelopers . I� we all���a ;0 ' lots , then amend the or•dinance �o r•ead ;'G' in��ea� o� %�0'm�nimum. Arden Hil� made a mction that �re oons�lidate with the T�IC��IH 7'l� . The m�tion vras seconaed by H,K. Spec?{ ancl car�ied; vaith H�.rr•z� Hat�he�^, ri.K, Spec�L, and :�rclen Hi11 FOR: ar�d �,lan McGinnis and Da�e Ero�Jn 1'�.�:�IA1S'�. P�G�-ar said that he i el� s:�r•ongly , tha� �°�e sho�.ild absor•� ?�1��::ID �j'i� . Or•�i:��nc� ;y-'3� : creatino a Planning Commission;unanimously appr•oved ;n ^�concl ��eaclin�. Sugges�e mem�aersh�.r� of the commisszon: .�1i1'p���27� Bo�-Ze, Dean Saurenma.n, � �.�'�'er��r, T�n� �an:�ield, A. �T. �lack Jr. . Alan I�?cGinn_s iri�ved that Trae �.cce��t this boar•d �s nain��, Dale Br•oU,�n seconded tne mo�ion and it �aas car•ried unanimousl�r. Secanci readin� of Qrdina�ce 'T''r' o ;T�; ; : ��lee� Control: unanimcu.sly ap�r•oved, ,, �irst readino o�' OrdLnG:-��e ;, 3; :.�vj�iliar•y Police Farce : un�n�;naus- ly ap�r•oved �n th:.s c��.te. Q.G. �e-rre11 ' s le�ter to c�unc�1 an� i��atiJor stated �h�.t ne Traill gladl;y help an�.� v:z�y he car_ :v:.th an�� pr•oblerns oi h�s customers . If ��'lE; �OUYl�_� SO Ci@S1.T'A�� �:1G� caL-� dyscontinue Sioi11.12.�-, 1.11Ci1V1Q;;t2,1 i.���.11il�l��.'v��'' • Har�;;T �a��cher �e�c CuP�is Nlo1"i��.,s t repor� oi; �etainer �aid, ch�r�es a��.ins�� t���s, a�.d :a�Gn�e 4 e�t. ..._._..._____..__,___._..._... ..�_.__-._._._.____..._,...,.__..,_..�-�-... .,�__._._..__�,.w._.....__. Harr�T Hatcher entel�e� a rVs�Iu�ion, �O-Z�Jit : That me�nbers o�' �ity Counci? Gra cii,5- em�lo�-e°s 1���� L.�o?-ce de�a��•tmer�t �'iles conT ydent ial, �_zc� no�c :c°ele�se �=n�orma�lon �o the p:��ss u.nles>> aut'r?or•ize� bJ* �he Po1i:;e Commissioner or tne ��G�-or. i��Iotion ol ad�ournment made ��� A1an NicG�nn,_s, se�onded k;y �7�de�z Hi?1 and carried Una:��m�usl;-. P�esp tfully su�mitze�, +C�. a� r - rr•��- D. -}ia�;ne � J Y/ � �. / Se�1•ezary - , a T��IcG�inn�_s